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WICKed Hormones Ch. 12

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Jacob pleads his case... Karen's frustrated and needs relief.
23.3k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/11/2020
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This is a complete work of fantasy. All sexual participants are 18-years of age or older.


Thanks to all of you for your continued interest and support. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my work. I also want to thank my amazing editor for his help and advice.

I know it has been quite a while since my last submission. Chapter 13 is in the works and I will do my best to release it in a more timely fashion.

With that being said... I really hope you will enjoy this installment.


"Well, Mr. Mitchell?" Donna then waved the clear plastic bag and asked, "What do you have to say about this?"

Mrs. Miller's hand movement broke Jacob out of his panic-induced trance. With his mind still jumbled with shock and confusion, the teenager could not form any words... instead he replied, "Ummmmm..."

Mrs. Miller then sighed as she sat back in her chair. She could easily read the tell-tale signs of guilt in Jacob's soft brown eyes. Being a mother of three, Donna had seen that look many times over the years on the faces of her own precious children.

Tossing the ziplock bag onto the desktop, the preacher's wife then said, "So... my fears were correct... it is yours." Donna slowly shook her head. "I can't tell you how much I hoped that I would be wrong. However, since you were the last known male to be in that room, it only makes sense that you would be the prime suspect."

Still trying to gather his thoughts, Jacob stammered, "M--Mrs. Miller? How? I mean... where did you..."

"Find it?" Donna finished Jacob's question for him. She then leaned forward and continued, "First of all, I didn't. It was Mr. Rayford who accidentally discovered the paraphernalia from your wretched activities."

John Rayford was the custodian and groundskeeper for Grace Baptist Church. In his late fifties, John was tall and heavy built, with less than average looks and a bad combover. Except on Sunday, his everyday attire consisted of a dingy tee shirt worn underneath denim overalls and work boots.

Mr. Rayford's family was originally from a small coal mining community in the mountains of West Virginia. While John was a teenager, his father died in a mining accident. After his father's death, his mother, Elizabeth, moved them to Georgia to be near other family members. She took up work in a cotton mill, and she and John began attending Grace Baptist Church.

Mr. Rayford never married. He was sort of a simpleton, a recluse... reticent, and never talked much. It was a widespread belief that the long-time janitor suffered from some mental handicap. The older man was benign enough, but he could come across as strange and creepy... especially to some female church members. He had a habit of sometimes staring a bit longer than necessary... mainly when it came to the more attractive ladies of the congregation.

Mrs. Miller then added, "Surprisingly, Mr. Rayford found it right where you left it."

Jacob's eyes went wide, and he whispered, "The trash can."

Donna stood up from her chair and began walking around her desk. "Correct... so you do remember." She then leaned her shapely bottom against the desktop and crossed her arms underneath her ample bosom. Even in his nervous state, Jacob's eyes automatically drew to the middle-aged wife's modestly exposed cleavage.

Mrs. Miller looked down at Jacob and continued, "A couple of days after the rummage sale, Mr. Rayford just happened to be cleaning the church nursery." She then turned and picked up the ziplock bag from her desk and continued, "As he emptied the bathroom garbage, this accidentally fell out of the wastebasket." She held it up again as if it were 'exhibit A' in some murder mystery court case. "It's evident that you have much to learn when it comes to covering your tracks."

Jacob thought for a moment. His mind returned to that Saturday afternoon and the mind-blowing sex with Karen on that old couch in the so-called 'mother's room'. The teenager vividly remembered that after the incredible session with his mom, he tightly wrapped the used condom with excessive toilet paper and buried it at the bottom of the wastebasket. There is no way it 'accidentally' fell out. Mr. Rayford likely found it while rummaging through the garbage like some weird pervert.

A new fear grasped at Jacob's heart. What else did Mrs. Miller know... was she aware of what actually took place that day with him and his mother?

Donna placed the bagged and used condom back down onto her desk and recrossed her arms. She then took a deep breath and sighed. "Jake, I must say... I'm not sure which I feel more... anger or disappointment. I honestly thought you were a good boy. I don't understand how you could be so brazen as to defile the Lord's house in that manner. You should be ashamed... I'm sure your parents raised you better than that!"

The middle-aged wife began walking around her desk and back to her chair. "Now... before I alert Karen and Robert of your vile and degenerate behavior, I want you to tell me one thing..." Donna then sat back down and leaned onto her forearms. With a cold stare, she asked, "Who was she?"

"Ma'am?" Jacob asked with delighted surprise. Evidently, Mrs. Miller did not suspect his mother to be his partner in crime. To Jacob's relief, it appeared that his and Karen's incestual tryst was still safely under wraps.

Donna asked again, "Who was she? Your culprit in all this!" She leaned back in her chair and continued, "Is the harlot a member of our church or just some skank you sneaked in after your mother left you alone to supposedly recuperate from being out in the sun too long?"

It was then Jacob was given a small glimmer of hope. Maybe there was a way out of this situation while still protecting the secret relationship with his mother. Shaking his head, Jacob replied, "Mrs. Miller... there was no 'she'... I was alone in the room."

Donna scoffed, "Jake... don't insult my intelligence. It's clearly evident the condom has been used." She picked the ziplock bag up again and said while scrunching her face, "Your... residue... is all over it."

Nodding his head, Jacob replied, "Yes, Ma'am. What I mean to say is... " He then looked away in an attempt to show shame. "I... masturbated."

With a look of horror on her face, Donna retorted, "Masterba-- in our church??" She leaned forward and continued, "What kind of little pervert are you?" Before Jacob could say anything, the freaked-out mother put up her hand and added, "I can tell you what kind... the kind that will NOT be dating my daughter!!" She then stood up abruptly from her chair... her ice-blue eyes slinging daggers at the boy.

Jacob quickly stood up and stepped towards the desk, trying to plead his case. "Mrs. Miller, it's not what you think. I can explain if you just give me a chance... please?"

Donna crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side, and thought for a few seconds, "Okay... explain." She then chuckled, "This should be good."

Jacob took a deep breath and then said, "Well, you see, I have a rare... medical condition."

Immediately Donna dropped her head and laughed, "Oh good Lord!" She then looked back to Jacob and added, "You really expect me to believe that? Young man... I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night."

Nodding, Jacob replied, "It's true, Mrs. Miller... honest!"

Arching her brow, Donna asked, "A medical condition? That requires you to... masturbate?"

Shaking his head, Jacob replied, "No, Ma'am, I'm not required to... but it helps with the pain and swelling in my genitals."

Giving a look of disbelief, Donna asked, "Pain and swelling?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Jacob then glanced down at his crotch. "My testicles have a condition that causes overproduction of semen. If I don't ejaculate regularly, the fluids get backed up and cause me great discomfort."

Still skeptical, Donna asked in a slightly softer tone, "And how long have you had this so-called... condition?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Jacob replied, "A couple of months or so. Ever since the WICK-tropin program."

Donna recoiled just a bit and asked in curiosity. "WICK-tropin?"

Jacob nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

"What on earth is that?" Donna asked with a flat tone.

Jacob replied, "It's a prototype growth hormone. You see... I participated in an experimental trial headed up by Dr. Michael Grant. He's a scientist who used to work with the CDC in Atlanta."

Donna cut her eyes and asked. "Grant, you say?" She then whispered, "Why does that name sound familiar?"

Jacob offered, "Maybe you heard about him on the TV?"

Donna's face lit up with recognition. "On television? Yes! I do recognize--wait!!" She then walked around her desk towards Jacob. "You mean the doctor that was arrested not long ago? That Dr. Grant??"

Jacob confirmed, "Yep... that's him."

Donna scoffed, "I saw that on the news... something about he was conducting illegal experiments on people." She then scrunched her face and asked, "How in the world did you get mixed up in all of that?"

Jacob held out his arms. "Well, for starters, look at me." He sat down on the couch and continued, "For years, Mom and Dad took me to several different endocrinologists all over the southeast. They tried all types of experimental drugs and hormone therapies, but nothing seemed to work. It appeared I was destined to live my life the size of a twelve-year-old kid."

Donna took a seat beside Jacob and said, "Karen has told me many times all about the treatments and the frustration you all felt from no successful results. So how did they find Dr. Grant?"

Looking into Mrs. Miller's striking blue eyes, Jacob replied, "Mom found him somehow... she spent a lot of her free time researching different doctors and treatments. I'm not sure, but I think someone online might have suggested him. At first, Mom thought he was the answer to our prayers."

"And that's when your parents decided to let you participate in the program?"

Jacob shook his head, "No... not really."

Donna gave him a quizzical look and asked, "No?"

Jacob continued, "After the initial meeting, my dad thought Dr. Grant was a real quack, and he, therefore, refused to let me participate." The teenager derided and continued, "He said he would not allow me to be used as a guinea pig for that, as my father called him, nutcase."

Cocking her head to the side, Donna inquired, "But you say you participated in the program?"

Nodding, Jacob replied, "Yes, Ma'am, I did... only my dad doesn't know about it."

Donna's eyes went wide with shock when suddenly, from the kitchen came Sara's voice, "Hey Mom... we're home! Is Jake here? We could really use some help unloading the car."

Jacob looked up at Donna and offered, "Mrs. Miller... If you want me to leave... I'll understand."

Donna pursed her lips and took a deep breath. She stood up, shook her head, and said, "No!"

"No?" Jacob asked in surprise.

"Although it goes against my better judgment... you can stay... for now..." Mrs. Miller then walked around the desk, placed the used but secure condom back into the hiding spot, and closed the bottom drawer. "However, know this... if you were anyone else other than Robert and Karen Mitchell's son, I would have thrown you out with last night's garbage."

With a sigh of relief, Jacob stood up and said. "Thank you, Mrs. Miller."

"Don't thank me yet," Donna said with a hand on her hip. "I'm still not totally convinced that all of this is true. To make a final decision, I will need more details, but we can discuss that later." Stepping up to Jacob, Donna added, "In the meantime, we will keep all this between the two of us... agreed?" She then motioned towards the door with her open hand.

As they began to leave the room, Jacob replied, "Yes, Ma'am... agreed... and thanks again, Mrs. Miller."


Later that night, Donna stood in the doorway to her husband's study. Pastor Miller sat at his desk, working on some last-minute changes to his Sunday morning sermon. He just happened to look up to find his gorgeous wife standing in the doorway with her purse, car keys, and a large envelope tucked under her left arm. She looked so lovely in her blue cotton dress. David joked, "Well, hello beautiful... where are you taking off to?"

Stepping into the room, Donna mocked and responded jokingly, "Oh nowhere special... just meeting up with my boyfriend for a date."

Sitting back in his chair, David watched the former model glide across the room and was mesmerized by the swing of her curvy hips. Now standing beside her husband, Donna perched her shapely backside against the desktop. Looking up at the blonde beauty, he said, "Well, I must say... he's a very lucky man."

With a sultry voice, Donna bent down and replied, "Well, Preacher Miller... play your cards right, and who knows, you may get lucky yourself." She chuckled and leaned into David for a kiss.

Donna loved David with all her heart. She gave thanks to God every day for bringing them together. He was a terrific husband and wonderful father.... she could not have asked for a better life partner.

If Donna had any complaints at all about her marriage, it would be in the bedroom. She found sex with David to be like vanilla ice cream... it was satisfactory and got the job done, but it lacked spice and variety. Her husband approached love-making as he did everything else in life... ultra-conservative.

The other slight grievance the gorgeous wife had for bedroom activities was the lack thereof. David's libido had always been somewhat lower that Donna's, but now with her husband nearing fifty years of age, it seemed his appetite for sex was declining more and more.

After sitting back up straight, Donna said, "Actually, I wanted to let you know I'm leaving to run Jake home."

Taking off his reading glasses, David replied, "Oh Honey... you've done so much today. You don't have to do that... I can take him." He started to rise from his chair.

Donna pushed down on David's shoulder for him to stay seated. "No, Sweetheart." She glanced down at the sheets of text on the desk and added, "I can see you're working on tomorrow's sermon... you need to stay here and finish."

David shook his head and replied, "I can finish this when I get back... I don't have much--"

"Besides," Donna gently interrupted. She held up the envelope and continued, "I'm going to drop off these receipts for Karen to review from the rummage sale the other week."

"Receipts?" David asked. "Was there a problem?"

Standing up, Donna placed the purse strap over her shoulder. "Nothing major... a few of the sales numbers aren't quite matching up, and Karen has the original tickets. It will be much easier if I go over it with her in person."

Shrugging his shoulders, David relented, "Okay... if you're sure." He then looked down at the scattered pages of documents and added, "I'll stay here and work on these last few notes. I should be finished by the time you get back."

David watched his middle-aged wife as she walked away. Even after years of marriage and giving birth to three kids, Donna still had the body of someone in their twenties. While gazing upon her slender yet curvy figure accentuated by the form-fitting dress, he asked, "Is Sara going with you?"

Donna stopped at the doorway and looked back at her husband. Shaking her head, she chuckled then replied, "No... I told her she needs to get to bed."

Glancing at his wristwatch, David replied, "It's not all that late. I thought she might want to spend more time with Jake. They seem to be hitting it off."

Donna nodded and replied, "Oh, she wanted to go. The problem is that daughter of ours is just like you."

David gave his wife a quizzical look.

"You're both stubborn and difficult to wake up in the mornings. I have a hard enough struggle just getting you out of bed... I definitely do not want to deal with both of you in the morning. We'd for sure be late for church."

Laughing, David replied, "I guess I see your point." As he put his reading glasses back on, he added, "Please, promise me you'll be careful... I love you."

Giving her husband a warm smile, Donna replied, "I will... I love you, too." She blew him a kiss and then disappeared down the hall.

Minutes later, while driving across town to take Jacob home, Mrs. Miller continued with the inquisition. As the teenager answered her questions concerning the WICK-tropin program, he felt the sleeping leviathan in his pants beginning to stir.

Jacob was pleased with himself for making it through the entire afternoon and evening without incident. Plus, the fact that his mother drained his bloated testicles earlier in the day didn't hurt either. However, it seemed the relief from the shower session was beginning to wear off.

While Donna was with David in his office earlier, Sara took advantage of the alone time. She snuck Jacob into a room away from prying eyes and said, "Before you go, I just wanted to say I really had a great time today." Before Jacob could respond, the beautiful girl leaned in and placed her mouth against his for their first French kiss. Afterward, Sara smiled at him and asked, "See you at church in the morning?"

With a goofy grin, Jacob replied, "Yeah... you bet!!"

As Jacob rode along with Donna in her SUV, he tried further to describe the WICK-tropin experiment in greater detail. He also explained how the District Attorney offered a plea deal to Dr. Grant. For his complete cooperation, the maverick scientist would receive a lighter sentence under the strict condition that he turn over any and all information pertaining to the experimental drugs and a viable antidote.

While Jacob did his best song and dance in hopes to appease the skeptical preacher's wife, he noticed his wakening monster continued to enlarge. The lump in his shorts was becoming quite visible.

It didn't help matters much that he was still feeling the excitement from kissing Sara, but now he was just inches away from her gorgeous mother. Mrs. Miller's sweet perfume invaded Jacob's nostrils, and his eyes feasted on the former model's striking beauty. Even in the dim light emitted from the dashboard, he could easily make out her curvy side profile. The snug-fitting dress made her ample bosom appear even more prominent.

While Jacob was in mid-sentence, Donna looked over at him and interrupted, "Excuse me, Jake... do you smell something... odd?"

Trying to play dumb, Jacob replied, "No, Ma'am, I can't say that I do. What's it smell like?"

After coming to a stop at a red light, Donna looked around with a quizzical expression on her face. "It's very floral... and sweet. It reminds me of flowers or... fruit, maybe?" She twisted as best she could to glance in the backseat. Seeing only her purse, she turned back around and looked to Jacob, and asked, "Are you sure you don't smell anything?"

Jacob shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller, I don't; however, my sense of smell is not the best in the world, to begin with."

The light turned green, and as Donna began driving again, she said, "I must say I'm surprised you can't... it's quite intense." Taking another glance around, she added, "I just wonder where it could be coming from?"

Attempting to keep up the ruse, Jacob suggested, "Maybe it's coming in through the air vent?"

Donna leaned in towards the dash and inadvertently closer to Jacob, then inhaled deeply through her nose. From this position, she found the fragrant scent to be even stronger. Little did she comprehend that the source was actually the teenager sitting right beside her. Sitting up straight in her seat, Donna concurred, "I think you might be right... it seems to be coming through the air conditioner vent."

Soon the airborne chemicals began reacting inside Mrs. Miller's body, and Donna felt a sudden wave of heat. She immediately reached over and turned the air conditioner fan up a notch and stated, "Goodness... it's getting very warm in here." When the increased flow of cool air kissed the exposed skin of her arms and chest, Donna sighed, "Ahhhh... that's better."


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