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Wife Strip Club Adventures

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Jenny has an adventure as a stripper at an out of state club.
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Jenny and I are now empty nesters. Our youngest of two children just went off to college and we were now thinking of all of the things that we could do now that we didn't have the day to day requirements of being parents. Sure, we would miss having them around, but we were excited about the travel potential and even the opportunity for loud sex in any room in the house. But, we also understood that much of our lives revolved around the kids and their activities and there could be some melancholy with them both being gone.

Jenny encouraged me to do more things with friends and I did the same for her. She hosted a ladies night the last Friday of each month at our house. Typically, there would be 10-15 women and each night would have a different theme. The last one was bunco night. Bunco is basically a no skill, low stakes game that allows them to be loud and have fun while playing without having to pay close attention to the game. In short, it is perfect for the wine drinking ladies that came.

I typically have dinner with a couple of the guys whose wives attend the night at our house and we end about the same time. When I came home that night, two ladies were still there, and the three of them were talking and laughing hysterically when I arrived. I went in and said hello and watched Sports Center until my wife came in and cuddled next to me on the couch. We hung out for a few minutes and then she got up and sat in the chair to the side so that we could talk and see each other.

"How was bunco tonight?"

She replied, "It was a lot of fun." She then laughed and said, "I won $9."

"Well, that should more than cover the six bottles of wine that you all consumed. Or are we buying boxes of wine since we have college expenses now?"

She laughed again and then got a concerned look on her face. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Shoot."

"Do you ever go to strip clubs when you travel for work or with the guys on those golf trips?"

My wife and I have a deal. I never lie to her. I don't have to incriminate other guys, but I do have to tell the truth. Now, I don't necessarily have to volunteer things either. So, we operate on a premise that one of us will ask questions that they want to know the answers to. I am not saying we have an open marriage. I do not have permission to be with other women and she does not have permission to be with other men.

We have had two very erotic adventures with others since we got married. The first was in Monte Carlo. I have written about that adventure before. The second was in the Bahamas at the Atlantis resort about seven years later. In both cases, my wife and I had sex with other people in the presence of each other. Both nights were amazing and had scratched whatever itch that we had to be with others. Both had been the subject of many hot dreams of mine afterwards. But, when we came back home, we decided that we would not keep doing those things as a regular part of our lives. We were not swingers or in the swingers' lifestyle. We also had not chased the high that we both got from those adventures. Occasionally, one of us would bring up one of the two nights and we would bask in the afterglow. Neither one of us had ever suggested that we plan something like that again. (Both nights were basically unplanned).

Getting back to her question, I had no idea where she was going with it. I thought maybe she was going to suggest that we go to a strip club together. I was thinking that the answer would be definitely no if it were local but maybe Ok if it was on a trip where we were not likely to see someone we knew. So, I answered "Yes."

She looked at me again. "What towns do you go to clubs in?"

I thought about it and wondered where she was heading. "I have been to clubs in Dallas, Phoenix, Vegas, Miami, and Myrtle Beach."

"Ever been to Detroit or Providence?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I'll get to that. Ever been to a club where the girls offered to go home with you?"

"A few. Definitely in Vegas. Their clubs there are actually really tame so the girls hook up with guys back at hotel rooms. I have been offered an hour for $1000 or more. I have always turned them down. It's just not my thing."

She pondered. "Have you ever gotten a blow job at a club?"

I started to say no, but stopped. "Once, I did have a girl start to suck me off in Miami. I stopped her before I finished. So, I would say kinda never."

She laughed. "Always the lawyer answer."

"OK. What's with the strip club questions?"

"Well. Becky and Alexis were here after everyone else left. Becky starts talking about how her sex life is getting pretty stale. She wanted hints from Alexis and me about what to do to keep things hot. We asked what she did now, and she told us she gave her husband a glimpse of her tits or upper thigh."

I laughed so hard that I almost spit out my beer. "A glimpse of her leg? What are they in middle school?"

"I know, right?" she responded. "She told us that she does not shower in front of him and that she always takes off her 'night clothes' in the bed and he never sees her naked. She thinks that has always kept him interested and wanting more."

"Well, I guess it's safe to say that Becky and I would not have made a good couple."

Jenny laughed. "Yea. I didn't tell her that I get ready naked or topless every morning. But when she left, Alexis asked me how I felt about nudity. I told her that I was naked a lot at home and that you and I both liked it that way. Then Alexis got this funny look on her face and asked me if we ever role played. I told her that we did. She asked if I ever role played as a stripper and I told her sometimes. Then she made me promise not to tell anyone else what she was about to tell me. I told her I would tell only you and she agreed to tell me."

"This sounds juicy. Is she a stripper with a Lone Ranger mask at our local club?"

"Well, no. But she told me that her husband loved when she role played as a stripper. She even has a pole that she can assemble in their TV room that can be taken down. They have been to stripper stores to get outfits and everything. Out of town of course. Apparently he loves fucking her in those huge stripper heels."

"That is not that surprising. She did get those fake boobs a few years ago. It's not like we didn't notice her going from A cups to Cs."

"I haven't gotten to the secret part. You have to promise you won't tell anybody. And, she only told me because she thought I might be interested."

"I promise. This must be good."

"Alexis told me that a little over a year ago, her husband told her that she was way hotter than most of the girls that he sees at strip clubs. Apparently he entertains business clients there on occasion."

"She's objectively attractive. So, nothing really newsworthy there," I replied.

"He asked her if she would be interested in being a dancer for a few days. They talked about it and she told him that it made her hot to think about it. Apparently, it was his fantasy to see her on stage getting ogled by strangers."

"Wow, did she do it?"

My wife broke into a huge smile. "Not only did she do it, but she did it at a club that had extras."

"What are extras?"

"Extras are things beyond a lap dance. So, when a guy tips on stage, the girls might rub their tits on his face, or let him get a good close look at her pussy if it's a nude club. That's normal and not an extra. If he pays more, then he can get a lap dance where she keeps her panties on, but he can basically touch anything else, including grabbing her boobs. So, the grabbing boobs is standard, but extras are things like hand jobs, blow jobs, pussy licking and sex."

"So, she did those extra things?"

My wife just laughed. "She sure did. She did them with her husband present in the club. And, she asked me if I would be interested in going with her when she goes back. She is going back in three weeks."

I let out a huge burst of air. "I have no words. That is crazy. What did you say?"

"I told her I would think about it. I know it's a terrible idea and I will think about it differently when I am sober in the morning. But, it did make me so hot hearing her describe the things that she did."

"Are you allowed to tell me what she did?"

"She told me I could on one condition."

"What's the condition?"

"You have to agree that I can go if I decide that's what I want to do."

"Oh my. Well, this is just so out of left field, I am dying to know what she did. But, I have to think about letting you do it too. Can we discuss this tomorrow after I have had some time? I mean, is this something that you want to do?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. It has made me so hot thinking about it. Maybe it's just a fantasy that we take to bed tonight and decide against tomorrow."

Our lovemaking that night was quick and passionate. We kissed hard and moved to the 69 position. We had not done that in a few months. She came but I held out for the main event. I would like to say I fucked like a porn star, but it was actually probably about two minutes of intense need being filled.

I slept a deep sleep and woke up in the middle of the night with the memories of my dream. My wife was taking off her g string and dropping it for the crowd as they roared their approval. I saw her bend over and spread her pussy lips from behind before waking up. Apparently, my mind was considering letting her do it. But, would she ever do it?

I woke up the next morning and we went about our Saturday routine. No mention was made of the stripper idea. Finally, after dinner, we sat down in the living room and I asked if she had been thinking about it.

"Only all day. Here, feel my pussy." She walked over and pulled her pants down. "I am so fucking wet."

I slide two fingers in and she was very wet and very hot to the touch. "You are also on fire." I made a show of licking my fingers.

She moaned as I fingered her. "So, have you decided if you want to hear what Alexis did?"

I stopped and paused for a moment. "OK, if you decide this is what you want, I will approve it. But, I have some conditions. I would go with you and if I tell you that I couldn't handle it, you have to stop. Oh, and we don't go at the same time as Alexis and Jackson. I don't want their fantasy to get in the way of ours. Do you think you would want to just strip, or go to one with extras?"

"I have been thinking that stripping on stage would be scary. I mean, that would be making yourself open to everyone there. Some guys may show that they are not interested and that may hurt my feelings. But, I think that I would actually enjoy the one on one contact. I would enjoy knowing that the guy wanted me so badly that he would pay me just to touch me. I am still on the fence about the entire thing. Let's make a deal to talk again next Friday. By that time, you will have worked out if it is OK with you to let me go and do it and I will have decided if it's something that I want."

"OK, but tell me a little about what Alexis' experience was like. They must have both enjoyed it if they are doing it again."

"Are you agreeing to let me do it if I want to?"

"Yes, but remember that I am able to stop it at any time."

"Do you think your agreement with the right to revoke is enough for my deal with Alexis? I think it is a partial agreement so you only get part of the story. I will tell you only about the first day."

"Well, I am not giving up my right to stop it if I can't take it and I think it would do permanent damage to our relationship. That's just common sense and the rules that we have had in both of our extra play events. So, tell me what you think is fair."

"OK. Alexis and Jack went to Providence to a club that Jack knew about. I didn't ask how he knew, but my guess is he had been a customer in the past. They talked with the manager and made a deal. If she wanted to dance, she had to dance for one week. They didn't want just a one night commitment. They required her to commit to four day shifts and two night shifts. Apparently, the crowd in the day is mainly older businessman who want to play with hot women and the crowd at night includes all ages, including young guys.

She went the first night before meeting the manager just to see the club. She said the energy at night made her hot. The women on stage can either just go topless or full nude. It's their option. Some of the women were super hot, and others were not. But, some of the more average looking girls clearly had admirers. It made her feel like she was attractive enough. She felt like she was in the top quarter of girls for looks even though she was older.

So, when she met the manager the next day, he had her do a turn on stage. One song topless and one to full nude. It was very nerve wracking, but also hot. She said two customers came up and tipped her and asked if she would be able to do dances later. The manager said she could start that afternoon."

"Was there any back room private office interview where the manager made sure she could suck a cock well? I have heard that the interviews at these clubs often have that."

"No, I asked and she told me that there was no touching by the manager. He seemed amused that she wanted to do this to live out a fantasy and he tried to help her get what she wanted. He handed her off to another woman called the house mother who told her all of the rules (both written and unwritten)."

"What are the rules?"

"Basically, the written rules are nothing happens beyond a lap dance and VIP is just a more private and expensive lap dance. But, the unwritten rules are girls can do extras in VIP were no one can see as long as they keep them behind closed doors."

"So, tell me all the details of day one."

"I am only going to give you a summary. If I do go there, I will give you all of the details for me. I don't want to ever think that your stripper fantasy involves Alexis and not me."

"Fair enough."

"OK, let me try and remember it exactly as she told me. I have kind of fantasized about it, so I may be exaggerating. She would dance topless on stage. If a guy tipped $5 or more, she would show them her pussy by sliding her g string to the side. If they tipped $10 or more, she would leave the panties off and give the guy a great up close show of her pussy. On the first day, she did lap dances for four guys. Two of them came just from the dance. One tried to finger her, but she only allowed ass and boob touching in that lap dance area. The dances there are $25 per song and she keeps $20. Each guy did at least two dances and one did 6, until he came.

She did VIP for five guys. The house gets $50 and she gets at least $100 for every 15 minutes. That $100 is just for the nude dances. If they wanted more, she had to agree to it and she got another $50 for a hand job, $100 for a blow job with cum on her tits, $150 for a blow job with cum in her mouth and $250 to blow them then fuck them. Guess how many she did of each?"

"$350 is a lot of money for 15 minutes of anything. I am guessing two hand jobs, two blow jobs, and one all the way."

"Good guesses. She had one guy just want the all nude dance. Remember the lap dances are for about three minutes and with bottoms on. One wanted a hand job. Two wanted blow jobs with both cumming in her mouth. The last guy wanted her to suck him, fuck him and then swallow his cum."

"So, if they are cumming in her mouth, I assume the blow jobs are without a condom. I also assume sex is with a condom."

"She told me not all girls do extras. In addition, some only do hand jobs. Some do blow jobs with a condom only. So, it's totally the girl's choice."

"What do you think you would do?"

"I have never given a blow job with a condom. It seems weird and it would taste like the lubricant and smell funny. I would probably be the same as her. Blow jobs without the condom and sex with it. I would probably also have a no anal rule like her."

"Some girls do anal?"

"Apparently for the right price."

I was hard as a rock thinking about all of this. "Would you mind sucking me dry so that I can focus on the idea again and all of the negatives."

Jenny got down on all fours and slowly crawled to me, smiling as she looked me directly in the eyes. She slowly unbuttoned my slacks and unzipped me. I was hard as a rock when she pulled my pants down and swallowed me in one motion. I was in the back of her throat running my hands through her hair as she sucked me so expertly.

"Lick my balls," I moaned as she immediately switched to tonging my shaved sack. It always feels so good when she does that.

"Suck me again." She switched back and looked me directly in the eye as she worked me slightly faster.

She would alternately take me out of her mouth and talk dirty to me. "You going to let me taste you? I really want to taste you. Fill my mouth with your cum. Cum for me."

Watching her work my cock and listening to her rare display of wanton sluttiness pushed me over the edge and I filled her mouth with my cum. She kept sucking and teasing me until I had to pull away and collapse.

"Whoa. That was amazing."

"I guess thinking about this has made me so hot. I do think I want to do it. I want to be a stripper for a week. I want to be a naughty one too."


We thought about just contacting the club directly. But, we thought it might grease the wheels a bit if Alexis called them and told them to expect us. We purposefully decided to come one week before Alexis. We didn't want her to go and do something that would mess it up for us. So, that left us only a little less than two weeks. We didn't really know what to do to prepare, so we called Alexis and asked her for some tips. I bought us some plane tickets and made a hotel reservation at a nice hotel in downtown Providence. I wanted us to have a nice experience when it was just the two of us.

Alexis suggested that we go to a "stripper-ware" store about seventy miles from home that she and her husband had used. I was excited and scared when my wife and I got into the car. What kind of people would be in there? We agreed that if we recognized anyone, we would leave. If they saw us, we would go to the vibrator and massage oil part of the store and they would get the impression that we were there for more socially accepted married couple things.

Once we arrived, we were surprised by the store. It was actually nice and not at all seedy looking. We talked to the two women working there and told them we wanted authentic stripper clothes for my wife. One girl, Julia, in her early 20s and generally attractive, gave us great attention. She thought it was cool that we wanted to have this kind of fun. Other than a few tattoos and an extra piercing or three in her ears, she looked like a college co-ed. I have to admit, that made it easier to have her help us. She clearly loved our freakiness and was a good guide for my wife. I just sat back and watched the process. We walked away with enough outfits to work at the club for six nights/days. We also learned that the girls change outfits multiple times a day and that they sometimes will share anything but panties. I loved how Jenny had to test how easy each item was to take on and off. I got to hang out in the dressing room while our assistant helped bring her clothes. It was fun to see my wife all naked and partially naked and checking how she looked in the mirror. She knew she was attractive, but she was really paying close attention to items that highlighted her figure. She was big on showing her firm stomach and having push up tit outfits. She also made sure that her ass looked great. She was not at all shy with the sales clerk and that girl got a frequent look at my wife's tits and pussy. I think it made her kind of hot to be showing off. I gave the girl a $40 tip for helping us out. We spent over $1000 on her clothes and stripper heels for the week. I had no idea if we would get much use beyond that week. I wasn't even sure I could take it for more than one day. (By the way, I had agreed with my wife that I would let her complete the first day, no matter what).


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