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Wife's New Job


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At the beginning of his massage he was talking about Kevin and telling me how he had been grooming Kevin for a promotion. I'd heard this from others and was happy to hear his immediate supervisor saying the same thing. I had started on the back of his legs when he made a comment telling me how pretty I am. I politely thanked him for the compliment then he told me he thought I looked overly warm in what I was wearing and suggested I find a different uniform that would allow me to be cooler and more comfortable as I worked. The fact is, my uniform was warm, but it was what I had personally chosen as my work clothes.

I kept the room warm for my clients. They were lying still not exerting themselves on the table while I was exerting myself giving them massages in the long sleeve uniform. Even though the table had a heating element in it the room still need to be warner than would have been comfortable for me. The exertion of doing a deep tissue massage did cause me to perspire quite a bit, so his comments didn't seem to be totally inappropriate.

When Richard's massage was finished he insisted I not leave while he dressed. Before I realized what was happening he had lowered the sheet while I was still facing the table. He chuckled as I quickly turned away and said, "I'm sorry, I wasn't ready."

He laughed and said, "Not a problem. I've got nothing to hide."

Before turning away I'd gotten a brief glimpse of his penis and realized he had an erection. Had he been erect when I was giving him the massage I would have noticed, but I was sure he hadn't been. Despite his full erection in the few very brief moments I saw him I could see he was rather small and I remember thinking about his wife and feeling sorry for her. Needless to say I quickly turned to face away from him.

That night I told Kevin what had happened and he didn't appear to be surprised. He said, "He's like that and he's also an asshole. All of those of us who work for him, just put up with his crap. He makes my life miserable. I don't think most of the other managers realize what an ass he is, so if I'm ever going to get that promotion I will have to somehow have him on my side. It sucks, but that's just the way it is. You don't have to like him, but please just don't go out of your way to piss him off. If the asshole ever gets out of line tell me and I'll kick his ass. I'll probably lose my job, but it will be worth it."

When I mentioned him exposing himself to me, he said, "Just ignore him. Like I said, He's an asshole, but he better never touch you and that's a fact."

I thought it was strange the following week when a few of the other managers brought up the topic of me considering getting something cooler and more comfortable to wear. When I mentioned this to Kevin he said, "I like what you wear, but is it hot?"

"Well, the room is warm and the uniform doesn't help the situation any."

"Who picked out that particular uniform?" asked Kevin.

"I did. Why do you ask?"

"I thought maybe it was Paul or maybe Rebecca. You are sort of in a unique position. There really is no dress code and let's face it the managers you are massaging are all naked."


I was considering what Kevin had said the night before as I was finishing up with Paul's massage. My next appointment was someone I'd never met. The client was a female Junior Vice President named April. She was maybe in her early 40s and very attractive. She was only the second female for me to give a massage. Sara had been my first. When I stepped out of the room she undressed and was under the sheet when I returned. Lowering the sheet to expose her back I was pleased to see she had removed her bra. This would make it easier to massage her back and not get my massage oil on her clothing.

Giving April a massage was quite a bit different than the men. Like most of the men she was talkative and friendly. I was a little surprised when even she brought up the topic of my uniform and asked me why I didn't wear something more comfortable and cooler. I told her I had been thinking about doing just that and she said she thought it was a good idea.

Holding the sheet she turned over onto her back then I lowered it back onto her. I first lowered the sheet to expose about half of the top of her breasts. I then began working on her neck and shoulders. I then said, "I need to lower the sheet further, is it okay to lower it to your waist?"

In a sweet and friendly voice she said, "Sure Sweetie. It's just us girls, no need to be shy or have to ask. I'm all yours and put my body in your capable hands."

I let out a laugh and said something stupid but as I looked at her she had a great body. It was obvious modern medicine had been utilized to give her such nice breasts. I was massaging her upper chest then between her breasts and under them. She said, "If you don't mind, my boobs are really sore for some reason. Do you mind giving them a little attention?"

I said, "Sure, no problem. I wasn't sure you wanted that, but as long as you don't mind."

Our eyes met and I liked the way she smiled at me. It was clear she wasn't the least bit shy. I drizzled oil onto her breasts then began to gently kneed it into the soft yet firm breast flesh. As my hands slid across her nipples I could feel them begin to stiffen and rub against the palms of my hands. I know how sensitive my nipples are and then when I heard her almost inaudible moans of pleasure, I knew she was enjoying my touch.

After a couple more passes of my palms across her nipples she caught my attention and as our eyes met, in almost a whisper she said, "Yea, Sweetie just like that. Are your nipples sensitive? Mine are and I love having mine pinched, twisted and even pulled."

I was surprised by her boldness. She was practically coming right out and asking me to play with her nipples. I had sort of expected this from the men, but except for Richard, they had all been gentlemen. Now here I had a female client and if felt as if she was coming onto me. It was obvious she was becoming excited. Her nipples were now hard little points of flesh. Taking one of the oiled nubs between thumb and forefinger I applied a fair amount of pressure, which caused her to groan and I felt her push her chest up toward me just a little. In what sounded almost like desperation she said, "Oh yes, Sweetie that's perfect. You can pinch them harder, I don't mind and your fingers feel so good."

Doing as she said caused her to actually lift her hips off the table as if she had an imaginary lover on top of her and was trying to get his cock deeper inside her. I was getting a bit excited and became a little more aggressive as I twisted them then stretched her nipples a bit by pulling them up and away from her breasts.

She groaned and looked at me with what could only be described as lust as she said, "Oh Damn girl, you are good! I can feel that all the way down to my clit. Kiss me... please I need to taste your lips."

It was something about the way she was looking at me that was luring me into unchartered waters. Maintaining my grip on her nipples I slowly lowered myself toward her until our lips touched.

I suppose, like lots of girls, I had played around with friends when I was in high school, but this was the first time I'd ever shared what I considered to be a passionate kiss with another woman. Her lips were soft, and her mouth tasted of mint. I could smell the facial powder on her face. Her complexion was flawless. Without checking, I was sure my pussy was wet and might even begin to soak the thong I was wearing if this went much further.

Knowing I had to get back to the massage, our lips parted and I moved my hands from her nipples. Moving them lower I saw she was watching me like a hawk watches a mouse it is about to attack and have for dinner. She said nothing, but it was clear she had enjoyed what we'd done and wanted more of me. Her stomach was lean and perfectly flat. I kept massaging her as my hands moved lower. It was taking all of the will-power I had as I attempted to maintain a certain level of professionalism. As I started to lift the sheet to cover her upper torso before moving to her thighs, she said, "Not my legs yet. You were doing great, just keep going and get rid of that damn sheet, it's just getting in the way."

She watched as I moved the sheet from her and draped it across a nearby chair. I was pretty sure I knew what she wanted, but I'd not even massaged Sara like that. When I removed the sheet I could see all hair below her waist had been shaven. A few years earlier Kevin had asked me to shave and when I'd done it and saw how much he liked it, I'd kept myself bare just like April's pussy was now. I found I enjoyed the feeling of no pubic hair. I also liked the way it made me look when I was naked. I totally understood why she kept herself this way. I watched the oil spread across her skin as I drizzled oil onto her mons, then onto her clit allowing it to slowly run between her lips.

She said, "Sweetie, don't tease me like this. I need to feel your fingers touching me. You are so damn sexy. Let me feel your fingers on my clit and put them inside me."

I'm not sure what it was about her, but I wanted nothing more than to do what she was asking of me. I moved my hands to her upper thighs then used my fingers to apply pressure separating her lips and exposing her little clit. I then began massaging in little circles directly over this very sensitive flesh. I could feel her clit was hard and could even see it peeking out from beneath the little hood. The way she was pressing her hips up against my fingers let me know how sensitive it must be and how desperate she was to have it touched.

When my fingers slipped between her lips I had expected her to be wet, but she was so incredibly wet some of her arousal leaked out and ran down the crease of her lips and onto the little hole between her cheeks.

I'm not sure why but moments later my eyes were drawn back and locked on her beautiful green eyes. She spread her legs wide, then through clenched teeth in a hoarse voice said, "Lick it. Lick my fucking clit and suck it between your lips. Taste my pussy."

Even if I hadn't wanted to do as she said, I'm pretty sure I would not have been able to stop myself. Our eyes remained locked on each other as I slowly lowered my mouth. When I was close enough to smell the musky aroma of her pussy I looked away from her eyes and focused on the treasure between her legs. The sight and smell of her pussy compelled me to taste her. I had tasted myself on my husband's cock and it always turned him on when I cleaned our combined fluids from him after he'd been inside me. I knew what I tasted like, but I'd never tasted another woman. I knew at this moment I had to know how she tasted.

Touching the tip of my tongue to her clit had the unexpected effect of triggering an orgasm, causing her hips and legs to shake convulsively. Her hands shot to the back of my head as she put her fingers through my long hair and pulled my mouth tight against her. Holding my head in place she ground her pussy against my mouth. I had my mouth open and my tongue extended as I worked to push my tongue into her.

When her orgasm had passed she relaxed her grip on my hair. Her heart was beating hard and she was sucking in deep breaths of air as I continued to gently lick and suck her clit. This continued for a few moments with neither of us making a sound other than the sounds of her trying to catch her breath and the wet noises of my lips sucking at her clit. She was the one to finally break the silence when she said, "Damn girl, that was intense! That's the best massage I've ever had."

At the time I didn't realize how messed up my face was, but when I lifted my face from her pussy she laughed and said, "Honey, I've made a mess of your makeup. I'm so sorry, but once you got started, I guess I sort of lost control. That was incredible. I know you're married; but how long have you been into girls?"

"You're my first. I didn't realize it would be like this."

"You were incredible. You may not be a lesbian, but there is no doubt you're certainly bi-sexual. I hope we can do this again, many times."

With a smile I said, "Yes Ma'am, I can put you on my schedule for this time every Monday, if you'd like."

"Yes, I would like that a lot. Such a great way to begin the week. Mondays will now be my favorite day of the week."

I didn't even offer to leave the room as she sat up and swung her legs around to the edge. Slipping off the table she began to dress and as she did this she said, "Would it be too much to ask, even if it's just for our time together, for you to consider wearing something that shows off that gorgeous body of yours. I haven't even seen it and I can already imagine how deliciously perfect it must be."

"Yes Ma'am, I'll look and see what I can find."

"I don't give a shit even if you're naked, all I saying is what you're wearing now doesn't do that awesome body justice."

Chapter 4 - Competition?

Wednesday, as I was reviewing my schedule for the next day I saw where Richard, my husband's supervisor, was one of my last clients for the day. Later that evening after we had finished dinner, I told Kevin, "Honey I needed your opinion on something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's regarding what I wear to work. Your boss complained about it and I didn't think much about it, but then some of the other men also made similar comments about what I was wearing. Then this past Monday I had my first female client and she almost insisted I wear something different for her appointment next week."

"Was that April?"


"She's the best manager they have."

"Yea, I liked her. She was nice."

Kevin said, "You said they commented on what you wear. Did they happen to say what was wrong with what you wear?"

"They all said I looked too hot in it."

"Baby, if they think you look hot in that, they have no idea how hot you look wearing less."

"Kevin! I'm trying to be serious. They weren't talking about hot as in sexy, but rather hot as in warm. They also said I should wear something more comfortable."

"I know, I'm just teasing. Are they right, is what you wear too warm or uncomfortable?"

"It is a little warm, but I keep the room warm because they all have to get undressed for their massage. As far as comfort, it's not that bad, but I guess it could be better."

"So, what are you asking me?"

"What should I wear? It's not like I'm in one of those massage parlors where the women either are naked or almost naked. I'm also concerned about upsetting Paul. He's never said anything about what I wear. I don't know if he expects me to look professional."

"Honey, it's not like you are meeting the public face to face. The only people you have any contact with, at least at this point are members of the management team. I'd bet Paul doesn't really care. He's a man more interested in results than he is about the way you look. He most likely would like to see a beautiful woman dressed less professionally. You said many of the other men and even one woman has suggested you change. If you want my opinion, I'd say your comfort is more important than professional appearance."

"Okay, if you think so, but now I have to decide what to wear."

"You don't want me picking your outfit. I'd have you wearing a micro-bikini if it was me making the decision."

"Now you're beginning to sound like a couple of them."


I went to our bedroom and began searching through my closet to see what might work. I knew I could wait until the weekend, but with Kevin's boss coming in the next day I wanted to see what he said since he had been the most critical and I wanted to do whatever I could to keep him happy. Keeping Richard happy would hopefully keep him from causing Kevin additional problems.

After going through practically everything, I found a pair of thin light weight white shorts. They were shorter than I would normally wear, but what was worse than them being so short, the material they were made of wasn't exactly semi-transparent, but it was close. I could remember, before I had begun shaving my pussy Kevin had commented he could see the outline of my dark hair through the shorts. Embarrassed, I immediately took them off.

Later, after I started shaving, I put them on again and this time I asked him if he could see through them. He assured me I'd have to be in a bright light for him to be able to see anything. The top that looked the best with the shorts was a cute cropped top that tied in front under my breasts leaving my tummy exposed. It looped behind my neck and around my back in about the middle. The front was held closed by two buttons and the knot tied in front. It showed my flat tummy and that didn't bother me. I was proud I'd been able to maintain my flat stomach. So many women developed at least a small bump in that area, but with frequent exercise and diet I'd been able to prevent that from happening.

Being sleeveless, backless and leaving my legs from my hips down exposed, it was, without a doubt, cooler than what I had been wearing. As far as physical comfort it also hit the mark on that point as well. What concerned me was it was also a lot sexier than the outfit I'd been wearing. My only concern is that it might falsely encourage the advances of Richard. I was hopeful I could keep him under control.

Despite the fact I was unable to wear a bra with the top, I liked the way it felt and knew I could more easily move in it. Still concerned it might be over the top I went into the living room and asked Kevin what he thought.

When he saw me his eyes lit up and he gave me one of those wolf whistles I'd received many times when walking past a construction site or other groups of men. He said, "Baby, you look great! Is that what you're thinking of wearing to work?"

"Do you think it's going too far? What I mean is will it give them the wrong idea or, worse yet, upset Paul?"

"I'm positive it will not upset Paul and as for going too far, aren't the guys you give massages to naked?"

"Well, yes, but they have to be."

"Baby take it from me; they will love it."

"Okay, if you're sure. I guess I'll give it a trial run tomorrow. Richard has been bugging me from the first time he came in to wear something different. He has an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know what he and the others have to say."

Kevin said, "Baby, we both know Richard is an asshole. Don't let his opinion influence how you dress or act."

I was thinking my husband's advice, when it came to his boss, was easy for him to say. It was much harder for me to take on my husband's attitude when it came to that particular prick. The one thing I felt good about was I believed Richard wouldn't do anything crazy given that my little oasis was on company property.


The first client, Craig, was the first client to see me and as such he was my greatest concern. Craig was a nice guy and he had been one of the guys who suggested I wear something more comfortable. Hopefully he would like my outfit and not think it was inappropriate. Just in case I was totally wrong, I had brought along one of the uniforms I had been wearing that I could change into if my new outfit was found to be unacceptable.

Craig was an Executive V.P. and he answered directly to Paul. He was a couple levels higher in the management chain than Richard, so if Craig didn't like it, none of my other clients would ever see me in it. I had even waited until I got to work before changing into the new outfit.

I got there early to change and have everything ready. I felt like I could hear my heart pounding when I heard the chime notifying me someone was in my outer lobby. Upon opening the door I saw it was Craig. At first he didn't react to my outfit, but I could tell he had noticed when I saw his eyes scan me from head to toe. I invited him back to the massage room and his head turned keeping me in his line of sight as he passed.

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