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Wife's New Job

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Wife in difficult situation with husband's boss.
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Synopsis: A wife is offered a job as a masseuse at her husband's place of employment. She finds herself trapped attempting to keep her husband's boss from firing him. She is also introduced to the pleasures only another woman can provide.

Attention: This story contains scenes of non-consensual coerced sexual activity between an adult male and adult female. Scenes of Lesbian sexual activity between consenting adults are also included.

Chapter 1 - Learning Something New

My name is Crystal and six months ago my life changed in ways I had no way to anticipate. My husband Kevin and I were at social event at his company. Kevin had been told he is in line for a promotion and the increase in his salary would be great. I had offered to find a job, even though my skillset was very limited. I didn't attend college and practically every job I've looked at requires a minimum of an undergraduate degree.

When my friend Sara told me she was going to take a class to learn therapeutic massage. She said she wanted me to take the class with her. She said we would get a certificate upon successful completion of the class and could then test and become licensed. She explained the class was accredited. Having nothing else to do I asked Kevin what he thought. He encouraged me to take the class. Looking back I think he saw this as an opportunity for him to have his own personal masseuse. Sara and I signed up for the class.

The classes were held in a small strip mall located close to downtown. The first night of classes we saw the class had 24 students, but only two were men. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but some of the women looked like they had come straight from the gentleman's club that was located at the other end of the complex.

My husband is always telling me how good looking I am and I know men find me attractive. I stay active to keep myself in shape for my husband. I want him to be proud of me and get a laugh out of it when he calls me his trophy wife. I'm also aware of the fact I draw the attention of men, but Kevin is the only man I'm interested in.

The first night of class, Sara was teasing me and told me she had caught one of the guys checking me out. I remember her saying, "They both would have been, but the other one is gay."

I assured her she was crazy and that I wasn't available. She said, "I know, but what's it like to have your looks and know practically guy that sees you wants to get into your panties?"

Her comments were embarrassing and I tried to ignore her. Sara wasn't ugly by any means. If she lost a few pounds and learned how to dress and present herself she would have much better success drawing the attention of men. We had been friends all through high school and now as we approached our 30th birthday we both wondered where the years had gone.

Later that first night of class I did notice the guy Sara had mentioned looking in my direction. I caught him looking and gave him a smile. He was a good-looking guy, but I wasn't in the class to meet guys. While both of the guys were nice, it seemed some of the women were downright hostile toward me. They treated Sara fine, but for some reason didn't like me.

Later, after class I said something to Sara about what I'd observed and she said, "They probably see you as a threat."

"Threat? Me?"

"Sure, after all you are the prettiest in the class and that's a threat to women like them."

I knew I was no threat to them, but it was nice to know it wasn't something I'd done. The instructor told us to find a partner for the class. He told us we would keep the same partner the entire six months of the class. Sara and I immediately partnered up, but later during a break the cute guy approached me and asked if I would be his partner. I told him Sara and I had been friends for several years and had already decided to be partners. He actually looked disappointed and said it was his loss. He did tell me if we deiced we wanted to change partners to let him know. I assured him I would.

At one point the instructor was going over the course and giving a brief description of each form of massage and the point at which we would be studying each. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me when one of the girls that looked like she was very familiar with dancing next to a pole asked, "When do we learn Sensual massage?"

She appeared to have been serious about the question but several in the class laughed. The instructor tried to be diplomatic when he told her, Sensual massage was not part of this class. He said this class was for those who wanted to learn how to perform real massages.

This was all new to me, but I knew better than ask what they were talking about. After class I asked Sara, "What was that girl asking? You know the one they laughed at."

Sara said, "She wanted to learn Sensual massage."

Seeing the confusion on my face she said, "Crystal for a girl as pretty as you are, you don't know much about the world. Sensual massage is when you make the client cum. You know, give them an orgasm."

The look on my face must have been amusing since she started laughing. I said, "You mean you fuck the client?"

She said, "Either that of jerk them off with your hand or give them a blow job. I think some do climb up on the table and let the client fuck them. It's the type of massage you get from some of those shady massage parlors and the type of massage you can get arrested for doing."

Later that night I told Kevin about the class and the question about Sensual massage. I was joking when I asked him if he would like for me to give him a Sensual massage. It should have come as no surprise when he jumped at the offer. He helped direct me telling me what to do. I asked him if he'd ever had such a massage and he said he hadn't but knew what they were.

Since I didn't have a massage table he said I could do it on the bed. I knelt on the floor next to the bed and got a bottle of baby oil I use as a skin moisturizer. The massage had us both laughing and before it was finished he had me pinned underneath him with his cock pounding away in my pussy.

Chapter 2 - Job Offer

After a couple of months Kevin bought me a massage table for me to practice with. Kevin walked in on Sara and me practicing. We always used a sheet, but there were a couple times he came close to seeing Sara with her breasts exposed.

Kevin was always eager to be our practice client. Sara even massaged him a few times when we had exams to study for. Afterward I asked him who gave the better massage and he said I did since I made sure his entire body was massaged. He was always teasing me wanting me to give him a Sensual massage. I gave in several times and told him this wasn't part of what I was supposed to be studying.

Upon graduating, I was proud of myself for earning my certificate. I then took the test and was granted my license. I decided to try and get a job to put my new skills to use, but soon found the only places hiring with no experience were the places some of the girls in our class were working which had very little to do with massage. The only reason they took the class, I later learned, was to provide a certain level of legitimacy to what they were doing. I didn't look down on them, they were earning a living the only way they knew how. I just didn't think it was the type of massage I wanted to be doing.

I'm still not sure how he learned I was a licensed masseuse, but at one of the social events the CEO of my husband's company came over and started talking to me. I'd met him before and Kevin had warned me he fancied himself as a ladies man. We had spoken to each other, but each time we had exchanged a few very brief comments and never discussed anything of any importance. This particular time he had been the one to approach me. After some small talk he told me how Kevin was a man he had his eye on and how he could see him in a leadership role in the company with much more responsibility. After that the conversation somehow turned to me and he said, "I hear you are a licensed masseuse."

"Yes Sir, I am. A friend wanted someone to go through the class with her, so I did it with her."

He said, "I'm a firm believer if you feel good physically then you will be much more productive. Since you're now a professional masseuse I'm sure you agree."

Before I was able to respond he continued saying, "I've been thinking of starting a wellness program for the employees and I'd like to hear your thoughts. My idea is to get it started with management then if we determine it is something beneficial we might be able to expand it to include non-management personnel. I've been working on the idea of a wellness center for a few months. When I saw you standing over here it occurred to me having a masseuse on our staff would be the perfect addition to such a program. Maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but I know how refreshed a massage makes me feel. That is why I think someone with your skills could be a great asset to the program. Would you be interested in leading up such a program? Granted at first it would be just you, but if this becomes what I believe it will, I can see you with your own staff and leading this project."

I said, "Sir, I'm not sure what to say."

"I'm not looking for an answer this evening. I'm simply suggesting you think about what I've said, talk it over with Kevin and have Kevin stop by to see me after you've had a chance to discuss it."

"Sir, I'm flattered and appreciate you thinking of me. I'll certainly discuss it with my husband. Thank you."

"You are very welcome and it's good to see you here this evening. Enjoy yourself and I look forward to hearing from Kevin."

Watching him walk away, I was speechless. I'd never dreamt he even remembered me, but somehow he'd heard of my recent accomplishment and saw me as someone who could help his company be even more successful.

On the way home I told Kevin what had happened. He appeared to be surprised and at the same time I could tell he was proud of me. The next day was Saturday and we sat down to talk about the opportunity. After much discussion he asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted to do it. I explained, "Honey this will be an opportunity for me to get the experience everyone says I need and we'll be working at the same company. Who knows, maybe you can stop in from time to time and let me give you a massage."

He said, "I like the massages you give me here at home. I like the more personal touch."

I laughed and said, "I don't think he was thinking about the sort of massages with 'Happy Endings' that you enjoy so much. These are real massages."

He grinned and said, "You're probably right. I'll call and talk to Paul first thing Monday morning. Now that we have that settled, I've been thinking hot incredibly hot you look. Did you see all those guys checking you out? Too bad for them that you are mine and I'm about to do what they were all wishing they could do."

I'm very petite and I love it when Kevin picks me up and carries me into the bedroom. I'm very submissive and totally surrender myself to him. I love the way he tells me he is so thankful he asked me to be his wife, just before he pushes his hard cock deep inside me.

Chapter 3 - First Client

Monday morning Kevin called to let me know he had an appointment to meet with Paul later that afternoon. I was very anxious to hear back from him. This would be the first really good job I'd ever had.

Later when the phone rang and I saw it was Kevin, I answered, "What did he say?"

Kevin was laughing as he said, "Settle down and don't ever let someone know how much you want a job without even first knowing how much it pays."

Attempting to curb my excitement I said, "Okay, but what did he say?"

"Honey he wants you and he's offering you a really good salary with opportunities for promotion and some nice increases in your salary."

"When? When do I start?"

"I take it you want me to tell him you accept?"

"Yes, of course! Are you kidding?"

"Okay, but just so you know, I already told him. First he wants you to set up the space where he wants you and said to get everything you need. He said to call Rebecca, she is his secretary. He wants her to help get what you need. Rebecca is very efficient and I'm sure you will like her.

"Paul wants you to begin as soon as possible. If you can, he'd like you to be set up and ready for your first client the first of the month."

I glanced at the calendar and said, "That's only two weeks. I'm not sure we can get everything that fast."

"I know and he said if you can't do it by then he will understand. There is one other thing he insisted on."

"What's that?"

"Paul wants to be your first client."

I said, "Okay, great! Baby, I'm so happy."

"I can tell and I'm happy for you," said Kevin.


Rebecca, Paul's secretary, really was a lot of help. She and I met several times and I showed her what I wanted. I had tried to save money, but she insisted on me getting top of the line equipment. The massage table she picked out was heated and would practically support the weight of an elephant. She claimed, over time, spending a little more would pay off since it would last longer.

Together we transformed the space into a spa atmosphere complete with waterfall and subdued background music. The subdued lighting and carpeting made stepping into my space like stepping from a desert into an oasis of green plants and cool breezes. When we had the space ready I called Kevin to invite him to come take a look. I could tell he was impressed. As he was checking out the table I explained the features and he laughed as he said, "Baby this thing is so sturdy we could fuck on it."

I told him to not even joke about things like that. I said, "There are already some who already think sex is part of a massage. You know better, but if anyone heard you..."

"Babe, I'm sorry. I know only your best client gets the extra special massages. I was just joking."

"I'm sorry too. It's just that there are people who see me as a pretty face. I want them to see me as a professional."

He said, "Not just a pretty face, you also have a smoking hot sexy body. Don't forget that part."

I gave him a look of exasperation then said, "You're just a man with a one-track mind. The only thing you men think about is sex."

"Maybe, but what else is there to think about when a man is lucky enough to have a wife as gorgeous as you."

I couldn't help but to smile as I shook my head and said, "I give up. Mister, take me home, I'm all yours to use however you want."


Monday morning arrived and I was ready to see my first client. I had only scheduled three for the entire day. I wanted to take the first couple days easy just so I could make sure everything went okay before I started filling my schedule. As promised Paul, the CEO of the company, would be my first.

As his time approached it occurred to me I was totally out of my element. I remembered all those people where I'd applied for a job telling me I needed experience. Here I was practically on my own with no real-world experience. Not only that, my first client was the CEO of the company. If I screwed this up, it would be the shortest career in history.

I tripled checked everything and was checking it again when I heard the chime of the door being opened. I looked out and saw Paul standing in the alcove I had set up as a small waiting room. I was dressed in a white long sleeve uniform smock with matching pants and white shoes like those many nurses wear. Before leaving the house Kevin had seen me and said I looked hot, but professional.

Looking at Paul, I said, "Come on in. I'm a little nervous so don't judge me too harshly."

He said, "Crystal you look great. I've been looking forward to this day since the day Kevin told me you accepted the position."

I said, "I'll step out while you undress. When you are ready get up on the table under the sheet. We will start with you face down on your stomach." Pointing to a table and hangers in the corner I said, "You can put your clothes over there. Just yell out when you are ready."

He gave me a smile as I turned and stepped out into the area where he had entered. I listened and after a few minutes heard him say, "Crystal, I'm ready."

Stepping back into the room I saw him lying on the table, just as I'd instructed. I asked if he was comfortable or if he needed anything. He assured me he was fine.

Folding the sheet back I applied oil to his back and began massaging it into his muscles. When I had reached his lower back and finished to just below his waist I pulled the sheet back up to cover his back. I then began working on his legs and could see he had undressed completely. Our instructor said some people would leave their underwear on and others would remove everything. At one point I had the sheet just a bit too high and caught a glimpse of his scrotum. I immediately moved the sheet lower just enough to give him a little privacy.

When I had finished his feet, arms and hands I lifted the sheet to below my line of sight and had him roll over. I then massaged his chest then down to a little below his waist. My hands were moving under the edge of the sheet, but making sure to not touch his penis.

I could see the outline of his penis under the sheet. Even with the sheet covering him I could tell even though he was flaccid he was still quite large.

After pulling the sheet back up over his chest I moved lower, uncovered his legs and began working on the thigh muscles in his left leg then moved lower to his feet. I worked my way back up his right leg until I had gone as far as possible without venturing into the area of his body I was making sure to avoid.

All during the massage we talked as he told me about his wife passing away. He told me he had a daughter and two grandchildren. It sounded as if they all had a close relationship and that he was very proud of them.

When I had finished he complimented me on the massage and told me to put him down for an appointment first thing every Monday morning. I told him I would just before stepping out again to give him time to get dressed. When he emerged he looked very professional and maybe even a little more relaxed than when he had arrived. I know I was feeling a little more relaxed having finished my most important client. Looking at him in his suit I had to smile as I thought how I was one of the few people to have seen him practically naked and even though he looked good in his suit I thought it a shame how it concealed his handsome masculine body.

My next two clients were Senior Vice-Presidents with the company and even though they were less talkative than Paul they were very professional and assured me they had been excited when they heard Paul's idea for the health center and that he had hired me as the first phase.

As the week progressed, I was adding more and more clients and in no time had a full schedule. My favorite client was Paul and I told him how I liked that he was the one who started my week off on a high note.

The names on my schedule seemed to run together and I've never been good with names. What I am good with is faces. Was mid-way into my week and had just finished my lunch when I heard the chime. Looking out I recognized the man whose name on my schedule was simply Richard followed by his office phone number. This Richard happened to be my husband's immediate supervisor. I'd met him before at the company social events, and while he'd never done anything inappropriate, he gave me the creeps and it always seemed as though he was undressing me with his eyes.

Smiling I invited him in and lied telling him I was happy he had come by. When I was about to step out of the room to let him undress he said, "That's okay, I'm not shy. Please stay, I insist."

The way he said it let me know it wasn't a suggestion. I could have ignored what he said, but knew he could make things hard on Kevin. I simply turned my back away from him as he continued to talk. I could hear him undressing and hanging up his clothes. When he said he was ready I turned to see he was under the sheet and had it pulled up to his waist. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had been on his back completely uncovered, so I was pleasantly surprised.

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