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Wife's New Job


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Before I could ask him to get ready for the massage he said, "Crystal, I must say you look much more comfortable."

"Thank you, but to tell you the truth, I wasn't sure it might be too much?"

He chuckled then said, "You mean it might be too little?"

Nervously and with a grin, I said, "Yea, exactly."

"If you want my opinion, I think it's perfect. There is no reason you need to be uncomfortable and you certainly look like you are more comfortable now."

"Thank you. I've been thinking about changing what I wear here at work, and this is what I came up with. If you think it's okay and you don't think Paul will object, that makes me feel a lot better."

"I'm sure Paul will enjoy it as much as I do. Don't you worry about Paul."

He got ready as I waited in the outer lobby. I was pleased his massage had been great. After the initial butterflies, I did feel a lot better and Craig even seemed more relaxed. Other than catching him trying to discretely check out my body he was as much a gentleman as he'd been each time I'd seen him. As far as men looking me like he did, I'd gotten used to that from the moment I realized boys liked looking at pretty girls and that they thought I was one. It was flattering knowing they considered me to be attractive.

The clients for the rest of the day acted, and commented on my outfit, in pretty much in the same manner as Craig. I knew my big test would be as Richard. There was nothing about Richard that I liked, but I understood he could make Kevin's life miserable. I wasn't about to let that happen because of something I did. I knew Kevin was in line for a promotion and wondered how much influence Richard might have over that promotion. On one hand the promotion would be a sizeable bump in pay, which we could use, but maybe even more important was a promotion would mean Kevin would no longer have to answer to Richard. That was the part I found I liked the best.

My heart was pounding again when it was time for Richard's appointment, and I heard the door chime. When I opened the door to invite him in he made no attempt to hide his approval of the fact I had so much skin exposed. At first he didn't say much other than, "It's about time you showed me that sexy body. I must say, it's a lot better than even I imagined."

In as professional a voice as I could muster, I said, "I'm happy you approve."

There was something in his voice I should have paid more attention to when he said, "Oh, I most definitely approve!"

Since that first time I'd given him a massage he had insisted I stay in the room as he undressed. This time when he said he was ready and I turned to face him, instead of him lying on the table face down with his face in the face pillow and covered by the sheet, he was lying on his side propped up on his elbow with the sheet covering from his feet to his knees. His small penis was semi-erect and he was smiling at me.

I moved to take hold of the sheet then said, "Sir, please lay face down so we can get started."

He continued to grin at me and didn't move. I was about to repeat myself when he used his hand to adjust his cock so it pointed down toward his feet, the settled on down onto the table with his face in the pillow. I later realized he had adjusted himself so I would see his cock when I was working on his thighs.

This time he was a lot more talkative and even seemed to be nicer. The thing that bothered me was throughout most of the massage he kept talking about Kevin, mentioning several times how he had his eye on Kevin and was grooming him for management. I listened, but I remembered some of the things Kevin had told me Richard had done, and those actions didn't seem to go along with the actions of a manager attempting to help one of his people advance.

I was working on his lower back when he began telling me about a manager who had made sure one of his employees had not received a deserved promotion and assured me he never understood managers who would do something like that. I was thinking to myself his comments were bullshit when he said, "Can you believe there are people in management who would actually go out of his way to make one of his employees look bad so he could fire him?"

I said, "It's hard to believe there are assholes who would do something like that."

Richard paused and I was almost afraid he had seen through me and knew I was talking about him. After a few tense moments he said, "Sometimes there are other factors that need to be considered when you look at the circumstances why an employee was terminated. The nice thing around here is upper management doesn't question the manager's decision. I'm here to tell you it's easy to get rid of an employee who isn't meeting expectations."

The not so veiled threat didn't go unnoticed by me. He was making it very clear he could not only help get Kevin promoted, but he could also see to it he lost his job. I wasn't sure where this was going, but I did understand he was leading this conversation to something he wanted me to understand he had the ability to make happen.

My heart was beating as I was doing my best to give him a good massage. When I have a client on the table, I always place their arms at their sides, but some prefer, at least when face down to hang their arms straight down saying it's more comfortable. It makes no difference to me where their arms are. Richard is one of those who always hangs his arms down off the table.

I was more surprised than I was offended when I felt Richard's hand brush across the back of my leg. Startled, I moved, but not far enough. His hand came back but this time instead of brushing against my leg he gripped it with his hand. His grip wasn't tight enough to hurt, but I knew if I wanted his hand off me I would have to struggle to pull away. I said, "Sir, please don't. I need to finish your massage."

"You're doing great. I'm a leg man and I do like how firm your legs feel. After all, you are rubbing your hands all over my naked body. I'm just a man who enjoys touching a beautiful woman. That's all, no harm intended."

"Okay, I understand, but I'm ready for your legs and I can't reach them from here."

Ignoring my comment he said, "That reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask you. Since I am Kevin's boss, you and I have a slightly different relationship. I'd think a wife who was concerned about her husband's career would be willing to do a little extra, especially given our situation. Let's just say I'm sure Kevin would appreciate you and me understanding what's best for him. Now let's get rid of that damn sheet, it just keeps getting in the way. What I'd like now is for you to give my ass a good massage."

What he had been building up to was starting to become not so subtle. Without him coming right out and saying it he was making it clear if I didn't want Kevin to get fired, I would do what he wanted. I said, "Okay, I can do that. A lot of people have stress build up in the muscles there. The muscles there are large and can store up a lot of stress."

In a smug voice he said, "I thought you would understand."

He didn't remove his hand from my leg, but his grip did relax a bit. With him still holding my leg I was I was afraid to move out of his reach. Seeing I wasn't going to pull away he released my leg and began stroking my leg running his hand up to the hem of my shorts then down to my calf.

With the sheet off him I had to admit, at least to myself, even though he was a certified asshole, he did have a nice body. Under any other circumstances I would have enjoyed massaging a physically fit body like his. His body was one of the best in the company. Paul and Craig where the only two that might have been better.

When I had finished with his ass cheeks, he told me, "You don't need to bother with my legs," and without me telling him to do so, he rolled over onto his back. His small penis was now fully erect. I had no desire to see it, but with it sticking straight up it was difficult to avoid. I guessed it to be maybe five inches long. It appeared to be about average in thickness, but I knew being short it would probably look thicker than a longer one of the same girth. One thing for sure, he was extremely proud of what little he did have.

I massaged his chest while his hands were busy massaging the backs of my thighs. I attempted to keep my eyes focused on his stomach thereby avoiding having to look him in the eyes or having to look at his penis. When he squeezed the back of my thigh I looked into his eyes and saw him smiling. Having my attention, he said, "You really are quite a beautiful woman. Kevin doesn't deserve a woman like you. A woman as beautiful and sexy as you deserves a real man."

Feeling I needed to defend my husband I said, "He's a good man and we love each other very much."

"While you may very well love him, you know you can do better. A woman with your looks could have just about any man she wanted."

I was expecting him to tell me to undress, but instead he said, "My chest and stomach are good. I do have quite a bit of soreness in my groin. I met up with a girlfriend from college last night and she gave me a real workout. She always was a nymphomaniac. That girl never could get enough of my cock."

Listening to his comments, I was about ready to puke. Suddenly given the choice of continuing to listen to him or diverting my attention to his penis and thereby speeding up the process of getting him out of my space, his penis seemed to be the least objectionable.

It's not I'd never given a hand job, but my husband had been the only man whose cock I'd ever massaged in that manner, at least the only man since we had begun seriously dating. Slowly I moved my hands lower until I was touching his small, but hard penis.

With one goal in mind I covered his penis with oil then began stroking it. As I had hoped, it didn't take long before he was groaning and thrusting his hips up off the table. I was surprised at the force and volume of semen that shot out of him. I had semen on my hands, a few drops on my top and even a couple drops on my bare breast cleavage. He saw the thick white fluid on my breasts and seemed to be proud he had marked me with his semen.

Wanting to get him out of my area as fast as possible, I began cleaning the semen that now covered his penis and groin. When he saw me start to clean the couple drops of his semen off my breasts, he was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he said, "Yea, better get that cleaned up, we wouldn't want Kevin to know he has competition.

He insisted I turn to face him so he could look at me while getting dressed. I made the decision I'd do whatever it took to get him out of my space. Just about anything would be worth getting rid of him. He was completing tying his necktie when he said, "Next time, I'd like to see all of you. I'd hate to get cum on your clothes again, so let's just get them out of the way before we get stated with our fun."

It shouldn't have surprised me, but it did when he had the audacity to kiss my cheek as he squeezed my ass just before leaving. I knew if there was a way, I had to put a stop to what was happening. The problem is, I had no idea what that might be. I couldn't believe Richard actually thought he could ever be competition for Kevin. The man was delusional!

Chapter 5 - First Lie

At home, I made sure to get my clothes in the washer before Kevin saw the semen. The fact is he never would have seen it, but to me the small wet spots were like a flashing strobe advertising the fact another man's semen had landed on me.

Without a doubt I knew if Kevin knew what happened he would explode in a protective rage then storm into Richard's office. I was afraid to think what he might do to Richard, but at the very least it would cost him his job. The more likely scenario would be that Kevin might end up in prison. I knew if he was in a blind rage when he saw Richard, anything was possible.

I knew my only option was to be able to prove what Richard had done. I also knew there were no witnesses and it would be next to impossible to prove I hadn't lured him into what had happened. There was no way that I could think of to prove what Richard had done and how he had done it without using physical force that would certainly leave marks on my body. What had happened to this point would be easy for him to deny.

It wasn't like he had physically forced me to do anything. I had done what he wanted out of fear of what Richard might be able to do to destroy our lives.

My thoughts were brought back to the present when Kevin walked in and asked, "How did the new outfit go?"

"Fine, everyone seemed to like it. I'm just washing it for tomorrow."

"If that's what you're going to be wearing you better go shopping tomorrow so you will have more than just the one. By the way, what did my asshole boss have to say?"

I said, "Yea, I'm planning on heading out to the mall tomorrow morning. As for Richard, he said he liked it."

"Is that all?" asked Kevin with a bit of suspicion.

"Yea, he's an ass, but today I forced myself tolerate him. I don't see how you can work for him."

"It's a challenge, that's for sure. As for the outfit, I wasn't concerned about any of the others, but I know how Richard can be."

"I understand, but I've decided to start wearing that instead of the other uniform. It will be better when I get others like it and won't have to wash it every night."

"Sounds like a good idea."

The urge to tell him what really happened with Richard was almost too much to hold back, but I was afraid of what would happen. I was telling myself a hand job was one thing; at least he hadn't wanted me to give him a blow job or even worse. I thought of the fact he expected me to be naked the next time and tried to push that out of my mind.

I might be able to come up with something that would keep me from having to strip. I had no idea what he would feel empowered to do it I was naked. I knew I'd be forced to do what he wanted in order to keep the asshole happy. I wasn't so sure he would ever help Kevin get a promotion, but if I could keep him from firing my husband, I'd be happy. I could force myself to stroke his little pecker if that would make him happy.


The next day I packed the freshly laundered outfit and headed off to work. On the drive I kept reminding myself how the new outfit had been much more comfortable, and the men had all liked it. Not only that, I had enjoyed the way they looked at me. I didn't mind them looking at me the way they did, just as long as they didn't get ideas like Richard's.

Richard wasn't on my schedule again until the following week. When Paul had Rachel and me set up the massage room, he anticipated my services would be in high demand and made a policy that my services were available only to the management team and then only once a week. To make sure nobody tried to beat the system Rachel was given the responsibility of scheduling my appointments. The managers had to call her in order to get on my schedule.

Friday was a good day. I received a lot of compliments and I didn't have the stress of having to see Richard. I did have one stress factor and that was Monday morning. I still didn't know how Paul would react to my outfit. Craig had assured me Paul would like it, but until I heard the CEO tell me that himself, I wouldn't be able to relax.


The weekend flew by and Kevin was particularly horny for some reason. I suspected it was from knowing the managers were all seeing me in the sexy new uniform. He has always been proud of me and enjoys people knowing I'm his wife. I've seen him when we are in social settings where he will stand back and watch how other men look at me. I've never minded because I've always known at the end of the night it would be his cock that would be inside me giving me pleasure.

Monday rolled around, much too soon. I was ready for Paul when he arrived. Hearing the chime, I opened the door and gave him my best smile. He looked at me with his eyes dropping to my feet and slowly working up until they met my eyes. He stood there silent for a moment as my heart was pounding. When he did finally speak he said, "I heard you decided to change your uniform. I can't say I was expecting such a dramatic change as this, but I was told it was so you can be more comfortable and cooler. Have you received any negative feedback?"

"No Sir, but if you don't..."

He held up his hand with his palm toward me, stopping me in mid-sentence and said, "I didn't say I disapprove. Quite the contrary, I do approve. In fact I approve very much. You are here to help my management team relax and reduce stress. As long as you are comfortable in your new work outfit, then I'm happy. I do have to admit seeing you like this is going to make my Monday mornings even better."

Smiling I said, "Thank you Sir. I was concerned what you might think."

"You are doing just fine and I want to remind you, my door is always open. Until I can get everything realigned your position will continue to report directly to me. If you have any problems, any problems as all, I want to hear about them. Do you understand?"

I knew this was my opportunity to speak up, but I had no proof and I knew sometimes managers were given great latitude when it came to matters with employees. Rather than tell him what had happened I simply said, "Yes Sir and thank you."

April, the only female manager I'd seen as a client arrived about ten minutes after Paul left. I was excited to see her and get her thoughts regarding my outfit. When I opened the door and she saw me her face broke into a huge smile. Seeing her response excited me. I liked her and wanted not only her comments but I wanted her approval even more.

April had introduced me to pleasures I'd never before experienced. There was a tinge of guilt when I remembered what we'd done. I had wanted to tell Kevin what happened but had never found the right time to do so. I thought he would think it was hot, but I couldn't be sure, so I'd not mentioned it. I promised myself I would do so, soon.

She invited me to stay in the room as she undressed and I didn't argue. When she asked me to turn and face her she was naked. She then thrust her right hip toward me asking me to look at it. She said she had been experiencing some pain and wanted me to take a look. I probed the area with my fingers and looked for anything unusual. I told her I didn't see anything wrong but told her she should see a doctor because it may be deeper than a muscle issue. She assured me she would do so.

When I went to put the sheet over her she waved it off saying she preferred that I not have to mess with the sheet. I didn't tell her, but I enjoyed being able to have an unobstructed view of the soft feminine curves of her body. I'd never looked at another woman in this manner, but there was something about the intimacy we had shared that caused me to see her differently.

I had started the massage and she had her face in the pillow when she said, "I approve of you new uniform. It really makes you look sexy. It also shows off your body much better."

"Thank you," was all I could think to say. She was very nice and I truth be told I looked forward to her appointments more than any of the others. Even the way she looked at me made me feel good. She wasn't shy about asking me personal questions; however, she never once asked me about personal matters between Kevin and me. I came close to mentioning what had happened with Richard but decided to not do so since I wasn't sure what the relationship between her and Richard was like. It was possible mentioning what happened to her might come back on Kevin if she and Richard were friends.

She didn't ask me to repeat what I'd done before, but I wanted nothing more than to touch her clit again then to once again taste the nectar of her arousal. After the mind blowing orgasm I'd provided she thanked me. I was helping her off the table when she said, "I really do like your outfit better than what you were wearing, but I have to tell you while it's very sexy, I'd prefer seeing you naked. You get to see me naked and I'd like to see you."

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