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Will & Olivia


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At one point I grabbed both her feet and pulled her screaming into the water after me. We became a tangle of limbs, both laughing as we struggled against each other in the water. I was much stronger than her, but she was agile and slippery, and much more at home underwater, making it a relatively even bout.

I finally got a hold of her, and scooped her up, as she struggled and fake protested. My arms wrapped their way around her own, securly holding her down in a bear hug. I had been so caught up in the water wrestling I had hardly noticed the position it put us in. We were pressed into each other, skin on skin, Liv's boobs pressed up right against my chest, our crotches nearly level. I could feel her nipples through the bikini top, pointed from the chilled water. She made one last desperate attempt to slip my grasp, but I held firm. Our eyes met and I gave her a triumphant smile.

"Got you." Suddenly aware of the position we were in, my voice cracked somewhat. Liv didn't seem to notice. She gave me a pouty look, her lips curled in that dangerously cute expression.

"And what do you plan to do, now that you have me?" For a split second I could have swore her voice was husky as well. I dismissed it as a figment of my horny imagination. An imagination beginning to get the better of the cold water. I could feel my dick suddenly stirring, and knew if we stayed like this much longer Liv would soon feel another part of me pressing into her. Going into panic mode I tried to give her a nonchalant evil grin.

"This!" I flung her backwards into the water. With a short yelp she went under. For a second I thought I'd made a mistake, my brain foggy from arousal. But she came up smiling, returning my evil look with one of her own.

"You're sooooo going down!" Liv said, and came at me again.

We wrestled some more, and swam around a bit, but not for very much longer. Eventually I had spent the last of my energy, and Liv was getting cold. It was dusk now, and as night fell a cool breeze was sweeping away the hot air of the day. I looked up at my sister to see her teeth chattering slightly.

"Let's go in before you freeze." I said. "Mom and Dad will probably be waiting for us with dinner anyways."

Liv just nodded, arms clasped in front of herself, rubbing the water from her eyes and shivering.

We hadn't brought towels with us, so we trudged back to the cabin soaking wet. We walked side by side, Liv wringing her long hair as we went. I shook mine out quickly, earning a playful push from her when she got caught in the spray. I felt better for sure, the swim cooling me off and taking out some of the car musk, but anyone who's been in lake water knows it doesn't leave you with exactly a clean feeling. I hoped dad had got the hot water going and the shower clean. Liv echoed my thoughts.

"A shower would hit the spot," She said.

"Mmhm. Should we flip for it?" I asked her, referring to how we used to decide shower order growing up. It helped being the only two kids, any coin worked. I was always heads, she was always tails.

"You know it," Liv said. "But if you just want to concede the victory to me, feel free."

"No chance. I feel as gross as you. Probably grosser. If I win I'm taking my victory fair and square."

"Fine, I see how it is. If you do win, maybe I'll just slip in there with you."

I didn't believe my ears when she said it, and couldn't tell if she was intentionally messing with me or not. I looked over at her, but couldn't read her face. She didn't seem to be joking, but there wasn't a horny undertone either.

"What?" Liv said, feeling my eyes on her and glancing over at me. "We used to shower together all the time when we were kids." She spoke matter of factly, like it was no big deal.

"Yeah, when we were kids!" I said, my voice betraying my disbelief and general instant dismissal of the thought. "I don't know if you noticed, but we aren't kids anymore."

"Oh I've noticed." Liv said, surprising me again. I wasn't sure what she meant by that. "It's only weird if you make it weird. What happened to my world traveler brother? Didn't you go to nude beaches while you were over there? Why are you acting like such a prude?"

"Cause the nudity is a little different when it's my sister!" I sputtered. Then I saw her face again, and the smug look on it. Now she was messing with me. "Oh lay off." I said as she burst out laughing.

"Whatever big bro." Liv said between giggles. "I get it, you think I'm gross. The worst thing imaginable would be seeing me naked. You don't have to rub it in."

"That's you're putting words in my mouth!" I tried. She just laughed at me. "Bitch." I said, though a smile had creeped across my face.

"Asshole." She shot back. Then: "I missed you." Liv said as she reached over and put her arm through mine.

"I missed you too, brat." I replied, taking her arm in mine and enjoying the contact.

We got back to the cabin only modestly wet, having air dried a decent amount on the walk. Dinner was ready, dad had fired up the small grill and made a few burgers (veggie burgers for the girls). Liv went in to find a towel and wrapped it around herself for warmth, though she didn't change out of her bikini yet. We sat out on the porch and enjoyed dinner while night fell around us. After we ate I started a small fire in the pit. There was one wider loveseat style fixture to go with the other single chairs, and I claimed it as I got the fire started. Once a good blaze was going, I leaned back into the bigger seat, and was a little surprised when Liv joined me on it. She shared her towel with me, draping it around my shoulders and scooting up close to my body. Nestling her head against my neck, she sighed contentedly. Mom made a comment about how cute we looked, saying we used to huddle under towels together as kids.

We talked for a while, mostly about what we'd do tomorrow. Dad said there was supposed to be a canoe rental place down the road, and so we could go out on the lake for a bit. Liv wanted to start sunbathing, assuming the sun was out, and Mom didn't care what we did during the day as long as we had a board game night after dinner. I thought canoeing sounded fun and said as much. After that we sat in a companionable silence. I'd missed this during my time away from home, and it felt really good to be back. I don't think I'd fully realized how much I missed my family. Liv pressed up hard against me, her left breast soft against my side. I tried not to look down at the view I had. Still in my swim trunks, it would be apparent to everyone should I sprout a boner. As horny as I was, I was playing a dangerous game. I was almost thankful when the mosquitos started to become more annoying.

"Inside we go." Dad said, starting to put the cover on the fire.

"Did you get the shower going?" Liv asked him. He nodded

"Took some elbow grease, but it's running. The heater is shabby though, I think they used to use the wood stove to heat the pipes. Can't promise you'll have much hot water."

"We were going to flip for it." I said helpfully.

"What year is it?" Our mom said, chuckling.

"I did tell Will we could just take one together," Liv said. "Might be it wasn't such a bad idea, if we're short on hot water."

"Cute," mom said. "Should I come in and wash your backs like I used to as well?"

"Thanks, but we can wash each others' now," LIv said. She pushed herself up off of me. "C'mon, I don't want more bites than necessary." She grabbed my hand and helped me up, and we walked over to the sliding door.

"You know what, I kinda wanted to shower too. Best if you guys do actually double up." Dad shouted after us. I heard what he said, but it didn't quite register. For a second I thought I was going crazy. Was I the only one who thought things were a bit different, now that Liv and I were young adults? Then the pin dropped; "You're already in your suits," he added. Of course. Swimsuits. Stupid. I almost laughed at myself and my horny brain. Of course neither of my parents were balking at the idea. We'd just shower in our swimsuits.

Liv heard me snort to myself and gave me a questioning look as we went inside. I shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it," I said.

"Whatever weirdo." She started up the ladder. "I'll get my soap and meet you in there."

I grabbed my bag and took out my towel and a pair of boxers, as well as my body wash. I sighed. There was just one problem with this plan. I'd really hoped I'd have a chance to rub one out in the privacy of the shower. Now I'd have to buy another hour or two. My balls ached, and I could feel my dick triggered by the heat. At any moment I was a stiff breeze away from a raging hard on. The thought of ogling my sneaky hot sister in the shower, bikini clad or not, was definitely not helping. Looking down I could see I already had a clear dick print. It would no doubt only get worse.

Desperate, I walked into the small bathroom. The shower was plenty big enough for two people, but only two. It was a walk-in one, with no tub. I remembered dad mentioning something about how there used to be a hot tub out on the deck. Unfortunately they'd gotten rid of it. I wondered if I could fake taking a shit, and get a nut off in order to take a severely less intense shower with my sister. This plan disintegrated as soon as it formed, as I heard creaks signaling Liv climbing back down. She came to join me in the bathroom, still in that small red bikini, her own towel and soap in hand.

"Not exactly the Ritz." She said while surveying the bathroom, her voice light.

"Definitely not."

Liv closed the door behind her, sliding the old bolt lock into place. Having nothing else to do I reached for the shower knob and switched it on. The water pressure was pretty good, but dad was right; the water did not heat up much. Tentatively I walked under the flow, feeling the clean water splash over my skin. It wasn't hot, but it was definitely bearable. Liv clicked her tongue behind me. I turned to her.


"Are we really going to take a shower in our suits?" She said, seemingly annoyed.

"...yes?" I tried, not sure if it was a trick question.

"Come on, no way you'll feel clean if you do."

I shrugged. Objectively I agreed with her. It was hard to get to all the especially dirty places with a suit on. There was just the one small problem of showering with my naked sister. My insanely attractive, beautiful naked sister.

"Not like it's anything we haven't seen before," Liv pointed out.

"Again, last time we ah... saw each other, we didn't exactly look like we do now."

"And that's a problem for you?"

I shrugged again. If I was being honest with myself, I wanted very much for Liv to take her bikini off. And it almost seemed like she was pushing for it. However, her seeing my dick, an inevitably erect dick, gave me pause. What if she took offense?

"Is it a problem for you?" I said, trying to deflect. It didn't work.

"Nope," Liv said. "And we're wasting hot water. Leave your trunks on if you want. I want to feel clean." With that my sister reached behind her and untied her top. It fell away to reveal two petite and perky breasts, with a pair of lovely nipples. Without skipping a beat, she shimmied out of her bottoms as well. I was surprised to see my sister clean shaved, with two cute pussy lips above her thigh gap. "It's bikini season." She said in response to my look, as if this was a completely normal situation, and my mouth wasn't on the floor. Hanging her swimsuit pieces on the door knob she came over to join me, sliding right past me into the path of the shower head. "Ahhh" She sighed as the water cascaded over her body.

Her back now turned to me, I was left staring at her incredible ass. I tried to take a breath, but found my soul might have left my body. This was no stiff breeze, this was a hurricane, and my cock was responding in kind. It strained against my swimsuit, hard as a rock. I stared for most likely longer than I should have. Liv seemed oblivious to my wandering eyes, content to rinse herself in the lukewarm water, eyes closed.

After a while she reached for her soap, and started lathering herself up. Watching her hands slide over her own body, working up and down her arms and legs, over her boobs and butt, it drove me absolutely crazy. I was having trouble registering what exactly it was I was feeling. My kid sister isn't a kid anymore, I thought again. At that moment she wasn't exactly my sister either. She was only a beautifully sensual, naked teen. She washed most of her body as if I wasn't there, with standard efficiency. Still somewhat shell shocked, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do. Her voice snapped me out of it.

"Wash my back?" Liv finally asked, peeking an eye open to look over at me. Her arms were held up close to her chest, so that I no longer had a view of her boobs. She was still turned away from me too, so while her naked ass was still in my face, her posture seemed almost modest, as if, despite her boldness thus far, she was suddenly shy about being naked in front of me.

"Yeah," I said, almost stumbling over the word. She turned completely away from me again and into the water stream, holding out her soap. I got closer to her, taking the bottle from her and staring at her flawless back. Still somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of inadvertently shoving my erection in her face, I left my trunks on, as inconvenient to my own comfort as it was. I lathered her back quickly, running my hands over her smooth skin. "Alright, rinse." I said, without really thinking about what that entailed.

Liv spun around, coming face to face with me, her full front on display. I tried to keep my eyes on hers, but couldn't help but do a once over. She must have seen my boner tenting my swimsuit, roughly level with her lower stomach, but she said nothing about it. No accusations of me being gross or a pervert. Only "thanks, your turn."

We switched places. I started lathering myself up while she put shampoo in her hair. I tried to keep my gaze on the wall under the showerhead, not sneaking needless glances behind me. I did my arms and upper body easily enough, but was struggling with my lower half. My dick was showing no signs of going down without attention, and it was causing a problem with the waistband and lining in the swim trunks, making it hard to effectively lather my nethers. I heard Liv snicker.

"Just take the damn thing off." She said from behind me. I was surprised how close her voice sounded, Liv must have finished with her hair and was waiting for another rinse. "What are you messing around for?"

"I have a bit of a situation here." I said, not looking at her.

"What? Your boner?" She giggled. "You think I've never seen a hard dick before? I've seen yours for christ sake, you've walked around the house in boxers since we were like ten! C'mon Will, you're making this harder than it needs to be. Pun not intended."

"Fine. I just don't want you to get any wrong ideas," I said.

"You're such a child. You know women take that as a compliment, right? When a guy is hard because of them?"

"Yeah but guys usually don't get hard because of their sister!"

"Ahah! It is hard because of me!"

"That's not..." I sighed and turned around. Liv was still naked, still gorgeous, and still wearing a shit eating grin. "Can you go ten seconds without messing with me?"

"Not a chance. Now get those off and get yourself clean. I'll get your back."

I obliged, swiping my trunks down and tossing them into the corner. My cock sprang up, finally free, still at full attention. I turned back toward the shower head, but not before I caught Liv giving me a good return once over. I could've sworn her hazel eyes lingered on the length of my dick. I dismissed it again as a horny brain seeing things.

I stayed hard through the rest of our shower. Liv's soft hands running up and down my back did not help. A few times I considered just going balls to the walls and jacking off right there in front of her. I held myself back though, and before I knew it she was telling me to rinse and switch again. I got one last look at my slender sister and her beautiful body, before I decided I shouldn't stare. I turned away and picked up my towel, drying myself off. She followed me out soon after, picking up her two towels, one for her hair and one for her body, and wrapping herself up. As if on cue dad banged on the door.

"You two almost done in there?"

"Yep, just drying off!" I yelled back. I slipped on my boxers, though they still tented embarrassingly around my dick. Liv hid a smile and I shot her an evil look. "It's not funny."

"It really is," She said. "How are you going to hide that thing from them?"

"Well apparently I've been swinging it around since I was ten, so maybe I don't have to."

"If I was you, I couldn't imagine waving my boner around in front of mom. I couldn't have my boobs out in front of dad."

"Oh but you could have them out in front of me?" I asked. Liv just shrugged. "Well I wasn't planning on having this problem for this long, if you must know," I continued. "But someone had to suggest a double shower."

"Hey, I never said you couldn't take care of it." She raised her hands up as if to disavow the blame.

"Yeah right, we crossed the nudity bridge. Jacking off in front of each other is the next logical step."

"Wait a minute here, who said in front of each other? You sir, could have easily done it in the corner over there. Next time just let me know, and I'll look away while you do."

"If it were that simple," I said.

"Don't see why it isn't." Liv replied. Before I could say something else, she unlocked the door and let herself out. Improvising, I wrapped my towel loosely around my waist to hide my erection. With my sister's body covered it was wilting somewhat, but remained decently apparent. Dad was waiting in the living room with his own stuff.

"Bout time," He said. "Any hot water left?"

"Some." I said, and moved over to the couch my bag lay on. Mom was reading quietly on another chair. I messed around with my bag. Usually I slept naked, but if I was going to be sleeping in the main room I'd have to at least lounge around with something on. The shower turned back on as dad got in. It was getting pretty late and I was beat. My dick relatively calmed down, I hung up my towel and started sifting through my things, wondering how I was going to make this sleeping arrangement work.

"What are you doing?" It was Liv from above me, she leaned over the railing. "Bring your stuff up here already."

"Aren't you staying in the second bedroom?" I looked at her quizzically.

"Yeah, but you are too. There's plenty of space, we'll share it." She shook her head as if it were obvious. "Get up here, dumbass!"


Growing up, vacation room assignments in our family had gone through three phases. When we were really little, it had been one room, or me by myself. I had very few memories of vacations with this set up, and what few I did recall were very vague. Then, when me and Liv got older, and went through our friend stage, it was a room for the parents and a room for the kids. Often we'd get two twin beds, but it hadn't been uncommon for us to share a bed. I remembered these vacations fondest. Late nights with our sheets propped up, giggling to each other as co-conspirators, pretending to be asleep when mom sent dad to tell us to go to bed.

Then we became teens, and things changed again. It became me and my dad in a room, my mom and sister in the other. It made sense as two teenagers in need of more peer related privacy. I'd assumed that wouldn't be the case for this lake trip, my sister and I mature enough to let our parents sleep in the same bed again. But I'd also assumed we wouldn't be returning to the sibling sharing aspect either. So it was safe to say Liv's call caught me off guard.

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