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Will & Olivia


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After Dominion we went casual, playing some simple card games. My mom was still the best at that too, though I did pull out a round of crazy eights. My dad asked for a go fish cool down, which we were happy to provide him. I think the three of us kinda let him win too, the rest of us already having gotten a few wins that night. By then it was getting pretty late. We talked about what we could do tomorrow. Liv was clear about how me and her needed to finish our tan, the implications of which were not lost on me. Dad said if we really wanted, there were boats available you could rent by the hour for tubing or water skiing. Neither Liv or I were very compelled by the idea, so he let it go.

"You can't just lay around, sunbathe, and swim all week." Dad said at some point, after we shot down a few other ideas.

"What's so wrong with that?" Liv said. She'd left the table and laid sprawled out on the area rug that covered the wood floor. We were on our third drink, or maybe fourth. I couldn't quite remember. "Also, Will, I want the rest of my massage. I'm cashing in." She mumbled.

"She's already got you working with those hands of yours, huh?" Mom said.

"I gave her one while we sunbathed, but I got too hot in the sun." I explained, leaving out the part about us being buck ass nude. "Told her I'd make it up to her."

"Make it up to me!" She called again from the floor.

"You better get to work," Mom said to me. "I'm going to turn in."

"I'll join you, gonna take a cold shower first, try and beat the heat a bit." Dad said. He had been moving the gaming stuff to the counter, and cleaning up the empty glasses on the table.

"Will!" Liv yelled again into the floor.

"Coming," I assured her, standing up and stretching a bit. I had half been hoping to make up for the interrupted massage in the privacy of our room. Maybe it was the alcohol, but looking back at us leaving the platform, I'd thought she was insinuating something with how specific she'd been about making the massage up to her later that night. I suppose not.

I assumed the position overtop of her, on her thighs. We'd both changed out of our swimsuits before dinner. I'd opted for shorts, and did have a shirt on now. Liv had put on small jean shorts, and a crop top. I could have just started with her ass, but didn't want to short change her again. I intended on giving her the full experience, start to finish. As such, I started with her neck, carefully working her out, moving slowly into her shoulders and then upper back. Eventually she got tired of me rubbing through the shirt, and went to take it off. I assumed she had a bra on, and while a little risky, it had not been uncommon for me to give her a massage with her shirt off when we were teens. It was a small white shirt... and she didn't have anything under it. All of a sudden I was staring at her boobs.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. Mom had gone into the bedroom, but the door was still cracked. Dad was showering, but could be out any minute, and would have to come out to cross into their room.

"It's no big deal, I'll be on my stomach."

"Our parents?"

"What about them?"

"Dad will be done eventually. And what if mom, like, needs a drink of water?"

She thought about it for a second, then sighed. "You're right. C'mon." Without putting her shirt back on, Liv stood up and walked over to the ladder, climbing it with the customary creaks. Suddenly it looked like I was getting my wish of a private massage after all. Shaking my head at her brashness, and wondering if she had had too much to drink, I followed her up the ladder.

The heat hit like a truck. All the hot air, blasted by the sun all day, had cycled up into and been trapped in the loft. The rest of the cabin was easily in the eighties, but I would not have been surprised to learn the upstairs was comfortably in the nineties. It was a virtual sauna. I took a deep breath in the heat. I dealt with heat well usually, but even this was intense for me. I followed Liv into our room. She was sitting on the bed, still topless, also heat shocked.

"Woah." She said

"Yeah... might be hard to sleep tonight."

"You're telling me." She wiped her brow. "But this'll make for a sweet massage room."

"Yeah, but I'll only be able to go half as long. Hurry up and flip over before I faint."

"One second," Liv stood and shimmied out of her shorts. She paused again, looking at the door. I could guess where her mind was at.

"If we shut that, it'll get worse in here," I said.

"Then don't. We'll hear if they come up. Besides, why would they ever need to?" She said about our parents.

"You have a point."

"Should be safe." With that she slipped her panties off too, revealing for the second time that day her shaved pussy. I couldn't help but stare. Slender and nubile, my sister really was so pretty. I thought about telling her that, but hesitated, remembering my slip up on the makeshift deck. She didn't give me long to look, turning and laying on her stomach, on top of the sheets.

"Ready." She confirmed.

I hopped up on the bed with her, taking the position I left off in. It was much easier to massage her bareback, and as I was still clothed, I had no taboo contact distracting me. I worked out what knots I'd missed earlier, heading downward at a steady rate, making sure to get every single part of her. Liv bent into the bed, straining and squirming under my hands, every once in a while letting out a "ahh" or "ooohh" as I pried a muscle loose. I was just starting on her upper ass when there was the sound of our dad getting out of the shower. I paused, and noticed Liv open her eyes and stare at the door. There was the sound of movement below, some fumbling in the kitchen, then:

"Goodnight you two!"

"Goodnight" Liv and I yelled back. Satisfied, our dad flipped the main room light off, plunging the outside into darkness. The light in our room was still on, so I waited until I heard the door close directly under us to start again. I took an extra moment to catch my breath. It was so hot. I was sweating pretty heavily already, and wiped some moisture off my face with my shirt. When I opened my eyes again I saw Liv giving me an eye.

"Getting a little hot up there?" She asked.

"A bit."

"Would you last longer with your clothes off?"

"I might."

"Then what are you waiting for? I can't be the only one giving a show!" We were talking in low voices, lest anything we say carry through the open door to the wrong ears. Something about the prodding in Liv's voice stopped me from questioning it further. I swung off of her and took my shirt off. Her head on her side, her hazel eyes stared directly at me, watching me undress. I slipped my shorts and boxers off in one motion. For the first time my dick didn't spring free, only at about seventy percent. Liv raised an eyebrow.

"It's really fucking hot." I said as a meager explanation.

"It just got hotter," Liv smirked. "Get the light too."

I obliged, flipping the switch. We were plunged into momentary darkness, but it was another clear night, so our eyes adjusted, and we could see well enough by the moonlight. I walked slowly over to Liv, where she lay waiting for me, and swung back up on top of her, into the exact position we had been in that afternoon. The only difference this time was where my dick fell. Not quite fully erect, not yet, for a brief moment it landed directly in her ass crack. She giggled at the feeling, and wiggled playfully under me, shaking her cheeks slightly around my dick. That was all it took. My boner was back, and it peeled itself back up onto the side of her ass.

Naked myself, I noticed now Liv was sticky with sweat too. Our bodies stuck together, both trying desperately to cool themselves off. I picked up where I had left off, on the top of her ass, and slowly worked my way down. It was a bit of a different experience in the dim light. I'd only ever touched her while being able to see exactly what I was doing. I could still see the majority, but there was much more room for guesswork. With the light on, I'd been able to see the back of her pussy, now that it was off, there was nothing between her ass but enticing shadows. I tried not to think about it.

I spent a lot of time on her maximus, deep rubbing her ass cheeks until I got sighs of release from her on both sides. I wanted to keep going, I really did, but a little into her upper thighs, and my hands ached and I was breathing heavily in the stuffy room. I paused and Liv noticed.

"Thanks. I know it's hot. You can be done. That was amazing." She reached a hand back trying to find a piece of me. She touched my arm and gave it a squeeze.

Gratefully, I slid off her toward the side where the wall and bed met. I was very aware of how our skin unstuck itself, the feeling of our bodies pulling apart. I backed up against the wall, so that I was propped up slightly width wise across the bed. I wanted to be lengthwise, parallel with Liv, but it was so hot I just took a breather. Liv flipped over onto her back, and scooted up against the headpost, so that she was also half sitting, perpendicular to me. Even in the dark, I could make out most of her features. She watched me, and I watched her.

"Thanks, I really missed your massages."

"I missed giving them." I told her, honestly.

"It really wasn't the same with you gone." Liv spoke in a small voice.

"Well I really missed being at home. I really missed you."

Liv didn't say anything right away. I couldn't tell why, but it seemed like I hadn't said exactly what she wanted to hear. I didn't know what she wanted to hear, so said nothing else. She was quiet for so long in the hot darkness, I almost thought she might have fallen asleep. But then she spoke again. The tone in her voice was different. Instead of reminiscent, and emotional, it was light again. Playful and mischievous. Like she always talked when she was about to get into some trouble.

"Have you had a chance to uhh, relieve it yet?"

"Relieve what?" I knew what she meant, but wanted to hear her say it.

"You know, your dick. It's staring me in the face right now. I've heard other guys say it starts to hurt if it's hard for too long."

"It can, I suppose, but it's more like an ache."

"Is that a no?"

"That's a no." I said. "I tried while you were shopping, but didn't finish in time." I had no idea why I added that second bit.

Liv giggled. "Yeah... again, you're not exactly stealthy."

"Why is my sister asking about my jerk off habits?"

I saw her shift in the dark. "I feel bad. I feel like I've interrupted you, like twice now. Cock blocked you with yourself." Another small laugh. Three times. I thought, thinking about the morning bathroom banging. "Do you want to do it now?"

"What?" I'd heard her, but wasn't sure if I'd heard her right.

"Masturbate. You can do it right now. I wouldn't mind."

"I was right! Showering together was step one. Now jacking off in front of each other is the only logical progression."

Even in the dark I knew she was rolling her eyes at me. "Oh shut up. If anything it went nudity, massage, then masturbating. I'm trying to be accommodating here. Will you or not?"

"I could just go downstairs if I wanted, do it in the bathroom."

"Nothing's stopping you. But I can't imagine that would be as comfortable as doing it in bed."

"No, it's not. You have a point."

"Then do it. Really, I don't mind." Liv watched me, but in the lowlight I couldn't quite read her face, the minutiae of her expression hidden in the shadows. I wasn't sure if I should be joking or serious with my reply. Despite all the nudity, and now the contact, I couldn't quite get past doing something explicitly sexual in front of my sister. There was always the chance she was messing with me. I decided to test the waters.

"Well in the shower you said you'd look away. Would you look away now?"

"I suppose, if you wanted me too." She shrugged. "But it's a little dark, I can't see clearly anyways."

I decided to test her even more. "It almost sounds like you want me to masturbate in front of you." It was risky, but was as close to asking her 'what do you want?' without saying the words. She could just as easily go 'ew, gross' as 'yes'. What she did say... Well, I wasn't expecting that.

Liv let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, you got me. I want to rub one out too, and I would feel way more comfortable doing it if you were too."

I was not expecting that. I burst out laughing. "And here you had me thinking I was the horned up sibling."

"Shut up. Neither of us are ones to talk." She gave me a playful kick. Our legs were close together already, and after pushing her foot into my calf she kept it on top of my shin. Something about even that small contact increased the tension between us. My dick ached. "You aren't the only one unable to get alone time on this trip." Even in the darkness, I could tell Liv wasn't looking at my face anymore, instead running her eyes over my body. "Finding out my brother has only gotten hotter since leaving me definitely has not helped either."


"I already said I was always interested in your body. College has been... good for you. For your figure."

"It almost sounds like someone has a crush." I said, my turn to smirk. Liv didn't respond. I took on a more serious tone. "I feel the same about you. You've really... uh... grown up."

We were quiet for a second.

"It doesn't feel weird to you?" I finally asked.

"No. Does it feel weird to you?"

"No," I admitted. It had at first, but as we'd talked, and got closer and more comfortable with each other, suddenly I realized it no longer felt weird at all. It felt innocent, wholesome, even right.

"So, to recap, we're both driving each other crazy," Liv said, her voice quiet. "And we can either suffer through the week tiptoeing around it, or just rip the bandaid off now." I realized she was trying to figure out how to start, and that in a way we'd already agreed this was going to happen.

"I vote to rip the bandaid off." I said, matching her low tone.

"Me too." Liv said. We looked at each other, making shadowy eye contact.

Suddenly I became even more aware of the heat in the room. I was covered in a light sweat. I could see faint traces of moisture on Liv as well, on her boobs, near her nipples, on her toned stomach and slender thighs. I decided to go for it. I reached down and gripped my hard dick in my hand, never once looking away from my sister. Tentatively, I started stroking. Even though we'd just agreed to this, I wanted to give her every opportunity to back out. I couldn't risk hurting her, not Olivia. Not ever.

Liv didn't flinch. She watched my hand work up and down my dick, her mouth open ever so slightly. Watching her watch me was so incredibly hot. I felt my dick pulse under my hand. I resisted the urge to start stroking faster. I wanted this to last. She watched me for maybe a minute or two before moving herself. I felt Liv's foot shift onto my thigh as she spread her own legs. My gaze had been going from her eyes to her boobs, and back. Now they went to the cute lips between her legs. She spread wide, I can only imagine for my benefit, her foot and calf coming to rest on my upper thigh, curled around my leg. Slowly she traced her hand around her slit, before starting to rub just as slowly as I was stroking. Her eyes never left my cock.

We were both breathing heavily now. The room was stifling, and the increased heart rates and active motions had caused us both to sweat even more. I continued to work my cock, a little faster, then slower, then faster again. My eyes ran up and down my sister's naked body. Liv shuddered, her ragged breaths coming just as fast as my own. One of her hands played with her boobs, squeezing and every so often tweaking a nipple. The other was rubbing her clit, pleasuring herself as she watched me do the same. Her body glistened In the quiet light of the moon coming in through the skylight. I felt the leg she'd hooked over mine tense, almost as if she was trying to pull me closer. Without really thinking, I switched hands, putting my left on my shaft, and my right on her leg. Her response was immediate. I felt her tremble under my hand. I gave her a squeeze, and Liv's breath caught.

I didn't really apply any pressure one way or the other, but I felt her gravitate toward my touch. My hand traced up her leg, reaching her lower thigh, just above the knee. She started to lean toward me, almost sitting up, I felt her shift weight as she responded to my caressing. I leaned forward too, separating from the wall I was using as a back rest. Still stroking myself, I nudged closer to her as she nudged closer to me. Our legs were now fully entangled, and there was maybe less than a foot between us.

I stared into her eyes, framed by that dirty blonde hair, two little hazel lights in the night, and she stared into mine. Liv was biting her lip, her cute pouting lip that had haunted me my whole life. Forgetting my dick for a second, I took her head in both hands, pulled her toward me, and kissed her on the lips.

We kissed with a sudden and deep passion. For that brief, magical moment, the heat was forgotten, our masquerade of masturbation was forgotten, the cabin and everything around us; forgotten. It was only us, sharing our first kiss. Liv's lips were soft and wet, with a hint of salt from the sweat that got caught between us. Both our mouths moved, slow and gentle, exploring each other carefully, hesitantly. I held the sides of her head and neck, under her chin, pulling her to me as tenderly as I could. Her hands found my sides, and arms and shoulders, running over me as we kissed, not sure where they wanted to land. When we separated, it felt like a part of me died. I looked deep into her eyes, hoping against hope she wasn't about to cut this experience short, that she'd felt some shred of what I had.

Liv's breath came heavy, her voice husky. "Took you long enough." That was all she said, and she reached for me again.

We kissed for a long time, just kissed. Naked in bed together, both awkwardly leaning forward, with our legs a mess between us. It was an innocent kiss, a special kiss, the kiss that happens when two people finally give in to each other for the first time, and hardly expect anything else to happen, much less register what else there is to do. Liv was the best kiss I had ever had in my life. I had never really registered what made a kiss good or bad. They had always just been kisses to me. Kissing Liv was good. It was really good.

When we came up for air the second time, I finally became aware of my back, which was starting to hurt a bit from the awkward posture. I untangled myself from Liv, and pulled myself all the way forward, until we were next to each other, laying propped up on the pile of pillows she'd brought. The second I was comfortable, she pulled herself back into me with another kiss. This one was shorter and more aggressive. Liv giggled, causing me to pull away briefly.

"What?" I whispered.

"You're really poking me now."

I was too. My cock pressed up against her belly.

"Well our, erhm, session, kinda got interrupted. Again."

"You haven't finished yet? Poor baby brother." Liv cooed, and I melted. "Let me help." Her small hand reached down into the space between us, and found my cock. It took a little maneuvering, but she was able to get a good hold on it. She started stroking me carefully, delicately. "Does that feel good?" She asked after a second. I nodded faster than I ever had in my entire life. I pulled her lips to mine again and we kissed some more.

Most handjobs I'd ever gotten had been too rough. My sister was careful, stroking softly up and down, rubbing a thumb on the head every once in a while, and regularly dropping down to squeeze my balls. It was nothing transcendent, not apt to make me cum immediately, rather it was sweet, sensual, and caring. And in that moment, that was all I wanted.

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