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Will You Respec Me in the Morning?

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A Mage meets a smart girl and makes her dumb.
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Ben sipped on his single malt and looked along the length of the packed bar to the far short side. A mouthwatering young blonde was getting chatted up by six guys in what appeared to be a practiced and well-coordinated effort. College football players out celebrating the end of the season, from the look of it. From his vantage point, it was clear they'd done this kind of thing many times before, circling the poor first-year like lions preparing to put down an unwary gazelle. Ben figured there was a gangbang ahead in the not too distant future for the unwitting young blonde. She was the only one that didn't know it yet.

Recalling that the local team was named after the big cat, he smirked. Shared take-downs like the one in progress might be a long-standing team tradition.

Turning away from the footballers' pursuit, as entertaining as it was, Ben focused on his own.

Three young women were chatting right behind him while they were trying to get a bartender's attention. "God, the finals are even worse this year. Why did I let dad talk me into going for an MSc? I was done! And today, Professor J suggested that the paper I'd submitted should be the base of my dissertation since it would make a perfect topic for my PhD! I'm sure that will give dad just great ideas when I tell him," he heard behind him. "Sometimes I just wish I was as clueless as that blonde bimbo over there, so I didn't have to worry about all thes—Oh, sorry!" the voice said as Ben sat up subtly to make the girl think she'd gotten jostled against his shoulder by the crowd pressing in behind her when they made contact.

He turned around on the stool and smiled at her. He'd watched her in the mirror behind the bar and had already pinned down the type. Sumptuous brunette, slender and graceful like a dancer. Intelligent, conscientious—and at the end of her wits from the demands of academic life.

"Careful what you wish for," he said, taking the opportunity to butt into their conversation. "I would love to grant that! Let you take a break from that always-on, brilliant brain for a night, to experience true mindfulness. Like a holiday from yourself!"

He wasn't lying. His reality-shifting magic and the sort of alterations he enjoyed implementing in a girl was ideal for just that sort of thing. And obtaining a new collectible that he could shift to pay for his extravagant lifestyle was why he was at this well-known student hangout tonight. This accomplished and beautiful postgrad would do perfectly.

"Yeah, sure, I don't do drugs," his attractive quarry said with annoyance, almost dismissing him and turning back to her friends before giving his handmade Ralph Lauren another look. She glanced up at him, head tilted to the side, unable to match his well-groomed presentation with the trope of a student bar drug dealer.

He just shook his head and grinned at her. She was clever. She'd figure it out.

"Wait, are you talking about magic?" the girl suddenly said, and his grin grew wider. "You're some sort of doll Maker, aren't you? Are you offering to adjust me to help me relax?" She flashed an impish smile at her friends, then leaned into his ear to speak softer. He could smell the alluring scent of her hair as she got close to him. "What exactly are you suggesting? And will you turn me back afterward? Perhaps leaving a few fun improvements when we part?" she asked playfully, glancing back over her shoulder at her giggling friends before looking back at him, her deep brown eyes meeting his.

He knew he had her. He kept a straight face, just enjoyed watching the intelligent spark in her eyes as the idea firmly took hold in her, her creativity running wild exploring the potentials of this unique opportunity. Fully engaged and using her intellect like this, the young woman was absolutely stunning. Anyone could recognize how this one had a bright future ahead of her, which made the whole thing just so much better. Once he'd used his power to make her into a mindless amusement, those lively and curious big eyes that currently took in everything would be as beautifully empty and blank as a doll's.

"I can turn you back in the morning if you want," he said. Then he grinned and spoke louder, so her friends and anyone near could hear. "So... was your wish just empty talk, or would you like to spend a night as a carefree, empty-headed bimbo? Should we turn that bothersome brain of yours off for a little while—so you can experience how it feels to be an easygoing, simple-minded little fucktoy?"

The brunette gasped at his boldness and began blushing, breaking eye-contact and looking down demurely. Ben could tell she was intentionally using the tawny curls falling forward over her face to hide from him while her face burned. The coyness only added to her allure. The girl let out a nervous little giggle—then her quick mind seemed to come to a decision, and she grinned and nodded to herself—her demeanor changed.

Ben's selected plaything looked up at him from behind her styled, voluminous locks, those big eyes of hers steadily meeting his again. "Come... tell me more about what you're going to do to me," she breathed. She turned and glanced back at him over her shoulder as she started sashaying towards the private booths. Following the girl past the bar towards the club's sit-down area, Ben admired her tight ass and how she wiggled it to hold his attention.

'Gotcha!' he thought.


Ben's gift was a constrained form of magic, every positive change a tradeoff—coming with a cost somewhere else. A character Maker, he was able to respec a female like in a role-playing game, draining points from one aspect while adding it to another. He had since long figured out that min-maxing a girl—limiting her to shine in just one, prescribed way—gave him the most joy. Anyone that had ever played one of these games on a computer knew how that stuff worked. You entirely drained a stat you didn't care for, so you could max out something more fun.

If you got bored of a particular setup, you'd just switch out the character for someone that was min-maxed a different way. Maybe make a new character. That was why he had such an extensive stable of girls at home. Keeping them all incurred unreasonably high living expenses, but it was so hard to cut down.

Leah was apparently not the sort of young woman that spent much time on computer games, so he hadn't explained all the intricacies of his magic to her. Anything she'd learn would soon be gone anyway, so better keep it to the basics.

"But what if I'm so much fun tonight that you want to keep me? Will you still respec me in the morning?" Leah said and smiled mischievously.

Ben just chuckled, amused even though he'd heard that joke so many times before.

"But you will turn me back, right?" she said, more serious.

"Of course, if you want me to. I can adjust you for twenty hours—whatever you are after that, you're stuck with. There's no adventure without risk—maybe you are the one that has so much fun you want to stay what you become?"

"Stay dumb and have to drop out of school? That's not going to happen, I promise you that! I finish what I start! Just ace it for six more months, and I'll get my Master's. Homestretch!" she said as if trying to convince herself. "At least there are no student loans," she added, managing to look guilty about it.

"The little postgrad's mommy and daddy paying?" he teased with a chuckle, and she nodded with another chastened look, biting her lip.

Ben knew her type, intimately. Dutiful to a fault, parents probably making her study something she didn't enjoy, pressuring her with the already sunk costs of the education they were paying for. Good girls like her never really got to be in the moment; they were always agonizing about the future. It was the type that was oh-so-easy to lure with the sort of break he could offer, the one most vulnerable to its charms.

The brilliant ones always seemed to relish the thought of not having to think, to be allowed to shrug off all obligations and just descend in perpetual, empty-headed bliss. The more intelligent the girl, the hornier she seemed to get when he reduced her mind. It really was the perfect submission for an intelligent female.

Ben delighted in changing someone talented to make her lose her gift—getting to drain a blessed girl's innate potential was such a decadent turn-on. He imagined it was the same sort of feeling the trust-fund brats got from ordering a bottle of expensive champagne on an evening out and then telling the bartender to pour it out into the sink, the costly bottle just thrown away for bragging rights. It was wasteful consumption taken to the next level.

This girl would beg him to let her pretty little head stay as empty as one of those bottles; he was sure of it.

"If you say so," he said, grinning knowingly, not trying to hide that he didn't believe her. "I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. In fact, I'm very much looking forward to finding out how you perform in the bedroom once I have you in your new configuration. You will be fun! I guarantee it!" He paused. "Just know that I don't have room to add yet another bimbo to my household collection. If you don't want to go back, I will sell you. I am trying to stay ahead of the mortgage, so some minor earnings from your sale would be excellent!"

The girl tittered anxiously at that, swallowed, and then looked up at him with her big, brown eyes from under her bangs. "You just want me for my body," she complained as she struggled to gather her courage.

"Yes," he said frankly, "and once I've emptied your pretty little head, that will be the only part of you left."

"Mmh!" she said, and he could see by her flushing face how much that notion was turning her on. The submissive little postgrad squared her shoulders and pouted. "Don't scare me!" she admonished. "Are you trying to bed me or not? Just take me home and fuck my brains out!"


He started changing her in the taxi already, dulling her mind gently to make her giggly and more submissive, as if he'd gotten her optimally drunk. It was always such a treat gazing deeply into a woman's eyes and watching her bright spark slowly dim when he made her tits grow. With the extra points put into her cleavage, waist, and face, she looked so gorgeous she was positively doll-like when they rolled up outside her place.

He didn't make her too loopy yet, though; she was somewhat still herself when she let him into her studio. She'd started out so intelligent that she had points to spare, an almost endless supply to shift into fun stuff that was really only intended to make her a better toy.

Leah was truly no different from any of the numerous gifted coeds he'd plucked over the years. He did this for a living, after all. Every time he drained some of her intelligence to move points to her more entertaining traits, she moaned as she felt her mind reducing, looking up at him dazedly with more of the brilliance gone from her eyes every time he dulled her.

He stole a brief look at her bookshelf as he ushered her to her bed—it was filled to the brim with hefty science volumes about chemistry and biology and specialized subjects he didn't even try to identify. He planned to make them all useless to her anyway.

He pushed the postgrad down on the mattress and started working on her for real, the scrumptious little bimbo-to-be moaning submissively every time he forced a change on her, gasping and grunting as he strained her body to find her new limits when testing his improvements. She was a phenomenal fuckdoll already, and grew significantly more satisfying every time he took her. He altered her without any consideration for her well-being, and what used to be a girl gradually became his latest masterpiece—all body and sex drive, everything else cut.

It was a long and satisfying night as he exerted her hard on the bed in her little student apartment, showed her exactly why the sort of mindless fuckdoll he was reshaping her into was so satisfying for both plaything and user. Repeatedly he lowered her intelligence, and used the points to improve her physique and constitution—molding her into precisely the brainless sort of harlot he'd decided she should be. By the end of it, he had her drooling and just panting with her tongue out, bleating brainlessly when he fucked her. He used her again and again, luxuriating in what he'd done to the girl.


When he stirred the next day, he found her on the floor next to the bed, completely surrounded by open textbooks, franticly masturbating. Based on the disarray, she'd been at it for a while.

"I used to underst—under—ooh—get all of this... Ooooh mmm... but now it means nothing to me! God, that's so hot!" the little bimbo moaned happily with her new, breathy baby voice. The dumb and weak-willed little thing was utterly at the mercy of her body's unquenchable desires, and she was shamelessly grinding her sex over the ribbed spine of a closed book she had straddled—masturbating herself with one of the tomes filled with the knowledge she had strived so hard to master. "Mmm, I'm sooo stupid... I can't even read! Ooooh!" the girl whimpered and then suddenly came from the slow realization. Her sex gushed lubrication that ran down over the book, slowly ruining it as she kept grinding—while fruitlessly struggling to truly grasp how simple she now was.

She turned her empty little head and gazed up at him with that perpetually surprised, brainless look on her face. Her eyes were as vacuous and glassy as a doll's. "Mmm, fuck me on these stupid books! I don't want them anymore!" the doll giggled, sliding down to her fours over the opened volumes—ass towards him and presented delightfully as she looked back at him with those glassy eyes over her shoulder.

"I take it you don't want to go back," he said as he moved to behind the needy bimbo and laced his fingers into the soft hair at the back of her head. He closed his fist around her locks and yanked her head back to force her spine into a tight, painful bend, and growled into her ear. "So you must want to be taken to the market and auctioned like chattel to the highest bidder," he stated, then pushed his cock into her slick cunt.

"Ooooh!—Yes!" she cried, clenching her enhanced sex around him, mewling in response to him savagely tugging her hair. "Ah! You can sell me! Please? Sell me..." she whimpered. Her hands clutched her overfilled tits while he held her up by her hair and fucked the dumb girl so hard that her eyes rolled up into her head. "I don't want to be clever and—ooh—do all that doctor stuff," she moaned in rhythm with the pounding. "You made me so dumb and—ooh—happy! I want to stay like this forever and ever and ever! Ah! Don't you want me to be like—ah!—super dumb forever?" she whimpered as he did his best to fuck the last of the wits out of her adorable little noggin.

"I told you this was going to happen," he grunted smugly, then released her hair and let her fall forward, soliciting a sexy little yelp from the startled girl. She cried out softly when her big tits got squashed against the books on the floor, cushioning her fall and leaving her ass-up.

He pulled out and came over the lovely curve of her back and lustrous hair. The bimbo rubbed her tits against the pages of the open books in mindless arousal while he covered her, his seed trickling down onto the expensive science textbooks spread out under her arching form—the daughter wasting even more of the hard-earned resources her dedicated parents had invested in her. As if already having melted the exceptional brain they had spent so much on to fill with education just wasn't enough. "You pampered graduate whores are always the same," he murmured contently.

"Yes—yes—oh yes!" the little slut keened eagerly, cresting under the cum shower, grinding her gaping cunt over the books. "I was silly and wrong and then you made me better and I feel sooo goo—OH!" She came again and the cute chattering finally ceased, the girl now only capable of cum-dopey moaning.

Even in this state, she couldn't stop her desperate self-stimulation, her fingers wantonly driven into her needy sex. He'd have to put her in cuffs soon, or she'd harm herself. Ben smiled. An antsy slavegirl in restraints always made for an appealing display.

He patted the broken female's vacant head, carefully avoiding the spots in her hair where his sperm soiled her. "Good girl," he said. "You will sell easily." And just as importantly—she would bring in a small fortune.

Ben would be able to settle the bills for a while.

And the drooling girl would get a Master—just not the Master of Science her parents had planned.


If you liked this story, please leave a comment! <3 And please check out my other stories!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very hot. I was excited by the new flavoring of this idea. I enjoyed the premise and result of this one more than the first.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love your work

Love your stories, great to see a continuation with the maker idea. The brain drain/Bimbofication is not really to my taste, but to each their own I suppose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

good written story.

i wished this could really happen to me. (grins)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Respec is a word

In regards to a previous comment, 'respec' is a term in video games that means to reset and change the specs of a player character (re-spec).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Ben the Doll Maker Rules!

I really like your continuation of the Doll Maker Universe from your Descent series and hope you do more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story as usual

As always, top quality writing. Do you think you'll ever do one between a maker and a sub with complete consent? I think it'd be an interesting dynamic to have the shaping thing happen with the sub actually fully consenting and the maker not taking advantage, or too much at least.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

At least spell "respect" correctly...

concrete666concrete666almost 4 years ago
Still got it!

Glad you're still writing~!

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