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Winning Favor


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I felt Dennis take his cock from me with two fingers. I steadied myself with my arms on his thighs and my mouth open wide. Dennis pulled at the thick shaft, prodding my lips with the bulbous tip. I stuck out my tongue, feeling the silky smooth knob glide back and forth across my taste buds. The texture reminded me of a boiled egg, soft enough to give but firm enough to apply pressure.

Dennis beat my tongue with the huge tip until I thought it might bruise my mouth. I hunkered low and spread my lips wider, accepting the assault. He kept the demeaning act up for some time. I realized his cock was fattening and firming even more as he did. I stared up at him for the first time and watched him watch me. His eyes glared down at me through their narrow slits. His deep breaths rumbled up through a jutting jaw and out of his open mouth.

The angle of the thick cock changed when it ceased beating at my tongue and lips. Then my head was forced down by the powerful hand that gripped the back of my skull.

Dennis pushed me down until my head was crammed full of flesh and hair. The meaty cock bunched itself against my lips until the whole thing was inside my head. I felt his warm balls touch my smooth chin. The entire thing pulsated in my mouth, swelling back against my cheeks, my teeth, my tongue, and my tonsils.

He pulled at my hair and my head went sliding wetly away. I stared down a meaty road of skin at Dennis's crotch. I was holding my breath, and just when I thought the round tip would slip through my lips, Dennis tugged me back down.

The fattened cock was much straighter now. I fought the urge to gag when the bulbous head slid over the back of my tongue. It pulled back through my mouth again, then crammed itself into my head just the same. This time I felt Dennis push his hips forward. My lips were now an inch from his hairy base, unlike before. Still, the stiff cock pressed at my throat painfully.

I gasped when Dennis pulled my head off of his cock. I stared up at him in a daze while he took the shaft in his fingers again and smeared saliva across my lips and nose. I let him do as he wished. I felt incredible to be controlled like this. I held out my tongue and allowed the firm shaft to wag across it.

At least until I couldn't take it anymore.

I plucked the thick cock away from Dennis's fingers and pointed it into my mouth. Now I dove onto the thing, my mouth spread wide. My lips sealed around the savory flesh and glided with ease down the soaked shaft. I pulled my head back, but missed the feeling of a mouthful. I shoved myself down again. The bulbous cock head glanced off my molars before sealing itself at the back of my throat.

Dennis released me. I could feel him reaching for something near the desk. I heard the familiar sound of liquid hitting the bottom of a glass. I smelled the grain of the alcohol even through the wafts of musky crotch. I bobbed my head faster. My hands started to play with the loose flesh drooping beneath my face. Dennis sipped his whiskey above and let out a long low moan. I cupped his balls, cradling them while I jerked the base of his dick with my other hand.

I watched the tasty skin roll across the shaft. It would bunch into lines near my lips when I tugged it into me, then stretch thin beneath all of that hair. Even with the limited space in my mouth, I found a way to move my tongue across the fat tip and shaft inside. Dennis's hand returned to my head, but he simply rested his huge palm there and let me control all of the motion.

I couldn't stop if I wanted to. Dennis's cock was so slimy now it dove in and out of my mouth with satisfying ease. I worked to make it dissolve like a sucker in my mouth. Hearing him grunt and groan after many of my motions was so gratifying. Each time it would spur me on. His cock was nothing like anything I'd ever practiced on in secret. It was alive in my mouth. It would twitch from the swipes of my tongue, it would straighten toward my neck when I dove deep, and the entire time I could feel Dennis's blood surging through the whole shaft.

A deafening sound filled the room. The telephone rang. The head of the cock popped from my lips as I froze in the floor. My eyes shot up the massive body in the chair. Though I must have looked like an animal crossing the road exposed by the high beams of oncoming death, Dennis's face was mostly unconcerned. He leaned forward, setting his drink on the desk, then reached to press some button on the phone.

I remained frozen, clutching a wet cock in my fingers.

"This is Dennis?" I heard him say.

"Hello, Mr. Jones?" The speaker behind me blared. "This is Regina from Second West Bank? I represent Mr. Howard?"

"Well how is the old bastard, Regina?" Dennis said. His stomach jumped when he gave a short laugh.

The woman snickered through the speaker. "He's doing well, Dennis. Although I think he's still a bit sore from losing on the green to you the other day."

"Hey, if he's after another thrashing, I'd be happy to see to it," Dennis prattled on loudly.

"That's actually why I'm calling. John was wanting to meet with you some time soon to go over some of the...."

I cowered low and watched Dennis as he chatted with the client on the phone. I became aware of my surroundings again. My mind reeled. The smooth stockings that covered my knees slid on the hardwood floor. I adjusted and felt how the silky thong wedged itself deep in my ass. I glanced down to see that my cock was standing stiff in my panties. I looked back up at the engorged wet dick in my fingers.

My insides crumpled. My dick looked like a hot dog compared to this thing. I hunkered awkwardly, waiting for the call to end. Dennis didn't seem in any hurry to get the woman off the line. He kept chatting as though I weren't in the floor half naked with his dick in my hand.

Dennis glanced down and a small grin pulled at his lips. His big hand found my head again and pushed me into his crotch.

Flustered, I opened my mouth and allowed the nodding cock back into my lips. I watched Dennis closely, looking for any sign that I needed to stop or run or hide. I found none. Instead, I listened to him run totally off subject with the woman and sink further into his chair. I was left to play with his cock on my own.

"I'll tell you what though," Dennis was saying. "If you can find a way to talk John into running down to Gulf Shores with us I'd make it worth everyone's while. I bet you don't look too bad with a tan and a swimsuit, Regina."

I stared at Dennis in disbelief. The woman in the phone chuckled and said something back, but I wasn't listening. The two of them were flirting while I was on my knees in panties sucking the man's cock. Dennis's hand even pushed me down forcefully on his shaft a few times while he stared off info the room, listening to the woman sheepishly join his advances.

It was so hot.

I felt tiny dribbles of precum wet the front of my mother's panties. My back arched, and I felt my ass jutting out behind me. The thong between my cheeks tightened between them. A feminine wave of energy shot through me. I snuck a single hand between my legs and rubbed circle through the panties. I stirred the wet spot around and moaned into the flesh being jammed into my head.

Still, Dennis and the woman chatted. Something about sunburn. I didn't care. With the forceful guidance of Dennis's hand, I gobbled his slimy cock and was content.

I imagined what I must look like on the hardwood floor. I could see my pale round ass hovering over the heels of my feet. I wondered how my frail form must look draped in this huge man's lap. My knees were sliding on the floor because of the lack of friction from the hose on my legs. At some point I let them spread wide, sinking lower toward the floor.

To most the scene would be detestable, filthy, or sickening. Maybe it was. This was my darkest fantasy, and I was actually living it. Dennis was treating me like a whore, a plaything to shove his dick into while he flirted with a woman on the phone. I welcomed every bit of it, even when he shoved my head too forcefully into his lap and caused me to gag.

I thought of the possibility of someone walking in and seeing me with Dennis's dick in my slobbering mouth. I went even further, and wondered how Aunt Charlotte would react, seeing me dressed this way. The embarrassing thoughts made my asshole tighten and my dick surge with excitement.

The fat cock popped from my lips and I couldn't contain my loud gasp. I felt the tension in Dennis's entire body as he struggled to keep his voice under control while he chatted with the woman on the speaker. Before I'd caught my breath he crammed my face back down onto his bobbing dick to silence my loud whimpers and gasps for air.

"Hey, listen, I'm gonna run," I heard Dennis say. I also heard the quiver in his voice. "Have uh... h-have John give me a call and we'll figure out where we want to fly. I'm looking... mmph... looking forward to it."

"I'll do that Dennis," the woman said in a singsong voice. "You take care."

"Will do."

I heard the click of a phone. Then, Dennis clutched my head with both of his hands and began moving my head up and down the entire length of his shaft. Immediately I knew that it was too aggressive, but I didn't care. I put a hand on each of Dennis's knees and let him use me.

"Damn, Pat," Dennis gasped above me. "You almost made me... lose it in front of a... client."

The velvety tip of his cock battered the back of my throat. My fingers dug into his knees through his slacks. I slid on the hardwood in my pantyhose, but tried to scramble back into position. Guttural sounds escaped my lips around the man's thick shaft. What breath I got rushed in and out of my nose. I blinked my watery eyes. I couldn't look up at Dennis if I wanted to.

Then I felt it building. Everything grew more intense. Dennis was about to cum. Each little clue began to surface. He held my head deeper onto his cock. It swelled impossibly large in my mouth. There was barely room for my tongue. The very tip of it felt like it was nearly in my throat. The whole thing grew and twitched. It was getting hard to breathe, and yet feeling the living meat reacting inside of me was more addicting than anything I'd ever known.

Dennis's big thighs began to move. He was squirming in the chair. I could even feel that his ass was clenching in the seat, which pushed his cock higher and straighter than before. My head spun. The anticipation just kept building. For the first time, Dennis was losing control of himself. The knowledge I was causing all of this made me feel slutty and powerful.

A million thoughts and images flooded my mind. Would he cum in my mouth? Would he release my head? What would it taste like? I gripped Dennis's knees and held on. I knew the answers would come soon.

A long groan burst from Dennis's mouth. The cock in my mouth grew rigid one last time. My eyes widened. Dennis went still, his body locked up in the chair. A forceful shot hit the roof of my mouth. Another blasted against my tonsils. I fought the need to cough it up. I wiggled my tongue as best I could and moaned when I felt it. Against the back of my tongue, I could actually feel the cum spurting from the slit in Dennis's dick. It began to pool in my mouth, then fill my cheeks.

Dennis shoved hard. I finally attempted to push back on his knees, but it was useless. The solid cock was forced toward my throat even as it continued to shoot its thick load into my head. It was too deep. Now I coughed and felt the cum leak from my sealed lips down Dennis's dick. He grunted several times, still shoving my head down, though his cock would go no further.

I stared into the curls of his pubic hair, now flecked with the milky drops I'd just coughed down his shaft. The meaty cock was still stiff and jerking in my lips. There was so much cum in my mouth that I couldn't even tell if Dennis's dick was still spurting or not.

Finally, the pressure on the back of my head was released. The huge hands fell away. I heard Dennis release a long sigh and a moan of relief. Adjusting on my knees, I slowly tugged my head up the slimy shaft. All the while, worked my tongue to gather the thick wad of cum in my mouth. Translucent drops still ran down the meaty dick, caught by the curls of thick hair near the base and balls.

I was finally able to look up at the man in the chair. His chest was heaving. Sweat had begun to form on his brow and his balding head. Dennis watched me. My lips had pulled all the way back to his fleshy tip, which was the only part of the man's cock that wasn't weakening. It still felt as swollen as ever. The shaft, however, was beginning to lose strength.

I felt like I was floating above myself. The room became a distant unfocused haze. Thick bitter fluid gathered on my tongue. My lips were fastened at the end of this man's cock. I felt cheap and nasty. I was basically naked on the floor. What little I wore made me feel even more like a bitch.

I didn't feel ashamed. I swirled my tongue, lathering Dennis's dick with his own cum inside my mouth. I watched his body jerk and jump. I knew how sensitive it was. I was relentless. I delighted watching him squirm after causing his fat dick to explode. The fluid tasted bitter and disgustingly warm, and I couldn't stop playing with it in my mouth. I pushed it over the tip and sucked it back over it's velvety surface.

"Oh, god damn!" Dennis cried out breathlessly.

I pursed my lips right at the slit of his tip, sealing my prize away in my mouth. My eyes met Dennis's again and I saw the exhausted lust there. Dennis watched me as I sat in my panties and stockings on my knees. He was waiting. I mustered myself. I twisted the barbell in my nipple until I felt a satisfying sting. I rubbed at the wet spots in my mother's panties.

I tipped my head back just slightly and gulped the cum down my throat.

I took more than one swallow. Or at least, it felt that way. My throat felt sticky and coated in the substance. I ran my tongue over my teeth and deep down along my gum line, never satisfied that it was all gone. With a finger I rubbed clear fluid from the corners of my mouth.

It was the first real cock I'd ever sucked. It was the first man's load I'd ever taken. I knew in that moment it was not going to be the last.

Dennis studied me for a moment. I could see the smile that he did well to hide. The man stood, and I craned my neck to look up at him. His reddened flaccid cock wobbled in front of my eyes. His hairy hands began to slowly adjust himself. Dennis stuffed his spent cock back into his boxers, even though I could still see flecks of cum in his pubic hair. Something inside me sank when I watched him fasten his slacks and tighten his belt.

I climbed to my feet, amazed at the pain in my knees and my thighs. Dennis stood right in front of me. His eyes traveled. They stopped when they reached my crotch. I could still feel my dick pressing with all its might to break free of the panties.

To my surprise, Dennis stepped close, his broad body pressing into mine. I thought I might topple back onto the desk. I hoped that I would. Instead, a massive hand clapped into my ass cheek from behind and squeezed tightly. I jumped from the stinging impact. Then I felt his other hand.

My little cock was dwarfed in the palm that groped me.

My jaw fell open.

I could smell the whiskey this close to Dennis. I could hear the lion's rumble in his huge chest.

"I think you're quite the persuasive act," Dennis told me. "That's some mouth you've got on you, Pat."

I all but withered in his grip. My dick nodded behind its silky prison, pecking at the firm hand that squeezed it. A dull sting throbbed throughout my undersides, from my aching asshole, through my tightened sack, all the way to my tip. Dennis would wad my entire crotch into his palm and squeeze. Then he'd tug and stroke it all up. The firmness of his fingers was enough, but through the panties they were simply orgasmic. A few more seconds and I was sure to be squirting in his hand.

Then, he stepped away.

"Probably a good time to cut out, bud," he told me, digging at his crotch and stretching. "The old lady is supposed to be stopping in here in just a bit. Think she's bringing me something to eat."

I blinked at him. Dennis simply found the glass of whiskey on the desk and drained its contents without so much as a wince. He then turned and began putting the bottle and the tumbler back in the cabinet behind him. I stood there, my panties twitching. I still hadn't caught an actual breath to steady myself.

"Go on, Pat," his booming voice said. "Get dressed. I may have reason to call on you for some important things here soon. But I can't have you working too much overtime. Your aunt wouldn't let me hear the end of it."

I spent several awkward moments pulling on my khakis and buttoning my shirt. Dennis busied himself by cleaning off his desk and setting the box of case files to the side. He paid me no mind. I didn't say a word to him. I stepped into my shoes, gave him a final nod and ducked out of the office.

The entire walk to my car was so strange. My head and my insides were twisted up, out of place, as though they still resided in another dimension. I saw my reflection against the night outside in the large glass doors as I left the building. Just like that, I was a worker bee again. My dress shirt and my khaki pants and sneakers... it was all as it should be. My shirt was even tucked in again. Moments ago, I was someone totally different. I could still feel her when I walked, in the fabric that rubbed my asshole raw between my cheeks. The clothes I wore felt like a mask, hiding all that I was beneath.

I made a beeline for my car in the parking lot, one of the few that remained. A woman I'd never seen before was climbing from her car when I approached my own. She adjusted the bags in her hand and pushed the button on the key fob to lock her sports car. She looked to be twice my age. The aromas from the bag made my stomach growl.

She smiled at me when she passed.

"Hi, how are you?" She greeted me politely.

"Uh... great," I replied.

The two of us passed one another without another word. I turned to watch her over my shoulder. She went into the building I'd just left. I knew who she was. The realization made me shudder. I wondered if Dennis's wife had any clue what her husband got up to. I wondered if she could guess he let panty boys suck his cock while he chatted up other women on the phone, all at his desk. The vile thoughts only served to make the throbbing in my pants worse.

A deeply troubled part of me hoped she'd want a little nightcap up there, that Dennis would fuck her on his desk with the same used goods I'd left behind.

I drove home in a daze. It had all really happened. I knew that. But already it felt like a dream, foggy and blurred in my head. That didn't matter. I could still taste it. The film of Dennis's cum still clung to the insides of my mouth. I could still feel the sting in my nose from his musky aroma. My jaw ached. Even my tongue felt sore. And nothing could erase the feeling of the thick cock crammed into my head.

I had to pull over. It wasn't any dark secret place or hidden road. I wheeled my car into a parking lot at a fast food restaurant. I parked away from the couple of cars there, but as soon as I put the car in park and my foot left the brake pedal, I was tearing open my khakis.

I slid my entire hand down the front of my panties. My palm was no comparison to the huge hand that had gloved my whole cock earlier. Still, I rubbed the length of my pitiful erection through the silky fabric. I thought it would take more, but it didn't. In seconds my dick erupted. It attempted to lift itself, but was tugged back down by the tight pair of panties each time.

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