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Winning Favor


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The older man was looking down at me, nearly a full head taller than I. He wasn't looking at the box or the desk. He kept staring right at me. My shoulders started to draw up. Thoughts whizzed about through my skull, though I couldn't pin down what I had done so wrong. Maybe Dennis was fucking with me.

Dennis reached his hand low, his meaty fingers feeling for the end of my untucked shirt. At first I thought that was it. That I looked unkempt like the lowlife I was and that Dennis was about to chastise me for it. That would have been enough to make me cower on its own.

Then I felt a pair of long thick fingers slide under the strap of the panties I wore. Dennis pulled them up and traced them back and forth. The simple strength of his hand was enough to tug the fabric tighter beneath my khakis into the crack of my ass. He let the strap go, and it snapped audibly back over the arch of my hip.

The blood drained from my face.

I wanted to wither and faint through the floor. Dennis studied me quietly while I contemplated darting past him to jump through the window. My mouth opened and my jaw moved up and down. I had no words, though. The heat of his gaze did nothing to thaw the cold pit in my chest.

"What are you wearing, Pat?" Dennis asked.

His face was solid stone, though he didn't look angry. His booming voice had grown lower and had taken on a challenging tone. Dennis never moved his eyes from mine. He was waiting. I stood petrified. Tiny spider legs skittered across the walls of my skull. My mind itself had gone blank with shock.

"I d-don't... know, I--"

"Don't waste a good lie on this," Dennis scoffed.

Dennis took one step closer. His proximity felt oppressive. He set his glass on the desk beside us but didn't remove his hand from it. His other hand was on his hip. Dennis continued to study me. I felt so small.

"Why are you wearing panties, Pat?" He asked. He waited only a few more seconds before adding, "Well?"

The stern demand pulled the words from my mouth.

"They f-feel good," I answered.

Dennis didn't react. "And where'd you get them?"

I licked my lips. I tried to stand up straight and not appear any more feeble than I already did. It was hard to meet his eyes though, given the embarrassing things I said.

"My... mother," I said.

"You stole them." Dennis stated. "Am I right?"

All I could do was nod.

Dennis stepped even closer. I had to recoil and take a step back when he did. I realized he was stepping past me to his chair. He took a seat, his huge body dwarfing the expensive office chair. He rocked back and stared back up at me, swirling the liquor in the glass. He looked to be thinking while he sized me up. He gave a tilt of his head.

"I'd hate to hear what Sandra thought about all this," Dennis said. "Or Charlotte for that matter."

I shook my head in a panic.

"No, please," I said past the knot in my throat. "Please d-don't say anything to them! It won't happen again!"

Dennis's eyes regarded me without emotion. His voice was direct and forceful like a battering ram. He motioned to me as he spoke.

"This isn't the only thing going on here, Pat," he told me. "You haven't picked up the pace the whole month you've been here. And I get that our lunch isn't set in stone, but you take an hour every day and are late to get in, even though you're right out back. Not to mention the long bathroom breaks everyday. I mean what are you doing in there?"

It felt like a series of hooks and jabs. Each one landed hard. I thought of my mother, of Charlotte. Their disappointment hearing such things from a partner would be closer to disgust, especially if they found out I'd been caught wearing....

"Dennis, please," I said, my voice barely a whimper. "I'll fix it all. You won't catch me w-wearing them again."

The older man lifted his eyebrows.

"Oh, I won't catch you wearing them?"

I shook my head. "That's not... I didn't mean...."

I started to fold inside. Just the thought of the entire office building knowing my secret was sickening. The idea that Aunt Charlotte would have to bear that scrutiny, the embarrassment that her nephew was caught in the office wearing women's underwear, made my skin crawl. And Mom... after all I'd screwed up, failing out of college and spending most of my adult life in jail, this would crush her. She'd never look at me the same again.

One look at Dennis told me that he knew all of that. Never had his attention been on me for more than two minutes. I was in the spotlight now and felt like an open book. He studied me while I tried to form the words to make any promise he might want to hear.

Dennis drained his glass in a gulp and set it next to the bottle on his desk. He was pouring another when he motioned to me with his hand. My eyes darted around like a haunted animal. I took a step closer to his chair, awaiting the oncoming lecture and the sentencing that was sure to come.

The huge man leaned in his chair and stared up at me. With a single meaty finger, he pointed toward my waist.

"Take them off."

I stared back at him lifelessly.

Dennis's eyes focused on mine. They locked my gaze into his like a pair of magnets.

"Your khakis," Dennis emphasized. "Let's go, Pat."

I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mind raced to keep up. Was he really demanding that? Could he? My eyes darted toward the glass windows of the office. The view from the hall was sealed by the massive set of wooden blinds. I glanced back at Dennis and tried to make sense of the situation. Was he going to make me remove the panties? To what... embarrass me?

A tiny blue flame of anger simmered somewhere deep within me. I knew it was wrong. I knew he couldn't do this. Did I have the guts to tell him that? I eyed his huge shoulders and arms, wondering how it would all play out. The thought was even worse than being outted to my family.

A darker side of me compelled me to do what Dennis said. I felt crazy. With each breath my chest grew colder. I played the events ahead in my mind, and what I found there was frightening... but thrilling. Dennis didn't look frightened by the idea of me bolting from the office and hurling accusations at him down the road. He stared right back at me, waiting for me to do as he bid.

I watched his eyes. Though much of the time they were locked with mine, I saw them dart down my body. I wasn't used to that look at all. I couldn't decipher it. He was being so calm. His face never flinched. My hands moved to my waist. Was I really doing this? Somewhere in the back of my head I knew I didn't have to. Even if I lost my job and suffered critical embarrassment, this was wrong.

Which was probably why it felt so good.

I unfastened my pants. I'd passed well into the unknown at that point, not truly sure of Dennis's intentions. He gave no hints, but watched me silently as I unzipped myself. I kicked off the black sneakers I used for dress shoes and with trembling hands, I began to shove my pants down my legs.

My shirt hid much from view. It didn't stop Dennis's eyes from falling. If he was doing this to embarrass me, he sure seemed to want to take it all in. I bent slightly, pushing the khakis past my knees. I cringed knowing there was more to reveal. I stepped out of each leg of my pants, revealing the long dark hose that covered each of my legs from my mid thigh down.

I saw the twitch of Dennis's left eyebrow. His eyes sunk lower and lower. I shifted uncomfortably, standing in my dress shirt and women's undergarments. I must have looked ridiculous. I could only imagine what Dennis was thinking. If he'd truly made me do this as some sort of sick lesson, to make me remove the panties, then I'd have to peel the sheer black stockings from my legs, too.

And would he watch? Like he was watching me now?

I shivered. I crossed my arms and waited. I glanced at Dennis. He casually sipped his whiskey, his eyes narrowing as they traveled back up my thighs. Whatever was going on was starting to settle into place. The feeling that spread inside of me was one I couldn't make sense of. I felt weak and scared... but I enjoyed it. No one had ever seen me this way, let alone demanded that I undress for them.

The logic began to twist as I realized that's what it was. Of course it was. Was I that naive? The way he looked me over was enough to see that.

Dennis gave a slow blink before lifting his eyes to mine again.

"Shirt," Dennis stated. "Let's see what else is going on."

The cold feeling burst in my chest again. Only now, I felt somehow glad that he'd said that. It was already happening. As unbelievable as the situation was, I was more than content to continue since I was already this far. Like a drone I worked to unfasten the buttons of my dress shirt. The garment split away and I worked to pull the sleeves from my arms.

My clothes were piled on the floor. The air felt suddenly cool. I crossed an arm over my stomach, clutching my other bashfully. I was unsure of how to stand. There was no more to hide. My mind was both screaming and cheering. I stood almost naked in this man's office only a few feet from him. I could feel my nipples hardening. The metal barbells that pierced them felt cold in the open air.

I was finally able to look up at Dennis. I was fully exposed to him. My silk panties and the little bulge they hid were in plain sight straight before his eyes. I knew he could see the hose on my hairless legs and the spiralling tattoo that wound down my right arm. Gone was the worker bee costume. My true form that only I knew was right before his eyes. I felt small and helpless, exposed to his scrutiny.

I hung my head so that the bangs on the right side of my face hid my eyes. I peered through them at Dennis. The older man sat for several moments just staring up and down my body, his eyes wandering wherever they pleased. All thought had vanished from my head. I simply stood there, waiting.

Then I saw it. Dennis sipped from his glass, but his free hand slid low across his thigh. It was just a tiny motion, but I saw his big fingers digging at his crotch. I knew that move. He was adjusting. There was only one reason he'd do that. In the dead silence of the office, I felt my insides turn flips. There was no look of disgust or disdain on Dennis's face. My heart pounded, still shaken by the fact that I was standing there in panties and hose in front of a strange man, but the very same fact was thrilling. The collision of emotions gave me a head rush.

I wanted to say something to break the silence, but I knew my voice would shatter to pieces on the rock in my throat.

Dennis did it for me.

"Well," Dennis said smoothly, "didn't expect all of this. I'm guessing you didn't either."

I didn't respond, but rather turned my cheek to hide my eyes behind my fringed bangs.

"Since we're here," Dennis said, "give us a spin, Pat."

He said it so casually, as if this were just another discussion with some client in his office. I took a breath and steadied myself. I turned, exposing my backside to Dennis. I did nothing special except stand there allowing Dennis to see. My eyes darted across the blinds and the closed office door. Most people had gone home, but I knew anyone could walk in at any time.

Somehow, that excited me, too.

I felt Dennis's eyes wandering up my backside. Darker thoughts permeated my mind. I considered bending at my hips or shifting my weight from one leg to the other the way I'd done countless times in the mirror at home. I didn't have the courage to give him a show.

"They fit you well, I'll give you that," I heard Dennis say.

His voice poured like hot magma, smooth and crackling with heat. I dared to slowly steal a glance over my shoulder. Just as I thought... or hoped... Dennis's eyes were fixated low on my body. Goosebumps swept over my skin, and had there been any fine hairs left on my ass at all, they would have stood straight.

I slowly turned back around, staring ahead at Dennis past the hair that shrouded my right eye. His eyes rose to meet mine. Again, he used two of his meaty fingers to motion to me. Now, he wanted me closer. My breath eased out of my quivering lips. I stepped forward, right up to Dennis's knees.

I had to watch it all to make damn sure it was happening. Dennis sat forward and placed his drink behind me on his desk. Then he placed both hands on my hips and slid them up and down, caressing my smooth skin beneath his hard hairy paws. I didn't move away or make any move to stop him. The warmth of those hands sent chills from my toes to the top of my skull.

My breath caught in my chest when Dennis moved his hands upward and slid his fingers under the straps of my mother's panties. This pulled them high up my sides. His eyes watched mine before falling down my body to land at the silky bulge in front of his eyes. Dennis moved the fabric in his fingers and caused my little cock and balls to bounce behind the panties.

I still didn't think it was real. I'd dreamed of things like this countless times, and now it was really happening. Two massive hands clutched my waist and squeezed. Dennis didn't stop there. His hands wound their way around my body until his huge palms covered each cheek of my bare ass. His fingers tightened through my flesh, causing my whole body to shudder. I felt rapid pumps of blood jumping through my dick. Dennis saw it. It was the first time I'd truly seen him genuinely grin, a crooked half smile that pushed at the jowls on his aging face.

"How old are you now, Pat?" Dennis asked me with another firm squeeze.

"T-twenty," I responded.

Dennis shook his head. "Twenty was a long time ago for me. You gotta lot of life ahead of you, bud."

His hands slid back around under my thong panties. Meaty fingertips fastened the fabric in place over my nodding little bulge. Dennis sat back in his chair and looked up at me.

"I'd really hate to see it derailed again if something like this got out," Dennis said. I saw a flash behind his eyes. "If you've got a way of pleading your case, I'd get down to it."

A white hot bolt seared its way down my spine. I blinked my eyes rapidly. The ice cold breath I sucked in did nothing to cool my blushing skin. The older man in the chair looked up at me, his hairy hands resting in his lap. My eyes caught the motion when Dennis tapped his fingers of on his thigh.

Except it wasn't his thigh beneath the slacks.

"I'll admit I'm a tough sell," Dennis prodded, his deep husky voice dripping with darker intent. "But I'm open to work anything out."

Dennis wanted me to suck his dick.

I wasn't stupid enough to miss his meaning. I kept saying the words in my head. He wanted me... he wanted me to blow him. Dennis, one of the partners... this was impossible.

I was on the verge of hyperventilating or fainting. This was real. I thought something like this would never happen. Of all people, big rugged Dennis was eyeing me like a whore and basically telling me to get on my knees, in his office no less! I swallowed but the knot in my throat was still there. My gaze drifted from Dennis's hard masculine face to his slacks. God, I could see it there. A mass of flesh was wadded against his thigh.

It was a heinous thing to consider, but... would I ever get another chance like this one?

Zombified by the impossibility of it all, I lowered myself. My knees wobbled as I awkwardly got down in the floor behind Dennis's desk. His huge body sprawled before me. Rushes of blinding energy started to pulse through my body. I felt the fabric of my panties pulling tight against the erection it was failing to contain.

I acted. My jaw quivered, but I crawled close and leaned into Dennis's lap. It was so strange to even be touching another man, let alone in his lap as I was now. He didn't stop me when I tugged at his belt. He looked on calmly as I unfastened his slacks. One layer after another seemed to bar my entry. My fingers struggled to pull his dress shirt out of the way. Then I was greeted by the plain navy blue set of boxer shorts beneath.

At first I tried pulling them down. The restrictions of the way Dennis was seated and the perfect fit of his slacks made that difficult. The entire way, I had to work to free what I was after. I grew more desperate with each passing second, knowing Dennis was watching, and realizing how badly I really wanted this to go through all the trouble.

Finally I found the slit in the front of the boxer shorts. My fingers darted in and scrambled like the legs of a spider. I was confused to find only plushy warm skin, but I kept digging deeper.

My fingers slid around a thick hairy shaft.

I gasped. I tugged as gently as I could. The thing spilled through the hole in the man's underwear and flopped forth in front of my eyes.

I stared at it. All of my life I was used to seeing my own pale little dick. I wasn't ready for the majesty of such a pile of cock. I couldn't believe it was so fat and meaty. Dennis wasn't even fully hard. It wasn't a porn star cock like the ones I frothed over on the internet. The thing made me feel immediately less masculine though. It just lay there, pulsating atop the open flaps of Dennis's pants. A million wrinkles started to disappear. Veins began to show their blue streaks behind the curls of hair on the shaft.

The head was so large, I could see the lines of his skin patterned across the flaring bill of the tip. The twinned flesh of the underside that met near the frenulum was already turning shades of slick red.

A hairy forearm came to rest on my shoulder. Dennis's huge hand cupped my skull. I wanted to look up at him to gauge his emotions. I just couldn't look away from the lump of meat that was lifting from his pants.

I swept it into my hand. The flesh gave beneath my fingers but also pushed back firmly. The heat from the thing slid up my arm. I gave the meaty shaft a tiny shake, watching the front half of the cock flop and pop back. The base of it was still hiding inside of Dennis's underwear. I had to see it. I was in the floor with another man's dick in my hand, I wanted to see it all.

I kept groping and fingering until I had lifted every bit of loose flesh I could find from the man's boxer shorts. A pile of hairy balls sagged over the split of his slacks. I stared at them with wide eyes. They looked like a living organism, the flesh roiling and sinking before my face. There was so much hair, an amber colored nest of strands and curls that did nothing to hide the cock that was beginning to stand in my fingers.


The words fell out of my mouth, my breath but a whisper. I knew Dennis heard it. His broad chest contracted in a deep chuckle. I brought my face closer to the dick in my hands, taking in every detail along it's discolored and scarred surface. The heat radiated up at me from Dennis's crotch. The odor that had been trapped in his pants all day filled my nose. It should have repulsed me. I breathed it in and sank even closer into Dennis's lap.

I tilted the cock and placed my open lips on one thick side of the shaft. I sucked at the lines in the taut flesh gently before sealing the salty taste into my mouth. Immediately I wanted more. My nose sank into the wild mounds of hair while my tongue fell out and slid across the strangely textured meat.

I melted into Dennis's lap.

My mouth explored the swollen shaft slowly. I savored every single taste of the thing, becoming more addicted as I went. The manly aroma added seasoned flavors over my tongue every time I opened my mouth. Lower I went, deeper into the man's thick bush, kissing and tonguing his cock until my chin mashed between a pair of fat balls.

Dennis let out a long sigh and rubbed my head. I felt him slide lower in his seat beneath me. His thighs opened, allowing me to crawl even further into his lap. I flattened my tongue hard against the firm underside of Dennis's cock, then dragged it with force up his length. My taste buds felt every tiny texture and imperfection along the shaft. I'd watched countless women do this in videos. I took my time, teasing and mouthing his throbbing erection. I was in no hurry to get home anymore.

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