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Woodbridge Academy Ch. 03

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Jason and Matt get closer...
12.3k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/09/2015
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Thank you for your continued support! Sorry for the delay—it was midterm season and I got really busy! I really do appreciate all the kind words and feedback that readers have provided! Here is the next installment of Matt and Jason's tale. Enjoy J


Stroke, stroke stroke, breathe. Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe. Stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe. Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe.

My hand hit the wall at the end of the pool and a loud horn blew out throughout the natatorium. I gripped the edge of the pool with both hands and pulled myself out of the pool with a quick glance at the time above the pool. With a grin, I realized that I had just beat my own record at the 200 freestyle. One of my teammates tossed me a towel. I thanked him with a smile as I pulled my goggles off and wiped off my face. My coach was ecstatic by the time he made it over to me. "Jason! You set a new school record!" He exclaimed. "Congratulations, kid you've earned it."

"Thanks, coach." I returned with a grin as I finished drying off and pulled my track pants and sandals on. It was hot as hell in here, but I hated standing around in my swimsuit on. I wouldn't be swimming again until the 500 freestyle and then the butterfly, so I had a ways to go. I generally competed in more than that, but for this season, I was given a break. It was more than welcome. Less events meant less time at practice, and that meant I got to pend my extra free time doing something else.

Or someone else...

I chuckled to myself at my own stupidity and pulled my t-shirt on over my head before plopping myself on the bench. Despite the adrenaline from the swim meet, I was exhausted. Falling asleep at Matt's had seemed like a great idea at the time, but he woke me up early and now I was totally beat. Not that I'm complaining. We had sent a good hour just exchanging kisses and curled up naked in bed together. It was actually probably one of the best things I have done recently. It even beat skiing in Switzerland with my dad and Senator Kent over Christmas break. Matt was sweet, he was complimentary, and for some bizarre reason, he wanted me. I couldn't help but wonder why he would ever choose me over the many, many attractive guys in our class. There was more than one guy who shared his pretentious background, and I'm sure there was more than one closet case around here. I mean, look at Josh and Adam. Adam was the last guy I would have expected to want a secret relationship with another guy. I always thought I had been like that too, yet here we are. Not that I regret it. The decision to take tis leap into the unknown with Matt was probably one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. The more I thought about it, the more I realized just how into it I actually was. I had never in my entire life felt anything as amazing as his mouth wrapped around me, and honestly, it felt pretty good to be the little spoon last night. Matt had molded perfectly around me. I totally get why people love being in that position. It's so relaxing. I don't think I have ever felt so cared for.

I cheered along for my teammates until it was time for me to get back in the pool for the 500. I hated this event. It was just exhausting, but for some reason, I was actually good at it. I still finished first this time around, but didn't come close to any records. I was okay with that. There were bigger fish to fry. By the time the meet was over, all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and get some good rest. Unfortunately, a pretty lengthy history paper due the following Monday would probably have to be started. Life as a senior was supposed to be easy, but apparently Woodbridge Academy didn't believe in allowing students to get away with any senioritis. This year was the hardest of all.

After a quick shower and changing, I said bye to the guys and headed out of the locker room. I had barely made it down the hallway when a blur blew by me and dragged me into a closet. It took until I was shoved against a wall and pounced on that I realized it was Matt. I tore my mouth away from his and let out a chuckle. "Good to see you, too." I teased him. His cheeks turned a bright pink. "What's going on?"

"I watched you swim today." He told me as his lips found their way to my neck. "In case I didn't think you were sexy enough already, that tiny speedo sure did the trick." He murmured, his lips tickling my skin as he did so. "It was incredible. You're" He pulled away and grinned at me. "My little fishie."

"Fishie?" I exclaimed. "I'm no fishie. I'm like a...great white shark."

"The only thing great and white about you is your ass." He taunted, moving his hands down to my ass and pulling me close to him. He was definitely hard, and the sensation of the firm muscle bumping into me was enough to make me squirm.

"Please. You wish you had my ass." I snorted.

"I do. Just not in the way you think I do."

"You're so dirty." I scolded, but the grin on my face was enough to make him laugh out loud with me.

"What can I say? You bring it out of me." He moved in close again and pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me gently, letting his hands move up my sides until they reached my face. He held me steady as his tongue explored my mouth. I was arched up against him, arms around his neck, allowing him to control the speed of our kiss. He was such an amazing kisser, I would let him do it all day if he wanted to. And I have a feeling that it is definitely something he would want to do. In all honesty, it was turning into a pleasant feeling I quite enjoyed. I had never really felt all the butterflies that accompany a new relationship, but with Matt, it was all butterflies, all the time. It was a mix of excitement and nausea, fear and joy. I was one giant, walking contradiction. I needed a good night in with Josh to really dissect how I was feeling and what was rapidly developing between us.

After one more tender kiss, he pulled back. I willed my erection to go away, but that's easier said than done for a teenage boy. Once we had both calmed down slightly, we walked out of the storeroom and back out into the hallway. We made our way back down towards the main entrance discussing what we hoped they had for dinner in the dining hall tonight, but we were stopped in the lobby by someone calling my name. When I looked up, I saw my father ad the senator sitting on one of the sofas off to the side.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked him as I went over to give him a hug. It was unusual to see him twice in a month, forget about twice in a week. I shook hands with senator Kent before I turned my attention back to my dad. "I thought you were going back to Ohio this week."

"We had a change I plans, so I wanted to check out your meet, and Kyle decided to tag along. We were hoping to take you to dinner but it looks like you're busy..." He trailed off, taking notice of Matt, who was still standing several feet behind me.

"Oh, I wish you had told me." I told him, taking some of the attention off Matt. "I would have planned for it."

"Your friend can come too if you'd like." Kyle told me with a genuine smile. He had always been nice to me, even though I rarely saw him.

"Oh, sorry. This is my...friend, Matt Humphrey." I told them. "Matt, this is my dad, and senator Kyle Kent."

"Nice to meet you, sir." He greeted my father with a handshake, and then did the same for the senator.

"Humphrey, huh?" Kyle asked him, the same smile on his face. "Aren't you Harold's kid?"

"I am, sir." Matt was in full DC mode—back straight, polite smile, even responses. He had clearly been trained in how to handle the DC political scene in a way I never had to bother with. "I understand that you have been working with him on a few things this term?"

Kyle seemed pleased. "I have been, actually. I've worked closely with Harold for years. I didn't know you were friends with Jason though." He turned to me. "You never told me."

"It's relatively new, sir." Matt covered for me. "Just since this weekend, actually. We just hit it off."

"Well, that's great." My dad clapped his hands. "So no arguments then. You'll join us for dinner. It can be a celebration of sorts, for new records and new friendships."

"I'd hate to be an intrusion. You should enjoy a visit with Jason, I'll see him later."

"Nonsense." My dad told him. "You are more than welcome. You boys deserve a break from this place. How do you feel about Chinese?"

"Sounds great, Dad." I told him, glancing over at Matt. He had a perfectly crafted mask on, but I could tell that he was freaking out. It was probably a little too much for his comfort level, and I didn't want him to be forced into anything he didn't want to do. "You don't have to come if you don't want to." I told him.

"No, it's okay." He told me with a tight smile. He was clearly just agreeing to agree. I felt terrible, but once my dad and Kyle tag teamed someone, there was no turning them down. "I would love to go."

"Can we go somewhere local?" I asked my father. Hopefully, Matt would be more comfortable outside of the city where fewer people would recognize him. I'm sure his father wouldn't be happy if he was photographed out on the town with a different senator, a bodyguard, and a classmate. It would look like a weird double date or something. "I have a lot of homework and can't be out late." I lied.

"Of course." Kyle agreed. "How about you boys pick? Whatever you want."

I glanced over at Matt. He looked slightly more relaxed, but still kind f stiff. This was the side of him that I was used to seeing around campus, not the guy I had gotten to know over the last couple of days. "Does Dragon Lily work for everyone?" I offered. It was a local Chinese place that was really low key, but popular with all of the students. My dad and I usually went there whenever it was just the two of us. The fact that he showed up with Kyle is the weird part.

"Perfect!" My dad exclaimed. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, and followed my dad and Kyle out of the gym. Matt followed closely behind but remained silent. This was probably way out of his comfort zone, but he was kind of trapped now. Hopefully everything would be okay, and he would have less discomfort once he realized that my father is a great guy, and that Kyle is nothing like the stiff, long term senators that Matt was probably used to being around. His dad was old money with a history in the oil business, whereas Kyle was self-made after a modest upbringing in Cleveland. The fact that Kyle was even part of Harold Humphrey's upcoming work was due in great part to the population that Kyle was a hit with, I'm sure. Kyle tended to attract support from the working class, a key area that Humphrey did not reach. If he was truly running for president, he would without a doubt need a little help reaching the masses.

"You okay with this?" I asked Matt under my breath as we reached the town car.

"I'm fine." He gave me a soft smile.

"You sure?"

"Positive. Don't worry about me." He grinned and lowered himself into the car, so I quickly followed suit and we made our way to the restaurant. His face betrayed his words, a passive stoicism etched across his features. My gut was churning as we drove to the restaurant, filled with worry that something was going to go horribly wrong tonight. This was unexpected, yes, but it was still way to early for him to be meeting my father. We don't even know what we are yet. Well, maybe he does, but I certainly don't. I hadn't even thought about what my dad would think about anything. I know he is a really laid back guy, but we had never discussed gay rights, in my entire life, at least not that I could recall. For crying out loud, I don't even know if I'm gay! I took a minute to quietly study Kyle in the fading sunlight. His looks were often commented on, frequently called the most handsome politician on the Hill, but I just didn't see it. I mean, he was definitely a good looking guy, but I didn't find him attractive in any way. He was just another man in the car to me. I thought back to celebrities I knew were considered hot or handsome—George Clooney, Paul Walker, Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg—again, handsome men, but I didn't feel the slightest twinge of excitement when I thought about them. I diverted my attention over to Matt, who was staring out the window as my father navigated the streets of Woodbridge on our way to the Chinese restaurant. The fading sunlight looked like a halo around him, highlighting his handsome face. He looked so peaceful just sitting there, and apparently hadn't noticed me staring yet, so I continued my perusal. His uniform fit his body perfectly, slightly pulling around his biceps and broad shoulders, but tapered smoothly down to his waist. He was sitting perfectly straight, but he still managed to have a commanding presence over me. He must have felt me looking at him, because he turned his head o face me and gave me a genuine smile. I felt my insides melt as soon as he did so, and gave him a grin back. He reached across the seat and let his hand brush against mine for just a second, sending a spark throughout my arm, and my entire body felt like it was on fire. I had never felt anything like this. NEVER.

My mind was whirling as I processed what was happening. Dad pulled into the parking lot without me realizing, and Kyle had to call me before I even noticed I was the only one still in the car. I blushed as I climbed out, glad that Matt's simple touch hadn't excited me too much that it would be obvious, and followed everyone in to the restaurant. As soon as we were all seated, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I was glad to find that I wasn't flushed at all, but I certainly was confused.

"What's going on over there, kid?" Kyle's voice interrupted my thoughts as I washed my hands. I glanced up to find him smiling at me in the mirror. "I can practically hear the gears grinding."

"Just a long day." I lied.

"A long day?" He grinned. "That's what you're going with?" I tilted my head sideways, trying to figure out what he was getting at. He just grinned at me and went to use the urinal, so I used the time to get back to the table, where I found Matt and my dad engulfed in a conversation. As I sat down, I realized they were talking about the Redskins line up. I should have known the two of them would resort to sports when left alone. With my father, it was always sports or college whenever he met my friends. As if on cue, my father switched the topic over to college, and began badgering Matt about his plans. Matt gave him the same diplomatic answer he had given me on the subway, but left out the part about probably being forced to go to Brown. It was a smart move on his part, anything could get back to his father, and I'm sure he had no interest in offending him. My father had gone to a state school, but never regretted a minute of it. It was where he had met my mother and fallen in love, made some of the best friends in his life, and had some great times. I used to love going to the campus with him when I was younger and walking around, but he wanted more for me. He always believed that I was destined for greatness, which is not a trait that most of my friends from school had in their fathers. Josh's father, for example, travels all over the world and only talks to Josh about once a month. When he stops in to visit, it is like an ice storm settles on the campus. The man is the least friendly person on earth. My dad, on the other hand, loves talking to all my friends, and encourages them all to be the best that they can, for themselves rather than for others. It is probably where I got my laid back attitude from. I never felt insignificant as a child, and even now that I live in a boarding school, my father still makes every effort to talk to me. Not everyone gets that out of their family members, especially not in this are.

Matt seemed to be a big hit with my dad and Kyle. He was polite, well-spoken, appropriate, and laughed at all of their jokes. By the time dinner was over, I wasn't nearly as confused as I was before dinner. I may not be attracted to all men, but I am 100% attracted to Matt. It wasn't just because he was good looking, but because the brief glimpses into his soul that I had witnessed were so wonderful, it left me breathless. He had so many attributes that made him unique, and I should consider myself lucky that he even picked me in the first place. I was nothing special compared to him, just another one of a million guys out there who wanted to be doctors, but Matt was different. He had bigger dreams, and was destined for amazing things. He was the kind of guy who went on to change the world. I had to admire him for that.

By the time we got back to the dorm, I couldn't wait to be alone with him. Any sense of uncertainty I had felt before was gone, and I knew that I wanted to keep this up with him. Sure, the kissing and the blowjobs was amazing, but I wanted to know him for more than that. I wanted to be part of this life he was creating. No one else mattered, because at the end of this crazy, confusing week, I came out knowing that I waned to be with him. REALLY be with him.

My dad ended up wanting to come in for a few minutes, so Matt went in his own direction after politely saying good night to my dad and Kyle. Dad followed me up to my room, and sat on my desk chair as soon as we got there. Josh was out, and had left a note saying he was going to be back when the library closes. I wrinkled up the note and tossed it in the trash before I got started on emptying out my gym bag.

"So." My dad started, but paused.

"So?" I returned, smiling to myself. It was like my first conversation with Matt all over again. I had it bad. Everything seemed to remind me of him. As soon as Dad left, I was running straight down there, even if it was just to sneak in one last kiss goodnight.

"You and Matt Humphrey, huh?" He had a grin on his face, and I felt myself blanch. "Don't worry, I'm not upset." He said with a smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, hoping to deflect the attention from this subject. "Thanks for the surprise visit, though. It was great to see you guys. Dinner was delicious, too."

"Jason." He stopped me. "You can stop."

"Stop what?"

He gave me a soft smile. "I saw how you two were. It's okay."

Matt was going to kill me. "I really don't know what you're talking about, Dad."

He stood up and walked over to me. Placing his hands on my shoulder, he gave them a small squeeze. "I saw the way that boy was looking at you, Jay. You are no friend to him. He clearly has feelings for you, and after seeing the two of you together, I totally get it. You have a chemistry together. It's really nice, actually."

"Dad..." I started, but he held up his hand to stop me.

"Don't deny it, Jason." He told me. "Be proud of yourself. If you want to be with him, be with him. If it's just a little exploration, go for it. Just don't go hiding from something that could be precious. That boy cares for you, rather deeply, I presume, so I don't want you to waste that because you're afraid of what I will think. I'll love you no matter what you want to do."

I sighed. "Thanks, Dad." It was probably better not to fight it. The man was legitimately always right.

He grinned again. "So do you want to tell me what's going on? You don't have to face things alone, Jason. I know I'm busy, but I'm always a phone call away if you need to talk about things."

"I know, but Matt has to be careful because of his father. I couldn't really say anything if I wanted to."

"Ahh, yes. The presidential election. I'm sure it's a lot of stress for Matt. This would be a good time to support him in whatever way he needs." My dad told me. "Harold Humphrey is a tough man. I can see why Matt would want to be careful at this time."

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