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Work Hard, Play Harder Ch. 12


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"And, what if she was," came a reply. "She's probably been in that hot tub. Look, I'm right... there's her bikini bottoms, so problem solved."

Almost in unison the man outside, and Kirsten herself, glanced down at the skimpy black garment sitting there on the decking. The response was immediate, from the stranger outside and the blonde hiding behind the cabin door. The response was immediate, but the meaning of that response was so different.

It was a smile which formed across the stranger's face. Bikini bottoms? Dip in the hot tub? Well, they looked wet enough, but there was no way they were part of any swimming costume unless she liked going for a dip in her underwear, and damn sexy looking underwear to boot. What's more, the hot tub was still covered, and the only wet patch on the whole of the decking was a pool of water around those knickers. Something here wasn't at all what it seemed.

On the other side of the cabin door, the look on Kirsten's face was something else. A mix of shock and disappointment formed in her eyes. Underwear? How could she have left them outside? The order had been to tidy up the mess, and leaving a pair of sodden knickers out on the decking certainly wasn't doing what had been asked of her. What's more, as she stared at the wet thong, she heard movement. There it was again, footsteps, above her, heading across the landing, heading towards the stairs, heading towards where she was standing.

Kirsten's heart dropped. What was she to do? Should she rush out there and grab those knickers before her mistress noticed they had been left outside? Could she do it knowing she was being watched? Those footsteps were getting closer, but Kirsten found herself unable to move. She was rooted to the spot, her eyes darting between the discarded knickers and the stranger standing mere metres away.

In the end, it was suggestion from outside which gave the opportunity.

"Now, you gonna stay there gawping, or shall we get going... I wanna get out of these sweaty clothes and grab a shower... what about you... wanna join me... you wash mine, and I'll wash yours, if you get what I mean?" came that female voice.

"You'll be needing plenty of soap to wash mine," came an immediate reply from the man. "Come on then... race you back."

As Kirsten watched, and much to her relief, first him, and then her, set off in a fast jog down the lane away from the cabin, the one which eventually led towards the main road. With the strangers on their way, Kirsten dashed outside and grabbed the knickers. For a moment, she stood there, staring at the couple of joggers as they disappeared into the distance. In her mind, she could imagine the two of them together in the shower, giving each other a wash... or maybe something else.

It was as she pondered the something else that Kirsten remembered there was a something else that she had been promised... a something else which didn't bode to be quite so pleasurable as the thought of that shower. Quick as she could, the young blonde headed back inside, shutting the door behind her, and turning the key.

Still breathing quickly, she stood there, facing the closed door, thinking about what had just happened. Her heart was pounding fast. She was so engrossed in thinking about her mishap with the knickers that Kirsten wasn't really listening to anything more than the thumping beat from inside.

Even a second set of noises, becoming louder as they came closer, didn't register on the young blonde. A sudden stern-sounding voice from behind though, did get noticed.


Kirsten jumped out of her skin, her stomach doing cartwheels such was the element of surprise, before that sinking feeling came over her as she thought about what she had just done, or more so what she had been asked to do. Quickly, Kirsten spun around, still clutching the bundle of clothes. Even more quickly, she froze, a sense of dread coming over her as she stared towards the foot of the stairs and her waiting mistress.

"And there I was, thinking I'd asked you to be quick. Was I wrong, or was my little sub forgetting again, what had been asked of her?" Claudia added, slowly walking across the lounge floor towards where Kirsten was standing.

'Damn!' Kirsten thought, keeping the expletive to herself, yet cursing the way she had been found out.

Had she really been that long?

Claudia had said she was going to change, and change she had. The red free-flowing dress with the shirred bodice was gone... well, at least the dress had, but there was still a bodice in the new outfit... a soft black leather-look bodice, strung all the way up the front, tied off in a bow just above Claudia's full breasts.

There was a tiny glimmer of flesh between where bodice finished, and matching leather-look knickers started. As if that wasn't enough, the transformation was completed with a pair of opaque black stockings, a glimpse of suspenders, and three-quarter length gloves.

She'd seen her mistress dressed this way before, but this time there was something different, something Claudia was holding, something which filled the young blonde with dread.


Was it dread, or was it excitement?

Kirsten's heart was racing.

She was quivering slightly at the thought of what had been promised to her, or more so at the thought of what Claudia might be planning to do to her, and what this extra misdemeanour might bring her way. All Kirsten could do was stare, watching Claudia's every step as she came closer still. It wasn't so much her mistress' new outfit which had grabbed the young blonde's attention, but more so what she was carrying.

"What are we going to do with you?" Claudia asked.

"Punish me, Mistress?" Kirsten replied, her answer coming in the form of a question, all the time hoping her mistress might take pity on her state and go easy on her.

"With... that?" Kirsten added, her eyes fixed on what could only be described as a rather imposing flogger. It was the flogger, and its myriad of soft leather fronds, which had grabbed Kirsten's attention as her mistress took those few steps towards the young blonde.

Claudia was carrying it so nonchalantly. She had her hand wrapped loosely around a short handle, with a cord of leather wrapped around her wrist as a safeguard in case she inadvertently released her grip. As she strode towards her lover, the fronds swayed with ever step.

How many were there?

How long were they?

Was mistress really going to use it on her?

Was she going to squeal out in pain as the leather bit hard?

The thoughts were running over and over in Kirsten's mind, and for the first time, she had to admit to being scared. Kirsten was regretting even suggesting that her mistress might punish her, yet here she stood, staring back at the implement of her intended torture.

"What... this?" Claudia replied, standing right in front of her little sub, and holding the flogger up in front of Kirsten's face.

Slowly, tentatively, Kirsten nodded.

For a moment, there was silence.

Kirsten stood there, waiting for a response.

Claudia on the other hand, simply brought the flogger up and down, allowing the soft leather fronds to stroke gently against her lover's skin... down Kirsten's arms... across Kirsten's thighs... up and over Kirsten's breasts.

"Oh no..." Claudia replied.

A feeling of relief washed over Kirsten.

"I'm not going to punish you with this, my girl," Claudia added.

Kirsten smiled.

"This is just to encourage you to get a move on. I'll give you two minutes, my girl... so go on... put the clothes in the washing machine, and then get that cute little ass of yours upstairs," Claudia continued.

Kirsten's smile diminished as another thought filled her mind.

"But... Mistress," Kirsten replied. "They'll be all wet, and I didn't bring anything else with me."

Claudia laughed.

"In that case, I guess you've got two options. You can put the wet clothes back on, and at least they'll be clean, or you can stay just as you are... naked... and pretty. You should have thought about that before you went peeing yourself," Claudia responded.

Kirsten couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mistress really meant it.

"The w... washing m... machine?" Kirsten asked.

"In the kitchen," Claudia replied, enjoying the way her lover was starting to panic. "You'll find detergent in the cupboard under the sink, and the washing machine is behind one of the doors. And... that's half a minute gone already, so I'd get a move on if I were you."

This time, there was no hesitation from Kirsten. Quick as she could, she headed off towards the kitchen.

There was no hesitation from Claudia either. She simply followed her sub's every move, keeping a couple of steps behind, yet close enough to take action if she really needed to.

"One minute," Claudia called out, smiling as Kirsten opened first dishwasher and then freezer, in search of the washing machine.

Third time lucky, the open door revealed a washing machine, and Kirsten stuffed her clothes inside. The detergent would be easier. She'd already been told exactly where that was, and this time her mistress wasn't playing games. Kirsten opened the cupboard under the sink, relieved to see a box of washing tablets right at the front. Again, that sense of relief washed over her, and quickly she bent down to retrieve one of the tablets.

"Mmmm," Kirsten moaned, as she first felt the caress against her pert ass.

"Aghh," Kirsten squealed as a different feeling took over her. Quickly she grabbed one of the tablets and stood up once more.

It had all been too tempting. From behind, as her lover bent at the waist, Claudia had the perfect view. She watched as her lover's cute little ass pulled taught. She stared as her lover's lips smiled back from between Kirsten's legs. She brought that flogger up and slowly ran the fronds down across Kirsten's bare cheeks, drawing the pleasureful moan.

Then, with a flick of the wrist, she sent said same fronds swooshing through the air. There wasn't enough power in that movement to really bite, yet the element of surprise had made the young blonde squeal. It would have been so tempting to bring the flogger down vertically, caressing her lover's tender sex, but she chose a more horizontal direction, letting the leather wrap over the pale skin of Kirsten's ass.

Even as a warning shot, it was quite satisfying. The speed in which the young blonde rushed over to the washing machine, set it going, and then headed over towards the stairs, was equally enjoyable. If nothing else, Claudia had now grabbed her lover's attention. As she followed on behind, taking the stairs at speed, Claudia was already considering whether to change her plan or not.

Which would be more fun? The torment she had originally planned, or really letting her lover get up close and personal with the little toy she had in her hand.

About halfway up the stairs, Claudia's mind was made up. If Kirsten made it upstairs within the two minutes, it would be the original plan, and if not, it would be the flogger itself. Either way, this was going to be fun, and the young blonde was going to get the punishment she had asked for.

"Aghh... Mistress..." Kirsten called out, nearly missing her footing on one of the top steps as she felt those fronds rain down across her ass once more, this time just a little harder than the last. She stopped and turned back towards a smiling Claudia.

"What was that for, Mistress?" Kirsten asked.

"Oh... nothing..." Claudia replied. "I just love the way it makes you jump... oh... and yes... I nearly forgot... you've got about twenty seconds left to get that cute ass of yours upstairs, but I guess that's your choice. If I didn't know better, I might think you are wanting to be punished with my little flogger after all. Am I..."

Claudia never had the chance to ask if she was right. In no time at all, Kirsten had sprinted up the remaining steps, across the landing and into her bedroom. By the time Claudia caught up with the young blonde, Kirsten was already sitting pretty in the middle of her bed, smiling back.

"So, you think you made it then?" Claudia asked.

"Yes, Mistress," Kirsten replied. "I did just what you asked of me."

"And did I ask you to go to your room, and sit on your bed?" Claudia asked.

For a moment, Kirsten was stumped. She hadn't been asked to do anything in any particular way other than to go upstairs, so Kirsten did just what came naturally, heading for her room and positioning herself in the middle of the bed. All she was doing was sitting there, knees up, body slightly forward, arms wrapped around her upper shins as if for balance. What was wrong with that? Should she have been asking how to sit rather than assuming she had a choice in the matter?

"You didn't ask, Mistress," Kirsten replied.

"I see," came a response, as Claudia swished the flogger against her own leg as if for effect. "First of all, my little sub decides to make a mess on my beautiful porch, and then she takes it on herself to assume where I wanted her, and what's more she even has the cheek to sit there smiling back at me as if nothing ever happened."

"But... Mistress—" Kirsten tried to chip in.

"And now she thinks she can justify her behaviour, does she?" Claudia retorted. "I can see somebody needs to be taught their place... and taught it pretty quickly."

"Yes, Mistress," Kirsten replied. "I need you to teach me, Mistress."

"And what is your place, Kirsten?" Claudia asked.

"I'm your lover, you're my mistress, and I'm sitting on my bed," Kirsten replied.

"And I'm ready," Kirsten added, smiling back at Claudia.

"Ready?" Claudia replied.

"Yes, Mistress... I'm always ready for you, Mistress," Kirsten continued.

For a moment, Claudia said nothing. She stood there, staring back at Kirsten. As she took in the beauty of the young blonde, Claudia was thinking about how far she could go. To date, they'd played around at mistress and lover, trying new things, but always within a comfort zone... well, nearly always. The fisting did take it to another level, but that was more of a one off. Everything else they had done had been safe... a bit of exhibitionism... a bit of control with cuffs and chains and the like... a bit of experimentation... but now... now...

Claudia for once was hesitant. The time was always going to come, and the episode with the wet trousers was a conscious decision to force the issue, but now she wasn't sure. They had a good thing going, and Claudia didn't want to spoil that, yet at the same time she wondered just how far they could take it.

And then there was Sophie. Sophie was screaming out for this sort of treatment, to be taken, to be controlled, to be submissive to another. Claudia's intention was for Kirsten to be that 'another' but first of all, she needed to show her young lover just what it was like. And that was the risk. By showing the young blonde, would it change the dynamics of their own relationship? Would it spoil everything they had going?

"Oh, my dear little Kirsten," Claudia replied, running the soft leather fronds of her flogger across the young blonde's knees. "You're so sweet... so innocent... so inquisitive... but so not ready."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Kirsten replied. "I don't understand."

"Don't worry, my little sub," Claudia responded, swishing her flogger slowly through the air at her side. "I'm going to teach you what ready means, and then... then... I'm going to teach you a lesson... a lesson you'll thank me for... maybe not today... but one day you'll look back on this moment and you'll say... thank you, Mistress."

"Thank you, Mistress," Kirsten replied, not even thinking about the significance of what had been said to her. "When do we start?"

"Oh, we already have," Claudia responded. "But... I guess you need a little encouragement to be a good sub... what do you think... do you need a little encouragement?"

"No, Mistress," Kirsten replied immediately. "I can be a good girl... I mean... I can be a good sub... I know I can... owww!"

It was the swish of that flogger, or more to the point the impact of those fronds against her hands, which drew the exclamation from Kirsten. Once more it was surprise rather than pain which had made Kirsten jump to attention. Immediately, to prevent a repeat performance from her mistress, Kirsten changed her tone, becoming more apologetic about her behaviour, moving her hands down, resting her palms flat on the bed by her side.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Kirsten added. "I didn't mean to wet myself."

Claudia brought her finger up to her lips in a sign for her lover to cease, but Kirsten wasn't demonstrating any signs of being a quick learner.

"I just wanted you to know," Kirsten continued.

Once more Claudia brought her finger up to her lips, but once more Kirsten didn't cotton on to what was being asked of her.

"I wasn't trying to be bad... it just... happened... but now I promise, Mistress... I promise to be good," Kirsten continued. "Unless you ask me to be bad... if you know what I—"

"Owww!" Kirsten squealed once more, falling silent as she felt the sting of those fronds again, this time against her bare knees.

"That's better," Claudia interjected. "The first thing a good sub knows is her place, and your place in the moment is to listen and learn... to show willingness... to follow what is asked of you... do you understand?"

For a moment Kirsten said nothing.

"You can answer," Claudia added. "It is important. A good sub knows her place, but a good sub knows the importance of sharing her feelings. Do you understand that, Kirsten? Do you understand that, my little Sub?"

"Yes, Mistress," Kirsten replied. "I understand, Mistress."

"That's better. Now, let's start with your position, and what it really means for a sub to be ready. Can you guess, or do I need to show you?"

"Please, Mistress," Kirsten replied, hoping it was a question she should be answering. "Please can you show me?"

A smile ran across Claudia's face.

"There... you're becoming a good sub already. When you ask so nicely, Mistress would be happy to show you," Claudia responded.

"Now... let's start with those arms..." Claudia continued.


"... behind your back, hands clenched together," Claudia continued, ignoring the protest from her lover as she brought the flogger down against Kirsten's upper arm.

"And... those legs..."

"Owww! Aghh!" Kirsten responded.

"... flat on the bed."

Claudia once again demonstrated where she wanted her sub, using the flogger for encouragement, raining the soft leather fronds down on first one leg then the other.

It was the third such impact which set the wheels in motion. Quickly, Kirsten switched position, stretching her legs out on front of her and, at the same time, pulling her arms behind her back. She didn't smile, but inside she was happy that she was following what had been asked of her. Imagine the surprise when the flogger ran down across her thighs once more, bringing yet another squeal from the young blonde.

"I can see you've got much to learn. Not like that... on your knees... with your hands behind your back," Claudia explained, watching contently as Kirsten acted on every word, quickly switching position.

"Oh, and I nearly forgot... those knees should be splayed," Claudia added. "Does my sub understand?"

Before long, Kirsten was just as her mistress had asked her to be. She knelt on the bed, arms behind her back, knees splayed. Whether she had noticed or not, the new seating position was for a reason. Everything she had was being presented to her mistress... pussy... tits... the whole lot, and it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Yes, Mistress. Is that better, Mistress? Am I a good sub, Mistress?" Kirsten asked.

"Better... but a good sub would be saying thank you instead of crying out like that... not unless... unless she wanted more, and wanted it... well... harder," Claudia replied, a wry smile forming across her face.

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