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Work Hard, Play Harder Ch. 12


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"All the way," Claudia ordered. "Feel how soft the leather is against your back."

It was true. For all it was cold, the leather was smooth, and the padding soft. Kirsten hated to admit it, but there was something quite enjoyable about this strangest of chairs. Had it been just a touch wider, and maybe a tad higher off the ground, she might even have described it as comfortable.

Slowly, Kirsten slid back on the seat. She felt the chill of leather against her back, and Kirsten found herself pulling forward slightly. As she did, she remembered the order she had been given. She didn't need to look at her mistress to know what was expected of her. Biting her lip, Kirsten willed herself to sit back, to relax into the padded backing, to accept it would be cold to the touch, to hope it would quickly take on her body heat and warm up. As she did, and being prepared for the same, there was no outcry of emotion from the young blonde... just a sigh, and a smile, and a...

"Wh... wh... aghh... Mistress!" Kirsten exclaimed, a whirr of motors, a jerk of the seat, and then a feeling of motion, suddenly detracting from the chill of leather.

Taken totally by surprise, immediately Kirsten grabbed hold of the chair arms to try and steady herself as she rose effortlessly into the air. By the time the chair stopped, Kirsten was a good couple of feet off the ground, sitting precariously on her oh so narrow perch.

It may have been a surprise to the young blonde, but not at all to her mistress. It was Claudia who had put the wheels, or more accurately the gears, into motion. A press of a button sent the chair rising high. It was the first of several surprises that she had planned for her lover. The second was already on her mind.

"Did I surprise you?" Claudia quipped, already knowing the answer.

Kirsten nodded. She clung on for support, her heart still pounding such was the shock of being lifted so quickly off the ground.

"I'm so sorry," Claudia replied, taking her lover a little by surprise at the apology.

"It's alright, Mistress," Kirsten responded. "I'm fine."

"No... no... I really am sorry," Claudia replied. "I have a duty of care, and I should have taken precautions. Health and safety and all that... I can't have you falling off... think of all the red tape that would cause. Now... keep still and I'll get you something."

Keep still? Kirsten wasn't about to go anywhere. She listened as her mistress rummaged around in what she assumed was a chest of drawers somewhere behind her but didn't dare try to crane her neck to see what Claudia was up to, afraid that the effort to get a better view may send her tumbling off the edge of the narrow seat. As she listened, another thought filled Kirsten's mind. Wouldn't it have been easier just to lower her back down?

"Here we go," Claudia announced, walking back towards Kirsten, her hands full.

"These should do the trick," Claudia added, dropping her newly found bounty onto the young blonde's lap, drawing another squeal of surprise from Kirsten.

Kirsten glanced down at the pile on her lap. The surprise had been the way they had been unceremoniously deposited onto her lap, and not so much what they were. There were eight in total, of varying lengths, each around five inches wide, each identical in fabrication, each obvious in purpose. There was something almost medical in their appearance—each was a length of soft neoprene fabric edged at one end with heavy-duty Velcro strips—the sort of thing you might have wrapped tightly around a sore knee or elbow.

Kirsten didn't need to ask. She knew exactly what they were, and where they were about to go. It had been the first question... bound or blindfolded, and Kirsten had quickly given her answer. The intention was expected. The means though was not quite what the young blonde anticipated. In her mind, Kirsten had imagined the usual set of cuffs, with her wrists and hands secured, but otherwise free to move. It was how she found herself so often on that bed. This though... this...

The more she thought about it, the more Kirsten realised she would be totally at her mistress' mercy.

The more she thought about it, the more Kirsten remembered she was in no position to complain about a predicament she herself had chosen.

"You can let go," Claudia continued. "You're not going to fall."

Carefully, not quite sure if she believed she was safe up here, Kirsten released her grip from the arms of the chair. She was only a couple of feet in the air, yet Kirsten felt so precarious on that tiny seat. She watched as her mistress glanced towards her. What was Claudia thinking? What was Claudia about to do next? Kirsten wasn't sure but, somehow, she knew there would be more than just this chair and those bindings.

Claudia was indeed thinking, and it wasn't so much the young blonde which she was thinking about. She knew exactly what was coming next, and who would end up cumming, but comfort was going to be just as important as the torment she had in mind. She had promised to show her little sub that pleasure itself could be just as effective a punishment as pain. As she stared back towards Kirsten, it was the positioning of the chair arms which took her attention.

"Arms out," Claudia ordered, watching as Kirsten dutifully lifted her arms out, stopping around forty-five degrees from her sides.

"Keep going," Claudia continued. "All the way."

At first, she wasn't sure, but slowly Kirsten lifted her arms further, all the way until they mirrored the positioning of the chair arms albeit a few inches lower than the padded red leather. With a quick adjustment to the chair arms, the height difference was soon taken care of.

"That's better," Claudia added, taking hold of Kirsten's right hand, and positioning it level with the soft padding. "I told you... this chair was made for you. Now, be a good girl and pass me one of those... one of the shorter ones."

With her free hand, and a little against her better judgement but knowing she had no choice, Kirsten reached down and picked up one of the bindings. She passed it to her mistress. Her eyes never left that length of soft fabric, not as Claudia lifted it towards her waiting forearm, nor as Claudia wrapped it all the way around, pulling the fabric nice and snug, not even as Claudia secured the binding with those Velcro strips.

"Another," Claudia ordered.

A second binding was duly passed to her mistress, this one applied just above Kirsten's elbow. Seconds later, there was a symmetry to proceedings, with two matching bindings holding Kirsten's left arm out horizontally.

"There... much better," Claudia quipped, walking around to the front of the chair, running her hand along her captive's cheek, then leaning in and giving Kirsten a fleeting kiss. "No way you're going to fall now."

It was true, and Kirsten knew it. That said, it didn't stop her from testing just how secure those bindings were. Try as much as she could, and Kirsten did put some effort into her attempt, she wasn't going anywhere. Her eyes moved down to her lap and the remaining bindings. Already she could imagine two being used to secure her legs to the seat, but why were there four, and were they really long enough to go around both of her legs?

With a touch of uncertainty in her gaze, Kirsten looked back towards her mistress, hoping for an answer. Claudia though wasn't paying any attention to the plight of her little sub. She was already walking away, heading to the back of the chair and those hidden controls. This time the whirr of a motor was softer, but the net effect was just as before, and just as unexpected.

"Wh... what!" Kirsten called out as the movement took her by surprise.

It was slow... it was steady... but for sure Kirsten could feel it.

'Oh, god!' she thought to herself, suddenly realising just what was happening.

The chair was moving, not in a vertical sense, but laterally. As she sat there, the very seat she was perched upon was splitting into two, each half pulling apart. For a moment, Kirsten panicked. In her mind, she was going to fall, to tumble through the gap in the seat, held upwards by nothing more than the bindings around her arms. She never even considered that she wasn't far enough off the ground to end up dangling there. All she could think about was making sure she remained safe and secure on that very seat.

Slowly, as the sides of the seat parted, so did Kirsten's legs. That wasn't all. The motion of the seat both eased the sides apart, but also pushed them forward leaving a gap at the very back of the padding. Without thinking, Kirsten followed suit, shuffling forward a little more, all the time making sure to keep her position atop the soft leather. She heard first one then all four of the remaining bindings fall to the floor, but there was little she could do to stop them.

To stop them? Much to Kirsten's relief, the seat did come to a stop. She glanced down at her legs, expecting to see them wide apart, but the gap was little more than a hands width at the widest point. Kirsten smiled as she realised, she was safe once more. She shuffled a little, making herself more comfortable, then waited.

"Oh, my darling Sub," Claudia commented, moving back around to the front of the chair. "Did it take you by surprise? I told you this was a special chair, didn't I?"

Kirsten found herself nodding.

As she watched her mistress crouch down in front of her, Kirsten was already wondering what was coming next. The answer was more obvious than before. One by one, Claudia secured the remaining bindings around Kirsten's thighs, two on each side, pulling each into the snuggest of fits, not too tight, yet tight enough to recognise they were there.

Once more, and as much for effect than intent, Kirsten struggled against her bindings. It was no use. They weren't going anywhere, and neither was she. The penny dropped. This wasn't a chair, it was a machine, and what's more, she was part of it, bound into its very frame, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, at her mistress' mercy.

"Ready?" Claudia asked.

The question was clear, but Kirsten still had no idea why it was being asked. The lack of idea was short lived though. The movement of her mistress back towards the rear of the chair was a giveaway. The movement of that seat beneath her legs was the confirmation. This time, Kirsten found herself staring down, watching as the padded leather continued to part. With each of her legs now secured to its own side of the seat, she had no option but to follow suit. As the seat spread out and wide, so did the young blonde.

Slowly, bit by bit, the gap between her thighs widened.

Slowly, as the seat eased forward, so did Kirsten.

By the time she was still once more, her legs were splayed wide. This time there was no hiding, literally. She was exposed in the very sense of the word. Every inch was on display, as if being presented to her mistress, ready for whatever torment was about to come.

Kirsten swallowed hard.

As she stared down at her pussy, her mind went back to that flogger. Already she was imagining the bite of those fronds, first raining down on her tiny tits, then against her tender sex. Then another thought crossed her mind. What had her mistress said about shocking her? Is that what was about to happen, and was it her pussy which was going to get the treatment?

Suddenly, Kirsten was nervous. She tried not to show it, but inside she was shaking as she watched her mistress walk back around to the front.

Claudia smiled as she eyed up her lover. There was something so thrilling about seeing Kirsten bound like this. On the bed was exciting enough, but here in the chair was something else. She wasn't going to admit it, not yet, but secured like this, her little sub was so goddam sexy. It would have been very tempting just to crouch down and eat her out, but already Claudia had promised a different outcome, and what she knew as a mistress was that a promise was a promise and shouldn't be broken.

It was time.

It was time to punish the young blonde's misdemeanours.

"Look at you," Claudia spoke, her voice taking on a more dominant tone, the words being almost an order in their own right.

"Sitting there, oh so pretty, showing everything to your mistress like a good sub," Claudia continued. As she spoke, Claudia ran her hand down across Kirsten's naked body, her fingers gently caressing the outline of Kirsten's tiny breasts, before heading lower still.

Kirsten gasped. It was nothing more than the touch of fingers against her labia, the tips grazing gently over her puffy lips, but in this moment of jeopardy, the excitement shot through her like a bolt of lightning. Again, Claudia drew her fingertips along the length of Kirsten's slit, and again the young blonde gasped.

"You like that, don't you, Sub?" Claudia asked.

"Mmmm," Kirsten responded, her mind preoccupied by the feeling down below.

It hadn't taken much, but suddenly it didn't seem to matter that she was bound to this contraption of a chair. What did matter was picking up again on what had so cruelly been taken away minutes earlier. Back on the bed, she'd longed for her mistress to continue to finger her, but she had been left disappointed. Then the sight of the chair, and the thought of what was going to happen to her, had pushed those desires to the back of her mind. Now though... now they were back... and back with abundance.

Kirsten longed to feel that finger, easing her lips apart, sliding between her tender folds, seeking out the slightest opening then delving deep inside. She moaned again as Claudia applied a little more pressure against her sex, directly over her clit. Still though, still it never happened. Kirsten was aching within, but never did her mistress try to open her up.

"Please," Kirsten whispered.

"Please, what?" Claudia responded, continuing to run her fingers up and down over Kirsten's puffy labia.

"Please, Mistress," Kirsten responded.

"Please, what?" Claudia asked again, this time drawing little circles across her lover's slit, pulling those lips ever so slightly apart, sensing the dampness within.

"That, Mistress," Kirsten responded, breathing just a little quicker as the feelings of desire flooded her petite frame.

"That feels so good, Mistress..." Kirsten continued, her voice trailing off as it dawned on her what she was doing.

"But... but... I was a bad girl, and you should be punishing me," Kirsten finished off her sentence, hoping her mistress would accept the correction. Kirsten held her breath and hoped.

For a moment there was silence. Claudia held her hand over Kirsten's now damp lips but ceased any movement. It was like she was considering what to do next. It was for show though. Claudia had never deviated from her first plan. All she wanted was to hear her sub asking for it, and now she had.

"You are right," Claudia responded, giving her lover's sex a playful slap, and drawing a squeal of surprise from Kirsten.

"I had forgotten all about it," Claudia lied, "but now... when you ask so nicely, who am I to refuse."

Kirsten couldn't believe what she had done. She could have been sitting there letting her mistress play with her pussy, enjoying every minute, but then she went and did it, and now she was ruing that mistake. Why didn't see keep her mouth shut? Why did she have to be so honest, so obedient? Why did she have to remind her mistress? Why did she want her punishment?

The latter was the strange thing. She was nervous, but she wasn't scared. It had been promised to her, and here she was asking for it. What's more, somewhere deep inside, a voice told her that she deserved everything she got. Kirsten had trust in Claudia, and she knew her mistress wouldn't go too far... or at least wouldn't go further than Kirsten could accept. There was the safe word. She had chosen it very early on in their relationship, but to date had never come close to using it. Would this be the time? Would this be when she really put that element of trust to the test?

"Be a good girl," Claudia continued. "Don't you be going anywhere... I'll be back in a mo."

Kirsten smiled as she watched her mistress disappear. Don't go anywhere, Claudia had said. With these bindings, and unless she was Harry Houdini himself, Kirsten wasn't about to make any dash for freedom. She had already convinced herself that she deserved what was coming, and mentally she prepared herself for the same.

All Kirsten could do was sit there and listen. She heard Claudia's soft footsteps heading across the landing, and seemingly downstairs. Then there was silence. It was only a minute or two, but the quiet really had Kirsten wondering. What was her mistress up to? That flogger was in the bedroom next door, yet Kirsten was sure she had heard footsteps heading down.

Then there was the small matter of something on charge. What was that all about, and was that what was being retrieved from downstairs? By the time Kirsten heard the footsteps return, she was starting to feel nervous again.

Seconds later, Kirsten was no longer alone. Claudia was back and walking right towards Kirsten. Kirsten found herself gawping towards her mistress, expecting to see the flogger once more, or something even more fearful. What she saw though... what she saw was... a bowl... a simple china bowl. Claudia was carrying a blue bowl; around the size you might have used for breakfast.

"What's that, Mistress?" Claudia asked, her mind going into overdrive, wondering how she was going to be punished with a bowl.

"What, this?" Claudia responded, walking right past her bound lover, and putting the bowl on the top of a nearby surface, never once showing Kirsten the contents. "Just a bowl and a few treats to keep me going. Did you think it was for you? Did you think I was going to punish you with this bowl?"

Kirsten sighed. In a way, she was relieved. She had put two and two together and already made five, when all her mistress had done was go to get something to eat, or at least Kirsten had assumed her mistress had gone to get something to eat. She sat there watching as Claudia headed over towards the other side of the playroom. This time Claudia didn't leave the playroom. Seconds later she returned, carrying something quite different.

"Oh no, my little Sub... this is your punishment," Claudia added, holding her latest possessions proudly in front of her as she strode back towards her bound lover.

Kirsten's eyes fell on her mistress' newly found bounty. It wasn't the flogger. It wasn't some sort of perverse cattle prod or electric whip either. What Claudia was carrying was nothing more than a pleasure wand, a big one, covered in black silicon with a silver metallic base, but still just a massage wand.

In her other hand, Claudia carried a small bottle of lube, but Kirsten barely registered the same. Her gaze was transfixed on the wand. Suddenly the comment about charging made sense, and Kirsten started to smile. As she sat there, she relaxed a little. Her punishment had been nothing more than to sit here, bound to some sort of contraption colloquially called a chair, fretting about what was coming her way, when all Claudia intended to do was pleasure her.

Suddenly, a new feeling came over the young blonde, a lustful ache of desire. If her punishment was to be nothing more than a rechargeable wand, she couldn't wait for her penance to begin.

"Are you sitting comfortably?" Claudia asked, walking right up to the side of her bound lover, crouching down a little then placing her lips against Kirsten's. For a moment, they kissed, before Claudia pulled back slightly.

"Close your eyes," Claudia whispered.

Kirsten did just that, and immediately wished she hadn't.

"Aghh... Mistress," Kirsten squealed, her eyes shooting open.

She hadn't expected it, and with her eyes closed, she hadn't seen what was about to happen, but very quickly she felt it. A trickle of lube landed between her outstretched legs, halfway across her mound and halfway across her pussy. It felt so cold against the warmth of her swollen lips, and it was that temperature change which had her calling out in surprise.

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