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Working Late

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Sex after the harassment training.
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Richard and Katherine both worked at a big company. They were in different departments, but they were mildly acquainted. Katherine was a tall, leggy brunette who worked in Accounts Payable. She dressed well and had a good body to dress. A nice round ass (perhaps a little big, she thought sometimes) and a nice pair of jugs—not huge but big enough to fill out a sweater nicely. Richard was a mid-level sales executive with boyish good looks, a flat belly, broad shoulders and a disarming smile.

On Tuesday afternoon they found themselves in a mandatory harassment seminar. Big companies do that sort of thing so they can defend the inevitable lawsuits that arise out of broken and unrequited relationships, etc. It tends to be really boring and unrealistic stuff.

Katherine was sitting next to Richard, kind of half way listening, but more focused on the good looking hunk from the mail room who was a couple of rows down. "I wonder how big his dick is?" she was thinking. "If you believe the gossip mill, he is a real stud."

Richard leaned over and whispered, "This is bullshit." He was leaning close enough so that she could feel the warmth from his body. It abruptly distracted her from the mail boy.

"What?" she said, trying to change tracks from the mail boy's dick to Richard's whisper.

"This meeting is bullshit," he repeated.

"Oh," she said. "It certainly is. The only thing that makes this job bearable is all of the screwing around that goes on here. Can you imagine what our jobs would be like if people actually lived like the lawyers want us to?"

"Shhh!" the severe looking older woman sitting next to Katherine admonished them.

Katherine felt duly chastised for a few moments. Then she got a gleam in her eye as she thought, "Well, if that old biddy doesn't want us to talk, there are other things I can do."

They were sitting at long tables in an amphitheater style lecture hall. Katherine slipped her foot nearest Richard from her pump and began to play footsie with him. He looked at her with a smile, and she responded with a mischievous smile that she hoped he would take as sexy. Richard put his hand on her thigh and began to fondle it through Katherine's lightweight dress. That started a fire in her crotch that was just delicious. Katherine responded by putting her hand in Richard's lap.

When Richard felt Katherine put her hand in his lap, his dick sprang to attention. "I want to fuck this girl," he thought. "I want to fuck her now. Wouldn't that be something, getting laid in a sexual harassment seminar?"

He started to ask her what she was doing after work, but she shushed him just like the old biddy had. Meanwhile, she gave his erect dick a firm squeeze through his trousers. He got the message—"Don't attract attention, and I will keep this up."

Katherine did just that for the next ten minutes while he continued to rub her thigh. "Shit, I wish I could play with my boobs," Katherine was thinking. "This is making me so horny."

Suddenly Richard pulled away and began to tap on his Blackberry.

"What is wrong with this guy?" Katherine thought. Then her iPhone buzzed. The old biddy gave her a sour look, but she pulled it out and opened the message. It was from Richard.

"I had to stop. You were going to make me cum. If I am going to cum in a sexual harassment seminar, I want to be fucking you when it happens."

Katherine tapped out a brief response: "☺ I like that." Then she typed out a longer one. "Don't feel alone. My panties are soaked."

Then another message: "Fucking in a harassment seminar? Wow! Now there's an idea. I always heard you sales guys were creative."

Richard typed out a response: "Meet me at the bar after work, but leave the panties behind."


"Pay attention!" hissed the old biddy.

Two hours later Katherine climbed up on a bar stool next to Richard. He had commandeered two seats at the far end of the darkened bar. The place was full of people all of whom were drinking and chatting merrily and paying little or no attention to anyone else around them. After the barkeep delivered her order, she rotated on the stool so that her knees were pushed up against Richard's thigh.

"We might as well have come straight over here after the seminar. I didn't get anything useful done the rest of the afternoon. All I could think about was your idea of fucking during the harassment seminar," she said with a giggle.

Richard chuckled in response as he put his hand on her knee. "Pretty neat idea, huh?"

This time she laughed. "You are nuts."

"So you weren't tempted to stand me up?"

In answer to his question, Katherine reached in her purse and pulled out her panties and put them in his lap, giving his cock a stroke in the process. "Tell me, do those look like I was tempted to stand you up?" she asked.

Richard pulled the panties up to his nose and took a quick smell of her cunt juices. "Delicious," he said. "You really were wet. These are soaked."

"There's lots more where that came from." As she spoke, she pulled up her dress to mid thigh and spread her knees to provide Richard access. He tucked the panties in his jacket pocket and turned to take a sip from his drink. But the hand that wasn't on the drink was sliding up her thigh, and when it reached the soft hair of her pussy Katherine looked over her shoulder to confirm that they were being ignored by the noisy crowd in the rest of the bar and then spread her thighs just a bit more.

As he slid two fingers into her sloppy wet cunt, she said, "Oh fuck. I have been waiting all afternoon for this. Wouldn't it have been fun if we could have done this in that boring meeting? It would have given that old biddy a stroke." Then she leaned back to improve Richard's access to her pussy.

Richard laughed at the idea of having sex during a training session on sexual harassment. Then he shoved his fingers farther into Katherine's pussy. She gasped a bit.

"I have an idea," he said. "Let's finish these drinks and go back over to the training room and fuck."

"What! You want to go back to the same room for sex? What if we get caught?"

"It will be empty by now, and we can both get naked and fuck in every position we can think of." He continued to slowly pump her pussy while he talked. "Really, you can imagine that the old biddy is still sitting there while you bend over the desk and I fuck you from behind."

"Ummmh, yes," she said. "I like that idea, but I want to lean on the back of a chair so my tits are hanging down and swinging rather than all mashed on the table." As she spoke, she set her drink down and then leaned forward and stroked his now erect cock through his pants.

"What other positions do you want to fuck in?" he asked, as she continued to stroke his dick.

"I want you to eat my pussy."

"God! I love to eat pussy," he responded. "And you can suck my cock."

"Of course. And I want you to squirt cum all over my tits."

"Shit, I can't wait! Let's go."

"Not so fast," she said. "We need to have another drink and let the office empty out a bit more."

"Are you kidding? It's Friday night. If you stand in front of the elevator at five o'clock you'll be trampled. Even the janitorial staff takes Friday night off. They do their cleanup on Sunday night."

"We need to wait," she said as she signaled the bartender for another round.

"Okay," he said, as he pulled his hand away from her pussy. "If you can wait, I can wait."

Katherine gave him a pouty look and said, "I didn't mean you had to stop that."

"You flagged the bartender to get us another round and he's headed our way. Not to worry, I'll make up for it later."

As the bartender approached, Katherine pulled her legs back together and pulled her dress back down toward her knees. Richard ordered two more drinks.

"So," she asked him as she spun around on her stool toward the rest of the bar, "which of the couples you see sitting out there do think will be fucking within the next two hours?"

Richard almost choked on his drink. "You have a really dirty mind," he said.

"Some people think it is one of my finer qualities."

"I think it would have to go some to top your tits," he responded.

"How do you know? You haven't even seen my tits yet."

"They seem to fill out your sweater pretty well."

"They might be falsies."

"I doubt it, but why don't you go to the washroom and get rid of your bra. After all, if they are falsies, no one will notice when you come back."

"Damn, he called my bluff!" Katherine thought as she slid down off the stool and headed for the washroom.

As Katherine walked back into the bar, it was clear to Richard and anyone who chose to look that she hadn't been wearing falsies. Her medium-sized jugs bounced and swung as she walked across the floor, and the nipples bulged against the thin fabric of her sweater. The cream-colored fabric was thin enough that in the bright light of the washroom she had noticed that the brown shape of her aureoles showed clearly. Fortunately, the bar was darker.

"Happy now?" she asked as she climbed back up on the barstool.

"Very," Richard said. "If your dirty mind is better than those tits, it must be something."

"Save that for another time," she responded. "Let's get out of here. I am so horny that I almost came just rubbing my nipples while I was in the washroom." As she spoke she reached over and gave Richard's cock a squeeze.

Richard poured down the last of his drink, threw a twenty on the bar, and said, "Let's go."

A moment later they were standing on the street corner, and Katherine began to fondle Richard's ass with one hand while they waited for the light. Richard responded by fondling one of Katherine's tits with his elbow.

As they walked across the street Katherine said, "Shit this is sexy, especially that warm night air on my naked pussy. I can't wait to get upstairs and get the rest of these clothes off." Richard responded by rubbing her ass through the lightweight dress she was wearing.

As they rode up the elevator they shared a long, wet kiss with their tongues dueling for space in each other's mouth. Richard let his hands drop down and pulled her dress up so he could fondle her naked ass. He pulled up on her ass with both hands so that her pussy was rubbing against his erect cock through their clothes.

When they walked into the big lecture hall where they had been earlier, Katherine quickly stripped her dress and her sweater off and stepped up on the stage where the speaker had been earlier in the day. She was wearing the four-inch pumps and a string of pearls she had worn to work—and nothing else. Richard grabbed a seat in the front row and pulled his now rigid cock out and began to slowly stroke it, while Katherine sat in a chair on the stage, spread her legs, and dipped two fingers into her glistening pussy.

"So, what do you think the old biddy would do if she saw us sitting here masturbating?" she asked.

"Oh, probably make us attend a harassment conference every day for the rest of our lives," he responded.

"If they all work out like today, that would be okay." They sat in silence watching each other masturbate for what seemed like minutes. Finally she said, "Why don't you come up here and eat my pussy." She hopped up on a table and sat with her legs spread lewdly apart.

Richard quickly shed the rest of his clothes and pulled a chair up to the table. Katherine swung her legs around so she had one over each of his shoulders. Richard spread her pussy lips and then slid a finger into her cunt to finger fuck her.

"Ummm. That's good," Katherine said, followed by a series of gasps as he slid a second and then a third finger into her sloppy wet pussy.

Richard's erect cock jumped on its own in response to Katherine's gasp. He reached down with his free hand and gave his cock a few strokes.

Then he began licking her while his fingers continued to probe the inside of her cunt. First, just between her cunt and her clit along the insides of her labia. Occasionally he would just brush her clit, and Katherine would jump with excitement. He kept this up for several minutes while Katherine was massaging her tits and groaning and crying. He also kept stroking his rock hard cock. Not enough to make himself cum, but enough to keep it good and hard.

"Oh fuck that is good! Don't stop. Oh! . . . Oh fuck, I could do this forever. Oh, shit that is good!" Katherine cried as she panted.

Richard was really enjoying how excited she was, and he gradually increased the frequency of his teasing of her clit.

"Stop teasing me and just work my clit! Fuck I am so hot!"

Richard began to circle her clit with his tongue and then began to flick it. At this point Katherine was just screaming.

"Oh shit, I am cumming. Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck!" she screamed as she clinched Richard's head between her legs and her climax ripped through her.

As soon as she let go of his head, Richard stood and pushed his rock-hard dick into her tight cunt. Katherine pulled her legs back as wide as she could get them and said, "Yesssss! Put that cock in as far as you can get it."

"Is that what you have been wanting babe? Having you been thinking about this big cock all afternoon?" Richard slowly stroked his cock in and out of Katherine's hot dripping cunt. It felt so good wrapped around his cock; so hot and wet and tight. "Oh fuck this is good," he thought. Then he began to slowly pick up the pace of his stroking.

"Harder. Faster." Katherine said. "I want to cum again. Oh, fuck, your cock feels good! That's it," she said as Richard began to ram into her pussy as fast and hard as he could. "That's it. Oh, shit, that is good. Oh . . .Oh . . . Fuck! I am going to cum again." "Arraaaaaaagh!" she cried out as her cunt spasmed around Richard's dick. She pulled Richard down on top of her and just held him there while her cunt slowly relaxed.

"God you are a great fuck. Can you cum on my tits now? I love it. It's so nasty."

Richard pulled out and stepped back, while Katherine hopped down off the table and sat on the chair. She spread her legs and began finger fucking herself. Richard stood next to her with his dick next to her face. She turned and began to suck on his dick.

"God you can suck cock," Richard said. He let her keep sucking for several minutes until he thought he was ready to cum.

Are you going to cum again while I squirt on you?" he asked.

"Fuck! I think so," she responded, her voice tight and low. She moved her fingers from her pussy to her clit, which she rubbed rapidly as she watched Richard jacking off.

Richard stood in front of her and began to masturbate furiously. Within a minute he could feel his climax building.

"Here it comes, babe."

Good. Squirt it all over my tits," she said with a growl, as she continued to rub her clit.

Just as she finished speaking, Richard erupted with spurt after spurt of hot milky cum that streaked each of her breasts and one errant stream that caught the top of her head and her hair . Katherine pulled a hand away from her pussy and smeared the streams of cum over her tits.

"Now," she said. "Eat my pussy again while I rub your cum on my tits."

Richard quickly dropped between her legs and pushed his face into her pussy. This time he went straight for her clit. No fooling around with teasing.

"Oh god that's good!" she said. " I'm really close. Just suck on my clit."

Richard looked up and watched her rubbing his cum all over her tits. Then he looked back down and really focused on her clit. Almost immediately Katherine shrieked, as her third orgasm ripped through her.

Richard collapsed on top of her for a while as they both recovered. Eventually he stood in front of her with his now flaccid cock dripping a mixture of their juices and said, "Now that is my idea of how to understand sexual harassment. I just can't figure out who was the victim."

Katherine giggled and then responded, "Let's go back across the street and have dinner while we try to decide. I feel like I have been ravished, but I sure don't feel like a victim."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. I like the idea of fucking in the seminar room. Thank you.

A grateful Toronto reader.

PS: It brings back summer Saturday night memories of my then GF and I enjoyably making love in our department's large 33rd floor boardroom with windows on the financial district on a summer Saturday night.

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