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Working Late

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Claire helps out in the office.
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We'd had a long week at work and Claire didn't want to cook so we decided to go out to eat. I picked her up directly from the elementary school where she works and we headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant. I wasn't really thinking of it as a date night, but since we were still dressed for work it ended up feeling like a date as we drove across town. She had a on a loose flowing maroon dress with tights on underneath. I was wearing my usual ensemble of dress pants and button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I'd asked Claire how work went and she is giving me the lowdown on her day only occasionally slipping up and saying a child's name. As a teacher too, I understand the need for confidentiality so it's not like I'm going to do anything with their names. I don't know what they look like anyways. Or care for that matter.

"I told her if she did it again she was going to fall over and hurt herself," Claire says and then takes a drink of her frozen margarita.

"And?" I ask between bites of my burrito.

"She did and face planted on the sidewalk and I had to walk her down to the nurse while she was bawling. I know I should feel sorry for her, but it was actually pretty funny to see and she brought it on herself."

"Life lessons of first grade," I say nodding.

"How was your day?" she asks, taking some of the cheese dip and pouring it on her plate.

"Normal. No one came to my office hours. Well, actually, two students emailed and said they were but didn't show up."

"That's rude."

"It is, but it doesn't bother me. I'd have to be there whether they came or not. They just don't think about it as being rude I guess," I say and wash down an extra-large bite with a drink of water.

She nods and I smile at her. I can tell she's tired from her long week, but she still looks pretty. She's done her makeup minimally, but she's so good at it that it makes her face look cute and sexy at the same time. Her hair is up in simple messy bun on top of her head. Since her dress is for teaching it almost completely covers her breasts, but not quite because they're too large to ever be completely covered. The silver chain of her necklace hangs delicately from around her neck and I know it's one I bought her even though I can only see the chain. In my mind, I can see the little heart and angel lying against her skin just at the top of her breasts. Her smile is radiant with her soft lips enticing me. Her lips aren't huge, but they aren't small. They're the perfect size for breathtaking kissable-ness and sexy suckable-ness. My dick pulses and reminds me of how sexy she is when she puts lip gloss on them and wraps her mouth around my hard cock. I quickly move my mind off that though so I don't get a raging hard on in the restaurant. Luckily we're in a corner booth so no one will be able to see my semi rising.

We talk a while longer after we've finished eating so she has time to drink her margarita. I keep eating chips and salsa even though I've had plenty already. The waiter comes over and takes our plates and Claire asks him for the check. She has her card out and ready when he comes back and gives it directly to him. After he comes back once again with the receipt and Claire signs it living a good tip, we slid out of the booth and thankfully my dick is no longer trying to reveal itself to the world. We walk to the parking lot and she offers to drive, so I let her since I hate driving anyway.

"Thanks for letting us go out," she says after we're in the car and she's backing out of the parking space.

"I knew you'd had a long week," I say. "Besides you'll never see me turn down Mexican."

"Or the opportunity to stare at a sexy Latina," she says and tries to look at me with reprimanding expression before laughing.

She wasn't wrong. There was a waitress working there who was probably around our age that I had noticed. I didn't think I'd stared that much though. She'd had a pretty face that looked kind and twinkled with laughter. I'm a sucker for dark and long hair and she had both—long black hair that swished almost all the way down to her ass. She wasn't a teacher so her clothes didn't cover her breasts and I got plenty of flashes of her cleavage and the brown skinned dollops that were her boobs. She wasn't as curvy as Claire and maybe a little thicker.

Claire's the hottest thing to me and she knows it which is why she can tease me about looking at other women. Besides, Claire could practically pass off as Latina, especially in the summer. She's shorter than me, which is saying something because I'm quite short for a man. Her body is perfectly proportioned and curvy. Her hips alone could make me fall in love with her all over again. Her skin always tans and bronzes nicely and can get quite dark at times. Her brown hair isn't super dark, but it's still the right color for me. Her tits are huge, but not in the gross way that you see in some big-tits pornos. They match her body and even though she doesn't like that they aren't as perky as some girl's, I love them and can't get enough of them. Just like her ass which is large round and perfect for smacking and being thrust into the air while I fuck her from behind. My dick starts to rise again in my pants as I think about Claire's body and she takes notice.

"Didn't know you thought she was that hot," Claire says and takes a hand of the wheel to point at my growing boner.

"Was thinking about you," I say.

"Mmm. I like that better," she says. "What would you say about letting me take care of that little problem in your pants when we get home?"

"I'd love that," I say and I don't care how she'll take care of the problem. Anything she does in bed, or out of it, is fantastic. "Wait. Turn here. I forgot my gradebook in my office," I say as we get close to the community college where I work.

"Okay," she says.

She pulls into the small campus and drives around it to my building. The lot is empty and it doesn't look like anyone is around. It's only around 7:00 but it is a Friday so maybe everyone left as soon as they could. Usually, there are one or two people still hanging around taking care of things. I pull my keys out of my pocket and open the door. I tell Claire I'll be right back. I go to the door and unlock it walking inside. I walk down the dark hallway that is only illuminated by the light cascading through the glass door behind me. I hear a knock on the door and turn around and Claire is standing at. So return and open it for her.

"Need something?" I ask.

"Not really," she says and slips in. "I just wanted to come in with you."

I turn around but not fast enough that I don't see the playful smile on her face. We walk down the hall way and then turn right and walk down another hall until we reach my office door. It's dark save for a few utility lights that kick on when the building is dark or the power is out. I could turn on the lights of course, but there's something serene and peaceful to being in the building with the lights off and no one around. The echoes of students walking and other instructors gossiping are all gone. Nothing but the air conditioner and Claire and I's movements make a noise. I fumble trying to get the right key and then open the door. The crappy school issue desktop computer and monitor are casting a bluish glow to the room. It's a small room—practically just a closet with a desk, file cabinet, and an extra seat for visiting students. It's my room though and unlike every other place I've taught so far, I don't have to share it with anyone. I walk over to my desk and open one of the drawers pulling out my green gradebook and turn around only to have Claire fling her arms around me and kiss me hungrily. I drop the gradebook and put my hands on her hips and pull her into me. We kiss passionately for a moment before she breaks away and rubs her hand over my crotch.

"Think you can bring our friend back?" she whispers into my ear. "I said I'd take care of you."

Her words make me shudder with excitement and it doesn't take long for my dick to get hard again with her kissing me and pawing all over my body. She takes me by the hand and turns to the desk. She shoves the papers aside and several pens skitter to the floor. I throw my chair backwards and it rolls a moment before toppling over in a clatter. She sits on the edge of the desk and pulls me back into her. We kiss roughly and explore each other's mouths with our tongues as if we've never done so before and don't know every intimate detail about each other. She continues to grope, rub, and tug on my now engorged cock through my pants. She breaks off the kiss and wiggles a bit as she hikes up her dress. Then she pulls down her tights and panties to reveal her already dripping wet pussy. I help her take the tights and panties completely off by guiding them over her black flats. I look over and notice the door is wide open and anyone could hear us.

"I should close the door," I say.

"Don't," she says and reaches down to undo my pants.

In a moment, my pants are at my ankles and she's rubbing my cock through my boxer briefs. Then these too are pulled down and I spring free. She wraps her hand around my throbbing member and pulls me in close to her. She scoots to the very edge of the desk and pushes my cock straight into her pussy. We both moan loudly as she does and just stand there a moment with me filling her so completely and her gripping and squeezing on my sensitive cock. She puts her arms underneath mine and then wraps them upward around my shoulders. Then she crosses her legs behind me and pushes me further into her wet, warm sex. We rock back and forth together grinding my cock in her pussy and stimulating her clit. This only lasts so long before Claire can't take it anymore.

"Just fuck me, Jake," she moans into my ear before saying loudly, "Fuck me in your office with the door open. Fuck me loudly so anyone can hear us."

"Fuck, you're so hot," I practically yell and thereby confirm her wishes.

She loosens her legs around my waist so I can really thrust in and out of her. She keeps them around my waist however. I put my hands on her hips and pull her in and out with me so that we're both moving and the sensation is overwhelming on my hungry cock. She moans and yells my name loudly and I can hear it in echo in the halls. My desk creaks and bumps against the wall with every hard thrust of my cock into her beautiful pussy. It's all too much and I don't last long. I feel the orgasm surging up through me.

"Fuck, Claire. You're going to make me cum."

"Cum for me, Jake. Cum for me in my pussy while you fuck me in your office," she says and rocks her hips faster.

This sends me over the edge and I shudder and groan as my load starts to pour from my cock and mingle with her own wetness in her pussy. I thrust hard once, twice, and then a third time to shoot my hot cum all over in her. I twitch a few times and then put my head on her shoulder and she pulls me in close. We hug like that on my desk, both of us with our pants down and my cock weakening in her pussy. We kiss lovingly for a moment before breaking it off. We hurriedly clean ourselves off and I ask if she needs the bathroom, but she says we can just go home and she'll take care of it then. My cock is out of commission, but it does twitch once in recognition of the sexiness of her driving in the car with my cum seeping out of her pussy. I quickly reorganize my things, remembering to pick up my gradebook and we leave my office closing the door behind us. We both look around, but see no sign of anyone. We walk down the hallway and out the building. Once were back safely in the car and pulling out, heading down the road we both let out a sigh of excitement and relief.

"I think I need to start working later," I say.

"I don't think I'd mind," Claire says and looks over at me and smiles. She puts her hand in mine and we drive home.

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DodrickDodrickover 2 years agoAuthor

I write stories for my wife and then post them for others to enjoy. I view these stories as part of a set of short story cycles. Stories can be read independently but may refer to events in previous stories. If you are interested, the reading order for the first two cycles (Married with Benefits and The Second Year) can be found below.

Married with Benefits: In the Night, Not So Home Alone, The Pick Up, Working Late, Jack, After the Banquet, Breakfast at the Manor, The Sands of Michigan, Couples Massage, Watched in the Park, The Overdue Bachelor Party, All Tied Up, The Secret Lounge, The Good Seats, Class Dismissed, Scripted, Pay Per View, The Lust Virus, Good Vibrations, The Photo Album, The Changeup, A Snowy Evening, The Twelve Days of Christmas.

The Second Year: Pornstar, The Perfect Day, Rushing to the Edge, Helping Out, On the Open Road, As Requested, Student Affairs, Under the Full Moon, Fulfilling the Bargain, Urges, Collecting Souvenirs, The Bus Ride, A Little Crazier, A Walk on the Beach, Number One Fan (Forthcoming), Pirate's Booty (Forthcoming), In the Shed (Forthcoming), Denial (Forthcoming), The Secret Lounge Challenge (Forthcoming), Appetizer (Forthcoming), Massage Therapy (Forthcoming), To the New Year (Forthcoming).

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