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Working the Pole Pt. 01

Story Info
April looks for help at the most unlikely of places.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 11/28/2020
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Part 1:

Included kinks:

Futanari, Erection, Mini-Gts, Size comparison, hourglass, chubby, partial nudity, teenagers, seduction

All characters are entirely fictional and all above the age of 18!

The clock struck 14 and with the last ring of the monumental clockwork's deafening bell a wave of blue and white uniforms stormed outside the Columbian Eagles Institute - an elite woman only university.

"Freedom! Finally," Akari jokingly cheered as she unbuttoned her very tight-fitting vest.

"Hell yeah! Not gonna lie, today's lectures were even worse than usual! I mean, who cares about the roman republic?" Elisabeth joined in.

She immediately followed her busty friend's example. Not that she needed much of an excuse to strip out of her clothes anyways. Unlike Akari, she hadn't the "privilege" of dealing with a pair of double DD's that would put the durability of their white shirt to the test, but her lower half certainly put on a good show.

"I think it was pretty interesting," Gina said timidly.

"Well, maybe for YOU, but we 'mere mortals' died in that classroom," Akari laughed while lighting a cigarette, even if it was prohibited to smoke on the campus, especially for someone of her age.

"What do you mean with that?" Gina perked an eyebrow.

"She is just fucking with you, Gina. And implies that you are quite a bookworm," Lizzy said mindlessly while staring into her own reflection.

She had pulled out her mirror like every day and started applying her black make-up as soon as she was no longer bound to the institute's strict dress code.

Elisabeth Stuckmann might have been 19 years old, like the rest of the group, but a bit like Akari didn't make it past her rebellious phase yet. By the time she was done her lips were fully black and her equally dark eye lids also further highlighted her blue eyes.

"Goth mode activated!" she mused and jokingly smacked her impressively round ass.

"Confirmative!" Akari grinned and also gave her friend's behind a solid clap.

Gina rolled her eyes as usual when she saw the chaotic duo fool around in public and looked to her side.

"You are so quiet today, April. Is everything alright?" she said.

April was deep in thought and almost caught off guard when her friend called her by her name.

"Yeah, just thought of something," she said eventually.

"Like, what you are going to do this weekend?"

The 5'11" brunette smiled and looked at her slightly smaller friend and gave a mostly convincing 'thumbs up'. She barely managed to fake the smile though.

Throughout the day she had only one thing in mind. What she would do after school. Something she should have done probably months ago, but only now found the courage to do. Mostly because of urgency and not because of bravery. It was either now or never.

Akari and Lizzy already loudly debated how and with who they would fuck around this weekend and while it was usually equally entertaining and arousing to listen to their stories, there wasn't much that could excite April today.

The busses were already waiting and the first lines were forming as the students entered in an expected orderly fashion.

April stopped and the redhead was the only one to pick up on it, while the other two were still sorting the squad of football players by dicksize.

"Aren't you coming?" Gina asked.

"Well... I am not taking the bus today. I got something else planned," she said.

"Like what?" the redhead softly smiled and downplayed her curiosity.

Empathy her other two friends clearly didn't share.

While Akari and Lizzy didn't notice how absent her friend was throughout the whole day, they immediately picked up when she mentioned she wouldn't go home right away.

"Hold on! What could cute not-so-little April be doing on a Friday afternoon?" the goth girl asked with a wide smirk.

"And what would be so important that you can't even go home to change your clothes," Akari continued with the same type of exaggerated smile.

"I..." April muttered and the two started to giggle girlishly.

"You got a boyfriend!" they said in unison.

The brunette girl blushed and wildly shook her head.

"Nononono, that's not it..."

"Then why are you blushing?"

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

April's cheeks were reddening more and more because of their persistence. Even Gina couldn't hold back a soft smile and mild blush.

"I am happy for you! We all are," she said.

"I didn't even say what I am doing!" April groaned.

"Because it is so obvious!" Akari cheered and hugged the confused brunette. "And hell yeah, we are happy for you! Was just a matter of time until you'd seduce someone with these puppies!"

The Japanese girl pushed her own impressive breasts onto April's bosom which matched hers in size and almost in firmness.

"Personally, I always thought her ass would land her the first boyfriend, but nevertheless he is a lucky bastard," Lizzy mused and joined the hug.

Her hands teasingly reached around the chubby brunette's waist and for a moment got a good grab on her friend's equally impressive backside.

Akari and Elizabeth complemented each other when it came to their looks. Sure, both were freakishly energetic and both stood at almost the same height, with Akari being a tad smaller than her goth friend, but that wasn't the respective striking feature that stood out with the two. While Akari was extremely busty for someone of her pretty slender built, especially for a Japanese girl, Lizzy was massively bottom heavy. Years as a dancer and with her now spending way too much time doing squats turned her formerly soft ass into a certified booty. She was the bootylicious 'yin' to Akari's busty 'yang' - yet April was a combination of the two.

Standing at 5'11" she was taller than both and certainly much heavier. Both friends were certainly quite endowed when it came to their respective boobs and asses, especially on their mostly athletic bodies, but April could rely on her mother's genetics. A two-edged sword.

Her assets matched her curvaceous but quite chubby figure. She wasn't into any sports, also got exempted from sports since primary school and it clearly showed. April didn't even come close to Akari's thigh gap or Lizzy's strong thighs, but the softness on her body was at least mostly well distributed. But more often than not she would have chosen a much more petite body like Gina's over her own. Especially if that meant she would have gotten rid of the cock dangling between her meaty legs.

April sighed and ignored her friend's comically exaggerated cheers and for once was happy that she wouldn't get aroused by the two's antics.

"Are you done?" she eventually asked and freed herself from the hug.

"We are done. But you aren't done yet!"

"Look that he still got a pelvis after you are done with him, girl."

This one made the chubby futa break a smile. She rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to Gina who still silently smiled at her friend.

"What is going on? Did I hear something with 'pelvis'?" a familiar Hispanic voice asked.

"April got a boyfriend and she is going to meet him right now!" Lizzy blurted out.

The bombshell Latina's face brightened and April for a second feared that she would join in on the two's juvenile chants. But the captain of the cheerleaders wouldn't behave like this and always kept her classy attitude.

"And why are you acting like that is something so out of the ordinary? Boys go nuts over girls like her, believe me" Isabella mused and winked at a blushing April.

"Look at her, she is red like a tomato because of you two. Let her alone, she will be nervous enough already."

Like usual, only Isabella's words possessed the power two silence Akari and Lizzy and highlighted the unspoken but universally accepted rule in their group: Isabella was the leader, although she never had to enforce her will. It has always been like that since they all first met in primary school.

The cheerleader always had this effect on people. Wherever she went she would soon reach the top of the food chain and do it in a charming but somehow dominant way. She led her cheerleaders with an iron fist and expected nothing but perfection from their performances, but besides that she was the most communal person to have around. And the one who organized the wildest and most excessive parties on the campus. Wouldn't it have been for her, people like April or Gina would have been outsiders for sure, regardless of their influential mothers.

Someone with her charisma and simply breath-taking looks also rightfully made it a sport to hook up with players of the local football team and had more quarterbacks than most girls probably had boyfriends on the institute. It was almost a bit frightening how someone so composed and calm could turn into an untameable party beast and nymphomaniac with the blink of an eye. And how she didn't make a big deal out of it. Strangely that was something April found rather attractive. Well ... just like the rest of her.

Long legs, perfectly toned. Solid breasts, a simply perfect ass and fiery brown eyes would make most straight girls revaluate their sexual orientation, especially ones who secretly sported a 13-inch dick.

"Don't let them distract you. You do what you gotta do. All that matters is that you have the time of your life," Isabella said and nodded at April who still gazed deep into the cheerleader's stunning eyes.

"Thank you...I will try my best."

Isabella was about to turn around and jump into her bus when she paused and started to smile teasingly.

"One last thing: Is that 'mysterious boyfriend' a 'he' or a 'she'?"

"Isabella!" Gina interjected with red cheeks.

"Nothing wrong with it. I don't mind either. But I was just curious," Isabella said.

April blushed too hard to come up with an answer, especially when Isabella asked her something like that. She gasped for air and silently averted her timid gaze but couldn't hold back a smile.

"Thought so," Isabella grinned and turned around to join Akari and Lizzy. "Have fun, April! You will have to tell us everything on Monday! Nice weekend to you two!"

The trio jumped into their bus heading east while April and Gina usually headed north. Usually.

"Sorry... that must have been a bit awkward for you," Gina said.

"It's fine. They were just happy for me. In a bizarre way," April chuckled.

"Probably. We can talk later if you want. I am not as annoyingly loud as they are, but equally as curious," the redhead smiled.

"You will be the first I will want to talk to. But I am afraid it's something not nearly as exciting as you all think."

The 5'9" redhead frowned and was about to dig deeper what her best friend meant - until the waiting bus driver impatiently called his horn.

"You have to go. I will probably talk to you later, ok?" April said.

"I am always there if you need someone to talk. Never forget that," she said.

The annoyed bus driver was already throwing a tantrum but Gina didn't allow him to rush a hug. It almost appeared that she was taking even more time than usual.

"I know... and thank you."

The plaza in front of their university, just crowded with students a few minutes prior, was left deserted after the last busses departed. April was literally the sole white and blue figure waiting at the terminal, but for a bus heading out of town.

She hastily took a last look into her backpack and checked if the envelope was still there. April knew it was there. She reassured herself a dozen times during the day, but a part of her still feared she could lose it at the last second.

The bus eventually arrived and the student's heart started to pound noticeably in her chest when she bought the ticket. If someone knew where she was heading, one would have thought she was a pervert, but she didn't see any other way.

April kept rehearsing what she wanted to ask, how the conversation should flow, in her head while the landscape rushed past her through dull windows. It took her 40 minutes to arrive at her destination, but it could easily have taken 3 hours longer in her opinion. Never did she dread exiting a bus this much in her life before.

There she was, still in her school uniform and looking at the most inappropriate place someone like her can probably be. The "Dick's Cabaret" - a striptease bar. One that featured one "star" April desperately wanted to meet. Someone that maybe could help her, like nobody else could.

Her steps were short and clumsy, her posture wooden and stiff, as she tried to appear like she wasn't embarrassed and scared out of her mind. But the towering doorman looked right through her.

"Shouldn't you be in school, my dear?" the imposing man asked surprisingly warmly.

"I am 19," April said and put her shaky hand into her pocket and held up her driver's license.

The bald man shook his head and exhaled when he looked back into the aggressively blushing student's eyes.

"The kids these days," he sighed and held up the door for her.

April tucked her head in and silently accepted that he thought she was just an ordinary brat looking for some excessive fun. It was probably for the better.

Stale air, mixed with dense smoke and the occasional scent of spilled tequila greeted her as soon as she stepped in. The bar resembled a bit of a saloon. A badly illuminated one at that. The lights were dimmed, besides the lighting on the floor heading to the seats before the stage.

Thankfully not many visitors were there at this time of day. Which also meant that nobody she could possibly know would be there too. Still, she stuck out like a sore thumb. The few visitors that noticed the student looked confused at her and eyed her uniform top to bottom. She very might be the first person to ever walk in in such an outfit. On the other hand, if there was one establishment that would feature someone with a school uniform it would surely be this one, she thought.

The brunette sat down in the first row of seats and hoped that the show would soon begin so she could get out of there. She nervously gazed after the blonde waitress going from table to table and coming closer to her.

Hoping she would get overlooked she sank into her leather seat and hid herself from curious gazes as best she could. Then a loud voice emerged from the loudspeakers in every corner of the bar.

"Heyho, everybody. Ya boy Dick speaking here. I see you all are already thirsty for our big attraction today. Otherwise you would have spent this lovely day outside and not here with me and my girls. But we are oh so glad that you are all a bunch of degenerates, just like us! Can I get an 'amen' on that?!"

"Amen!" a few, way less enthusiastic people sitting at the bar joined in.

April sank even deeper into her seat and shook her head as she wondered what type of people would even reply to a greeting like that.

"Hold on, don't shout so loud, you will scare my cute little kittens away," Dick slurred and took an audible sip from a bottle. "But y'all aren't interested in the 'small' kittens, aren't ya? You wan't the 'big and bad' kitty today! Am I right?!"

"Hell yeah," again some replied.

"Well, well. Good ol' Dick got ya covered then. Grab a bottle and try not to touch yourself right away. Even if she wants you to!"

Dick took another sip and sighed with relish as he closed in on the microphone to make his drunken voice sound deeper.

"Alright then. Buckle up y'all! Without further ado I present to you: the one and only... Mrs. Cannae!"

The student straightened herself and ignored the heavily beating drum in her chest as her eyes were glued to the curtain on stage.

Music blasted from the same speakers Dick just slurred from and a small lightshow set the scene for the 'big kitty'.

The fabric slid aside and an imposing shadow stood on stage, towering higher than April expected. All remaining lights switched on and instantly revealed that not only her height was overwhelming.

Mrs. Cannae sensually moved across the stage. But she could have been standing still for the whole show and nobody would have mind probably. Not even the ton of futa porn April watched on a regular basis prepared her to see someone this big and endowed in person, let alone dancing a few feet away from her.

The blonde dancer was just a pure bombshell, unlike anyone April had ever seen with her own eyes. Mrs. Cannae stood easily over 1,5 feet taller than the brunette and her massive breasts dwarfed the student's impressive DD's. Each one of the blonde's breasts were as big as her head. April could immediately tell, since the dancer's outfit only included a red lingerie, which was way too small to meaningfully contain her curvaceous body.

In sync with the music she came closer towards the row of drooling people and their attention went lower and lower on the blonde's Amazonian body with every step she took. Her nipples already poked through the tight fabric but her simply enormous member couldn't even fit her panties. It lazily dangled over the stretched fabric, which found only purpose in being a glorified bra for her also gargantuan balls.

The dancer moved gracefully but with a fiery temper in her gaze and movement. Every loud blast of the background music was matched with a swing of her hips, a pose with her incredibly thick legs and any other motion that sent her mouth-watering body jiggling in all the right ways.

April's embarrassment was immediately replaced by growing arousal between her subtly twitching legs. The virgin gasped when she felt the futa's gaze eventually wandered over her body. The brunette had to cross her legs when she started to lose her mental battle to keep her own stiffening endowment in check.

The blonde dancer smirked teasingly and doubled down on the blushing teenager. She squatted on stage and fully focused on the surely youngest person in the crowd. As well as the only woman.

Mrs. Cannae was well aware what buttons she had to press to get someone so clearly inexperienced all amped up. She spread her meaty thighs and openly displayed her gargantuan package. It looked so much thicker and heavier up close.

April bit her lip and pushed her legs together while her own throbbing dick rubbed along the underside of her left thigh.

"Grow! Grow! Grow!" some guys chanted somewhere behind April, but she barely noticed them.

The blonde leaned back, one hand supporting her bottom-heavy figure while the other stroke teasingly slowly along her semi-hard shaft. She kept smiling into the audience, but her attention always quickly returned back to the student.

With a teasing grin she started to wrap her fingers around her humongous dick and to April's silent delight couldn't fully encircle the swelling member. Mrs. Cannae thrusted her hips while keeping her rhythm in sync with the music and slowly but surely grew visibly aroused.

The blonde closed her eyes and let out a soft moan only April could possibly hear and allowed her rising dick more room to swell. It was like watching pizza dough rising. The dancer gained inches in thickness as well as length with every powerful surge.

April guessed that her full forearm wouldn't be enough to match the tool before its majestic rise, now she thought that even her full torso wouldn't come close. Mrs. Cannae was simply massive!

It rose close to 3 feet in length and as thick as the blonde's thigh. Almost like a third leg emerging from between her sturdy thighs. Mrs. Cannae smiled knowingly when she saw the young girl blatantly stare at her full size and got up again to the cheers of a by now wildly whistling crowd.

The student's eyes were glued to the throbbing monster of a cock and wouldn't she have crossed her legs earlier she would have also revealed that she was also packing quite some heat. A part of her wanted to simply give in, take out her leaking cock and show it for Mrs. Cannae to see. But she was on a mission that didn't include succumbing to her primal desires.


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