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All Comments on 'Worth It Still'

by Mused

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
best ever

liked it very much I guess I'm a soft touch at heart

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
A fine followup


You've written a beautiful love story with, "Worth It." "Worth It Still," fits like a glove. I hope you have it in you for a 3rd chapter. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
A wonderful sequel.

I liked the first one, this one was sweet and sappy and just right for the season. Happy Holidays. Good luck with the contest

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
So beautiful and perfect!

Excellant sequel, even better than the first: sweet, loving, romantic, and real! I agree with the previous commentors: perfect for the season and I hope that you will continue. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

A great sequel! The best incesrt stories must have this kind of love and caring. The rest are just excuses for sex. Thank you Ron l.

sacksackalmost 19 years ago
very nice!

You have a breezy, gentle writing style which is a pleasure to read. Good luck in the contest!

PEATBOGPEATBOGalmost 19 years ago
A beautiful love story!

With "Worth It" & "Worth It Still" you have given us a truly beautiful love story full of passion and care. Their incestuous relationship could not distract from the fact that Beck & Connor were 'in love' and not 'in lust' with each other. I love your so gentle style of writing. Can we hope for a 3rd. chapter soon?

What about "The Family Room Ch.5"?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Love both chapters

It is truely a love story that is well written. One where you have to be reminded that they are siblings. I hope that you will continue the story to see how they progress through life.

forlornwalkforlornwalkover 18 years ago
great.... and great....

so, it is one of the best i have ever read.... to my great surprise, u r slowly surpassing my fav Bob Clark Jr. (his Just Them is my favourite).... this is awe-inspiring..... u could have elaborated Rebecca's feelings a bit more... we were driven into sex a bit too early... what she thought of Connor all the time... how she wanted to replace him.... what was with connor... i mean, a bit back-drop would have worked very well... however, it was great.... u r the 4th i am giving 5..... hat's off!

David48David48over 18 years ago
It really is...

...just another really sappy, sweet love story, albeit describing an act illegal in most states of the union...To me, love is love. I don't equivacate. Never have. My bad I suppose. Let God judge...Waxing loudly and self righteously about the terrible sins of others is just too damn tiring to me. Nice story...good luck to 'em all...

ropeshodropeshodover 18 years ago
Wonderful love story

Anyone who says this is "just another sappy love story" is trying to be funny (?)

This is a beautiful love story.

Thanks for posting it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

neither of your "Worth It" works are erotic stories. nor are they love stories. they are literature. you created depth, space, mood, character, development, concern, everything that makes for beautiful art. yours is a story of more than just a taboo sexuality. it is a tale of the strength and bond of a family's love. it is a journey to self-realization, self-acceptance, and redemption with those you love the most. there is an inherent beauty in such pure love, and your words captured its essence.

DaAznSaNDaAznSaNabout 18 years ago
Beautiful story!

Loved every word of it. The story flows so smoothly and it's so easy to follow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Sa bau wadrega sara ga na i talanoa ya.....Malo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Just awesome... i liked it alot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Excellent Work

Great story. You gave the two main characters their own appearance and their own self's. An extremely immoral act that seems just a bit less taboo when you read this story. Great job. Really liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well done

I enjoyed both of "worth it" stories. I've only made this statment on one other story, but you have a gift, a real talent. I'm looking forward to reading more from you, please keep writing. Thank you.

tessieanneleetessieanneleeover 17 years ago
I couldn't of said it better myself.

excellent, I couldn't of ended it better myself. the character's and the surrounding's made everything fit into it's proper place, we never know where we will find true love, it was worth reading. keep writing stories like these. God bless.

oldwayneoldwayneover 17 years ago
Beautiful Love Story

This was one of the best sibling love stories I have ever read in this genre. You have an incredible talent for making your reader really feel the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago


FoolishbutsaineFoolishbutsaineover 17 years ago
Keep this Alive

All right! This is an amazing story. You should keep on writing this story sequels. I know it should end sometime but let this gravy train run a little longer. There are only a few story's in this genre I like and let me tell you this is in my top 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
loved it : both Worth It and Worth It Still

Yeah dude, you really have a way with words. You could be a serious writer in probably any venue, but certainly with love stories. Full of good heart. Amen

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This story is one of the best in the files. good emotion well written. It has stood up better then most here do Thanks John

oldwayneoldwayneabout 17 years ago
Beautiful Love Story

I thoroughly enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing a wonderful talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

OMG both stories were amazing. I laughed with it and cried with it. it touched me.. that was amazing. very well done and i would love to read more from you

keairankeairanalmost 17 years ago

Both stories were excellent, and I got the baseball glove joke, nice one there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

It was great!!!Me and my younger brother have been having a relationship for awhile now,hehe,well continue with the stories,one of my faves ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

chapter one was great but chapter two was totaly unrealistic no guy would act that way and no girl would either when every body was ignoring them and especially after thier sister yelled at them they would have just put thier presents for everyone under the tree and then turned around went to the car and left never to return again as if it wasn't bad enough that it was so unrealistic but you also left us hanging after she tells him she is pregnant and he asks what they will tell thier family keep it realistic and finish what you start or don't start at all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Worth It started off the story of these two quite well and i really enjoyed it. Then when i saw the sequel i was so excited to read more about them! But seriously, this sucked. Did you even try? It's like you didnt even use your brain on this one and didnt really follow up on the first story like you should have. I think you felt pressured to write a sequel since so many loved the first installment but you just couldnt pull through. You wasted your time and mine. Dont write sequels anymore if you arent going to follow through. This was HORRIBLE!!!

retiredrustyretiredrustyabout 16 years ago


Beautiful story of two young (?) lovers. hope to read more in a future story. Maybe about brothers and sisters?

fidgetnipplefidgetnippleabout 16 years ago
mixed emotions....

Although i rated hi, and loved the story in it's totality... i find myself abit jaded, and know the romance is a bit too much...

i think it would have gone over better had it been stretched out more... some more in between details, more then two stories...

You could do a story about there initial relationship, all the times they almost got caught, and the time they finally did...

Most of all i think i was impressed with a story that detailed the incest relationship turning into a strong faithful one, instead of it just being a phase.

have you ever read Middlesex?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Crossed Lovers

i loved it. the first one grabbed my attention and i was excited to read the second. i appreciate the love you blossomed between the two characters. It was a sweet story and the ending was the cherry on the cake

Dirty_Old_Man3Dirty_Old_Man3over 15 years ago
Good ending

I would have preferred a bit more passionate romance, but at least there was romance. I certainly didn't hate it or find it "unrealistic". I don't know who the critics were who found it unrealistic or disappointing, but I'm sure that they have no room to talk. You write a great story with some very vivid descriptions, lending to the word picture of your characters. The only disappointment I felt was learning that Connor's name used to be Hanson...oops.

Please keep writing and don't let those Anony-mice get your spirits down. They are just jealous that their attempts at writing turn out more like children's books or wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am porn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Fantastic story.

I have read all of your stories over several times, they are all great. I can't wait to read the new ones you are writing. You are one of the bes writers on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Very Sweet

It's an extremely welcome break from the shallow sex-romps on this site.I really enjoyed it. 5 stars!

pguild01pguild01over 14 years ago
Definitely Worth It

Thank you. "Worth It" & "Worth It Still" really drew me into the story. This series is definitely a masterpiece. Congratulations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Simply amazing!

This is a great story. It certainly beats the countless "Fuck 'em all" stories i have seen on Literotica. I would love it with another sequel! :D

AppleDropsAppleDropsover 14 years ago

THIS SITE NEEDS MORE STORIES LIKE THIS! I really hate this site for one particular thing...Most the stories here are things to help people get off to, and that's not quite what i'm looking for =P. This story delivers what i'm looking for in so many ways. In fact it's one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
not the best

i agree with UNREALISTIC and DIAPPOINTED this chapter is missing a lot. this should have been chapter three not two chapter two should have told of the relationship and all the times they almost got caught how conner built the bench in the barn and how they got caught and what happened to their father. this chapter i felt was way to unrealistic what guy or girl is going to put up with being ignored by the relatives they would have left and gone home especially after the sister yelled at them. we were just lsft hanging at the end after she said she was pregnant and he asked how or if they were going to tell the family lousey way to end a story i don't think you tried very hard on this chapter maybe you should do a rewrite and fix the mess up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Nicely balanced

I enjoyed this story. I knew where it was going but I was kept entertained by the build-up. The build-up was <I>maybe</i> a tad long but not annoyingly so.

In general terms, I dislike stories which ramble on, chapter after chapter after chapter (see previous comment).

This story was definitely an enjoyable read.

hopkinscmhopkinscmalmost 14 years ago
yummy chicken wings

Still laughing that they settled in Exotic Buffalo! *And it really isn't like Siberia all the time!*

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A Really Fine Story

Sure, I could pick on a couple syntax errors and a fine second (or maybe even a third) chapter could have come out of what obviously occurred between Worth It and Worth it Still. Even so, I've never written anything that was perfect either and these were two of the best stories I've ever encountered on Literotica.

Hats off to the author!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Wow, great story, but still want more. Please write more. :-)

BDrockerBDrockeralmost 13 years ago
The end?

Mused, I'm a big fan of your stories. But reading this one brought me nothing but dissapointment. You are one of the top sibling romance story writers on literotica. How could you let this one end in such a boring way? The story ended even before anything happened. No drama, no suspense, and the worst, no romance. Come on dude, you can do A LOT better than that. I'm really a big fan of yours. Please continue this one :)

HeatWave28HeatWave28over 12 years ago
One More

I know this isn't the End.You gotta at least add one more chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Loved it! Great love story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Definetly worth it

a beautiful story with a happy ending.One of the best...Thanks MUSED!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

enjoyed it very much. great job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Great writing! It was very sweet although not really erotic but it was Worth It Still :)

TMWalkerTMWalkerover 11 years ago
Great story but you should write a book!

I have read and re-read all your stories, and you are truly a fantastic author, you can and should write a book, share your literary talents with the whole world as opposed to only men and women looking to get off. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story, but in my opinion the best story you ever wrote was the 12 part series, The Family Room. If you ever decide to pursue a literary career, email me at , I know people from OutskirtsPress and I could put you into contact with my publisher, Stephen Pellegrino. He is a real good guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
really good

i enjoyed reading it...really

atheist_liberalatheist_liberalover 11 years ago

Absolutely delightful!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I wish it was longer but still amazing I like all your stories keep it up :)

AllthatiwantAllthatiwantabout 11 years ago
Just perfect

Perfect like the first with and even better ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I feel happy, sad(i dont know why), and intruigued. CHEEZITS!! Sorry. That was way too random..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
still not worth it

i see this hack still hasn't fixed the major screwup with this story. it needs atleast two more chapters, a proper chapter two to fill in the major gap between this and the first chapter and then a proper end. this is why we need HONEST COMMENTS if the idiot readers back in 05 had been honest this may have been fixed PROPERLY instead we get left hanging with a story that has MAJOR plot holes and no end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love it

Love the story, has a nice length and it doesn't go full on rush into the stuff a very pleasing read

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I really enjoyed it :). Every fucking story doesnt have to be long or have oodles of conflict and strife as the pissy poster below seems to think. I dont NEED a bunch of crap chapters to fill in the ten year stretch, it works just fine, and if the author feels like a revisit later he/she now has working area!

Yes, this chapter could have been longer, would have been nice, but oh well. Its fine leaving the pregnancy hanging, we can either use our imagination (not like we haven't read a hundred pregnancies!) or it could be another chapter later...really it isn't necessary since it is happening AFTER they have settled into their lives, it would ad nothing to a story that is already written except some strife with either a sappy ending or a pissy ending, hence the END.

As for the comments about how 'nobody would stay after the family ignored' crap, well that depends on the person. They are basically there for their mom. If it was me and my wife, well she would stay and put up with it for her mom, *I* on the other hand would pack my shit and leave. Honestly I wouldnt have shown anyway. Reunions, blech!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a waste of time

I wish all readers would be more HONEST and stop kissing ass, this chapter was crap. I also wish writers would listen to the complaints and not the fake kiss ass reviews. this needed a lot more in between the first chapter and this one, it needed to be more realistic and less stupid and needs an end. all in all the series was a waste of time and the writer should be ashamed to have their name on it.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
It would be nice to know

at least a little about these people.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Another brilliantly well written love story

Oh yes you've done it again.You always seem to get the angst of family members just as it really is.When she told me she was pregnant it was summer but I reacted in the same way.Dont know how but it seems your writing our story as here are so many coincidences.Very well done more please we are addicted to you stories and rad them time and time again.

Mrsofty7Mrsofty7almost 9 years ago
I love this story

I need a chapter 3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
You & Me Against the World

Beautiful love story. I was really touched by the strength of the commitment between brother and sister, even in the face of stern opprobrium from their family.

OedipusErectusOedipusErectusover 6 years ago
Beautiful ending

I've read this story before and I surely must have blubbered like a baby then, too. What a romantic and beautiful ending! And the ten year gap between parts one and two worked well. Conner seemed more confident (edgy?) in this second half. But I suppose that comes from feeling like family pariahs so much of the time. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Best story

This is one of the best

GoldDust0402GoldDust0402over 5 years ago
So close

Part 1 of this story was fantastic, and part 2 was very nearly as good right up until the pregnancy. Why, oh why god, do so many authors have to spoil the fun like that?

Wel, I get that some people actually like kids, and it was close to the end, so it didn't ruin the story altogether. Still a lovely story, one of the first I read on this site, and definitely 9/10.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Really liked the story! Both part 1 and 2. Part 1 a little more though.

Loved the ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good characterization!

Given the story's age, and the fact he hasn't posted anything in a decade, I doubt if the author will ever read this....

Nice characters, believable plot and actions (or as believable as this genre can be).

And finally, some very welcome humor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A Beautiful Story

The title says it all.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Loved it, absolutely loved it.

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosover 3 years ago

This was beautiful, I honestly want to see more of these two <3

JacktacularJacktacularabout 3 years ago

Just re-read it for the third time and it is still on of my all time favorites

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Did I miss a part where they were caught it did we just jump ahead in the sequel. I'm just making sure, I didn't want to miss out on anything. This was nice

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

To Anonymous below: No you didn't miss a part, this was the direct sequel. It just jumped a decade ahead from the last story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thanks for writing their story.

thedayafterthedayafterover 2 years ago

I enjoyed both parts of this story even though I felt the first part lacked background detail on the siblings relationship. This part stands on it's own as a snapshot of how a family may react to sibling incest. It's just a nice story to read.

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyover 2 years ago

I'm so grateful for every love story that is not molded to 'zeitgeist' and butchered by retelling cheap porn flicks when it comes to sex. This is one of them and I cherish it.

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 2 years ago

Worth it, you’ve got to be joking No it fucking wasn’ you left the story unfinished you arsehole.. But saying that what you gave us was amazing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

Definitely 🌟 ⭐ 🌠 💫 🌟 5/5. Although stopping the birth control without discussing it first with Connor seems extremely selfish. But as long as he wants to build a family, it's good. 👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I am blown away with the way you make this come alive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very sweet. The siblings love for each other is amazing.

vanyevanyeover 1 year ago

I feel for the steps. It's not their fault.

JacktacularJacktacularover 1 year ago

After 18 years on this site this is still one of the best! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A warm hello to Mused!

I want to offer my kindest thanks and respect to you for this really nice story of Connor and Rebecca.

I really love your writing style!

You thankfully have composed a story that's truly fun to read, while so completely staying away from the typical macho sexist ideals and standards found on so very many of the stories on this site, which I very much hate.

A great example of this is when you refer to Rebecca's genitalia as "her treasure". What an awesome way to describe the part of you lovers body that brings you endless amounts of eyes rolling back in your head ecstasy! I love it!

I also take a bit of pleasure in the fact of your basing the story in Kansas, where religion presumably plays a strong part in the majority of households. He's dead now, but I had an uncle who lived there. He was gay, and a school teacher, so I can only begin to imagine all the horrible shit he must've been subjected to, especially while teaching school. We all know how grossly cruel kids can be, and it became very obvious very quickly when talking to him that he wasn't hetrosexual.

It's interesting that you included a jump of ten years in plot of the story. Not many others would do that, and your savory descriptions of innocent light hearted humor was a breath of fresh air that brought a smile to my face, like when Beck smears soap suds on Connor's face in the kitchen.

I'll be looking into more of your works now that I know that you're on the top shelf of story writing.

Thank you again for creating something that makes a difference, is meaningful and matters.



Geko55Geko55about 1 year ago

Don’t know how to fell about that

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Just sad you're no longer posting.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

i hope there is a Part 3 , a PART 4 , a PART 5 something with having Jan to WATCHING Them Make LOVE ( only when ReBBecca is ovulating like Beck's CERVIX is open up a Little an JAN could even see , and can tell that Becca is ready for another child )

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

18 years old theme for the 2 stories. a beautiful concept and so well executed. great ending.

a happy skippy.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well that was sweet. Really wish there was a part 3 where they've had a couple of kids and are enjoying the trials and tribulations of raising their little family. I'll just have to imagine it I suppose. :)

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