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Writing Together Ch. 01

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Two long time colleagues decide to collaborate on a story.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/09/2022
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The characters in this story are flawed, just like you and me. Sometimes they make bad decisions as they struggle to live their lives. Sometimes they make life changing decisions, not always positive. All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imagination. Any similarity to actual people and situations is purely a coincidence. My sincerest thanks to "Sam" for her assistance in creating this story. All constructive criticism is welcome.



In addition to writing erotica here at Literotica, I am a published author. I specialize in fiction, but I also have two non-fiction books out. My publications have been moderately successful, but not wildly so. They provide a nice supplemental income, but nothing I can count on to keep a roof over my head. For that I am a writing professor at our local college.

Fifteen years ago, I earned a Ph.D. and was hired here at the college largely on the strength of my publication history. I had been divorced while I was still in the Navy and I swore that I would never get married again. I have always made it a point to avoid any romantic or sexual affair within the workplace. The pool of possible partners is large enough that I don't need to complicate my work life. In the pre-pandemic world, I never had a problem finding lovers. I just never kept them for very long.

Nine years ago, I met Samantha when she had her on-campus interview. I was on the search committee to hire a writing professor. I thought she was brilliant and exceptionally well qualified. She was hired with a unanimous vote of the members. Since then, she has had an outsized impact on our campus community and has been a valued faculty member.

Sam is also quite beautiful. Her brown hair and brown eyes are striking. Her champagne-glass sized breasts compliment her hips to perfection. She is also married and completely off limits to my way of thinking. Nevertheless, my imagination regarding Sam has been on fire since I met her. Well over half of my erotic stories feature some version of Sam. Her shapely, fit body and jubilant personality dominate my mind almost to the point of obsession.



I love writing. I love creating new worlds and new characters. The problem is that since I started my doctoral program 13 years ago, I haven't really had the opportunity or the motivation to write creatively. One requirement of an academic is that we must publish original research to receive tenure and promotion. Well, in the midst of the pandemic, I finally became a full professor. I was free to write! Now the problem wasn't time, it became everything else.

In addition to all the strife that the pandemic brought to our lives, I had to face it as a single mother. Just before lockdown, my husband Jim ran off with another woman. Parenting is difficult. Parenting without a partner during the pandemic was next to impossible. Nevertheless, my daughter Bridget and I made it through.

I've known Dave since I interviewed here. He has been very nice to me, always professional. As a new faculty member and freshly minted Ph.D., he mentored me and coached me during my first few years as a professor. I was a bit in awe of him as a published writer and I had a bit of a crush on him as a human being. He's quite a bit older than me. I think there's a twenty-year difference between us. He's sort of a minor celebrity on campus since he's written about a dozen books. One was even on the New York Times bestseller list for several weeks.

So why am I smitten by him? I find there is something about older men that is so sexy. Dave is confident, not clingy, not needy, and I get the feeling he knows exactly what he wants. He also doesn't play mind games. One always knows where you stand with Dave. I love that he keeps himself in shape. When I am with him, he gives me his undivided attention. He never looks at his phone or his computer. There is something about looking into his eyes while we talk that makes me feel valued and treasured. When I am with Dave, I feel like he appreciates me as a person rather than how I appear, or what I am wearing.

Dave also doesn't worry about little things like his hair. It's thinning and he has a bald spot, but I get the impression that he doesn't care. He is always clean, never slovenly, but there is a 'just tossed together" affect that he emits. If the wind blows his hair around, he might not try to fix it for hours. I find his carefree attitude to be refreshing.

In contrast, my ex-husband Jim was obsessed with his hair. Rogaine really didn't help him so he wore a lot of hats. He was meticulous about both his grooming and my grooming. Initially I felt sorry for him and tried to comply with his standards. In the end, I realized he was just a self-obsessed idiot and control freak.



By the summer of 2021, most of us were completely fed up with COVID. I was no different. Living by myself with virtually no human contact was incredibly depressing. I was tired of teaching on Zoom with a class full of either black screens, blank walls, or bored faces. The dehumanizing aspect was hard on my psyche and my mental health suffered. Some classes were in person, but interacting with masked faces was just as difficult. Much of the human interaction that makes life worth living was gone. Teaching at the collegiate level in the manner to which I was accustomed was impossible. When vaccines were available, I got mine as soon as possible, hoping it would speed a return to normal.

There was a group of professors who had been regularly meeting online, but I skipped those for the same reason I hated teaching via Zoom. When they said they were meeting in person I jumped at the opportunity. They selected the local brewpub because they had a tent set up outdoors so we wouldn't have to wear masks.

When I arrived, there were already about ten colleagues there. Several of my female friends gave me a hug when they saw me. Gone was the anemic side hug. These were full frontal hugs with breasts pressed into me. I even received a couple of kisses to my cheeks. Several of them commented that human contact was one of the things they missed the most. I told them they could hug me as often as they wanted. I hope I didn't come across as a creepy old man. Others said that they were now committed huggers.

It was so good sitting down with living, breathing people again; unmasked people who had expressions on their faces. I began to feel human again. We talked about the good and bad things in our lives. We told funny pandemic stories. There was a lot of laughing. During the pandemic I stopped drinking for fear that I would become an alcoholic (it runs in my family). After 15 dry months, I had two beers and they went straight to my head. I think the same thing happened to several of my companions. On two occasions I found a lovely lady sitting on my lap.

The first instance was with a buxom, shapely colleague named Julianna. She sat down on me and threw an arm around my neck. She wore running shorts and a tank top. Her soft, ample breasts pressed against me, definitely braless. I luxuriated in the erotic nature of our human contact. I had an erection in no time. She wiggled her hips and smiled when she felt it. I had one hand on her ass and the other on her bare thigh. I was tempted to slide my hand up her leg, but I refrained. I received several kisses from her. The first few to my cheek. The remainder to my lips. With the last one she led with her tongue and plumbed the depths of my mouth. My legs started to go a little numb, but there was no way I was going to ask her to move.

The second occasion was later in the afternoon when Samantha took a seat in my lap. Sam is more petite than Julianna, but still curvy. My erection began to grow almost immediately with her fine ass pressed against my crotch.

She whispered in my ear, "I feel something nice."

Then she kissed me oh so softly. I thought I might cum right there. She made a point of keeping an arm around my neck and her body pressed against me. I placed a hand on her yoga shorts clad ass and the other on her knee. I received a smile in return.

One thing that came out of that glorious summer afternoon was an invitation to go hiking with several colleagues including Sam. I immediately said 'yes'. It would be a wonderful excuse to get out of the house.

_ _ _ _ _


Heading to the Brewpub, I decided to wear something that made me feel sexy, maybe a little risqué. I chose my skintight Lyrica running shorts, a sports bra, and a tight t-shirt. My vulva doesn't lend itself to showing a camel toe, but for some reason I really wanted one this afternoon. The shorts emphasized my shape though. For that I was grateful and hopeful.

It was so good seeing Dave show up. He's a great guy, a wonderful conversationalist, and he has a very dry wit. For being nearly sixty, the guy is in excellent shape. When I saw him round the corner on his way in, I gave a hoot and ran to him. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He returned the hug and it felt so good to be held by another person. He's much taller than I am and he lifted me off my feet with a bear hug. I could feel his solid chest against my breasts and I'm sure he enjoyed feeling me against him.

After about an hour as I was returning from the ladies' room, I saw Julianne sit on Dave's lap. I was a bit jealous. She is quite well endowed and I'm sure he loved having her ample boobs pressed against him. He had a hand on her thigh. I felt certain that she was going to take him home with her. It seemed every time I looked over, she was kissing him. Once she had her tongue down his throat.

Rich, a physics prof, said, "Get a room you two."

Julianne smiled, "Maybe I'll just do him right here. Dave, how about if I bend over the table and you can fuck my lights out right now?"

He smiled, "Maybe later."

She was probably on his lap for a half hour or so when the alarm on her phone went off. She said she had to pick up her daughter.

I thought I saw a look of relief pass over Dave's face. So, Julianne wasn't taking him home. Hmmm.

Faculty colleagues came and went, but Dave didn't move. I went over and sat next to him making casual conversation. I told him about a hiking group we had started and invited him along. He said he'd love to join us.

I think we were both a little tipsy by this time and I whispered in his ear, "How did you feel about Julianne sitting on your lap?"

"She was a little heavy, but I enjoyed it."

"How about her offer to fuck you right here?"

He shook his head, "This is a small town. Public sex would not be a good thing. I can just hear the bad publicity not to mention the ruined reputations."

"How about if I was to climb up on your lap?"

"Samantha, one of the most beautiful women on earth, wants to sit on me? I can't say 'no' to that."

I was flabbergasted. One of the most beautiful women on earth? He can't really think that, but who am I to argue. I immediately swung my ass into his lap and hooked my arm around his neck, "You're kind of comfy."

He smiled at me, "You're more than comfy. You are oh so fine. Stunning."

I kissed him on his cheek, "You're sweet."

I made sure to press my smaller breasts against him. A girl's gotta use what she has. After a minute or two I could feel him getting hard.

I whispered in his ear, "I feel something nice."

"You have that effect on me."

"Did Julianne have that effect on you?"

"She did, but I enjoy having you sitting here much more."

He placed his hand on my ass and on my knee. Oh please! I smiled at him. I decided right then and there that if Dave wanted into my panties, I would let him. Alas, it was not to be. I sat on his lap for another thirty minutes or so. He had a very nice erection, but he never indicated any intent to use it. Every once in a while I would kiss his cheek. I was tempted to move his hand closer to my crotch, but chickened out.

Eventually he said he needed to go. As he stood up, he rearranged himself, but everyone could tell he was hard, his erection showing plainly in his baggy shorts. The other guys wanted to be him and the other ladies wanted to be me.

I walked with him over to the parking lot, "I'll send you a text when we go hiking. I think this Saturday is the next one Allison has planned."

Dave smiled, "I'll be there with bells on. All you young people will need to take it easy on me though."

I threw myself at him and gave him a strong hug. He placed both hands on my ass and I groaned in approval. I lifted my head and he kissed me once. I returned the kiss and led with my tongue.

When I eased off Dave smiled at me, "That's very nice. I could get used to that."

"I hope you will."

He gave my ass a squeeze, "Let's talk about it on Saturday."

Did I have to come right out and say 'fuck me' like Julianne did? I think my face showed a bit of disappointment that it would not be tonight, but I could be patient. I kissed him one last time, "I'm looking forward to it."



As I drove home, I suddenly realized that I was old. Why the hell didn't I have Sam coming home with me? Lost my libido? No. I still have that. I was hard as a rock. I haven't lost the ability to attract a woman, but I've lost something. Sam most definitely came on to me. Hell, Julianne came onto me too. She more than came on to me, she offered to fuck right there on the table. Imagine fucking Julianne.

You loser. You had two of the finest asses on campus pressed against your cock and you did nothing. They both knew I had a hard-on too. Sam's hot little body. Julianne's hourglass figure. Damn. I should be on my way to having sex with one or the other of them.

What's the matter with you? I've lost something. The seduction instinct? Is that a thing? You wouldn't even have had to seduce them. They were seducing you! All you had to do was go along with either of them. You had your hands on both of them and they let you! They both kissed you. Passionately!

So why didn't I go home with Julianne? She's not married. She's got a body to die for. Oh so fuckable.

So why didn't I take Sam to my bed? Well, for one thing, you're not a sleaze bag. She's a married woman. You could never betray your friendship with her and Jim.

Having sex with either Sam or Julianne would be a very bad idea. Yes, they're sexy. Hell, they're smoking hot! But you can't take advantage of a colleague that had a beer or two over their limit. You can't get involved romantically. What would that do to your relationship with them at work, especially if it was a failed romance.

You did the right thing old man. The three of us were a little tipsy. Alcohol dulls your mind and you never make your best decisions under the influence. Imagine having either one as a lover though. What are you talking about? All you've ever done is fantasize about Sam; about her body; about having sex with her.


The next day, Sam texted me and said the hike was on for Saturday. She'd pick me up at 8 AM. We would meet Allison and Carolyn at the trailhead.

We had a line of powerful thunderstorms roll through on Friday evening and Saturday promised to be a perfect July day - low humidity, temperatures around eighty, and a light breeze to keep the bugs at bay. I ate a hearty breakfast and was sitting on my porch when Sam rolled up a little before eight.

I climbed in and leaned over with the intention of hugging her and she kissed me instead. The fragrance of her freshly washed hair and body washed over me.

I laughed, "That's nice. So how are you?"

"I'm great! I'm so excited for today. There's a little lodge on the far side of the state forest and we can have a nice little lunch. It's about five miles in and five back. Weather's perfect. Company's perfect. What more could a girl ask for?"

"Been enjoying your summer?"

"As much as possible. Bridgie's with Jim this weekend so I'm free."

"Oh, that's nice." In my mind something wasn't adding up, "How are Jim and Bridgie?"

"I have no idea about Jim. Did you know we got divorced?"

I shook my head then realized she couldn't see me, "No."

"He left me for a nurse he met at a staff training. That was just before the pandemic hit. He moved out. COVID moved in. Bridget and I hunkered down by ourselves until April of this year. I can't say anything in front of her, but her father is an absolute shit. I hope he burns in hell someday."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I didn't say a thing. Perhaps my fantasies might come to fruition sooner than I thought. Control yourself old boy. She's a colleague, remember?



I was really surprised that Dave hadn't heard about my divorce. Perhaps that's why he didn't take me home with him. If nothing else, he does seem to be a man of integrity.

I needed to change the subject, "So what kind of projects are you working on these days?"

"I just finished a detective novel. I created a new protagonist and my agent thinks the idea has promise. She shopped it to a New York publishing house and they gave me an advance to hold the rights. Now I just need to polish it up and get it ready for the world."

"That's so cool. I wish I could write fiction like that. All my work is boring academic articles. It got me promoted, but it is drudgery writing that stuff."

"What have you thought about writing?"

"There are a couple of things. I love fantasy. I was also thinking about romance novels. I know they are a dime a dozen, but perhaps I could put a different twist on it."

"What kind of twist?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Once I thought about some kind of science fiction twist, but then I found out that it was a crowded field. Fantasy romance is another crowded field. Another thought I had was celebrity based. I thought what if Hercule Poirot fell in love with Agatha Christie. A character falls in love with their creator."

"That's actually a good one."

"There are a lot of professor/student romances. Those just seem so wrong with the power dynamic." Take a chance you fool. "What about a professor/professor romance?"

"Might work."

"I'd have to do some research."

Dave seemed to ignore that one. Damn.

He said, "You'd have to think about the plot line and who your main characters would be. I like to draw my characters from people I know. Sometimes they based on real people. Sometimes they are a composite. Sometimes they're more."

What I really wanted to do was write a novel with Dave. I wasn't sure how I would go about asking him.

Keep the conversation going, "You've had some romance in your work. Like in Earth's Eye, I was so hoping that the lieutenant and the teacher were going to hook up."

"You have to be careful with sex in a mainstream story. I mean a lot of authors have a lot of sex scenes. Diana Gabaldon in the Outlander stories has tons of great sex. If that's what you want people to know you for, then go for it. Otherwise, you need to be careful. I've heard in romance stories you actually don't want a lot of sex. Readers want their heroes to be chaste. I find it difficult writing anything from a woman's point of view so my sex scenes tend to be one sided. Maybe that's why I never include them. I can't imagine sex from a woman's perspective. I guess that's why I avoid writing from the omnipotent viewpoint."

"I've read all your stories. I have a complete collection, all signed by the author."

"Thank you for that."

"I can't remember any sex in them."

"Oh, I've had sex in my stories. I've written plenty of sex scenes. Every time I've pulled them out."

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