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Wrongfully Accused Ch. 13-14


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"Why do you sound like you are not worried? They could imprison you for assault. You will be back in jail," this time, it was Lily who spoke up worried for Jason's well-being.

"Because I have evidence that would put everyone involved in that house in jail. Including all of those powerful benefactors."

"You're telling me that you had this evidence on these assholes, and you didn't bother to tell me, or the police," Ronnie said, swearing toward Jason for the first time.

"We did leave something for the police to find, but as for my copy, it's in your email," Jason informed them.

Ronnie quickly looked through her phone, and sure enough, there was an unread email from Trent's email account. On it was a complete backup of Trent's phone. Ronnie quickly scrolled through the files, and her stomach churned at the sight of them.

"You're telling me that this is everything that the guy had," Ronnie said, trying to settle her stomach.

"Yeah, so tell me, is that enough to burn them all down?" Jason asked, as he began to clean the dishes.

"Oh, this is more than enough to burn them down, that there would be nothing but ashes. Let me save a copy and I'll send this to a detective I know, and trust. Once she sees this, she is like a bulldog. She won't let it go," Ronnie said, with a fiery stare in her eyes, as she forwarded the email.

"You will do that for us, V?" Lila asked, as soon as she came down the stairs with empty plates, having heard everything that Jason and Ronnie were saying.

"Of course, Lu. Jennifer is like a daughter to me. And I want to see those bastards burn for doing that to her. With everything that Jason has on them, it would be a slam dunk," Ronnie reassured her friend.

And to everyone's surprise, Lila jumped into Ronnie's arms and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you," she said, in a soft tone, while also looking at Jason, making sure he saw her thanks.

"It's no problem, Lu. So how's she doing?"

Taking a deep sigh, she told it as it was. "She is still shaken up by all of it. She told me that they didn't do anything, thank god for that-- but she was still a bit guarded... God, I wish we could just go away. Go far away and put all of last night behind us, even for a little bit."

"Lu, I may have an idea for that. You know, a getaway, a vacation," Ronnie explained, as she had the perfect place in mind. The only problem is, whether or not Jason would go for it.

"What are you talking about? A getaway?" Lila asked.

"Yeah. When Jason got this house, he also got a few other properties around the country. One of which is a large oak cabin in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It's located on a mountain resort, and at this time of year, it is a beautiful place to be. If it's all right with Jason, we could go over there, for the rest of Christmas vacation. A nice getaway for you, Jenn, and whoever wants to go."

"Ronnie, a mountain resort?" This time, Lily's interest piqued.

"Yes, and since Jason now owns the cabin, he and his guest have access to all the resort features. Like skiing, the spa, five-star restaurants, and everything else in between."

"Wow, that sounds amazing," Lily exclaimed, as she had never once skied in her life, but had always wanted to.

"Yeah, it does." Then Lila looked at Jason, hoping he would go for it. "Well Jason, what do you say? Can we use your cabin, at least for a week, maybe two, until Jennifer is feeling better?"

Jason just stood there contemplating what to do. "If we do go, how do we get there?" he asked.

"Well, luckily for us, my firm has its private jet that they use for clients. It helps them travel to where they are, including Jackson Hole. I'm sure if I request the plane, we could use it, all you need to do is pay for fuel. As for the cabin, I'll just call ahead, and have the resort staff have it ready when you arrive. New bed sheets, towels, a fully stocked kitchen, and other amenities that you need. So what do you say, Jason, are you in?" Ronnie asked, hoping he would go for it.

"Sure, why not. I will have to see the property anyway, so this just gives me an excuse to see it now. Ronnie, prepare for all of those who want to go, including yourself," Jason said, as he noticed the shock and glee on Ronnie's face.

"Really? You want me to come along?" she asked.

"Yeah, I will need your help navigating me, and everyone else while we are there," Jason explained.

"Can I come, too? I always wanted to see a ski resort. Plus, I want to be there for my best friend," Sarah jumped in, hoping to tag along

"Honey, are you sure, what about your mother?" Lila asked, unsure if to bring her along.

"You know how she is. I'm sure if I left for a week, she wouldn't even notice, probably," she said somberly, wishing she had a more caring mother like Jennifer was with hers.

"Okay, but only if it's okay with Jason, and you make sure you tell your mother where you are going, and that you are with us."

"Well, Mr. Solace, can I come, as well? I promise I'll behave," she batted her eyelashes toward him.

"Sure. Ronnie, make the preparations."

"Yes, sir. I'll have them ready as soon as possible. Most likely, tomorrow morning we depart, unless something changes. By the way, I suggest buying winter, and snow wear. It gets pretty chilly up there," Ronnie explained, as she began to make the phone calls.

"Yay, another shopping trip," Lily jumped in the air, as she couldn't wait to buy something sexy to wear for Jason.

Everyone, including Jennifer, went to the mall for another round of clothes shopping. Jason, of course, paid for everything, with the promise that they would pay him back. The ladies decided to go with neon-colored snow wear, each one going with a different color, while Jason opted for the standard black snowsuit. They also bought themselves snow pants, snow shoes, thermal clothes, and everything else in between. Jason couldn't believe how expensive snow wear could be. Especially when you only wear it for certain times out of the year. But one of his greatest purchases was a Shearling duster coat that reminded him of the duster that K wore in the 'Blade Runner' movie-- one of the few movies that he watched while in prison. He loved the way it felt, and according to Lily and Sarah, it made him look dashing and tough.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly after the shopping trip. Ronnie did secure the plane for their travel and was also informed the cabin would be ready when they arrived in the morning. Sarah did tell her mother about the trip, and after a bit of a heated argument, she got the go-ahead to travel; went back to her place, packed a bag, and made her way back to Jason's house. With everybody back at the house, including Ronnie and her travel bag, everyone slept in peace. Jennifer still slept with Shea in her room, while Lila slept right next to her. Ronnie and Lily decide to sleep in the same bed together, while Sarah took one of the spare rooms. Jason always slept in his room.

The next day, at the brink of dawn, everyone made their way to the local airfield, where their private jet waited. It was a luxury 'G-Five' airplane, that was as opulent, as it was expensive. Everyone piled into the plane, took their seats, and awaited takeoff. Shea had a tough time while being in a confined space while moving, but a few simple commands from Jason, and she was right as rain.

The flight only took a couple of hours, so when they landed at the airfield that was close to the resort, the sun barely shone through the mountain range. White blankets of snow were as far as the eye could see. Jennifer, Sarah, and even Lily, squealed in delight as they saw more snow in one area than they had previously seen in their lives. They even ran into a snow pile and made a few snow angels, and threw a few snowballs, just having the time of their lives. That seemed to bring a smile to Jason and Ronnie's faces, but as for Lila, she was shivering from the cold. Even with the extra layers of thermo clothing, she still shook.

At the airfield, there awaited two Lincoln Navigator SUVs, to take them to Jason's cabin. It was about an hour's drive, but once they got there, all the women were in awe of the large oak cabin. It was a two-story house with a large bay window that went all the way to the ceiling, showing the million-dollar view of the snowy mountain ranges. It had all the amenities that they would need to spend the week or so there. Fully stocked kitchen, large steam room, four master-size rooms, and a large fireplace that gave it that homey feeling. It also had a large, twelve-foot Douglas fir Christmas tree, that made the whole cabin smell like Christmas. Ronnie thanked the drivers for unloading their luggage and was surprised that they left one of the Navigators for them to drive around town, and the resort.

While everyone tried to look for their rooms, a problem occurred, six people in four rooms. In the end, Jason opted for the large sofa that looked like it could sit ten people. The women protested and said that they would gladly double up in a room so he could have one for himself. He said no, and told them that a couch was more than fine. That he would get better sleep if he slept in one. This was true since he had a hard time sleeping in such a large bed, even back home. In the end, they all relented, and let Jason sleep on the couch. Ronnie, Sarah, and Lily got their rooms, while Lila and Jennifer shared the largest room. Lila wanted to be near her daughter in her time of need.

After everyone was settled in, they made their way to Snow King Mountain Resort. It was what Jason expected for a high-end resort. Pricey lounge, with even-pricier beer. The clientele was also less than desirable for Jason's taste. Silicon Valley millionaires, Wall Street sharks, and trust-fund kids, with more money than sense in the world. There were trophy wives and mistresses, with more silicon than a dildo-making factory. The true sense of opulence and sumptuousness, for anyone that was there, and Jason and his party were right in the middle of it.

Jason didn't want to spend too much time there, so he led them to the ski and snowboard rental shop. While everyone was looking for the right gear with help from Ronnie, who had gone skiing before, Jason found the clerk and paid for their rental fees, and skiing lessons. Everyone looked ridiculous while holding their gear, as they made their way outside to the kiddie slopes.

They screamed newbies, to all the avid skiers and regulars of that resort. The girls didn't notice, but Jason did, especially a trio of trust-fund brats that were eyeing Ronnie and Sarah, since they were the only members of the group that were more endowed, that even their full ski jackets couldn't hide-- Ronnie's large DD breasts, and Sarah's phat ass. He also noticed that several were commenting on Lila, Lily, and Jennifer, saying that they all looked so much alike, that they could be sisters. One guy in particular said that he would pay top dollar for a wild foursome with all three. He just didn't know that while he was saying that, Jason was right next to him. Each one of them was very excited with every single one of Jason's girls. So when it came time to leave, all five women turned to Jason with happy smiles, causing several of the men's faces to drop, showing that they had been taken, and all by one man.

For the next hour, everyone in Jason's group was being taught the fundamentals of skiing, and mountain safety, by an uppity college girl, named Kami, short for Kamilah. Jason wasn't too good with the skis, so he sat that one out, and let the others have their fun. Since it was not Ronnie's first time on skis, she breezed through all the beginner lessons. Lily and Sarah had a much tougher time in the beginning, but once they got their footing, they managed to stay upright without falling. Jennifer, on the other hand, realized that skiing was not for her, so once she switched to snowboarding, she was running circles around the others. Jason would later find out that in her younger years, Jennifer went through a tomboy phase, and would run with kids at the skatepark.

While all four of them ran laps around the beginner slopes, Jason stood at the edge of the path, watching them have fun. Alongside him was Lila, who opted out of skiing on the declaration that she was freezing, even though she had extra layers on. She was breathing hard on her mitten-covered fingers trying to bring warmth back into them, all the while Jason stood still, seeming unaffected by the weather.

"How in the fuck, are you not freezing?" she asked, with a slight stutter in her voice.

"I just have a stronger will than most people," he said with a bit of an amused smile, shocked that Lila would curse at him. As it turned out, when Lila was uncomfortable, or in severe distress, she would forgo politeness, and go cursing like a sailor.

"And these hand warmers I have in my boots and pockets," Jason said, with a smug grin.

"Hand warmers, you're telling me that you had fucking hand warmers this entire time," she said, flabbergasted that he didn't offer her any.

"Yeah, and if you want, I could... HEY!" Jason yelped out, as Lila jumped at him and shoved her hands deep into his pockets.

She sighed, as her mittened hands found warmth. Basking in the feeling of warmth flowing back into her fingers, all the while oblivious to the fact that she was standing too close to Jason. They stood there for a few minutes, gathering the eyes of a few weary travelers.

"Ah, you know I have extras, if you want any," he said, as he pulled out a small stack of hand warmers for both boots and hands, still packaged in plastic.

Breaking the bliss of finally having warmth in her hands, she finally blinked and realized how close she was to Jason. Then just as quickly as she forced her hands into Jason's pocket, she quickly yanked them out.

Blushing from ear to ear, she apologized for her actions and thanked Jason for the offer. But when she went to retrieve the offered item, instead of one, she grabbed the whole stack and began tearing them open. Shoving them inside various jacket pockets to not only warm her hands but various parts of her body. She sighed in relief as warmth flooded her body. Jason only chuckled at the sight, finally realizing how much Lila hated the cold.

He didn't say anything afterward; he just continued to watch over the girls as they kept going up and down the beginner's slope. Everything seemed right in the world, until a commotion broke out, by the employee side entrance.

"Hey! If you walk away right now, then you're fired!" yelled an angry man, who looked to be the manager.

"Yeah, fool, then who cares. I didn't spend seven years working for this shit. I have ambitions. So FUCK YOU!" the man yelled, as he threw his apron at the manager, showing everyone how fed up he is with the job, and how angry at the world he was.

Lila couldn't help looking at Jason, when she heard that man mention prison. Forgetting sometimes that he just came out of an eighteen-year sentence. Then, she started to wonder why Jason hadn't shown his fits of rage or anger. Especially, when he was sent to prison for something he didn't even commit. She was about to ask him about that, but was interrupted by Lily.

"Boy, what a show," she said, as she looked at the public fight between the ex-con and the manager.

Jason and Lila turned around and saw everyone was back from the slopes, tired and red-faced from all the fun they had.

"Yeah, well let's forget about them. Now come on, I need something to warm up," Sarah commented, as she was starting to shiver.

That seemed to gather the attention of the rest of the group because they all noticed that they, too, could use something hot to drink. So one by one, they all stored their skis and snowboards on the racks outside, and made their way to the lounge area. It was the same as they first entered, except that the three trust-fund kids had set up a little poker table at the corner edge of the lounge. Jason didn't pay too much mind to it, that was until he noticed that the kids were doing some funny business with the cards. Not one moment later, a large man in a cowboy hat yelled out and stormed off. Furious that he just lost close to seventy-five grand to the trust-fund trio. Jason paid them no mind, until one of the trio called for him.

"Hey you, the guy with all the chicks hanging around you. Wanna play?" the kid with the Harvard sweater yelled out, toward Jason.

"Yeah, come on, you look like a guy who knows how to play," said another one, only this time, he had white frosted-tip hair.

Jason contemplated this for a moment, about to decline, until the third member of the group spoke up.

"Yeah, come on, man, and bring us some of that arm candy with you. I'm sure they could get quite lonely being all by themselves. Don't worry, we have some warm laps for them to sit on."

That seemed to put Jason over the edge, so he agreed to join them. Only so that he could teach them some manners, and put them in their place. For the next thirty minutes, they pretty much played a straight game, where Jason was pretty much winning. But he knew it was a lure, make your mark comfortable by letting him win. Then when he is invested, you up the ante and suddenly, that person's luck can go the wrong way. Jason had seen this con before, while he was locked up; it was a classic card hustle, but unbeknownst to the three trust-fund kids, Jason was well ahead of them, and was ready to flip the hustle onto them.

"Fuck, another full house. Damn, Archer, you are certainly on a roll," the Harvard shirt guy said, using the alias Jason had given them.

"What can I say, I feel extremely lucky today," Jason said, trying to come off as arrogant, showing that he was having a blast. Then the up ante came into play, something Jason was expecting.

"You know what? I need to make some money back," Harvard shirt said.

"Yeah, with what money?" the frosted-tip guy said.

"Ah, how about this." He then pulled out a key fob. "These are the keys to my Mercedes SLR McLaren. It retails for about three million. So, does this buy me back in?" he asked, knowing that this was all part of their plan. He didn't mind using his dad's car, since their con always worked, and they believed that Jason was just an average sucker.

"Oh, I am in. I can't wait to drive that car of yours," the annoying guy in the group said, moving their plan further.

"Sure, but what about the new guy?" asked the frosted-tip guy.

Jason sat there, pretending to think about it, while trying to not seem eager. Then he said, "Sure, I always wanted to drive a Mercedes."

"Okay good, but what do you put up as collateral? I mean this is an expensive car, I am sure you have something of value for us."

"Ah, well, I don't have a million dollars on me, but what the hell-- I am on a hot streak; so tell me, what do you guys want that is fitting for collateral?" Jason asked, just waiting for them to fall into his trap.

"Your women. We want your women," the annoying guy said.

"You want my girls, but which one?" Jason asked, pretending to not like this.

"Well, figuring the value of the car, how about all of them? If you win, you get everything that is in the pot, including the car. But if we win, then we have your girls for the rest of the time you are here. Does that sound good? Don't worry, we will show them a good time," Harvard sweater said.

That just made Jason's blood boil, but he kept his composure.

"I don't know. What about you guys, what are waging for your friend's car? I and he can't be the only ones upping the ante," Jason said to the other two guys, hoping to swindle them out of their fathers' money.

"All right, all right. As a show of good faith, I'll bet my Rolex. It's no McLaren, but it is worth a hundred grand," said the frosted-tip guy.

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