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Wrongfully Accused Ch. 13-14

Story Info
Rumble in the frat house and Christmas vacation.
14.4k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/11/2023
Created 08/22/2022
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Part 4: Rumble in the Frat House amd Christmas Vacation

Written by: Mandingo1234

Edited by: kenjisato

Chapter 13

*** Alpha Beta Fraternity House. Front lawn. Five minutes earlier.***

Jason pulled up to the Alpha Betas Fraternity house. It was one of those colonial style houses large enough to house a platoon of soldiers. But instead of well trained men, it was a house filled with boys, drinking, partying, and various other things college students do. He could hear the loud thumping of wild music, and flashing lights from the windows. Hey knew a full blown party was going on, and he was about to crash it.

He stepped out of the car, along with everyone else, and made their way towards the big front door. While walking Sarah ran up to them, exiting her car, when Jason and all the others approached.

"Thank goodness you're here. I try to call Jennifer, but know one is answering," she said as she ran up and hugged Lila, trying her best not to seem scared for her best friend.

"It's ok honey, you did the right thing by calling. Will get her back," Lila assured her, while looking at Jason, wondering what he will do.

The whole group walked up to the front door. Jason put on a pair of leather gloves, and Dominic gave him the jacket. It was a thank you gift for all the business he was giving him, and for the amount of money, he paid for that custom leather jacket. Jason didn't see a need for leather gloves, but for tonight, he was going to need something to keep his fingerprints off the crime scene he was about to make. Gloves in place, and in that position to help obscure his face, he was ready to go, for what came next.

"Whatever happens, stay behind me, or stay by the door," Jason grunted as he knocked on the door.

A linebacker came through the door, "Hey, did anyone order three desperate housewives! They're fine as hell!" he shouted back into the house.

"No, nobody ordered us, or whatever that means, we're here for my daughter. So please let us in," Lila demanded, ignoring Jason's advice and stepping in front of him. Not liking the way the big man was eyeing her.

"Your daughter. I alway wanted a mother-daughter duo. But sorry no one can do that. No party crashers here. Unless you and all your little hottie friends are willing to do a little something for me and my friends." the linebacker grinned. As he looked over Lily, Ronnie, and Sarah.

"Look, let us in, and there won't be trouble. Where just hear for her daughter," Jason said in a calm cool voice, sizing up the big guy. Getting almost in his face.

"Look old man, there is no fucking way I'm letting you in. So why don't you leave before I make you. Oh why don't you leave the ladies behind. Will show them a real good time."

"Let us in, before there is trouble," Jason commanded as he took another step closer.

"No way you motherfucker. You are starting to piss me off," he said as he got right into Jason's face, "You know what, maybe me and my boys would teach you a little lesson, and once we are done with you we will have a real good time with your women folk. We will,..ahhhh!"

Before he could finish his sentence Jason quickly and fiercely head budded the linebacker's nose. Destroying it, as blood started to spew from its mangled nose. He bent down, curing to the high heaven as he tried to stop the flow of the river of blood that was coming out of him. That was a big mistake, because it gave Jason the perfect position to knee the linebacker's jaw, effectively knocking him out. And just like that in two moves Jason quickly and easily took out the house bouncer.


One of his fellow teammates shouted out, and like kicking the hornet's nest, out came several more football players ready to get vengeance on their fallen comrade. Jason stepped in, he could hear the song Mystikal Fever by Mystikal, blaring from their sound system. Bringing his hands up, ready for what comes next. Jason waited for them to make the net move.

They all rushed at him, but Jason was more quick on his feet, and faster with his punches. He always put himself in a position where he can't get surrounded, and where his attackers would come at him, one at a time, instead of all in a gang. While they were in great shape, the football players were not fighters, not like the season ones he had to deal with back in prison. One by one they all started to fall at Jason's hands, all the while he was receding a mantra in his head.





'Shoulders Joints'












He recited all those words in his head as he fought off the football players. All areas his mentor once taught him, where he could do the maximum amount of damage with little effort. So when one player came rushing at him with a wild punch, he grabbed onto his wrist, and with a violent twist and a pull, shooting pain shot through the man's arm. Then for the final blow, Jason karate chopped the man's elbow, while still twisting his wrist. Effect being his elbow in the wrong direction, and causing the guy to scream bloody murder, and falling, grabbing his now mangled arm.

Jason quickly made his way through the large house, taking out any football player that came at him. As he fought, many people either ran from the house to escape the violence, or pulled out their phones and started recording everything that was unfolding. Jason also saw women in various states of unclothing, while also showing that they were bit in a drug induced haze. Seeing that only made his blood boil even hotter, as he redoubled his efforts into hurting the men who would do that to a woman.

He had almost cleared out the first floor, until a big, nearly seven foot tall, 400 pound behemoth came strolling in.

"You're dead now fucker." he said it with such a deep voice. With the deep voice and hulk like body; he could give Michael Clarke Duncan from the 2003 Daredevil, a run for his money.

Jason knew if he went up against that guy in a straight fight, he would be dead, so he opted for the tactical retreat. The behemoth came in swings and throws, but he couldn't land a single punch on Jason. Eventually, they found themselves in the middle of the room where a pool table resides. Then in a feat of brilliance, Jason grabbed the two pool cues that were on the table and broke them at the midpoint, tossing away half, and only keeping the heavy back end of the pool cue. Unfortunately, while he was doing that, he didn't see the guy with a knife and made a charge at him. By the time he noticed, it was too late and the guy thrust the knife into his side. As this was happening Lila, Lily, Ronnie, and Sarah saw what was happening. Deciding to be a little brave and make their way through the sea of fallen bodies. Their faces paled as they saw the college boys stick his knee into Jason, but all then they heard something interesting.

"WHAT THE FUCK. IT WONT GO IN!" the man with the knife shouted, as his knife went through the first layer of leather, but stopped at the underlying layer of kevlar, and the titanium thread weaved, inner liner. But before the guy could think of anything else, the broad end of a pool cue came swiftly by and stuck the side of his head. Blood and teeth shooting out of the guys mouth and nose, falling to the floor unconscious.

It was the special order jacket that Dominic made. Once Jason heard that he could make custom ultra light body armor cloths, Jason jumped at the chance at getting one. It could stop most handguns and a few shotgun blasts, so stopping a knife attack was child's play. It cost him a cool 100 grand, but Jason knew the value of having a stab proof jacket, he only wished he had that while he was in prison.

Once his would-be stabber was out for the count, he focused back on the behemoth. Which was a good thing because the guy was right on top of him. He did the first attack but missed the second one and got hit in his side. Staying sure-footed Jason began to go on the offense with his makeshift batons. Reciting his montara as he landed blow after blow. The problem was the guy was like an orc, having both immense muscle and fat. So instead of going for his body, Jason went for his joints. While he did get hit a few times by the behemoth's massive fists, he did manage to get behind the guy. With one hard struck at the side of the knee, the big guy screamed in pain as he felt his knee getting shattered. Dropping to the floor cradling his now destroyed knee caps, two heavy wood poles came swinging down together, and bash at the side of the guy's head. Knocking him out, and falling like a ton of bricks.

Standing there with blood covered sticks, Jason looked around the room. He saw the fighting eyes of both men and women as he stood over the now unconscious big guy. He could still hear him breathing, which was a good sign that Jason didn't kill him, but he will be having one hell of a time recovering. He saw movement at the corner of his eye, and saw another jock reading himself with a broken beer bottle. But once he made eye contact with Jason cold dead eyes, and saw the large unconscious body of the team's biggest bruiser on the floor, he turned tail and ran.

Seeing as there was nobody left to fight on the first floor, and no sign of Jennifer, Jason decided to make his way upstairs. He dropped the sticks which caused a loud thud as they hit the floor. He saw that all the girls were still waiting for him at the entrance of the pool room. Wide eyed and shocked beyond belief.

"You stay down here," he commanded the girls, like they were his dogs.

Still shocked by the whole thing, all they could do was nod, as Jason went up the stairs. They couldn't believe the brutality that Jason had inflicted on the Alpha Bates members. To them it looked like a fight you would see in a Jet Li, or a Jason Station movie. One guy versus a hundred, and the one guy is still standing. But after seeing Jason taking on the big guy, they had faith in him in finding Jennifer. So they watched as he jogged up the stairs, the song on the sound system changing, to X Gon' Give It to Ya by DMX. Then sounds of fighting started back up again.

More fighting ensued as men came out of their rooms, zipping up their pants. One by one they all fall, and now laid on the floor in eminence. Jason looked into each room, seeing women in the value stage of undress, but no Jennifer. Then he then saw someone that he knew would know where Jennifer was, Derek.

"Where is she?" Jason said, rage boiling as he saw that cocky grin of his.

"Oh don't worry, we are taking good care of her. Is her mother here, I would like to tap some of that MILF pussy," Derek said, a little high from the drugs he's been taking since he left the captain with Jennifer.

"Where the fuck is she, you little prick!" This time Jason demanded an answer.

"Who the fuck you think you are convict. You can't talk to me like that, my family would destroy everything you know, and send you back to prison. And in return I will take all those women from you. So come on, lay one hand on me, and see where that gets you, CONVICT!" Derek drugged his mind leading his speech.

"One shot."


"I will give you one shot. Hit me and I won't dodge it. Come one show me what you got?" Jason taunted him, ready to put Derek right in his place.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that bro, My arm is an all American thrower. One punch from me, and you would be pushing daisies." Derek said with confidence.

He rushed at Jason, and swung his hand like he was going for a hail mary pass. It landed squarely on Jason's jaw, and while he did spit blood, Jason stood strong and true.

"My turn," Jason said as he punched Jason right in the solar plexus.

While Derek was an all American, he didn't know how to properly throw a punch, so it only felt like getting hit by a car. As for Jason when he landed his punch, it felt like getting hit by a semi trailer truck. Leaving Derek breathless and finding it difficult to breathe. Deciding to finish him off, Jason smashed both his hands against Derek's ears, causing his ear drums to both burst from the sudden change in air pressure. Now breathless, and disoriented, Derek threw another wild punch, but Jason saw it coming from a mile away. So he grabbed onto the incoming wrist, and with one fluid motion, he pulled Derek's arm to one direction, while Jason struck Derek shoulder with his other hand. The combined forces of the pushing and pulling on Derek's arm, caused his rotator cuff to dislocate, and severed several of the tendons in the process. Destroying Derek's throwing arm, and any possible future in playing football. To Derek it felt like his arm was about to be ripped off from his shoulder. Then to finish it all off, Jason threw a haymaker of his own, knocking Derek out against the wall and on the ground, blood covering his fist. Jason looked down at the now unconscious Derek, regretting knocking him out. Since he first asked where Jennifer was at. Right at that time a door swung open and a shirtless guy came out to see what the commotion was.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" the captain shouted as he saw Derek on the floor.

"Where is she?" was all that Jason asked, but then he saw Jennifer right behind the newcomer, and from there Jason saw red.

Jason punched the guy in the face, causing the guy to stumble and fall back into his room.

"Dude what the fuck was that for." the captain says as he now looks at the blood on his hand, "Oh you are going to get it now. Wait until my buddy Freddy the Giant comes and gets you. When he is done with you, they will need to run dental records just to identify the body."

"If you're talking about the seven foot tall black guy. Don't bother, he is already face down on the floor. And if you're hoping for any of your buddies to come in and save your ass, don't bother either. They are either knocked out on the floor, or they ran off."

The captain's eyes went out in shock at the claim Jason was making. Then his eyes went to rage.

"You're a dead man. Did you know what you just did? You are now the enemy of the team, enemy of the school, and even an enemy of our boosters. Once the dean finds out what you did, you are finished. You are dead. You are de..."

He didn't finish what he was saying, because Jason was just wailing on the guy, blow after blow; unrelenting in the destruction of the captain and his wicked ways. By the time he was done, his face was all battered and bruised, completely unrecognizable. Then for added measure, with a swift and hard kick, like a kicker going for a 50 yard field goal. Jason bare down on the captain's groin, making sure to get his twig and berries, all the while Jason only had one thought in his mind.

'Good thing I am wearing my steel toed boots.'

The team captain was now passed out on the floor, the sheer pain from having his groin being made into swiss cheese, his body shut down, in order to preserve itself, from the wrath of Jason. Then Jason saw Jenniefer stun out on the bed. By the way her clothes looked mostly intact, and no brushes on her face, arms or thighs, he could tell that he got there just in time, before the unthinkable happened.

"Are you ok?" he asked in the most soothing voice he could muster through his natural gravely tone.

She still couldn't speak, but she managed to nod her head, the effects of the drug was still wearing off. Jason took once over in the room, while he sat Jennifer up and placed his jacket over her shoulders. When he saw the video recording set up, his veins wear about to burst from the fact that the football team were about to record her rape. He told her to wait right there, while he checked the room. He looked through the recording on the phone stand, and saw that he was correct that they hadn't done anything to her, and that while he beat up Trent, the captain of the football team, the cameras didn't capture his face, only glimpse. Then he looked at the unconscious body that was Jennifers would be raper, and discovered that his phone was right next to him. It was locked, but using his fingerprint to unlock the screen, that was when he hit pay dirt. He found dozens of video files of perverts girls that were raped and recorded. Along with message boards threatening them to do what they were told, unless they want that video being released to the public, ruining their lives. He also found correspondents linking several key figures of the school that were involved in the sex ring. One of which was the head coach, the head of security, and the dean of the school.

"My, you have been a naughty boy, have you Trent. Lets see if we could fix that," Jason said ominously, mostly to himself as he thought up a plan.

He knew that this would come in handy to put those football players in jail, so first he sent a copy of all relevant information to a secure email, making sure it went through the schools wifi, so it can be verified for later. Then he disabled the phone's locked feature. Then before he picked up Jennifer and left that room, he saw a desk with school supplies, so with a sticky note, and a marker, for something special. With everything in hand he went back to Jennifer. She still felt too weak to stand, so ever so gently she picked her up in his hands. She felt as light as a feather as Jason lifted her into his arms. Confirmed by his embrace, Jennifer wrapped her arms around Jason's neck, and brought herself in closer. Sobbing into his shirt as she finally felt safe for the first time that night.

"Let's get you home," he said in a whisper, as she sobbed into his chest. With what he came for in his hands, he slowly made his way out of the room and down the hall, making sure to step over the unconscious bodies.

Lila was waiting on pins and needles as the eerie silence filled the room. Sarah had rushed to shut off the sound system after the loud thudding stopped up stairs. She wanted to go upstairs, wanted to find her precious daughter and wrap her in her arms. But she stayed, trusting Jason in finding her daughter. Lily and Ronnie were tending to the other girls that were there. Several showed signs of being drugged, they gave them water, and a blanket to keep them warm. As Sarah said, no one called the police or campus security. They would think that they would send in someone to break up the fighting, but no one came. Several of the football players did manage to get up, but as soon as they did, they fled the scene fearing to have another run in with Jason. Lila wanted to stop them, for what they did, but all she cared about was the safety of her precious little girl.

Then just before she was about to have a nervous breakdown. Footsteps could be heard, making its way down the steps. Lila rushed to the stairs waiting, hoping that it was who she thought it was. Then when Jason came into focus carrying Jennifer within his arms, she ran up to meet them.

"JENNY!" Lila yelled as she made it halfway up the stairs.

"She's fine. Let's get out of here," Jason said, not wanting to stay in that house any longer than he had too.

Lila nodded at his request and followed Jason down the stairs. Lily, Ronnie, and Sarah heard the competition, so they all made their way at the stairs. Jason directed them towards the front door, where the big guy Jason first took out, was still there. Knocked out, and still bleeding from his nose.

Once outside, Jason gently places Jennifer on her feet. He asked Lily, and Ronnie to help her to the car, while he asked Lila to stay to help him with something. Lila wanted to be with her daughter, but she did what Jason said, and waited for him, and his plan. But before he could Sarah spoke up.


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