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Xenophilia - Eriana - Pt. 03

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
9.6k words

Part 30 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

* * * * *

Though Eriana understood everything as far as the goals and the behaviours of the Xenomorphs, she still knew too little about the origins of these particular types, and exactly how they worked... but she was certainly enjoying herself in the pursuit of such knowledge and... how lovely it was to embed herself into the workings of the Hive.

The Queen, though unable to speak a single word of English, understood it well enough to answer Eriana's questions, and was rather adept at making signs to convey its points and meanings. However, when she asked how it came to be, the Queen only smirked and cocked its head, rumbling in amusement and prodding Eriana's nose; the scientist believed that to be the Queen issuing the woman a 'challenge' of sorts... to find out. How, Eriana wasn't certain, but she was ever so happy to take the Queen up on 'her' challenge... of course, that would be in between her various other 'studies'.

The Hive was... truly impressive. Tunnels carved out of the rock, using their own blood or their claws, which Eriana discovered grew slowly when sharp and undamaged, and rather swiftly kickstarted new growth when they were blunting. It meant that they never clawed their fingers to stumps, and it also meant their nails were forever sharp, necessary given the chitinous nature of their digits, and how long they were; the flesh and the carapace was much more 'blurred' there than on other parts of their bodies.

A similar growth mechanism existed on their tails, the aliens capable of 'regrowing' the blades that tipped them, including the hollow tube that served as a stinger to inject their 'prey' with a potent sedative that induced intense drowsiness in victims; painless, minimally frightening and rather safe to use, it seemed, the aliens possessing impressive control over their tails so that, even with a swift strike, they would only 'prick' their victims instead of impaling them deep. She saw this used on a straggler, the human running from their perceived death only for the xenomorph to sting them midstride. They were caught before they fell unconscious and hurt themselves hitting the floor... after that, the man was carried off to be cocooned and 'conditioned', as Eriana considered it.

'Conditioning' was effectively overwhelming and relentless stimulation, as she'd already experienced, coupled with nurture and affection... it was twisted and obscene, but it appeared to work. Those that were receptive to the attention they received were set free from their cocoons, allowing them to experience more mutual pleasure with the various xenomorphs of the Hive, though it often seemed that they were largely attended to by the Xenomorph that captured them, perhaps trying to use a sense of 'familiarity' to make the humans more inclined to be trusting.

Either way, after that, Eriana knew the Xenomorphs had no real sense of 'fidelity' or exclusivity; they were polyamorous, and had no issues with mating with other humans in front of the ones they had captured. Though, given how much affection these xenomorphs seemed to be capable of showing, to any number of people, that polyamorous nature seemed to bother humans who had accepted them less and less, to the point the humans started becoming polyamorous themselves, judging from the behaviour of the several colonists that had disappeared some time ago.

Eriana had spoken to these people, the first disappearances; they had been down here for quite a while, but the Xenomorphs, as best as they could convey without words, assured them they would eventually be able to return... though in the meantime, they were subjected to the lustful affections of an entire hive of horny aliens, and they found it rather... difficult to resist the advances of these most beautiful creatures.

Of course, now, any doubts about their chances of returning had been removed, as even fresh 'catches' were being allowed to return to the colony, the Xenomorphs having captured most everyone, so the need for secrecy was no longer important to them. The aliens even insisted that some return immediately to fix problems in the Colony itself... the aliens had no intention of seeing Victor's Post fall to ruin, and nor did they seem particularly interested in converting it into another part of their hive. They very much wanted to be connected to the colony, but separate insofar that they remained out of sight and hidden, but able to freely move between the Colony and the Hive... the same going for the many humans who were becoming rather inclined towards the idea.

Of course, Eriana was spending most of her time exploring the Hive, seeing how it functioned and... 'studying' the inhabitants... mostly by inserting herself into the many cycles of the Hive, much to the xenomorphs' delight. What she saw happening in the Colony above was through wireless security camera footage, thanks to the PDA she was given by one of the many Drones. She knew she would have to return to the lab at some point, but she was more than happy to remain in the Hive for the time being... there was so much to learn, and so much joy in integrating with the Xenomorphs.

She had discovered how the Lifecycle of these Xenomorphs worked in particular; a far cry from how all other observed Xenomorphs did things, it was the various Drones, the Praetorians and the Queen herself that impregnated human females -- or were even impregnated by a human male, giving birth themselves -- with semen or eggs, the latter seeming to result in more offspring, with the larval xenomorphs emerging from their host like a traditional birth. From there, they would slither their way to special chambers in the hive... where they would cocoon themselves in a special substance, dissimilar to the resin the aliens secreted to bind their mates. Instead, it was fleshier, stretchier, and would grow as they did, until they were fully formed adult Xenomorphs, ready to 'hunt' their own mates or assist with the running of the hive.

At least, that's how it was. Now, it seemed that only the Queen and a select few of her Praetorians were fertile, all the rest and the Drones were now sterile, to an extent, their fertility controlled by the Queen... perhaps by releasing pheromones that flipped biological 'switches' in their bodies that could determine their fertility. She discovered that this was a purposeful measure, to avoid the Xenomorph population becoming beyond manageable, though they still outnumbered humans two to one... though it seemed that ratio was going to stick for some time. Of course, now it meant the Xenomorphs, all of them, could have as much sex as they want without issue, be it with humans, or each other. Eriana had asked a simple drone if it was bothered by being unable to sire or bear any offspring, and its response was a coy shake of its head and a rather heated follow-up kiss.

And that kiss had resulted in Eriana bending over for that very Xenomorph, letting it take her from behind, the Xenomorph on its knees and slapping its hips to Eriana's rear, the textured length pushing against her G-spot most effectively. The human released rolling moans from her lips, all as she examined with much adoration the many cocoons of growing Xenomorphs that hung from the ceiling... of course, before they cocooned themselves, they sought sustenance, provided by the milk of the numerous Xenomorphs -- and the odd human female -- which all happily suckled the larval aliens, quite voracious little things.

However, despite Eriana currently being capable of lactating herself -- still gravid with the inert eggs of the Drone that had mated with her (something that rather disappointed Eriana, in all honesty) -- she was not to be used as a nurse... though the drone that slid beneath her more than happily drank down her milk, clasping its lips around one of her teats, and suckling luxuriously... slurping and 'chewing' with its jaw against her breast, tongue waggling to her nipple, whilst Eriana tried to grasp at the nub of the breast of the alien beneath her.

She succeeded, catching the nipple between her own teeth, and beginning to suckle, moaning in delight. Her own breasts jiggled in the mouth of the alien beneath her due to the jolting of her body from the way the alien behind her was thrusting into her womanhood, which also caused the breast of the drone Eriana was currently suckling to jolt as well, from the back and forth motion of her head. She could feel the two aliens' hands exploring her body, the one beneath her squeezing and groping her breasts and pinching her unattended nipple between its digits, whilst its tongue slipped past its lips every now and then... the female xenomorphs were rather happy to indulge Eriana's 'curiosity', and as much as they liked hunting down fearful 'prey', they still revelled in the company of humans who were entirely willing to accept their lust.

Moans emanated against the Drone's breast, Eriana completely taken by the stimulating texture of the other xenomorph's penis; though they all had subtle differences, they were still designed to bring maximum stimulation to anyone on the receiving end of one, the protrusions intended to stimulate the many nerves it might encounter, including those in a person's anus, though in particular, the raised 'ridge' of various protrusions that ran along the top of their phalluses seemed intended to rub against the female 'G-Spot', whatever that might be for different women... these xenomorphs would exploit it with extreme efficiency... much as it was now, Eriana's grasp over the nipple in her mouth tenuous at best from how much she was moaning, trying to gulp down the creamy milk that trickled from the Drone's breast.

It didn't take long for the Drones to 'defeat' Eriana, of course, their endurance beyond her own and causing her to practically collapse atop of the Xenomorph beneath her as her body shuddered in orgasm, further soaking the cock thrusting into her womanhood, whilst the alien pumped thick, infertile seed into the woman's womb, joining the eggs that still bloated her belly. How she wished she could give proper birth to these perfect beings... but the Queen's long-term plans, it seemed, laid with more mutual dealings than to use humans as worthless breeding stock to expand infinitely. No, the Queen wanted something better than such dangerous ideas, and Eriana was all too happy to be a part of its machinations.

The two drones pulled her into a sensuous embrace, sandwiching her nude body between the two of them, squashing their breasts to her back and to her own bust, kissing her across the nape of her neck, or directly against her lips, Eriana feeling the Xenomorph's tongue slipping into her mouth, which she happily suckled upon and did her best to return the favour, swirling her muscle around its own whilst enjoying the sensation of its seed pooling out of her womanhood. They remained like this for some time, before Eriana extricated herself from the two females... who just lightly tugged against her, trying to convince the scientist to stay with them... it was a bit hard for Eriana to decline, but she had more sights to see. And besides... she would be able to find them whenever she had the time; they wouldn't refuse at any point.

Stumbling out of the nurturing chamber, sidestepping a larval xenomorph that slithered its way past -- perhaps among the last to be born before the Queen put an end to her drones' reproductive capabilities -- under the 'watchful gaze' of a nearby Drone. Again, it made her wish she was able to give birth herself... it was never something that ever crossed her mind, to be a mother, but she found herself yearning to be the bearer of offspring to these wonderful creatures, to be the mate to a fertile xenomorph... they were passionate lovers, that much Eriana knew, and the idea of contributing to the growing strength of these perfect beings tantalised her mind.

Of course, that only made her wonder what the purpose of the Facehuggers were... they seemed to serve no function in the reproduction of these xenomorphs, and beyond their use as living sex toys -- having witnessed a xenomorph grab one of the flighty creatures and thrust it to its crotch to pleasure itself -- and perhaps a way to immobilise people... Eriana could not think what they were intended for. Perhaps a vestige of how the normal Xenomorphs did things, twisted to a sexual purpose like every aspect of these exotic beings. Though somehow, she had doubts about this... there was some reason to their existence, but she would need to reach her lab for that.

As she pondered on the many questions still unanswered, she cursed, almost tripping on the uneven, resin covered ground that was typical for the majority of passages in the Hive; it wasn't easy to traverse for humans, whereas xenomorphs and their inhuman agility made it rather easy for them. Of course, whenever she needed help, there was always a drone nearby to provide, lifting her up and helping her over particularly rough surfaces... though she wondered if any of them would simply pin her down and violate her there and then... that had happened once already, an ostensible offer of help turning into a lecherous act of domination... not that Eriana minded.

As she continued, she passed by a human, dishevelled and half-clothed, trying to do his best to don his shirt whilst being accompanied by a giggling Drone, who teasingly groped his rear and caused him to blush. He saw Eriana, and started to ogle, before turning his gaze away... only to have his companion drape her arms over his shoulders and force him to look.

"Ah, what are you doing?" he complained, causing Eriana to smirk dryly; she did not care about anyone staring at her body, though the Xenomorph's behaviour did bring something else to her mind.

Despite their lustful and dominant nature, they didn't seem at all bothered by humans being intimate or sexual with other humans... in fact, they encouraged it, and encouraged free sexuality, Eriana having witnessed a human couple being brought together and encouraged to have sex. Not only that, though they themselves had no sense of 'exclusivity' to any one person, they seemed to have a certain respect for the relationships humans had between one another, be it boyfriend and girlfriend, wife and husband, or lovers of any sort, though in the eyes of the Xenomorphs, that seemed something reserved for the heart, and not the body... and they were slowly teaching the many humans here that.

It was a rather... liberated point of view. 'Your body was your own, and it didn't have to belong to another unless you desired it to'... barring the initial encounters and various subsequent forced encounters with these creatures, but Eriana didn't think there were going to be many lingering resentments towards them... they were rather adept at earning forgiveness from the humans they preyed upon. Still, as the man tried to squirm out of the grasp of his escort, who teasingly sat her breasts atop his head and tried to ensure he couldn't look away from Eriana, a thought popped into her head... one she'd never had before, but it filled her with titillation; she'd never, until now, considered herself attractive, for no other reason than that she wasn't interested in romantic or sexual relationships... but seeing this man struggling to keep his eyes off her sweaty, pregnant body... it excited Eriana. It made her feel desirable to more than just these lusty, forever horny aliens, and it made her feel powerful, for reasons even she couldn't quite explain.

Her next action was rash, yes, but it made her feel so very alive... she shot the man a teasing smirk, before crouching down in front of him, and started unbuttoning his half-belted pants, easily removing the belt to expedite the removal of his garment. His eyes widened in shock, and he let out a pitiful gasp of surprise, even the Xenomorph holding him from behind appearing to be rather taken aback by Eriana's sudden behaviour... though the smile that formed on the creature's face told her well enough the alien wasn't objecting to her act.

The man, however, certainly was, despite what he'd no doubt been through.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he protested.

"Oh, do relax," Eriana answered, fishing into his pants and freeing his cock... it was greasy, slick with a mixture of residual fluids, no doubt from sex with these creatures... instead of repulsing Eriana, that rather appealed to her... as did the smell, the musky aroma of a man mixed with the strange scent of alien sex... the scientist wondered if she was becoming more like them each moment.

Of course, such a thing was in no way a bad outcome, not anymore. She'd never felt more alive, and this... as bold as it was, it excited Eriana, and she wanted to enjoy herself more. So she leaned in close, giving his penis a few soft tugs and unfurling her tongue, lapping at his glans and tasting the rather odd but not unpleasant mixture of fluids that had slicked his cock. Despite having no doubt experienced the many techniques the Xenomorphs had at their disposal, he still gasped softly in response, encouraging Eriana that he hadn't been ruined for humans... so she licked again, and again, now realising she wasn't entirely used to taking the initiative... it made her both nervous, and rather thrilled, this new experience something she hoped would be a bit of an education.

She tried to channel some of what she'd witnessed among the drones, and slowly slid her tongue's flat edge from one side of his member, down his length until she came to a stop against his root, letting her drool trickle out over his base. She moaned softly, letting her lips and tongue press against his member. It wasn't physically stimulating, but it was most definitely sexually arousing, and she could see from the way the man gasped softly with each little act she did that he was rather taken with the lecherous show.

However, he still tried to tug away, perhaps a little uncertain about a human stranger doing simpler things to him than whatever the drones put him through... perhaps that familiarity -- that is, her being human -- unsettled him. Nonetheless, his 'escort' held him in place, a rather wide smile upon her lips, like the Cheshire Cat. They enjoyed this sort of thing, so Eriana could see why it happily held the man in place for the Scientist whilst she 'explored her curiosity'.

Eriana kissed and slurped against his root, and then drift her lips down to his testicles, suckling one into her mouth, and then the other, her tongue wrapping around the orb and caressing it, whilst her lips rippled against the man's scrotum, suckling and tugging. She let his musky, sticky mast rest up against the side of her face, her other hand moving to slowly stroke the side facing away from her head. She murmured softly, sending vibrations thrumming into his jewels, prompting the man to moan softly himself, shivering as a dollop of precum trickled from his tip, his glans bulging rather tightly now. She was having an effect on him, despite him having endured the ecstasies of the Xenomorphs... that delighted her.

It appeared to delight the Drone as well, the alien hissing softly and tightening its embrace on the man, letting her sharp, chitinous fingers drag across his chest, curling her digits inwards so the points grazed across his body through the thick material of his work attire. If she so wished, she could've torn through it with ease... but they were politer than that, as much as they probably preferred if their human mates remained as naked as they did... or perhaps they enjoyed peeling away the layers to get at the 'meat'... it would appeal to their predatory instincts, twisted into lecherous desires and aggressive fetishes. Eriana was happy simply to see this man squirm just a little from her less practiced efforts, slowly freeing his testicles from her mouth with a loud smack and a gentle slurp, before sliding her lips up to his glans once more, making sure the skin of her face grazed along his mast as she did so, all whilst keeping eye contact with the man.

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