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Xenophilia - Grant - Pt. 03


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He had not heard the two aliens riding his mouth and cock moan in ecstasy, likely because his own had drowned them out and because they had their mouths locked together. There was a pause, and then, after a delightful period of simply enjoying the sensations of afterglow, the aliens slowly pulled away from his shivering form.

Grant was a mess, panting softly and quivering on the ground. The aliens surrounded him, like a pack of hungry wolves, before they slowly descended upon him, using their lips and tongues to clean him up. This only exacerbated the shivering he was experiencing, delaying the softening of his cock and prolonging the afterglow until he was clean of any residue from his own semen and their fluids, save for the thin, sticky film of saliva that he now had plastered all over his body. From there, they pulled away, giggling and leaving him to rest, gathering up his clothes and gear, and waiting for him to finish resting.

Eventually, he had to get up, though he did so shakily. He was practically on autopilot as he started dressing himself, one article at a time. The aliens moved in close to help him, which eased the strain on his exhausted body and allowed him to regain his strength.

"Fuck... you've wiped me out..." he muttered. More than ten minutes later, he had finally gathered himself again, his armour back on his body and his tactical vest clipped to his torso, Grant finishing up by clipping his helmet back on, and making sure everything else was present, including his dog His pistol was holstered, and his remaining grenades were present. He sighed out, and then stood by the door, opening it, his companion next to him. He opened it, and then looked back inside, the other three aliens clustered together in an intimate embrace, beckoning him to return to them.

It was, admittedly, a tempting offer, but he had things to do, and they might've fucked him to death at this rate. Fortunately, his partner held her hand across him to show that he was spent and off limits for now... 'for now', being the operative words.

"Thanks ladies, but I can't stick around... maybe... maybe next time," he said with a bit of nervousness. They chuckled and made some kissing motions and fondled their breasts as some final effort to entice him back to their lecherous tangle, but he resisted the offer and walked out with a nervous laugh, which was followed by devious, lecherous growling. His companion followed him, and soon, it was just the two of them.

He sighed out and rubbed down his body to see if he was actually out of there and somehow not dead, whereupon he realised that he no longer had his rifle with him. At first, he panicked, and turned around behind him. He saw the other alien, who was holding his gun in her hand. He sighed out in relief, and then turned away, bending over and resting his hands on his kneepads for a moment.

"Yeah, just... carry that for now, please," he said, wanting to travel light for a little bit, not that his gear wasn't heavy enough.

The two of them wandered around as he made his way towards some of the newer sections of the colony, wondering if he'd find any evidence of other 'survivors', coming upon a large mechanical door, which would suddenly open... revealing a familiar face.

"Corporal Birch?!" Sergeant Yelena Degtaryev said with a shock, Grant's commanding officer an unexpected sight to come across.

Grant was quite surprised to see her himself, and noted an odd smell about her, a familiar one, but surely she of all people hadn't gotten involved with them... she was too strong for that.

"Sergeant?! Holy shit, you're alive! I didn't, well, I know you couldn't now, but I... ah, where to begin, ma'am," he stammered, trying to choose his words carefully.

"Why don't you start with where the hell were you in all this?" she demanded.

Grant scratched the back of his head, murmuring as he tried to find the words.

"Well, sergeant, you see..." he began, until he saw his Sergeants eyes shift from over his head and to the side of it, a soft clicking sound telling him who she had just seen. His body began to tremble, not knowing how Sergeant Degtaryev would react.

"W-Wait, hold up, don't panic, she's a friend, she's a--"

And then another alien appeared behind his Sergeant, a taller creature than even the ones he'd encountered, just as nude with far more defined muscle mass. It acknowledged its compatriot behind him with a quick 'glance'. Sergeant Degtaryev would simply give him a dry, stern expression, curling up the one corner of her mouth.

"Oh." He was wrong. She'd definitely succumbed to their wiles. But it was clear she'd not gotten any softer for it. Not to him, one of her marines at least.

"Getting 'friendly' with the locals, I see," she said, crossing her arms.

"W-Well, it's a bit more complicated than that," he began.

"I'm sure," she said, maintaining a stern expression. Grant shivered and shifted in place, trying to remain at attention to lessen the inevitable chewing out he was going to receive... until she suddenly smirked wryly and patted him on the shoulder.

"Believe me, I'm sure," she said knowingly. "But we've got work to do. Fall in, Corporal Birch... and take your goddamn gun back from your girlfriend." With that, Sergeant Degtaryev brushed past Grant, making her way down the corridor with the commanding presence he'd come to know her for.

"Uh, yes sir," he answered, making his way to his companion, feeling a bit of pressure now that he was under direct orders once again; now, he was a marine. "I need this, please."

She chittered in amusement, handing him his M41A without issue. He checked it over, made sure the safety was on, and proceeded to join his Sergeant's side... he glanced up every now and then at the larger alien, who made kissing motions at him. He gulped; the regular kind were bad enough when they weren't holding back, but this... Amazonian variant would've broken him. He turned back to his Sergeant, trying to suppress the involuntary semi forming in his pants once again.

"So, uh... what now?"

"Simple; we re-establish the comms network... and get this place ready for when the rest of the colonists come back," she said with a knowing smirk.

He didn't yet have the heart to tell her he'd already tried.

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christi11christi118 months ago

Yet another good addition. Thanks for sharing.

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