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Xenophilia - Grant - Pt. 03

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
8.3k words

Part 27 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Grant -- Part 3


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Grant wasn't able to remain in the embrace of his alien lover for long, as the female creature extricated herself from him and pulled his cock from her ass, causing him to groan in response to the erotic stimulation of her tight tunnel grinding against his mast as she did so. As soon as she was free of his mast, she clenched her rear tight, trapping every drop of his semen he'd emptied into her, the female proceeding to stretch most erotically, showing off her flexibility as she thrust out her chest quite far.

She then twirled around to face him, leaning forward and smiling; he was still yet to get used to her lack of eyes, but he was growing accustomed to the cold, heartless visage of her upper face and the expressive, mischievous countenance of her lower face. It was an odd contrast, but one he knew did not necessarily reflect the kind of creature she was... though he knew they were very efficient at hunting and stalking, and excellent kidnappers.

She released a growling chuckle, making a kissing gesture at him before she moved to press his cock back into his pants, the member now beginning to soften. It came as a bit of a surprise to Grant, but it seemed like she was satisfied for now... and in a way, he was glad; sure, he thoroughly enjoyed the tryst, but doubted he could keep going if her libido wasn't sated. Fortunately, and once again confirming his suspicions, she appeared to understand the limitations of her partner or partners.

Grant shoved his dick back into his undergarments and proceeded to zip up his pants, ignoring the wet sensation of his slick manhood as it softened in his underwear. He too proceeded to stand up from the chair, stretching at first before he lurched forward and took a step to balance himself, his legs wobbling from the exhaustion of her most vigorous sex. Three ejaculations in a short period of time was not so easily recovered from, at least not for him. For her, it seemed like she could go on indefinitely with small rests between. She never seemed to get tired.

"Goddamn... you know how to put a man through the ringer, don't you..." he muttered almost breathlessly. He took a long inhalation, and then exhaled slowly, giving him back some control before he managed to recover himself enough to continue... with whatever he planned to do. He looked back at the computer console and frowned; whoever had locked out the systems in the comms tower probably did so to either prevent communications from falling into enemy hands -- which he doubted -- or to stop anyone from alerting authorities what was going on.

In hindsight, whilst that could've been a malicious act by someone working to aid the aliens somehow, there was also the chance it was someone who wanted to stop these creatures from being massacred by any soldiers that came after receiving a distress call. That he had a better time understanding; it's not like these aliens, as far as he could tell, wanted to slaughter human beings... though, after having that thought, Grant decided he needed to be sure. And also perhaps to find others and see what their experiences had been like, maybe find his squadmates and see if they were okay.

This, of course, was if his companion let him. She 'peered' at him as he stood in place, pondering and idly reaching for his rifle, still leaning up against the desk. He slung it over his shoulder, the alien 'watching' closely. He wondered how they saw the world, because their lack of eyes didn't make them feel like they were blind. It felt like she could scrutinise him quite closely. He wondered how they worked, but that was science stuff well above his pay grade. Besides, he wasn't going to argue with something that could both rip him in half and fuck him into the ground if it chose. He stooped down to pick up his helmet, putting it back on his head and clipping it underneath his chin once more, turning to face his companion.

"So... what now?" he asked. He wasn't sure what to expect as an answer, only that he wanted to gauge her intentions. She 'looked' at him and shrugged, before lurching forward to drape her arms loosely over his shoulders and push her chest against his, pecking him on the cheek. He chuckled and pushed against her lightly.

"Okay, okay, I get it," he remarked, extricating herself from her loose embrace. She pulled back politely, and posed in an almost sassy way, hands on her hips whilst she waited for him to make a decision, it seemed. He decided he'd first figure out what was going on elsewhere in the colony, find other humans and see if they were okay.

"So... you coming?" he asked. Her nod again confirmed that she could understand him, so he smiled and turned around, shifting his web gear so it was more comfortable, before making his way out of the comms tower observation deck; there was nothing he could do from there, so staying was a waste of time. He made his way through the corridors, though this time he did not have his rifle shouldered and sweeping across the halls as he searched for enemies; he didn't want to appear hostile should he encounter either humans or aliens, and nor did he feel like he was in any immediate danger, not with one of the creatures shadowing him closely... sometimes, and probably purposefully, nudging the back of his head with her breasts.

He once again entered the ladder shaft, and frowned in exasperation; it was hard enough to get all the way up here, and now he'd have to contend with gravity going back down... that wasn't always a good thing, regardless of what people thought. Just made it easier to lose control. He clipped himself into the carabiner that ran alongside the safety cage, and proceeded to climb down slowly, step by step. His compatriot opted to instead crawl down the wall like a spider, clinging to the surfaces in a way he couldn't possibly understand; her hands were not sticky whenever she touched him, and yet here she was, hanging from the wall without any effort.

He shook his head, the idea simply confusing him further. It wasn't like he joined the Colonial Marines for the academic virtues. She went ahead of him, and then doubled back, 'peering' at him within the cage before once more scuttling down the shaft like some strange dog that kept exploring ahead of its owner before returning to see why they hadn't kept up. That's how he felt at least... maybe she was mocking him in her seemingly typical way, just without using her voice.

It took him several minutes to get to the bottom, and when he did, the shakiness in his legs was from the fire that burned in his muscles over any residual weakness from her potent sex. She was waiting, clinging to the wall just a few meters off the ground floor. From there, she dropped down onto her two feet, her breasts jiggling hypnotically; if they weren't so perky and taut, he would've figured they'd be a most unpleasant burden for these creatures... but they didn't seem at all concerned by it, which must've been nice. She moved to pass behind him, and in so doing, cheekily patted him across the rear, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"You're a naughty thing, aren't you?" he remarked. "It's a wonder you and your lot weren't just stuck underground having a giant orgy or something."

Her response was to poke her tongue at him, further highlighting her playful, mischievous demeanour. She chuckled, before walking ahead of him, Grant's eyes drawn to the swaying of her rump with each step she took.

This time, instead of trying to go through the elevator shafts as a shortcut, the two took the long way around, during which, Grant saw his second alien that wasn't out to snatch him and that he wasn't actively shooting at. The creature was slumped lazily across a bunch of crates, lounging and hissing out like it was whistling a tune, groaning as though humming and clicking its teeth together. It craned its head slowly to look at him and his companion, before the female creature smiled.

It sat up a bit straighter, its generously endowed breasts sagging only a little. It leaned forward and seemed to examine Grant with great interest, before he found his current lover stepping in front of him with her hand outstretched as if to say he was 'off limits', though there was no stern expression on either of their lips... rather, a devious look that had Grant's gears turning... just what were they thinking in those heads of theirs?

He passed by the lounging alien, who made a kissing motion towards him, much as his companion had done before. He wondered where they learned all these expressions... they were very 'human' in that regard, and they were quite intelligent. He wondered if they were actually transformed humans... the idea seemed ridiculous, but so did the idea the potentially lethal and vicious alien lifeform would prefer to fuck its 'prey' than eat it.

A thought then came to him; it was stupid, but it was worth a try.

He turned to her, and posed the question. "Were you a human? Did you transform into this?"

Her answer was an emphatic shaking of her hand with an amused smile, as though the question was hilarious to her. It made him grumble a little, feeling like she was making fun of him, though it did at least show that she was either lying, or there was another reason they were so human in body and mind, whilst simultaneously incredibly alien.

Eventually, they came around to the other side of the elevator shafts... where he found signs of his previous engagement with these creatures, before he realised what they actually were; there were no shell casings to be found, not with the 10mm caseless rounds the M41A used, but he saw the holes in the floor and the walls from where his rounds had hit. There was also, as he moved further away from the elevators, signs of the injuries he had inflicted; metal flooring bubbled and boiled away where the acidic blood of the creatures he had shot had splashed upon the ground.

A pang of guilt overcame him; he didn't know what they were, and he hoped they were alright. His partner seemed to sense his concern, and hugged him from behind and kissed the nape of his neck, which did a little bit to ease his worries.

"Thanks... I was just fighting for my life, is all..." he justified. She crooned softly, before squeezing him tight for a brief moment, then proceeding to release him, walking in front and smiling, as if to say, 'it's alright'.

Still, despite all his guilt, one aspect of him was also rather... annoyed. How could he have been such a terrible shot? Though he was rather thankful about it now, or he might've felt so much worse.

As he made his way into another hallway, his companion moved ahead of him... which meant she failed to notice the chitinous hands reaching out from an open door leading into a dark storage closet, which Grant had ignored due to his newfound confidence thanks to his companion. A hand covered his mouth and efficiently silenced any sounds he made, whilst the door was quietly slid shut. Inside the darkened room, he struggled against the limbs of the aliens that had him, the creatures slowly stripping him of all his weapons, as well as removing his helmet, his tactical vest and his armour, leaving him in just his basic uniform.

They pinned him to the ground, holding him by his arms and legs. He couldn't see clearly since his eyes had yet to adjust, but he believed there were at least three of the creatures, all crowding around him... though one thing he could make out in the dark were their toothy smiles, though they weren't quite as stark as human teeth were. Still, as his eyes slowly adjusted, he was able to make out more features... though he would feel their intent before he saw anything that revealed it, one of their hands pressing across his crotch and rather thoroughly groping his manhood within.

He gasped softly, though he soon found his mouth yet again muffled by a hand from one of the creatures, which saw fit to silence him. There was some light from a dull, low power light that probably needed replacing... and then, he noticed some traits about these creatures. Namely, the green-tinged wounds on their bodies, particularly one who looked like they'd been shot in the soldier. This one leaned in close, and licked its lips as it grasped his chin in her fingertips, pointing to her wound with the other one. She cackled in an inhuman way, and Grant suddenly realised that it was one of the aliens he had shot in the hallway when he was trying to access the elevator shaft. Perhaps the others were too, alive and well and probably itching for revenge.

Though, the firm rubbing of a hand to his dick through his pants spoke of the kind of 'revenge' they had in mind... though if it was anything like his previous partner's torturous denials, it was going to be a hellish pleasure he was about to endure... and all he did then was toss a flashbang into the combined space he'd pushed her in. He'd shot these ones, and that was probably a much worse experience, all things considered. The one above him loomed in close, before running her tongue up his cheek slowly, letting a profuse amount of saliva roll off her muscle.

It felt hotter than usual, the alien perhaps fired up in anger. Though he very much preferred this to being torn to pieces by sharp, vicious claws. Slowly, however, he felt their hands begin to roam along his body, undoing the buttons, belts and straps he had to expose his body, pulling off his shoes, his pants, his shirt, his belt, and his underwear, leaving him completely naked and at their mercy.

Immediately, he felt his cock squashed erotically by one of the chitinous hands, which rubbed his member with the palm slowly and firmly, fingers grazing along either side of his flaccid manhood... though it did not remain soft for long, the creature's efforts bringing him to an erection quite quickly. He shivered, before finding his lips sealed by a set from one of the other aliens, grasping his head and holding him to her mouth. Her tongue shot into his oral cavity, and aggressively wrestled with his own, ensnaring it in the dextrous coils it could make and imparting profuse amounts of tangy saliva.

He'd come to realise these aliens seemed to enjoy shoving their tongues into people when they kissed them, and he could imagine why; it was erotic to the nth degree, and it was an effective way of pacifying 'prey'... it certainly made his eyes roll into the back of his head and moan when her organ slowly pushed down his throat, tasting the walls of his gullet and bulging out his neck gently.

He couldn't see what was happening 'down south' with the alien's face right in his own from above, kissing him deeply, but he could certainly feel the other creature stroking his length with her hand, running her palm and fingers up and down his mast without wrapping her fingers around his girth, fingers gently splaying around his length, his cock between her gliding digits. It made him moan into the mouth of the alien kissing him, this sensuous, erotic method of handwork different to what he'd experience thus far, the alien opting to rub and stroke his cock with the palm and the underside of her fingers, without pumping him with his manhood grasped in her hand. Though she brought the other to his balls, gently cupping them, carefully due to her elongated and rather sharp digits, and fondling them as she rubbed his rod.

He had almost forgotten about the third alien in the room until he felt her hands sliding across his bare chest, the alien lowering herself towards him until he felt her breasts graze along the side of his torso. He did not hear the very loud lapping of her lips thanks to his ears being filled with the sound of the invasive kissing he was being subjected to, though he definitely felt the sharp fingertips that ever so teasingly grazed over his own nipples, which caused him to flinch.

The alien applied an ever so light, almost ticklish pressure as the sharp point of her fingertip slowly circled around his own areola, until he felt the broad, flat wet side of a tongue drape across his nub, the tip curling downwards towards the end of the creature's lick to rub off his nipple and cause him to flinch again. He heard a chuckle, inhuman and devious, before he felt his other nipple receive an equally slow and lecherous lick, the alien proceeding to do so to each of his nipples in sequence, one after the other repeatedly... until he felt her lips gently clasp around one, and begin to suckle.

He was no woman, but the sensation was proving... far more stimulating than he expected, especially when she waggled her muscle to the small nip vigorously, ignorant of the moderate amount of hair on his chest. It didn't seem to phase her, and she only seemed interested in making him jump and flinch from her efforts... which she was having no difficulty doing. He was shifting on the ground, the floor rather cold though the heat of his arousal made that sensation feel distant and irrelevant. However, any shifting and shuffling he made saw his body restrained by the hands of his alien captors, who seemed bent on revenge for him wounding them... again, a better 'revenge' than he would've wanted to enact on anyone who shot him.

The alien sensuously rubbing his cock continued to glide her hand up and down atop his cock with her fingers sliding against the sides until she wrapped her digits around his girth, and brought her lips down to his tip, which she would happily suckle upon, tongue waggling to his glans and gently digging at the opening, though naturally she didn't try to go any further, letting her tongue explore all over his cockhead, swirling around and polishing his head with a thick layer of her slimy saliva. A sweet aroma began to fill the room, growing rather pungent. He was familiar with the scent, that of their arousal... though with three of them in a confined space, it was even more intoxicating.

He wondered if it had some special chemical that aroused people, like an aphrodisiac, or if it was just a natural reaction to such an erotic smell... he supposed that could've been an aphrodisiac in of itself, though they were having no difficulty arousing him on their own. He bucked upwards into the mouth of the alien drooling over his glans, an involuntary action that saw her pinning him back down... but they always loosened their grip after doing so. They weren't trying to stop him from moving entirely... they just wanted to delight in forcing him to the ground. They liked it when he squirmed, and they liked fighting against it. They were predatory creatures, after all... sexual predators.

His mouth was slowly being filled by the tongue of the alien kissing him, who was funnelling her muscle into his oral cavity and letting it bunch up and form a sort of knot that wormed and rippled about, grazing and rubbing to as many surfaces in his mouth as possible, bulging out his cheeks a little as she stuffed his mouth with her tongue. As for the alien suckling to his nipples, he found her tongue slithering across his chest from past her lips, which were still working and rubbing to his one nub, only for the tip of the tongue to begin wiggling against the other, slowly circling the nip and its areola, causing another vigorous flinch in his body.

He shifted from one side of his body to the other, and again, they pinned him down, loosening their grip so he could squirm for them. It was devious, wicked, and entirely too lecherous... but he found that this sort of 'rape' was more than exciting his lust-filled mind. It was revealing aspects about him that he was not entirely aware of... such that being dominated like this was proving to be so incredibly delightful. Was he a submissive at heart? Perhaps. He was just enjoying himself, all things considered.

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