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Xenophilia - The Couple - Pt. 02

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.6k words

Part 32 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- The Couple -- Part 2


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Will was gone. Just like that. That thing snatched him, like he was just a doll to it, dragging him into the ventilation network. Jess could hear his cries fade as the creature took him far, the echoes of his shouts dying down as the infrastructure absorbed the sounds. Now she was alone, in this darkened room. She couldn't even muster a single tear, the terror and shock of what occurred overriding any other emotional response, until she began to shiver, and hyperventilate.

She had to get out of here. There was nothing she could do for Will now, except survive. She hated it, but against those things, she stood no chance. But if she made it out alive... Will would've wanted that. At the very least, she could get to safety, and then perhaps figure something out to save him, but she couldn't do any of that whilst she was still in the server room. She started groping her way around the various processor stacks, the many stacked crates throughout the room turning it into a maze, though she eventually found her way to the other side... only to find the door there locked, jammed closed. She tried to force it open, straining in exertion, but she was having no luck.

She continued to pull on the door, the automatic system still not budging. She banged her fists several times on the glass, exclaiming in anger, frustration, fear, a myriad of different emotions. After a moment, she composed herself, to a small extent; the adrenaline was still running through her system, but she had to think of a way to get out of here. She doubled back, groping her way around the crates and processor stacks until she found her way back to the door they first entered... only to find it had jammed itself too, to a much more irreparable degree. She sobbed and spun on the spot, holding her head in her hands. She was trapped in here, and she knew those things could get inside. She had to get out.

She started making her way to the walls of the room, looking for something, anything, that could help her get out, checking for shelves or closets or toolboxes or whatever there might've been for something she could've used as a tool, maybe even a weapon if need be. She came to a darker corner of the server room, the corner light flickering and dim. It did, however, reveal a toolbox that had fallen onto the floor, releasing its contents all over the ground, including one old-style of crowbar, one end slightly bent and looking if it was as old as the type it was, beat up and worn. But it still looked solid. She hoped she could pry open the other door with it, and maybe even bludgeon anything that got close to her.

She picked it up, along with a few other tools which she shoved into her pockets... until she heard a stack of crates fall over. Jess whipped around, clutching the crowbar until her knuckles turned white. Her body was shivering vigorously, her face pale and her breathing short and shallow. She backed up into the corner, looking around for the creature, a part of her hoping it was just a stack of crates that was stacked poorly and finally lost balance... but she knew that was too optimistic.

So fearful and too focused on the direction the sound had come from, she failed to remember that the alien that snatched Will had come from above... and too late noticed the tail drop down from the ceiling before her, coiling about her crowbar and wrenching from her grasp with such a sudden twist that it easily stole it from her grip. She watched as the crowbar, in her possession for such a short amount of time, was flung across the ground, clanking against the floor. From there, she then watched as the alien, 'looking' down at her with its eyeless visage, slowly dropped down from the ceiling, digging the claws of its hands in so that it could slowly roll its torso and let its feet drop down to the floor, before standing upright before her, a full seven feet of silhouetted terror.

Of course, Jess' eyes had opportunity to adjust to the darkness from beforehand, so as it approached, she made out features simply... unexpected for this creature. Outright obscene, Jess' eyes outlining the set of breasts that seemingly jiggled ever so slightly with each step it took. It had a strange 'face', the upper half an impassive dome of semi-translucent, smooth chitin that swept over the top of its elongated skull, the lower half expressive, with cheeks and lips twisted into a devious smirk, an oily tongue slowly drawing from one corner of its mouth to the other. It had a soft 'front', its bust, stomach and hips all smooth, a clean-shaven crotch revealing a smooth vulva hidden between soft, supple inner thighs.

Yet, every 'outer' edge it possessed was covered in a smooth chitin in places with some smooth but almost leathery hide between the carapace. Overall, its figure was alien, but incredibly feminine, and the way it moved was similar, possessive of an unnatural agility, yet walking with a sultry sway to its hips. But despite all this, Jess could only pale before it, terror filling her... yet she could not utter a single word, releasing a pitiful sound.

She was frozen, her mind simply transfixed in horror as it stepped towards her. She couldn't make any decisions, couldn't muster any instinct or reflex... she was like a deer in the headlights, this predator bearing down on her without any resistance from its 'prey'. She simply shivered and released shuddering, almost inaudible breaths of fear, until she was backed into the corner, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It then reached forward with a hand, its lanky, sharp fingers a terrifying sight. It grasped the side of Jess' face, gently cupping her cheek in its broad hand, causing her to flinch and release a short sob.

It cocked its head, grinning wickedly down at the woman, the amusement on its lower face palpable. Jess felt its tail snake around behind her, offering her nowhere to pull away from this thing, whilst binding her arms down to her sides when it tightened the noose around her midsection, trapping the woman in the alien's grasp. She couldn't even contemplate why it hadn't killed her yet, too scared to think coherently. She was simply frozen with fear, until the alien leaned in close, sliding the hand to the side of her head down until it was grasping her chin in its sharp fingertips.

It loomed over her... until it dragged its lukewarm but slimy tongue up her face, causing her eyes to clench close, releasing a pitiful whine as she felt the alien taste her. It did it again, running its tongue along her face slowly, deviously, its other arm snaking around her midsection and tugging her close until she could feel its breasts squashing to her own.

What it was doing was not immediately recognised by Jess, the fear overriding all her logic too great until she felt the creature's hand to the small of her back slip down over its tail and tightly grip her rump, giving it a squeeze which caused her to gasp softly. Her eyes widened, watching as the creature continued to run its slick tongue up her face, leaving wet trails of saliva all over her skin, the creature bringing its hand up from her rump to grasp at the back of her head, holding it in place so that it could lick and lap at her face with impunity, the hand to her chin letting go and sliding down her body, the sharp tips trailing softly across her skin with a light pressure, almost ticklish with the way they grazed over her body, digging in a little deeper when they passed over her clothes, until it came to rest upon the edge of one of her breasts, giving it a squeeze.

She gasped again, starting to whine, which prompted the alien to snake the hand to the back of her skull around further, covering her mouth with its palm, and holding her head in place for it to apply slow, broad strokes to her face with its tongue, the woman beginning to squirm, but being utterly helpless as she was held in place by the alien's arms and tail.

What was it doing to her? Was it tasting her? Surely it didn't need to grope her for that... and surely it would be doing it in a more animalistic way... this thing was licking her expressly to tease and torment. She whined into its palm, whilst it began slurping against her face, pressing its lips to her skin and drawing them together, letting its tongue roll against her flesh as it did, slurping loudly. She sobbed quietly, but few tears rolled down her cheeks, too shaken to produce many at all.

The creature didn't lap them up specifically, but some were invariably tasted in one of the alien's long, slow strokes of its tongue, which it didn't stop to really appreciate the flavour, if it even noticed. Instead, it moved to other places on her face, covering Jess' countenance in licks and kisses, sliding its hand away from her mouth once more, grasping one side of her head whilst the alien's other hand took a hold of the other, tilting her head about so that it could slurp and lick and kiss wherever it pleased. Jess simply whined in response, shivering and trying to pull away, but there was no fleeing the alien's lecherous attention.

It dragged its lips along her jawline, slid its tongue up until it was draping over her ear, whereupon the alien slurped and suckled on Jess' earlobes and upon the top arches, sometimes letting its tongue wiggle at the entrance to her ear canal. Jess whined and gasped more than she sobbed, the alien's actions embarrassing and tormenting her. Soon though, it was moving to suckle upon her lips, tugging on Jess' oral folds whilst interrupting such actions by letting its lips suckle against the bridge of her nose, leaving no part of her untouched by its oral activities. It growled softly, pushing its bust more firmly into her own.

Its grip on her head was tight, Jess unable to pull or turn away from its lecherous licking, the alien even pushing beneath her head to suckle and lap at her neck, causing her to whine even louder now, feeling its long tongue drag across her throat before its lips sealed to a spot and suckled vigorously, the lecherous sound practically echoing in the corner of the room. She couldn't possibly understand why it was doing this, other than perhaps for its own amusement... that was the only explanation she had that seemed logical. The woman was completely at its mercy, and it seemed like it was enjoying itself before it did whatever terrible things it had designed for her.

She thought on William, and wondered if he was still alive, being subjected to something like this... it made her skin crawl, more than it was already, but that somehow seemed better than being murdered or mutilated... as long as they thought of each other -- and she knew he would be, regardless of the circumstances -- it didn't matter what happened to them. The aliens couldn't take away their love for one another... but even Jess couldn't stop the reactions of her body, growing hot and starting to feel aroused. She reminded herself that it was just a physical reaction, but the alien... it was being so thorough with its efforts, sliding its tongue slowly up her face from her neck once again, it was hard to think and resist.

It was just all so lecherous, especially when it sealed its lips to parts of her face to suckle vigorously... before it suddenly did the same to her lips, covering her mouth with its own and teasing its tongue between her oral petals whilst suckling and drawing its lips together across hers, all whilst pulling back every now and then to let its tongue draw across her lips or suckle again, twisted to a different angle, even doing so whilst it was suckling and kissing to her lips. Jess tried to resist, but this lecherous creature wasn't giving her any chance to ignore it... especially not when it pulled away one of its hands so that it could drag its fingertips down her body... slipping beneath her pants, and running across her own slit slowly. Jess jumped, and squirmed in its grip, whining and protesting.

"No, stop!"

It didn't stop, only rubbing its fingers more firmly to her vulva, wiggling its digits from side to side, gently squeezing and rolling her clitoris between the joints of its fingers, whilst grasping Jess' chin so that it could seal its lips to her own in a much deeper kiss, letting its tongue snake into her mouth and explore the depths of her oral cavity, the dextrous, impossibly long muscle easily overcoming Jess', coiling and squeezing around it like a snake constricting its prey, before letting it go to lap at other parts of her mouth, even bulging out her cheeks from within.

She groaned and sobbed, the sounds muffled by the seal of the alien's lips to her own and garbled by the tongue writhing about in her mouth, threatening to push deeper into her throat. She was tugging and pushing against the tail around her arms, but its dextrous appendage was too much to defy physically in such a position. She tried to think positively, such that this was still leagues better than being butchered... at least, that's what she was trying to tell herself.

All the same, the alien was... precise. Dextrous. It was causing electric jolts of pleasure to emanate from her loins, the fingers rubbing to her vulva and clit stimulating her rather efficiently, despite their vicious appearance... the alien seemed to take care when handling the woman, perhaps not wishing to break her just yet until it was satisfied. Though, when it began to push its tongue into her throat, threatening to make Jess vomit, the woman's eyes began to roll back into her head, her mind blanking for just a moment; she'd been involved in some passionate kissing with Will before, but this thing was pushing deeper than his cock ever had. Jess didn't mind experimentation in the bedroom, but she'd never been good enough to deepthroat any man's dick -- Will's or a previous ex's -- more than once. He was an understanding man, and never forced her.

This alien wasn't giving her the chance to protest, especially since its tongue was delving into her throat. It pushed deeper until it stopped just below her shoulder line, swirling about and tasting her gullet for some ungodly reason, pushing against the walls of her throat and bulging out her neck from within, the impossibly deep kiss sapping her of strength as she struggled not to choke on the slippery muscle. She was beginning to shiver, her eyes watering from the feeling of the tongue deep in her gullet. The alien held her tight, suckling and twisting its lips to hers as it continued to kiss her, whilst curling its fingers against her vulva, pushing the digits inside of her and spreading her walls by splaying its fingers apart.

It traced the contours of her innards, searching for her most sensitive spots. It was all too much for the woman, the kiss and the invasive fingers robbing her of much of her willpower and strength. She was still able to breathe, to an extent, and fortunately, she was suppressing her gag reflex, but it took concentration to do so, which somehow left her vulnerable to the stimulation of the act, causing more arousal to form in her body, especially now since it was slowly fingering her.

Fortunately, its tongue began to withdraw, retreating back to her mouth to begin exploring her oral cavity without delving so deep, Jess gasping in response into the alien's mouth, regaining some of her strength now that she could breathe a little easier, though she could not suppress a moan from the way the alien slowly pumped its digits in and out of her womanhood. She expected the sharp digits to be unpleasant, to dig in, scrape and even cut, but the alien's touch was unexpectedly gentle, taking care not to apply too much force to her flesh, using the sharp points to apply acute stimulation without causing any discomfort, its actions practised, masterful even.

It was taking the time to ensure she was feeling stimulation and pleasure, perhaps a source of delight for it itself. The alien was still happy to take more forceful approaches, every now and then just briefly plunging its tongue into her throat before pulling it back, causing Jess to groan. She shivered in its grasp, feeling a pressure building in her loins; she couldn't believe she was approaching an orgasm, but she was, the alien instilling her with stimulation, robbing her of willpower with its deep kisses and using that opportunity to stimulate her sensitive nerves in the depths of her pussy. It was searching for the points that would extract the most amount of ecstasy, and bring her to orgasm faster.

It never searched more than one spot twice with its fingertips unless it felt a sudden reaction from Jess, and even then, it only grazed its fingertips over these spots whenever it revisited them, still searching for her 'G-Spot'. And Jess was worried, knowing where she was sensitive the most, and feeling the alien's fingers approaching it ever so slowly. The seeking digits were leaving no groove, no ridge, no fold and no contour untouched, pushing against her flesh at every opportunity... until, it found its mark, causing Jess to yelp into the alien's mouth, pleasure racing up her spine as the most sensitive nerve in her pussy was discovered.

The alien wasted no time in exploiting this, rubbing this spot and pumping its fingers in and out of her slit vigorously at the same time, causing intense pleasure to radiate from her groin, the pressure of approaching orgasm building at an exponential rate now that the alien had found this spot, applying as much effort as it could muster to bring the woman to orgasm. It knew she was close and it was intent on bringing her to climax.

And she was not able to hold on against this sudden onslaught, the female shuddering and crying out into the alien's mouth as orgasm rolled over her body, her eyes clenching shut as she dribbled an extra amount of fluids from her slit upon the creature's fingers, her body shuddering in response. She would've fallen over were it not for the grasp it had over her, keeping her body locked in a lecherous embrace until it withdrew its fingers from her slit slowly, once her climax was finished.

It broke the kiss as well, trailing its tongue out past her lips with a sensuous hiss, licking its lips hungrily, before bringing its other hand up to its mouth, soaked in the fluids of Jess' womanhood. It showed her its glistening digits, shimmering in the flickering light of the fixture above, grinning before slipping the two of its fingers into its mouth, clasping its lips tightly around its fingers and suckling slowly, coiling its tongue around its digits and weaving it between them, lapping up Jess' fluids hungrily, the alien clearly making a show of this... which only further reinforced the idea that this thing wasn't doing this for purely instinctual reasons. It was having fun on its own accord, and there was utterly no way she could stop the thing from doing so.

Once it had finished its lecherous little demonstration, it brought both of its hands to her cheeks, clasping her head in its palms and forcing her to look at its alien visage, grinning before pulling her face close to its own, so it could once more resume the lecherous licking to her face, suckling on various parts of her countenance and kissing her all over. It made Jess start whining again, until the alien pulled away yet again... and this time, Jess watched it lower, crouching down until it was on its knees, and even then, it had to hunch its back and spread its legs a little to put its head where it wished, right between the woman's thighs.

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