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Xmas Wishes: How Do You Sleep BTB


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As far as being angry at his new wife, I had no right to feel that way either. She was smart enough to grab him and appreciate him when I practically threw him away.

I pulled into the parking lot outside of my crappy little town house. I walked up to my door and opened it. Another crappy night in front of my crappy TV with my perverted cat awaited me. Ho, Ho, Ho Merry fucking Christmas. I hope I wasn't out of tuna.

Just after I stepped into the living room, I wondered where my cat was. Maybe like in "It's a wonderful life", the point was for me to appreciate the things I have more and take a serious look at the things I've lost. Maybe it was a case where after what I'd done there was simply no Xmas wish or Christmas magic left for me.

My phone rang and I answered it. It was the kid from down the street that I'd paid to watch and feed my cat while I was away. The kid was bawling his eyes out as he told me about how he opened the door and the cat ran out of the townhouse and into the street where he was quickly flattened by a truck passing down the street. The truck never even slowed down.

I sat down at my kitchen table and poured myself a really strong drink. I began to seriously think about all of those statistics concerning Holiday suicides.

The end.

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rockdoctor63rockdoctor63about 2 months ago

This was a great story. Unfortunately she was as dumb as a rock. Why did she not pay a prostitute to have sex with her customers like everyone else did? Was she cheap or did she in fact like it?

gabe_playsgabe_plays3 months ago

I really enjoyed the story happening after the event looking back.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I actually felt a little respect for her because she actually cared. It came out twisted and she had a whore's mentality, but she did care. Most cheaters don't. They're like "What she doesn't know won't hurt her... wow, look at the fuckin tits on that bitch."

Bws83420Bws8342010 months ago

Yah I can relate merry f...ing Christmas.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

“I had no idea what I'd done to cause you to stop loving me, but I knew that it had to be an immense mistake for you to go that far."

No man thinks this way. We either know what we did wrong, or we know that we didn’t do anything wrong. The entire letter reads like it was written by a woman, and then names and pronouns were swapped. Jared’s testosterone level is so low that it’s a miracle he got the new wife pregnant! Unless she cheated on him also…



AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What’s the title of the other version?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not bad. She wasn't repentant for her actions. Only that it screwed up her plans. Reading her conversation every thing was about her.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

her last thoughts are her solution, no happiness but no longer any sadness, guilt, feelings of abject stupidity, just piece of a sort. rk

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She hurt him, but all she did was for them never in her interest. Infact it was the mc simply leaving her like that. As usual with the author, the wife cheats the mc leaves without confronting her or talk it out, just for the mc to get a better More beautiful girl. Sucks.. Audrey didn't deserve to be miserable. Even till the end after years the mc still leaves without even letting her know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

im fairly surprised that there arent more post or pre-divorce suicides , at least in america, especially during holidays when i think most suicide clusters occur. Evidently most psyches are tougher than people realize. Stupid to have a tough psyche that keeps one alive while emotionally, we/they desperately want to die. america as a whole has turned into a nation of cowards as proved by the country's craven leadership isolation policy and the citizenry panicking over a nothing ccp virus. sad, rk

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Sad tale but well deserved.

FluidswallowerFluidswallowerover 1 year ago

WOW!!! A very powerful tale! You managed to leave me feeling a bit sorry for the bitch in spite of her getting what she earned.. Thanks for an engrossing tale and an excellent read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another cheating wife from this author who cheats (multiple times) for inexplicable reasons. The extra money with the Sales contest was not enough to greatly change their future life trajectory besides crushing her marriage. She did no risk vs reward analysis. Also wasn't like a one time choice to have sex for a promotion (which is bad enough, here Audrey does it multiple time in series for the contest. Yikes.

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