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Xotic Receptionist


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Chara hadn't had sex for a long time, she had fantasies and crushes like anyone but had never taken initiative. Going from that to a night of degrading fetishistic desire was an incredible gear change for her that made her go wild with desire. She was not expected to impose herself or come up with ideas, she was free to ride wave after wave of perverted bliss. It didn't matter if she was hungrily eating ass, getting slammed from behind with a strap on, or even ordered to scissor with Theo while Jane whipped their breasts. Chara slipped into the role of Cunt as easily as Jane's various toys slipped into her.

When all were exhausted from the effort, Jane and Theo fell asleep on the bed while Chara was ordered to sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed "like a good puppy".

The next morning Jane whipped up some pancakes for an awkward and introspective breakfast.

"Chara, you are looking happier than I have ever seen you." Jane noticed.

"I wonder why?" Chara joked, absentmindedly picking at her pancake.

"Because you're a slut like me." Theo chirped.

"Slut, yes. Like you, no." Jane corrected. "For you every order is an acknowledgement that you are a sex object, I tell you to lick my pussy but what you hear is 'you've done so well at making yourself sexy that now it is my responsibility to figure out what to do with you.' Chara on the other hand, I think she would have had just as much fun even if we hadn't used her pussy, she genuinely wants to be dominated just for being in proximity to the kind of strong women she has always looked up to."

"Do you just have a vendetta against her psychotherapist or something?" Theo joked.

"Ah well she certainly has issues, but for now we need to ask what she's going to do with herself."

"What do you mean?" Chara asked.

"I'm not going to domme you every day and in every way. You now know you are subservient, what do you want to do with that information?" Jane pressed.

"Could... do you think people would be happy for me to be part of Sub of the week?" Chara asked, mainly at Theo.

"Sub of the week is some next level stuff Chara. You would be welcomed but you shouldn't rush into it. One crazy night does not mean you have to mold your life around this experience." Theo stated, looking directly into Chara's eyes.

"You wouldn't be able to get in on this week anyway, so you can have a week to think it through." Jane interjected. "But I'll let people know you're interested and they can give you a taste before you jump in."


It had been over a week since Chara's unforgettable night with Jane and Theo. She had spent the week living vicariously through the women taking part in sub of the week, and from what she had gathered it was an incredibly tongue in cheek competition. The rallying cry of those competing was "you'll never impress mistress..." Slights that merited a virtual "spank" were finishing their lunch or not finishing lunch depending on the whims of the gathered, dressing too slutily or not slutily enough, disobeying stupid orders, or any of a number of imagined and inconsistent slights that made the scoring system chaotic and unpredictable.

Despite it all Chara had never shaken her resolve that she wanted in, so now she sat behind her reception desk, her heart doing backflips that she was part of this crazy group that she had to forfeit her body and mind to.

"Oh my god!" One of the camerawoman gasped as she entered the building as saw Chara sat behind the desk. "I can see your black bra through that thin white blouse. You'll never impress mistress dressing sluttily for everyone." She gasped in mock horror, assuring Chara that when she got to her desk she was going to give her a spank.

"Hey." A feature editor yelled as soon as she saw Chara. "I can't see any of your skin in that outfit, you'll never impress mistress being a prude." Chara was surprisingly calm and even pleasantly enjoying the clear hazing her fellow subs were giving the new girl.

By the end of the day she felt more confident then she had done even when subbing for Jane. She felt that when she got criticised no matter what she did, not with malice but light hearted ribbing, she managed to straddle the balance between critical self esteem destruction and the pressure of excess support. She even had the confidence to join in with the ribbing that came as part of the contest.

"Hey Hannah, how come you're in the gym every day, you'll never impress mistress if you're so muscley you scare her." She joked as one of her contemporaries was leaving for the day.

"You were in the gym everyday too."

"Yeah, but I need to firm up my butt and shift some of this tummy to be a good little slave, you're already trim and sexy." Chara gabbed in total disbelief of how confident and honest she was being.

"You'll never impress mistress being a suckup."


With the hazing that had accompanied her entry into sub of the week, Chara didn't feel an ounce of surprise when Friday rolled around and she was announced as sub of the week. As employee of the week Vasiliki let herself feel a sense of a mission accomplished, she had begun Chara's journey to self-actualisation and now got to see her bouncing up to the front of the crowd with a big grin on her face, content with her position as a humiliated slave.

"Vasiliki, time to pick out the bonus punishment for our newest sub of the week." Briony instructed, passing her the hat full of punishments. Vasiliki grabbed one and read it out to the group.

"For the rest of the week, you are only allowed to wear one item of clothing at a time." Vasiliki announced. Immediately Chara began thinking through her wardrobe and which items of clothing would work on their own, but Vasiliki had a more pressing concern. "Come on then darling, you need to pick. Which item of clothing do you want to keep on for the bar tonight?"

Chara looked at her current ensemble with dread, she had started dressing more casually sexy for work (nothing as overt as her body stocking but still showing more skin and shape than she used to). Today she was wearing a white halter neck crop top with a bright red skirt. She thought about maybe keeping the skirt and showing off her breasts, or maybe being a bit daring and just keeping her knickers on. Amongst the fog of ideas, one surfaced that seemed the most unwise and the one Chara seemed most comfortable with.

"Surely my mistress should choose which item of clothing I keep on?" Chara replied. The other girls playing sub of the week shared a look of agreement that Chara was fully in the spirit of the competition.

"Very well." Vasiliki replied with an evil grin. "You can keep your glasses on." Chara purred with how cunning and humiliating her decision was.

Staff not familiar with the transformation Chara was going through were getting ready to interject on her behalf when she replied "Yes mistress" and began to remove her clothes. It was different removing her clothes in front of her colleagues sober, but not enough to slow her hand as she unbuckled her skirt. As more clothes tumbled to the floor and her skin felt the prickle of the office air conditioning. Once she was down to her underwear, Chara caught Briony's eyes and froze in sheer terror. In her eagerness to obey she had forgotten that her all time hero was watching her strip for the office. She was stripping, degrading herself in front of a goddess. Briony gave her a wink and she could have melted into the floor right then and there.

Finally Chara regained her composure long enough to strip off her underwear to be stood naked in front of all her work colleagues. The room swirled as they cheered and casually collected up her handbag and clothes to shepherd their new naked receptionist to the bar.


That night Vasiliki took Chara back to her house. Vasiliki had clearly spent a lot of money making sure her flat reflected her personality and matched her outfits. It was a fancy/formal space, lots of chrome and glass at brutal angles. Chara sat naked on a tall stall by the breakfast bar while Vasiliki mixed them up some cocktails.

"So, are you more fulfilled these days, settling in to being yourself?" She asked as she poured out some extra strong daiquiri's.

"Yes mistress." Chara obediently replied.

"Oh honey no, this isn't roleplay right now. Don't treat me as a mistress for a moment, I want you to speak candidly."

"Alright, yes it feels strange to be the centre of attention, but it's also so freeing to be a slave. I can be who I am and people don't just tolerate it, they support me." Chara mumbled staring at her feet.

"So you feel like you are, at your core, servile?" Vasiliki asked while tenderly pressing Chara's daiquiri straw to her lips.

"I've always tried to be what others want me to be, I was a diligent daughter to my father until that wasn't enough, I was an asexual helper in most of my jobs and friendships, I never got the chance to be sexy or enjoy my relationships because until now nobody wanted me to do that. I now get to experience what I feel like I missed without the discomfort of changing who I am to achieve that. I never wanted to stop making people happy, I just wanted to be doing the right things to make the right people happy." Vasiliki gave her a sweet kiss on the lips to punctuate the point she was about to make.

"I want what is best for you, what makes me happy is hearing an honest answer. So I genuinely want to know, what's next? Where do you see a happy fulfilled Chara in a year's time?"

"Well right now I'm incredibly horny. I have an idea but I think the only way to be sure it's a good one is for you to abuse me all night long to make sure I'm not just thinking with my clit." Chara replied, squirming on her stool as Vasiliki's face turned from nurturing care to malevolent lust.

"Then I guess it's my job to subject you to the worst I can think of." Vasiliki stood up and loomed over Chara. "I'm going to go to my room and get every toy I own. When I get back that glass better be empty and I expect to see my new pet bitch on the floor with a pussy spread ready for punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes mistress!" Purred Chara.


Vasiliki's form of domination was a whole different animal to Jane's. Jane was a blunt force, she told Chara what she was, where she belonged, and then treated her as such. Vasiliki was more psychological, more incisive. She would give Chara choices with no right answers, sit back with a wry smile as Chara locked herself into any number of positions or devices. She had Chara hooked up to electrodes and then interrogated her, vicious pulses of electricity punishing Chara for any hint of hesitancy or resistance to total submission. By the end of the night Chara felt like Vasiliki knew every last detail about her, every goosebump, every curve, every secret and fantasy.

Every time Vasiliki discovered a gap in Chara's can't history of humiliation, she didn't hesitate to fill it. When she found out Chara had never given a blow job, her strap on was immediately shoved down her throat. When Chara hesitated too long in questions about her bottom, her beginners plug was put in to help her answers along. The next morning as Vasiliki held her, Chara had never felt so exposed and yet so loved for everything she was.

"So, you still want to go through with the idea you were teasing last night?"


It had been a few months since Chara's unforgettable week with Vasiliki, the decision she made, and the consequences she had been living with. She walked into her house and saw a brown envelope on her doormat that she knew contained the culmination of what she had planned with Vasiliki and Bryony that first Monday back after her weekend of degradation.

She opened the envelope and that month's issue of Xotic magazine tumbled out. The front cover was everything she had been promised. There was a picture of her looking pretty dour. She was sat behind a desk, wearing her thickest glasses, her greyest clothes, and the polite closed mouth grin of someone nervously putting up with having her photo taken. Everything beyond the desk and Chara was black, like her photo was being taken in a void. In bold pink letters over her photo was the cover story she was looking forward to.

'Oops! We broke our receptionist.

Look inside to see Chara's transformation.'

Chara eagerly opened the magazine ready to savour every word cataloguing her transformation.


Meet Chara Pandit, when she first walked through our doors, she was 23 and still a virgin. The clothes she's wearing on the front cover are genuinely what she wore to her interview with us, by every account she was a really nice girl next door. We couldn't allow that.

Briony Rose: You were so sweet when you came to us, what happened?

Chara Pandit: You know what happened, I took one look around and realised there was so much more I could be doing with my body and my life.

BR: So after some time working with us you barged into my office, do you remember what you said because I'll never forget it?

CP: I said I wanted to be more sexy.

BR: No you didn't. You pretty much yelled at me 'I want to be Xotic's slut!'

CP: Did I put it that bluntly?

BR: You sure did, you think I would have gone through with everything we did to you if you'd just asked to be more sexy?

CP: I guess not. I have become so much more of a slut don't you think?

BR: Let's print your diary and let our readers decide.


Day 1 photoshoot

[A series of pictures of Chara nervously stripping behind a bland desk, plus the selfie Theo had taken with her when Theo was her sub]

These photos were taken the first day Chara asked to become our slut, as you can see she needs a lot of help, she was nervous stripping off her bland clothes, her modest B-cup breasts were cute but you can see that she had a long way to go with her body, see page 26 for Chara's diet and exercise routine.

After this photoshoot, we sent round an email to every member of staff at Xotic magazine, informing them that Chara was now the office slut. She could not say no to anything anyone asked her to do no matter how extreme (don't worry we gave her a safe word just in case). Briony also personally came up with a plan to help Chara on her evolution, she never expected her to say yes to everything on the list.

Day 14 photoshoot

[Series of photos taken in the staff canteen, Chara is naked in front of a gathered crowd of jeering onlookers. In one photo she is bent over, spreading her cheeks for the camera and the cheering crowd. In another she is kissing Bryony's shoes. One photo is a close up on her pussy where a tattoo that reads "property of Xotic Magazine" is visible on her pubis]

This is the 14 day photoshoot. As per Bryony's instructions every willing member of staff has sat on Chara's face. At this point she spends most days naked from the moment she gets to the office to the moment she leaves to go home. On the day of the photoshoot Bryony had filled all the draws of her desk with every sex toy she could think of. She had also placed a sybian on her chair, with the controls on the reception desk freely available for guests to play with.

One added bonus is we called up Chara's boss from her old job, we sold him some guff about wanting to buy office supplies from his company, but really we wanted to see him and Chara squirm when he saw how much of a slut she had become.

Day 100 photoshoot.

[This photoshoot is done as a series of situations. One is of Chara left outside the front door of the office tied to her chair, in another she is tied to a fence in the park, in one she is tied spread on a public toilet]

This was effectively our welcome back photoshoot. Both Xotic Magazine and Chara were really frustrated that she couldn't do anything too strenuous for 3 months after our favourite plastic surgeon bumped her B-cups up to dazzling double D's. If you look carefully you'll see that we also had some injections to plump up her lips. She certainly was appreciative, as were our staff as they were able to once again use her slutty body whenever they wished.

Day 107 photoshoot.

[A series of photographs of Chara engaged in various sex acts. There is always a thin censored bar over any penetration, but it is clear that she is using incrementally larger dildos in her pussy and ass. Her nipples and clit are now pierced, and new tattoos have been added to her thighs that read 'office slut']

At this point the office was just curious if there was a line Chara wouldn't cross. Every time we asked her to do something, knowing full well she had a safeword she could use consequence free at any time, she just rolled with it, sometimes even adding worse details to our orders just to push herself. You can't tell but she's actually bald under all those different slutty wigs. She's banned from the bar where we have after work drinks because of the shenanigans she got up to. It's really disappointing that the police confiscated our cameras after the fetish club incident. It seems the only line she won't cross is being a slave to a man. No objections there.

Day 120 photoshoot.

[In every photo Chara is blindfolded, naked and outside. The photos document her being taken for a walk, on all fours wearing a collar. If the reader looks closely they can see that the leash doesn't actually attach to the collar, instead it threads through it and attaches to Chara's nipple piercings.]

You're not really an office slut if you can't be rented out for the day. We actually made a bet with our rivals at extreme fetish magazine that they couldn't get our slutty receptionist to say her safe word. They decided to take her for a walk, where she indulged every perverted desire they could think of, many lamp posts were marked and passersby were traumatised. We're just lucky at no point did they think to ask her to fuck a man. Stay tuned for our next issue where their lead editor (the girl holding the leash) is all ours for a day.

Day 127 photoshoot.

[This shoot consists of two single full page photos. One of Chara on the same black background as the cover, only now she is stood neutral and naked without a desk to hide behind. Her piercings are an austere chrome and she is without a wig. Her makeup is basic, just to smooth out her skin and add some contours to her face. The other picture is Chara spread on a bed of flower petals, her face is one of post-orgasmic bliss, chewing on the bleach blonde wig that has tangled beneath her. Her piercings are diamond studded and her body has been oiled and coated in body glitter to match the luxurious makeup on her face.]

This was our last photoshoot with Chara, for now.

BR: So, how do you feel about your transformation?

CP: so good, hardly a day goes by without me being forced to orgasm in the most undignified way. I love belonging to Xotic magazine.

BR: and you wanted to use this closing interview to make an announcement? I honestly have no idea what it is.

CP: It's an announcement and a request. have made some life changes recently. I have terminated the lease on my flat, donated all my possessions and savings to charity, and closed all my bank accounts. I no longer want an ounce of agency over my life. I want to live at Xotic magazine as your pet, only eating the table scraps you give me, working for the pleasure of serving, and forced to obey any command you give me knowing that at any moment you can throw me out on the street naked, with literally nothing.

BR: you sure about this, this all started with your self esteem issues, you think this is healthy.

CP: My therapist doesn't think it's ideal, but I can't imagine anything more flattering. Xotic would be keeping me like a pet, Xotic will take care of me in every way and in return all I have to do is be myself, in this case that means being a horny slut 24/7, which I am just fine with.

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