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Xotic Receptionist


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exact words, 'excuse me, please could you lick my pussy?' if anyone has low enough standards to say yes you are to apologise and tell them you aren't worth it, once five people have ignored you then you can..."

"Alright, marshmallow, marshmallow." Theo interrupted. "Damn girl you have issues."


First thing Friday morning Chara felt a bit awkward that Angela was once again covering reception, this time so Vasiliki could have a chat with her.

"So I've heard you gave a pretty much encyclopedic knowledge of Xotic Magazine. What would you say is the central theme of our organisation?" Vasiliki calmly asked.

"That there's nothing wrong with women finding women hot?" Chara responded, hoping a glib response would keep her from trouble if she was wrong.

"Would have been a much better answer if you'd stopped three words sooner." Vasiliki replied. "Based on your behaviour and some worrying things Theo has told me, I'm worried that you have issues with your self-esteem. You idolise all the women here but you have some pretty toxic views about yourself that you projected onto Theo in a moment of weakness."

"It's not that bad..." Chara began, hoping to not look too much like a charity case.

"You have had complete control of Theo all week, knowing she was willing, nay eager, to fulfil any wish you had, yet at no point did you have her even touch you. You could have nestled yourself for a nap between her breasts, you could have taken her body for your own, you could have spent as long as you wanted sat on her face. You know she is a deep femsub, so you know she would have enjoyed it, but you didn't want her serving you."

"If I'm going to get in trouble I'll..."

"You're not in trouble. Quite the opposite." Vasiliki interrupted firmly but caringly. "We love having you work for us and we want to see you happy. I know you have been through so much and it has put you on guard, but just like the magazine was once your sanctuary, you can treat this office as a sanctuary to reinvent yourself and you have our full support. This is the time for you to embrace Chara and become who you want to be." Vasiliki brought out her laptop to show Chara the email chain on this subject.

"As you can see, I got Jane to convince finance to cover psychotherapy if you want professional help. Theo has gotten a couple of the models and makeover types together to take you on a shopping trip this weekend, with Briony footing the bill. Angela is going to do a group email to all staff to explain that anything that isn't total support for your experiment will not be tolerated."

Chara began to tear up, this felt like too much attention. She just wanted to quietly fit in, but in a workplace full of self-confidence reinforced through overt sexuality, her issues had been thrown into stark contrast and she felt exposed. Vasiliki took her hand, firmly squeezed it and looked into her eyes.

"I know this is going to feel overwhelming at first, but this is the time to finish a journey you already began long ago, that's how I know you are strong enough to make it to the end."


It was Sunday night and Chara stood naked in front of her bedroom mirror, shopping bags filled with clothes, jewellery, glasses (and contact lenses), and makeup were strewn on the floor around her as she stared at the blank canvas in front of her. Every time she had even slightly hesitated at a suggestion made by her entourage they had bought it for her to try, every conceivable angle of fashion had been accounted for and now Chara had to pick the first one to wear to work the next day. Her hair had been styled into a cute pixie cut, but there was also a variety of wigs to try out if she didn't like that.

So many choices were swirling in her mind but she was eventually able to settle on a few different ensembles for the week to come.


For all her attempts to change, Chara couldn't help but arrive at work at her usual early time, she waited outside fiddling with the frayed edges of her denim short shorts, running her fingers between where the shorts layered over the ripped tights. As Angela crested the hill she didn't hide her happy surprise at Chara's punk transformation.

"Wow, you look great! How do you feel?" Angela asked as she opened the front door.

"Bit weird." Chara replied, "I googled the band on this ripped shirt and they don't actually exist, will people think I'm a poser?"

"Don't worry nobody thinks that way, they'll be focussed on how nice your legs look in those boots, how mysterious you look without your glasses and with dark makeup, and how fierce you look with those piercings." Chara gave herself a moment to process the compliment, even overlooking her self-consciousness that the piercings were fake. Meanwhile Angela, who had accumulated enough kisses covering reception to get employee of the week, got out her phone and called her slave to lay out the punishment she would be getting for being late to work.


On day two Angela found herself looking forward to what Chara went for today. Outside the front door Chara was wearing an outfit designed to heighten her curves, she had a short black dress with long sleeves and a circular neckline, stood unsteadily on her tall high heels and dangled her matching purse to one side. He wide circular glasses darkened in the morning sun.

"Morning Chara, another new look, another hit." Angela acknowledged, "I actually have a very similar outfit at home." Angela was so taken by Chara's outfit she didn't immediately notice a makeup artist wearing a leather harness who had turned up on time as her mistress had commanded.


On Wednesday Angela had her slave on a leash behind her as she saw Chara's look for today, she had gone as colourful as she could, a bright yellow dress, neon fishnet stockings, vivid red glasses, and a wig of bright blue hair.

"Slave, tell Chara she looks hot today." Angela ordered. The slave groaned something of that nature around the gag.


It was Thursday lunchtime when Jane pulled Chara to one side to have a chat. Today Chara was wearing a fashionable business suit with a sexy yet professional white blouse.

"So how's reinventing yourself going?"

"Oh it's going great." Chara replied. "I got my first therapy session on Tuesday and every look I've tried has been amazing."

"You realise if you think every look is amazing you're missing the point. Which felt more you?" Jane asked, putting Chara on the spot.

"I liked them all." She stuttered out.

"Of course you did. Because on Monday you dressed as me, on Tuesday you dressed as Angela, on Wednesday you dressed as Theo, and today you're dressed as Vasiliki. I know we're supposed to be supportive but I call things how I see them, how are you going to work on loving yourself if you're only happy cosplaying as someone else?" Chara had sat quietly while Jane hoped for something to stir. "Alright, let's try a different angle, you wore outfits you could see yourself wearing, because you've seen others wearing them. Tomorrow wear an outfit you would never wear, that you couldn't even see others wearing, go for something 100% unique and then you can see how much Chara likes herself rather than how much she likes someone else."

Chara spent the rest of the day staring off into middle distance mulling over what the craziest combo was in the pile of shopping bags at her house.


Chara shivered as she stood at the front door waiting for Angela. She had somehow weathered the stares and whispered comments of people on the train and in the street, but her colleagues seeing her like this was another matter. Today Chara put on a sexy red bra with matching lacy panties, underneath a black fishnet bodystocking. Then against her better judgement the only other things she wore were contact lenses, some red high heels and a bleach blonde shoulder length wig. She tried to stand as confidently as possible ready for Angela's first impression as she stood looking more like a guest at a fetish party than someone turning up to work.

As Angela turned down the road she didn't see Chara at first, she was watching a live stream of her slave still tied to her bed, her every hole stuffed with something that vibrates. She glanced up from her phone and froze solid in her tracks. So far every outfit Chara had worn had gotten a quirky one-liner from Angela to express her support, today her outfit got a solid minute of stunned silence.

Angela wordlessly unlocked the door and Chara quietly thanked her, trying to pretend this was no more unusual than any of the other outfits she had worn this week. She signed in, sat behind the desk, and revelled in the tingling nerves in her stomach awaiting each and every worker to see her in that state.

Chara spent the morning enjoying the sheer shock her sexualized dress elicited in everyone who saw her. Vasiliki froze for so long a queue formed where she was blocking the doorway, Theo actually dropped her coffee. It was embarrassing to cause such a scene but for a girl who was always scared and hiding, simply having the power to surprise people was the greatest thrill Chara had ever experienced. Just when she thought her day couldn't get any better Bryony walked through the door.

"Well look who's not a shrinking violet any more. How are you feeling?" She asked with a smirk.

"Hello Miss Rose, I... um... well I think I..."

"Really? You're still nervous around me when you look that sexy? Stand up and give me a twirl, then I'll do the talking for both of us."

Chara was reeling, she had just been asked to show off her body for the closest thing she had to a goddess in her life. She stood up and shuffled out from behind her desk, infinitely mindful that her idol was studying her body with a mixture of curiosity and lust. She closed her eyes and felt like she was floating on a cloud as she twirled on the spot, the shifting constriction of the fishnet bodystocking moving with the flow of her body.

"Very nice." Briony whistled, "unpolished, uncertain, but most importantly, honest. You know before Xotic was a success we didn't have Photoshop, makeup professionals and a big budget for top end models. Instead we hired honest girls like you to get naked for us. So next time I want to feel nostalgic, I hope you have your phone nearby."


At lunch Chara sat next to Jane on the verge of tears.

"Honest? I know she's being nice but calling me honest? It feels like the sexiness equivalent of being sorted into Hufflepuff." She moaned between bites of her sandwich.

"Only you could get an offer for a booty call from a sex icon and make yourself feel bad about it." Jane chuckled. "You look smoking hot, everybody is talking about you in a positive light. You must be enjoying yourself a little."

"It was nice when she asked for a twirl," Chara conceded.

"You coming to the pub tonight?" Jane asked.

"Oh I forgot everyone goes drinking on a Friday. I couldn't possibly go out dressed like this."

"You can and you will, young lady." Jane responded in a voice of mock authority. "No excuses, I expect to see your cute butt at the pub in all it's glory tonight."


Chara awkwardly shuffled into the crowded pub, she ordered herself a large glass of wine and sat at the table. Moments later Jane came to join her, it was different to what Chara was expecting as Jane was followed by Theo, stripped and subserviently carrying a drinks order on a tray. Jane had won employee of the week and Theo had once again found herself sub of the week.

"You know, my slave is fully naked and more eyes are on you than her." Jane observed sliding a shot in front of Chara who eagerly drained it.

"That's because Chara is the bravest woman at the bar today." Theo gushed.

"Nobody gave you permission to talk. Bend over my knee for a punishment, I want you to be seen and not heard." Jane ordered, to which Theo eagerly obeyed, the remaining conversation occasionally broken by the sound of yet another almighty swat landing on Theo's bottom. "So how do you feel today's outfit went?"

"The outfit is fine, I think it's the body and attitude that need to follow." Chara replied into her wine glass.

"This was always about putting the cart before the horse, letting you know you can experiment with anything at the office. And if you are worried about your body, A) you are not that bad, don't compare yourself to our models and you come out as an above average woman and B) Xotic has an on site gym you can use to tone and tuck."

"I know about the gym but..." Chara trailed off.

"But you don't feel confident enough to use it?' Jane finished. "This is crazy, you are in a public bar dressed in an outright kinky outfit, pretty much everyone here would fulfil a whole number of deviant desires on you if you asked or ordered, and yet you still don't feel confident."

"I never would have done this if you hadn't inspired me." Chara admitted, finishing her wine in record time.

"I didn't inspire you I..." Jane trailed off, absorbed in a revelation. "Chara, give Theo a deep and sensuous kiss, right now." Chara didn't know what Jane was trying to prove, but as Theo climbed off Jane's lap, Chara slid into position next to Jane and leaned forward for a kiss. As their lips collided Jane pushed their bodies together, Theo began running her hands over the bodystocking, leaving a trail of tingles on Chara's skin as their tongues encircled. After some time they finished kissing, the whole bar had stopped to watch and the only noise was Jane's laughter having figured out Chara.

"You want to be a sub. I didn't inspire you to wear something crazy I ordered you to, you weren't going to come to the bar tonight until I told you I expected to see you here. I think you've always wanted to be dominated and what's fucked you up is every authority figure in your past ordered you to shut up, blend into the background, and never let anyone suspect you might be a sexual being. Thus conservative clothes, good receptionist and total self loathing. Hell you never even thought of kissing Theo when you were in charge, but someone else orders you to and you lay one on her thick."

Chara stood wide-eyed at Jane's revelation, unable to refute it but fearful of where to go from here.

"Well I feel I deserve another drink." Jane announced. "I just let you skip ahead a couple sessions when you go to the therapist on Tuesday." She then left Chara at the table alone with her thoughts.

Chara spent the evening moving around the various social circles, drinking and chatting with her work colleagues, but all she could think about was Jane's diagnosis. With her daring new outfit she was always warmly welcomed into conversations but would go quiet if anyone deferred to her. At the very least she was able to get more than a few free drinks before she began to look to the door for her escape.

"Thinking of leaving?" Jane asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"Well I figured I could..." Chara began.

"You want to come back to my place?" Jane asked. "Sorry, let me rephrase that, you want to come back to my place." Chara took a deep breath and nodded. "Great, Theo and I were going to get an Uber, you can join us, but on one condition. I want to see you walk through the bar in that bodystocking and nothing else. Be a good little sub; go to the toilet, take off your underwear then confidently strut to my side. Then I'll take you back to my house and show you the ropes."

"What, I couldn't..."

"But you want to, I can tell by the look in your eyes..." Jane interrupted leaning close to whisper the second part of her sentence into Chara's ear. "And the little moist patch on your knickers."

Chara's whole body went as red as her underwear, her mouth mutely opened and shut as her self-consciousness battled with her desire to do as she was told. She had already spent today showing off more of her flesh than she had ever dared to, an office full of her heroines and idols had seen the curves of her body and every goosebump that rose at the thought of being seen. Briony had left but Vasiliki and Angela we're still at the bar, could she really bring herself to be functionally naked in a room of legends.

"Uber gets here in 10 minutes, better hurry."

Chara's body went numb as she turned towards the toilet, she was still debating what to do but her body was way ahead of her. Maybe it was just a matter of momentum, that she had already begun the process of her final humiliation of the night, but when she reached the toilets it felt like the decision had already been made and she awkwardly began to take off her shoes, so she could carefully remove her bodystocking, ready to put it back on once she had taken off her underwear.

Once she had undressed Chara stood looking at herself in the mirror. There was no doubt about it to anyone watching, her B-cup breasts were on full display, her nipples poking out between the gaps in the fishnets. She had roughly shaved her pubic hair around the line of her knickers, but now the tuft that was previously hidden stuck out, directing people's eyes towards her exposed pussy. This was worse than being naked, this was her full body, prepared for sex, covered only in a garment designed to make her more attractive for anyone who wanted to bed her. Chara considered hiding in the bathroom stalls until this was all over, but the thought of Jane, her new de-facto mistress, being disappointed in her calmed her hypoventilation long enough for her to grab the door handle and storm out of the toilet.

As she left the toilet Chara heard one shocked gasp, followed by a ripple of silence emanating out from where she stood, then the air became thick with cheers and catcalls as she strolled to Jane's side. Jane already had her left arm wrapped around Theo's hip, she held out her right to ensure Chara would also flank her before strolling out of the bar with her two subs in tow.


Jane's complicated Uber rating history meant that the driver was surprisingly calm throughout their journey. Jane made sure the sexual frustration remained bubbling as she dragged her slaves from the car, up the stairs and into her apartment, a sea of metal fixtures, broken appliances and graffiti that all screamed that the occupant didn't care about one day getting her deposit back.

"Alright slaves, as there are two of you, it's important I go over the pecking order, kneel in front of me so I can explain." Jane announced as Chara kneeled alongside Theo. "So tonight I am Mistress, that is what you are to call me is that clear?"

"Yes Mistress." Theo immediately and perkily replied, with Chara meekly repeating the sentiment quieter.

"Next in the pecking order is Mistress's boots, following that is the dirt on the sole of Mistress's boots, and next as a treat for tonight, Theo you are not going to be the lowliest slave here. As a mark of superiority I'll let you keep your name, but our other slave, what should we christen her?" Jane asked, offering Theo a hand so she could join her looming over Chara.

"Oh I have plenty of ideas, mistress." Theo moaned. "We could call her our little bitch, or how about whore?"

"You have the right idea, but she isn't mean or promiscuous, we need a name that reduces her to what she really is tonight. Your name is Cunt, repeat that back to me." Jane ordered.

"My name is Cunt, mistress." Chara confirmed as smirks crawled across Theo and Jane's faces.

"Theo, take off Cunt's bodystocking, wig and shoes, I wanted to show her off in the bar but now she needs to have nothing but her body." Chara didn't resist as Theo stood her up and stripped her down. "Now I want you to take this lipstick and write our slave's name in big letters across her chest." Chara moaned as she felt her body labelled, her nipples growing hard as the lipstick swished across her breasts.

"Now Theo," Jane announced, removing her trousers. "You get the privilege of licking your mistress's pussy, and while you do that I want you sat on Cunt's face." Chara was able to briefly marvel that Jane's pubic hair was dyed blue before Theo's bottom eclipsed her view of the room and forced her pussy into Chara's eager, lapping mouth.

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