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Xotic Receptionist

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Receptionist for a lesbian magazine experiments with herself.
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"So what made you want to apply for this role?" The question reverberated around Chara's mind and she sat silent for a moment. There was no confusion what her answer was, no hesitancy to share her story with three of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. What Chara was silently processing was how to put into a few succinct sentences, a lifetime of feelings and events that culminated in her applying for a receptionist job at Xotic Magazine.

"See this discolouration on the back of my hand, there's a bit more on my chin and neck as well. That is from the time my father tried to throw acid in my face. He did so because his perfect little girl had 'become a deviant', and he felt that if he threw acid in my face, I would be forced to stay with him rather than going out into the world to try and seduce women. I had always obeyed him, stayed at home like a good girl, my only rebelling in a world of good behaviour was the copy of Xotic Magazine he found under my bed. Sure your magazine focuses on the sexual side of lesbianism, it is deviant, but to a confused teenager in India, it was a taste of who I really was. So after that I fled, I took risks and I worked hard until I got a life here in Britain. My current job actually pays more than this one, but to work for the magazine that gave me strength when my own family was telling me to be weak, no amount of money could compensate for that. If you want a receptionist who will sing the praises of your magazine to every person who walks through the door for some boring meeting, every person who calls and is already annoyed by the hold music, every person sending an email expecting a bland corporate response, well sat in front of you is someone who considers Xotic Magazine the publication that saved her life."

Chara got the call back the same afternoon.


Chara spent her first morning getting set up at the reception desk by the office manager, a classy middle aged woman with a purple pixie cut called Angela (she had been seated in the far left during her interview). Chara was able to get to grips with the setup pretty quickly when she wasn't staring in wide eyed disbelief at the offices of the magazine she idolised. Once Angela had been through her probation plan, mandatory training and various other corporate tickbox exercises, it was already lunchtime and the office canteen (more like a snazzy cafe than any canteen Chara has been in) was starting to fill up.

"Oh my god Chara, you must eat with us." Yelled a professionally dressed mediterranean with bleach blonde hair. Her name was Vasiliki, she was the operations manager, and was sat in the middle during Chara's interview. "Everyone, this is Chara, our new receptionist, I've never met anyone who loves our magazine as much as her." She gushed, pulling Chara up to the table. Chara's sandwiches in tin foil striking a stark contrast to the various nutritionist designed gormait concoctions in front of the cavalcade of models, athletes and outright goddesses sat at the table.

"So how much of our back catalogue have you read?" A neon trimmed, umber model asked while picking at her sushi with her yellow acrylic nails.

"Err, all of it. I've tracked down and collected every issue Theo." Chara stuttered out in reply.

"No need to be embarrassed." Theo chuckled. "I'm guessing you learned my name from the photoshoots I have been in?"

The whole table took a moment to remember that for people outside the industry it is unusual to meet someone who you have seen naked pictures of, by Chara's calculations about half the table had modeled nude at one point or another, a couple more she recognised from their writers headshots above incredibly intimate stories.

"So how's our new expert settling in?" Vasiliki asked Angela, changing the subject.

"Four kisses just this morning." Angela announced, missing the confused look on Chara's face.

"Angela I don't think poor Chara knows about the system." Vasiliki interrupted. "So we have an employee of the week system, any time you help someone or do something well, they can go onto the intranet and give you a virtual 'kiss.' The person with the most kisses at the end of the week gets employee of the week."

"At this rate you should certainly be looking forward to Friday, employee of the week rarely has to pay for drinks when we all head to the bar after work." Theo informed.

"If she continues to make waves like I've been hearing, I'll make sure of it." Came a posh British voice from beyond the table. Chara turned around and was frozen in shock, standing behind her was Briony Rose, the founder and iconic figurehead of Xotic Magazine. She was even taller than she looked on the various cover photos she had posed for, her long hair allowed to go gracefully silver and cascade onto her black fashionable suit. Chara's mouth gawped open and closed but not a single sound was able to fight its way beyond her throat.

Briony scanned her up and down, taking in the full measure of Chara, her sensible blouse and pencil skirt, her modest black hair, her wide rimmed glasses, and her crippling intimidation in the presence of someone she considered a living legend.

"Little starstruck are we?" Briony asked. "Well I'm not here often but when I am I'll make sure to drop by. If we're not on speaking terms soon I'll have to let you sit on my face, that always seems to knock me off the pedestal." Briony had moved on and was half way through her conversation with Vasiliki when Chara's brain caught up with what she had said and allowed a shrill laugh to claw its way out of her mouth.


Chara spent the week in a hyper-aware dream, every moment she worked there she would lock away in her memory banks, meeting models who had thrown fuels on the fire of her sexuality, casually talking to writers who had put into words feelings Chara hadn't even imagined before. No request was too petty for her to do it immediately and with a smile. Even Jane, the previous receptionist, couldn't be mad at her, despite how clearly she was showing them up.

Jane was from Alabama, and she was as tough and punk as someone openly lesbian in the bible belt had to be. She had been sat on the far right at Chara's interview. Although she now worked for the finance department, she took it upon herself to ensure Chara knew all the ins and outs of her previous job, and that nobody took advantage of this sweet girl who seemed incapable of saying no. Chara bonded with her as she too had been attacked by her parents, during the summer her nickname changed from 'plain Jane' to 'insane Jane.' They tried to beat the lesbianism out of her, and she had her bright multi coloured hair, styled to one side so as to cover the scars.

Despite how many times Jane told her there was no way she could lose, Chara was still shocked when, on Friday afternoon, Briony gathered the staff together to announce that week's employee of the week was Chara. She was given a round of applause as she bashfully walked to the front of the group to receive the tiara from the previous week's winner.

"So Chara, now you get a first hand view of the other contest that our company runs, sub of the week." Briony announced. Chara's confusion was very evident so Briony felt the need to fill her in. "Everyone takes part in employee of the week, in that one you get a 'kiss' every time you do something good. But there is also a competition where staff who are a bit more extreme can opt into it. Anyone playing sub of the week also has to avoid collecting 'spanks', the player with the most spanks becomes the slave of the employee of the week and gets a special challenge out of it to boot." Briony took a moment to talk to Chara to one side.

"Being in charge of a slave wouldn't make you uncomfortable would it? If you say so I won't make a fuss and we'll quietly drop the sub off with someone else." Briony asked.

"Oh no, this sounds like fun." Chara replied. Briony turned back to the group.

"So this week, Chara's slave is... Theo." Theo walked to the front of the group, laughing heartily and nervously while the rest of the gathered employees cheered her on. "Now Chara, pick a punishment out of the hat, I hope it's a real nasty one, as if I'm being honest, you're too lovely, I don't see you being a wicked enough mistress for Theo here." Chara looked at her feet, she wasn't going to contradict Bryony in front of everyone which kind of proved her point. She reached into a purple top hat full of slips of paper and pulled one out. She cleared her throat to make sure the whole group could hear it.

"Every time your mistress calls your phone, you must answer the phone within five rings. If you are out and about you can only wear your underwear on the phone to your mistress, if you are in the office you cannot be wearing any clothes at all." Chara uncertainly read out to the group. Cheers erupted and Chara was mercilessly patted on the back and showered with approval, she seemed more embarrassed by the situation than Theo.


Chara was not a big drinker, she was on her second Martini and was already feeling the effects.

"Chara honey, could I borrow your phone? I need to make a call" Jane asked after allowing her 5th shot of whiskey to slide down her throat. Chara unlocked it and went back to blending into the raucous party around her. After not too long Jane tapped her on the shoulder and directed her attention across the bar. Theo was stood in her matching pink bra and panties with a scowl on her face as Jane laughed herself silly.

"Well you weren't gonna do it." She giggled as Chara marveled at Theo clumsily redressing without a care for the bystanders that had gone wide eyed at a spontaneous unclothed beauty, or the bartender desperately pretending this was an unusual occurrence when the Xotic staff rolled into his bar. Chara couldn't believe the power she had been granted, the moment Theo had finished redressing she let a little smirk cross her face as she hit redial.


First thing Monday morning Chara repeated a ritual she had begun during her first week on the job, arriving at the office extra early and having to wait outside for Angela to arrive with the keys and the alarm fobs. As Angela crested the horizon Chara was shocked to see Theo at her side, wearing a short yellow halter neck dress that screamed for attention

"Morning Chara." Angela beamed.

"Morning Mistress." Theo purred, revelling in the wave of bashfulness she inspired in Chara.

"You know this is the first time I've seen Theo on time for work." Angela noticed. "You should make the most of this Mistress Chara." Chara's mind seemed to fill with static as they entered the office, any time she even got a sense of her power and what she could do with it, she looked into Theo's deep brown eyes and she couldn't bring herself to order her around. Eventually her brain latched on to the meagerest of orders.

"OK... slave. Umm. Go make me a cup of coffee." She ordered, clocking a twinge of disappointment in Theo's eyes. Sensing Chara was floundering, Angela whispered a quick suggestion in her ear that Chara repeated verbatim."I take my coffee with milk and sugar, served to me in a mug nestled between the breasts of a naked slave."

"Now you're getting it." Theo replied with a smirk. She headed towards the staff canteen, pulling the knot on the halter neck to loosen the dress and drop it to the floor in a single move, revealing the absence of any underwear underneath. Watching Theo's pert bottom bounce around the office, Chara missed her seat as she went to sit down behind her reception desk while Angela politely chuckled.

Chara had just buzzed in Vasiliki when Theo returned with a cup of coffee between her tits.

"Thank you slave." She stated in the most commanding voice she could manage, feeling awkward that her boss' boss was watching her order around a slave like a kitten toying with a feather on a string. Theo patiently watched Chara drink her coffee, clear expectation in her eyes turning to borderline frustration. Vasiliki clocked Chara's confusion.

"Honey, you have to dismiss your slave if you want her to get any work done around here." She suggested, before leaning in and whispering her idea in Chara's ear.

"Really?" Chara exclaimed while Vasiliki nodded. "You are dismissed and may redress... once you have gone back to the canteen and offered to make everyone a warm drink." Chara ordered, shocking herself with how on board Theo was. Chara almost went cross-eyed keeping her attention between the CCTV monitor and the front door.


The day was an interesting one for Chara, she wasn't sure what to do with her new found power but there were plenty of more confident women willing to help her out. She received more than a few phone calls from people asking her to call Theo to pass on a message. It wasn't long until Jane took it upon herself to give Chara meanness lessons.

"You realise Theo will like you more, the more mean you are right?" She explained as Chara continued to stare at the CCTV even though Theo was dressed for now.

"It's not about being liked, Theo is one of my idols, imagine being asked to degrade someone who was one of your pillars of strength." Chara explained.

"You know that stereotype from pricks and bitches, 'oh they're a stripper so they have low self esteem, clearly their dad didn't hug them enough.' Well it's bullshit and Theo's the proof. You know how much confidence it takes to be in her position? She is more powerful when naked, she is happier when being ordered around, and if you ordered her to do something she didn't want to do, she would tell you no and you wouldn't be able to control her any more. With her confidence, even when she's a slave, she's in control." Chara had to admit Jane had a point. "In fact it is the job of us girls with daddy issues to stay on the sidelines and help the extroverts like Theo keep eyes on them at all times."

The talk cheered Chara up, but didn't do anything for her confidence in being a mistress. Jane chatted with Chara for a bit before leaving her with a note that said 'order Theo to buy you some sushi then eat it off her naked body for lunch.'


It was a Thursday afternoon when Theo booked a meeting room to have a chat with Chara. As Chara walked in she saw Theo in a tight purple minidress, continuing her theme of fashion choices that are easy to remove when her phone rings.

"Chara honey, how have you been enjoying being my mistress?" Theo asked, her eagerness not giving Chara a chance to sit down.

"Umm... it's been alright... it's been a bit..." Chara contemplated.

"Weird, I know. You're still new and you're a bit intimidated by being surrounded with people you have only read about, I can tell." Chara felt a blush of embarrassment as Theo summarised her so succinctly. "Well I talked to Angela and she agreed to cover the reception while we do a little training session. You need to be more confident and less intimidated by your colleagues, so I've had an idea."

Theo pulled Chara into a side hug and pulled out her camera for a selfie. She held the camera in place until Chara overcame her shock and gave the camera a polite smile, certain that anyone looking at the photo would care more about Theo's bulging cleavage than her conservative clothing and pose.

"My safe word is marshmallow, get me to use it in the next hour and we'll put your photo in the magazine, we'll even include a paragraph about how great you are. Fail to do so and you'll spend next week in the basement doing data entry and not seeing another living soul every day." Theo laid out her ultimatum before sitting back down and looking up hungrily at the mistress she had counter-intuitively laid down an ultimatum for.

"Wait what... sorry I..."

"Confident mistresses don't apologise, they don't wait for their slave's permission. They order, and they order knowing that they are down to 59 minutes." Theo sternly interrupted, hoping to shock a response out of Chara, only to be met by a look usually given to car headlights by bunny rabbits in their last moments. Seeing that tough love wasn't going to work, Theo switched tactics. She pulled her dress off and knelt naked in front of Chara.

"Please mistress Chara." She began to plead. "Please punish this naughty slut, please order me around and treat me like your bitch, I want to feel pain and humiliation at your hands. Make me serve you then toss me aside like the cunt whore I am..."

"Alright, alright stop." Chara interrupted.

"Yes mistress." Theo replied with a smirk. Chara took a deep breath and thought through what she had to do. As she stared at Theo's expectant face she panicked and gave her the first order that popped into her head.

"Bend over the table." Chara yelled a bit louder than she was expecting. Theo immediately sprung to her feet and sensuously bent over the table. Chara knew that the only option available to get was to give Theo a spank. She awkwardly slapped at Theo's bottom and connected with a thwack as loud as a mouse sneezing.

"Mmmm harder." Theo moaned. Chara took a calming breath before bringing her hand down for a more substantial slap, marvelling at the brief ripple spreading across Theo's asscheeks. "Oh god yes!"

Chara widened her stance and began to enjoy herself, putting her all into making sure Theo's bottom was glowing. Chara could see that Theo was enjoying this and knew she'd never get a safe word out of her if she spent the whole hour spanking her bottom. She looked around the room, inspiration striking as she saw the flipchart with a pile of pens. She picked up the red pen and handed it to Theo.

"I order you to write... um... 'cunt rag' on your tits." Chara tentatively commanded. She watched wide eyed as Theo began to draw on herself, moaning as she desecrated her body with the board marker. "Also write 'filth hole' above your pussy." Chara was starting to get into the swing of things but still felt a pang of dread that Theo would not be uttering her safe word any time soon.

"Alright, I left my phone in my handbag at reception and I want some pictures of you, go fetch my bag for me. Also make sure to give Angela a moment to read what you have written on yourself." Chara ordered.

"Yes mistress!" Was Theo's giddy reply as she skipped out of the room. Chara was proud of that order as it gave her time to think through a plan to get Theo to concede. With under three quarters of an hour left it seemed hopeless, Theo enjoyed her place as sub, she was a damn fine sex object and she knew it, even played up to it without ever letting it affect her general self worth. As Chara thought through how she could break such a person an idea formed in her head.

As Theo returned with Chara's handbag, she gave an audible gasp of shock at what she found in front of her. Stood confidently in the centre of the room was Chara, wearing the tight purple dress Theo had discarded on the floor. She wasn't quite at a stage of fully pulling it off, it didn't quite fit with her look, it was more cleavage and leg than Chara had ever displayed in public before. Chara took her phone and used it to take a couple of pictures of Theo for her personal collection before directing her attention to the pile of drab conservative clothes she had left folded on a chair.

"Put on my clothes." She ordered. Theo's smirking turned to confusion as she put on the large, beige, bulk bought underwear. Moving on to the long skirt with modest blouse and jacket. Once Theo was dressed, Chara took some makeup wipes out of her bag and used them to strip Theo of her dazzling and skillfully designed face. Finally she took one of the pens and used it to write 'ignore me' across Theo's forehead.

"Alright my drab, unsexy slave." Chara announced, unreflective in the self loathing she appeared to be channelling. "I order you to go around people at the office and ask, in these

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