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Yawning Abyss


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Side By Side Steak restaurant is introduced in the 'Wealth' series.

Polly Chastaine is a character associated with Coutre & Associates Law Firm in a few stories. In 'Life Anew' in Transgender/Crossdressers, she is Nicole Banks's paralegal. Well, obviously, in this story, she's finally become an attorney.

Heidi Moek, the bank manager of First Union Bank is a character first introduced in 'On Channel 12' in Loving Wives.

Jamie Timms, formerly Jamie Norman is a character in 'Beauty Of Snow' in the Transgender/crossdressers category. Her deceased husband would be Aaron Timms from the same story.

David James, Billy Hunt, Leslie Davis, and Stephanie and Gabrielle James are all characters from 'Each Day' in Loving Wives. Because Stephanie refuses to accept the divorce as final, she continues to identify herself as Stephanie Hunt, Billy's wife.

The House Of Mei restaurant is from 'House Of Mei' series in Interracial Love category.

The Atwell School Of Divinity was first introduced in the 'Just A Nice Boy' series in Incest/Taboo category. The origins of the school, as well as the towns names of Martinelli, Idaho and Bergeron, Idaho is explored more fully in 'School Of Divinity' in the Romance category.

How did Amber find Kaileen? The opening of a Daughters Steaks restaurant in Bergeron, Idaho was the clue Amber needed. Why didn't she find Kaileen in Colfax, Missouri? Remember, Kaileen did not open a The Nasty Pig restaurant in the greater DeGarde area; there's already a plethora of good barbeque restaurants and a few great barbeque restaurants in and around DeGarde, Louisiana. Kaileen did not open a Daughters Steaks restaurant in the Colfax, Missouri area. Amber would not have known to look for any new The Nasty Pig restaurants.

And that's it. A tale of a girl's journey in life, trying to find something that money can't buy, but that could freely be given, even by someone as selfish and self-centered as Amber Goodwin Truesdale Gerrard.

Have a swell day. And some of you? Have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dear Author, I am an 80 year old man and my sex life is pretty well, nonexistent. I live on dreams of my younger days.. It was a very enjoyable, read and well written. Thank you so very much.

DL Angel, Owosso, Michigan

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Just got around to reading this story again - which I love, mostly for the feel of place the speech patterns give it. I appreciate your leaving it here for us to read JimBob44.

I’ve also read a few of the newer comments, does Anon actually read his own grammatical vomit? Complaining about name spelling? Oh and fwiw capital “E” on english next time.

Does ds0402 actually believe that education changes your accent and phrasing? Maybe if you’re a pretentious preppy or if a refined accent is either a job requirement or makes you feel as if you’ve outrun your humble beginnings it might well do, however the point was that Kaileen was a “back woods redneck” and until her win had been economically trapped in the lowest possible echelon of society, the education and qualifications would do nothing to change that, neither would working at the sharp end in restaurants, a person has to want to change to actually effect a change on the way they speak, Kaileen was more than happy as she was. As someone bemoaning the dialect used and wanting “English” I’d suggest using capitals on Summa Cum Lauda and the correct English spelling of dialogue. We can all pick faults in things, I’d really suggest you put your own language use in order if you do next time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

rachael??? digusting misspelling of a perfectly good name. off of????? not english!

one star. and, waaaay too long.

ds0402ds0402about 2 years ago

Pretty decent story line and character development. The sexual content was very good and detailed. My biggest problem with the author here is the dialog. The central character Kaileen Whithers is supposedly a college masters graduate with summa cum laude honors but she speaks like an uneducated backwoods redneck. So do most of the other characters. It makes no sense. Kaileen is clearly advanced just based on her business acuity and self made wealth. She should articulate in clear, well spoken English. Perhaps a version edit someday. Otherwise, very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Robert A. Heinlein would approve of this story.

An "A" for merit and an "A" for quality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I liked that there was a story and not just sex. The latter does get me going, but the story keeps me interested.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow thanks so much for this story. 2nd time reading. Even better the 2nd time seeing details i missed before. Both times started out looking for a good anal story and found a great long storyline with great anal scenes. Thanks!

Chimo1961Chimo1961almost 3 years ago

Got a bad case of the feels at the end. Wow

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 3 years ago

My second time around reading this and it’s just as good as it was originally! Love the clipped dialect with words dropped, it reads as people actually speak from the area you’ve originated them in, can’t say as I blame Kaileen for the long, protracted (and expensive) revenge she exacts on her birth parents, all for the want of some loving care and attention which ought to be automatic but all to frequently isn’t. Sorry to hear you aren’t writing anymore for Lit, may happiness find you wherever you may go next. Regards Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Thank you for such a fun, serious, erotic, interesting story. Not at all what I was looking for when i found it but really a great read . Looking forward to reading the rest of your work.

sentiantonesentiantoneover 3 years ago

So glad you keep writing.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

Meandering as your usual style, and very enjoyable. Nice writing. Pulling in characters, settings, and situations from your other stories? Brilliant.

GaiusErosGaiusErosover 3 years ago

Congratulations on your win.

GiuliaNapoliGiuliaNapoliover 3 years ago

See ... I told you how great you are. Congratulations on the win. Very well done, my friend!

BigpickleBigpicklealmost 4 years ago

I totally enjoyed it. Not only was it a story and not just a bunch of sex, it had a purpose and you accomplished that masterfully I think you are a best selling author hidden as a Literotica writer..

Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago

Ending seemed a little rushed but what an adventure. I could hardly keep up with all the characters you were introducing but what a start poor Killen had and how she over came them was a revelation.

Sorry to hear you're going to stop writing so hope this is an apt swansong for you. Only read 2 of yours before this so there's much more to keep me entertained.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Jimmy Bob,

Wow. What a fabulous story. Thats the first of your literature that I have read, and it won't be the last,

So I was sorry to read that you are parking your quill in the inkwell.

You have an amazing talent, and I am sure that you have given pleasure to thousands of readers.

Good Luck, and be happy


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It's a sad day

2020 and now on into 2021 have been hard, sad times of loss for me, and so many others. Your stories helped me feel less alone, many of them reminding me of my family, my life. I feel I'm losing another from my life. Thank you for your generosity of sharing your talent with us, and Godspeed to you on whatever comes next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thank You JimBob44

For a dozen or so years of enjoyment. Your contributionK82s will be missed......

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thank you JimBob44!

I have enjoyed your stories and appreciate you sharing them with us. One of the things I most like about your stories was that your characters sounded like real people sound and acted like real people act. I will miss them. And you.

Crusader235Crusader235over 4 years ago

JB44, I love the worlds you create with your stories, so gritty, and down to earth. I'll just start reading them all over again until you decide to give us another one. PS: I wish you well, and good health. Semper Fi.

TeggeTeggeover 4 years ago

Thanks for writing! Be safe and Live Well.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 4 years ago

JimBob44 the best!

I was very sorry to read JB44's note saying he is not going to write more stories. His work has passion, humor, gritty reality, and humanity. I hope the raucous nature of LW has not caused his stopping writing, but it probably hasn't since he writes in so many categories.

Be well JimBob44, and all the best to you and yours.

VanadornVanadornover 4 years ago

I look forward to all your submissions and hope you find your muse again. Write when you can and thanks for everything.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Another great story!

I was extremely sad to read your note that this would be your last story, at least for the foreseeable future. I have greatly enjoyed your stories, and I feel like I have lost a good friend. I hope you get you "mojo" or "muse" or whatever back soon, and change your mind. MANY times reading one of your stories has been the high point of my day. Thank you very much for going to the trouble of writing and posting these fine stories. Actually, you said, "I do not know if, or when I will post another story HERE" (emphasis added). If you decide to post stories elsewhere I hope you will let us know where they may be found. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Absolutely fantastic

CrisInGACrisInGAover 4 years ago
Doesn't this pretty much sum up all of our lives?

"A tale of a girl's journey in life, trying to find something that money can't buy, but that could freely be given, even by someone as selfish and self-centered as Amber Goodwin Truesdale Gerrard."

green117green117over 4 years ago
I liked this one

quite a bit.

I mean, what's not to like? We got a buxom blond, smart, kinda talks funny, hornier than heck, and she still does the Horatio Alger thing.

Sure, she seems to have a thing for anal, is rude much of the time, sets up a half nekkid (by the way, in that neck of the woods is the permitting of such activities lax as all of that? You did bring up dope selling and felonies...) BBQ place, and does girls as much as she does boys, if not more so... but is that a bad thing?

When I looked at the monthly stories of the month, I saw this one on the Anal list... honestly, I never go to the anal list but had enough trust in you to think that there would be redeeming... something of value. Fer one, I find that stuff that my preferred female partners don't really like, I don't really like. Your protagonist, with the unusual name (a story in that), really liked anal. I was almost getting into it.

Sorry to hear about the burnout. Hope that I see some of your stuff somewhere down the avenue.


Bebop3Bebop3over 4 years ago

Anonymous of 8/17/2020

Send an email to the author via the Literotica system and ask permission. I would strongly encourage you to include all pertinent data (plot synopsis, where the story takes place, what the character will be doing, etc.).

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
How would I get your permision to

use a couple of your characters in a story I'm working on? You have already created the ideal character that doesn't need any changing.

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