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Click here"Why would they do that?" The Magistrate asked.
"Because, early on in his employ Mr Sedgwick approached Henry Hallston and mentioned that he had been approached to act as a consultant in the development of an improved system. Mr Hallston approached the company Board to seek approval for this to happen, but this approval was rejected on the basis that, they would not be a party to any development that was not exclusive to them. Henry entered into a private arrangement and cancelled the existing formal agreement between the companies involved. The Board accepted this arrangement as long as the financial agreements were maintained. When Henry Hallston retired he recommended that Richard Sedgwick be employed to replace him, but given the somewhat frosty relationship between himself and Hallston's his recommendation was overlooked and Ms Judith Cameron was employed in that position."
"Ms Cameron observed over time that, while he freely offered his input into the running of the business, this input was declined by management and the younger, less experienced Quantity Surveyors employed by Hallston's. While there was never any friction between employees, there was no inclusion of Mr Sedgwick, he was considered by the younger staff as a dinosaur, even though his understanding of the latest in computer technology was greater than theirs. Ms Cameron sought to find out more about the relationship between Mr Sedgwick and his regular clients, and it was during discussions that the clients encouraged them both to separate themselves from Hallston's and create their own Quantity Surveying company. So you see, this all came about because Hallston's failed to recognise that Mr Sedgwick had a lot more to offer the Quantity Surveying profession than they gave him credit for. Now they wish to prevent Cameron Sedgwick from carrying out business that was formed specifically as a result of their lack of appreciation for all of the work provided by Mr Sedgwick over the past twenty years. They have not increased his salary in the past five years even though, to attract new graduates they have offered, and paid, a higher salary. I don't think that they should be surprised that, having abused him that he should want to run away."
"While Hallston's concede that there could be some justification for Mr Sedgwick and Ms Cameron resigning from the company, the fact of the matter is that Mr Sedgwick was still an employee, and the employer/employee agreement states that any development made while employed by the company remains the property of the company."
"Be that as it may, if Hallston's had taken a closer look at that employment agreement they would have realise that, fifteen years ago it changed. Mr Sedgwick was not an employee of Hallston's, but a sub-contractor. While they continued to pay him, he provided, using his knowledge and expertise, a service. This agreement is, along with the memo from Henry Hallston to the company board, offering to allow Mr Sedgwick to act as a consultant in the development of a new and improved system, and the memo in reply rejecting that proposition is in this file." He passed it to the Magistrate. "We move to have the injunction lifted on the grounds that to maintain it constitutes a restraint of trade."
The magistrate read the files and looked at both Solicitors. "I rule that the injunction be lifted, effective immediately." His gavel dismissed both parties.
Tuesday night was party night at Judith's, and now my, favourite restaurant. Included was Geoff, Robert and Milton, along with their wives and five of the Builders employed by the Architects, those who were the ones that could drop everything at short notice to join us. The others would get together on Saturday for a barbeque at Milton's. A sign on the door, announcing that the restaurant was closed for a private function, kept any interlopers at bay.
At around 10:00 I tapped my glass with a spoon. "Could I have your attention please?"
"Who is this guy interrupting our party?" Someone asked. "Shush." Someone else said.
"Ladies and gentlemen."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I, we, Judith and I, have an important announcement. We are going to get married as soon as possible."
"Don't tell us that you have to?" Was heard above the cheers.
"No we don't have to, but we do want to." Judith said as she rose and stood beside me and I kissed her.
Wednesday morning, and a very seedy Judith and I called in to see an equally seedy Geoff Bridewell on our way up to our office. "I was pacing myself well until you made that announcement, and then I seemed to lose count of how much I had to drink. Luckily Lucy (his wife) was the designated driver, otherwise I would have had to call a taxi. Surprisingly enough she didn't give me a hard time this morning."
"We fully understand, we had to catch a taxi, we couldn't find Judith's car. We left it somewhere. You don't remember having seen it, do you?"
I wasn't sure I'd like this story after the first couple of paragraphs ... but it began to appeal to me as I continued. I really appreciate the characters ins and outs as the relationship progressed. Well worth reading !
This is one of my "It's- time- to- read- it- again" preferences. And each time I read it, it improves!
A great amusing and entertaining story. Well written.
A few years ago two of us left a business that we were sub contractors to and started our own business. We were told in court by the judge that the rights of a man to provide for his family far outweigh any non compete clause in a business contract.
He stated that in general a non compete clause is not enforceable and not worth the paper it was written on.
Non-compete clauses abound in all sorts of contracts in techonology. It is usually not so easy to get out of them as it was for our hero. But, once again, I must say that Literotica is meant for fantasy, whether it is sexual or social or business, so why not? It was indeed a fun story and worthy of 5*.
This is what it is in this story. A romance about normal people, who have a normal job (that is, shit work), who fall in love and putting their effort together, succeed. It is greatly appreciated that one has not used the typical stereotype of supermegabarbie and superman.
5 * for you.
I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.
Hooray, a story which features 'normal' people, not mega-boobs and a horse-like cock. It moved along at a brisk rate and it has a very satisfying end.
Thank You
A literotica story with satisfying character development , dramatic content, verisimilitude, and real, believable characters!
Oh, and no incredulity inspiring 10" cocks or DDD tits.
despite the name change is was well written with a lot of interest and the fact that two older people got together in love and a successful business....
In most instances, Judith's surname is Cameron. In some places it is Chapman. Please be consistent, Overall, a very good story,
The relationship between Judith and Richard progresses at breakneck speed, but only after she had spent quite some time thinking about it, and it's clear that Richard's customers and his old boss Henry Hallston had set up his path to forming his own business a long time ago and had been wondering when he would see the obvious and get on with it.
It is amazing how so many readers react to the length and pace of the stories submitted here.Some feel they are rushed and move too fast,then others think that if it is more than 1 or 2 pages long that it is too long for their attention span to handle. I personally like the long, even multi chapter stories as well as the short ones.But no matter how someone writes there will be someone who doesn't like how it was done.Because of having to write in a small, limited amount of pages it will always have to move fast.If you were to write in a realistic amount of time you'd be looking at a 1000 page book.So everything has to be compressed. And there are some multi chapter stories on here the are into hundreds of pages too.Try and remember too, that this is not real world,but a world that exist only in the writer's mind.
Everything tumbles out at breakneck speed, too much so. But it's still a damn good
I guy getting all the pussy while another guy foots the bill. TK U MLJ LV NV
I just finished my third reading of this story, and I can't find words to express my thanks for writing it and sharing it with us. Having been in that same position of being dusted off with the furniture by two employers, I was enthralled with the way your two rebels made a successful escape and rubbed the establishment's nose in it. Would that I could have done so well.
Even more than an account of a couple of talented people jumping ship and ending up in a paradise, this story documents what is wrong with the business world today. Established companies are losing sight of what made them successful, and bringing in management people and hotshot greenhorns who don't know beans about the business. Companies are shriveling as a result, and loyal employees are being tossed onto the street. It's tragic for the shareholders, the employees, and the nation as our economy struggles to recover. You have written an endearing story that exposes an "inconvenient truth" that everybody should understand and be up in arms about.
"...I have had experience with ceding control to a woman, and it was a bitter experience that I had no great desire for a repetition of, and I know that last sentence was not grammatically, but in correct, but in my confusion I didn't give a shit about syntax...."
Cro, your clever writing style just keeps blowing me away!
As for those grimmer nasties who complain about constructive manipulation of language. Be forced to attend any seminar, conference, social function, forum, reception, soiree, or symposium staged by the English Department of any Institution of "Higher" Education.
And you will discover the reason it's called "Higher", Is that the attendees, both with and without tenure, are divisible into three groupings. Drunks, Potheads and Senile Drunken Potheads.
A brilliant story illustrating the fact that pretty often those old farts that have been with the company for years know their stuff in ways that the younger generations don't grasp.
Well put together, I liked it. Having worked for over 40 years in the construction industry I could sympathise with his problems and frustrations.
more of your excelent work. A great tale that many of us can relate to....Thank you for a fun read.
Fine work as always. The characters are very vivid! The story touches on all of us old farts...
I came here looking for a titillating tale before going to sleep. I didn't get that. What I have just had the pleasure of reading is a well crafted and presented story, with worldly real life characters that I feel I have met. Frankly, if you can consistently write like this you need to follow your character's footsteps and get yourself a publisher.
I would have liked a confrontation with his bitch of an ex-wife and his crappy kids, but I liked the story.
What a great story. Well written, Believable. Enjoyable. Classy... Nuff-said. Congratulations,
As the other comments note, you are a more than competent author This story does a nice job of presenting every middle-aged man's fantasy. I do hope that you continue this tale!
loved this story
needs another chapter. they get marry
there company does great and they get an award
at which his ex is there and gets her nose rubbed in it
for her bullshit and maybe even get to his kids again
just my thoughts
although the whole is much stronger that the one, but links are made to be broken and technology makes for change, TK U MLJ LV NV
Seeing you had posted, I had to delay a trip just to finish it. Interesting background and characters, all the more so for their imperfections. Who among us ....
This was a very good story except you continually switched Judith's last name between Chapman and Cameron. So which is it?
wouldnt mind a follow up to see how the new goes plus if she can sneak a baby in on him.
5 stars for an original concept! I appreciate your characters are not young and perfect, but rather real people like me and my wife. Good use of sex, but not overly graphic, allowing our imaginations to do the work.
A good bit of the story didn't click with me, but that is NOT a criticism! It is simply coming from an American background I had to fuddle my way through some of the situations, but that is the result of my ignorance, you of your writing. I need to learn more of the British ways of life, and this was an excellent vehicle to introduce me to some factors. Thank you!
..that when I see that you have posted another story, I am about to be entertained, and anything else that I had planned will have to wait until I've finished reading.
Another 5 stars from me! And it looks like I'm the first to read this one, let's hope you get lots more 5 votes!