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"Now, now Jake. This may be Texas, but we are part of the Union again and follow laws pertaining to the rights of miscreants like Todd Fucken Manson. Even though he deserves a slow death."

"Remember I told you about me and him having a past?" Jake asked before he received my nod. "Well, while I was away to the Sandbox fighting to keep our nation safe, he hit on my wife."

I know he saw me wince and show anger because he gave me a look of recognition.

"Todd Fucken Manson made his acquaintance with my wife as well before his balls made the acquaintance with my boot," I replied.

"I don't know how far he got with your wife Garry, but from what mine says, he was about close to raping her. She had to use a knife to defend herself."

I said nothing, but I am sure Jake realized somewhat and pursed his lips.

"The sad thing Garry, is that my darlin wife let that cocksucker into our home. Then she says she had a come to Jesus moment and retreated to the kitchen where she grabbed a knife."

"What is with women and letting this huckster into their home and lives?" I finally snapped. Then lowering my voice I said, "excuse the outburst."

He waved it off. "Wait...your wife let him in as well?"

"Into our home, into our bedroom and into her..." I said before anger and shame overwhelmed me. Jake saw it and nodded to me sympathetically.

"Listen Garry," he said. "My wife swears up and down that she didn't do anything with Manson. When I confronted him, he said the same. For the sake of my children I chose to stay with Leila. But it was more than that. I love her and not having any proof she cheated on me, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Do you have kids?"

Shit. This guy and I DID have a lot in common.

"Yes," I replied. "But in my case I know he fucked her. I saw it."

"I've heard," he replied raising both hands to calm me. I bet my anger showed through just then. "I'm sorry Garry, but you know everyone knows. And people talk. I came here to talk to you because you and I have both been in the same boat. Our wives targets of Todd Fucken Manson."

I exhaled in frustration.

"How does he do it?" I asked truly perplexed. "He seduced my mother in law, my wife...I bet other wives. And whatever he did with yours."

Jake nodded with an understanding look.

"There have been others. He specializes in the act of wife seduction. I guess he gets his rocks off doing another man's woman."

"Jake, you at least think she didn't. But I know. I saw him fucking LeeAnn. My wife. I don't know how to get past that. Every time I see her, I see her tied to the bed, all high on ecstasy as he banged her, and she was moaning." He let me talk with a sympathetic gaze on his face. "Yes, she was drugged, but before that, she took him to our place herself. They had drinks and then he drugged her. It's the only thing I believe about that day. She is not into drugs at all."

"What about your children Garry," Jake asked. "What happens to them."

"I know I should try to keep the family together. But I don't know how to get past this. I mean if I take her back, she will think I'm a pushover and just do it again."

"True. But you haven't answered me about the kids. You and her have children. Just like me and Laila. If you divorce her. You are divorcing your children Garry. Pure and simple."

"My children. What do you mean?"

He looked at me just then like I had asked the dumbest question in the world.

"OK, yeah, I guess. But I'll get visitation..."

He gave me another look. I knew the look. I got it from my father a lot. It was the "are you that stupid?" look.

"I hear your wife is a very pretty, no...the word was stunning, woman. Yes, that's how men described her. And I bet they all can't wait for you to divorce her so they can move into your house and your bedroom."

He stopped to let that sink in.

"She is feeling guilty at the moment, but after you toss her to the curb, she will eventually accept it and move on with her life. There will be dates and sex with these men. Eventually they will be in what used to be your house around your children. That's right Garry...I see you finally get it. Strange men around your kids. And they will be fucking your wife. Sorry that I had to go there, but that's what you need to hear."

"I am so angry at her," I said knowing that he was right and that I had to think of the kids instead of just my ego and pride. "How do I get past that?"

"I'll tell you this," Jake said. "No matter what you do, you have to face facts and ask yourself. Why was she receptive to him?"

"What do you mean?"

"OK," he replied leaning closer. "In my case, I was away for months. She was alone and horny. But it was more than that. She was lonely. Even being ex-military herself, she was not prepared for the long separation from the man she loved. And in a moment of weakness, Todd Fucken Manson moved into fill the void.

"I have done some research on him since I went to work at Back-Order and found him working there after he left Delta and the service. While he dates single women from time to time, he has a thing for married women. And he knows how to manipulate them. He finds out as much as he can about their life and marriage so when he makes contact, he knows if she is neglected or if she and her husband are having problems."

I sat there listening in fascination never having heard of any man who would do what Manson did. Why waste time on married women when there were so many single women around I thought.

"Once he makes contact, he asks them about their life and listens," he said and stopped to let that sink in.

"That's it? He... listens?" I asked a bit confused. "How does... Jake, I don't understand how he goes from listening to... you know."

"Garry, no offense, but you don't know much about women do you?"

I kind of took offense but then I realized that my wife I thought was faithful was not and she told me I was neglecting her. Maybe I did know shit about women. Or that I didn't know shit about women.

"It would appear so," I replied sitting back defeated.

"Don't feel so bad," Jake said. "There's no manual on it and it keeps changing with each generation. Hell, my parents sure made a mess of their marriage. They are divorced. Their story will curl your straight hair. But that's for another time."

"My mom cheated on my dad and he kicked her out. Then after this happened with LeeAnn he told me he wished he hadn't. It floored me to hear him say it."

"Garry, you don't want to live your life full of regrets. You are at a tipping point in your life. Don't let a practiced marriage wrecker like Todd Fucken Manson ruin your family. That piece of shit has done this time and time again. If someone doesn't kill him over it, he will keep doing it until he is too old to get it up. He manipulated your wife. Can't you see that?"

"She said I didn't pay attention to her," I heard myself confess. "I do work a lot. Maybe...I...but hell Jake. Did she have to cheat?"

"Garry, let's review. He got her drunk and then drugged. What may have started as just a bit of harmless I want some attention thing on her part led to him date raping her. Do you get that? Oh...and one more thing."

I looked up. My mind already reeling from all this.

"Garry, at least you know what happened. There are no surprises. He sweet talked her into being alone with her and then took advantage. Once she was drugged, you can't blame her for what he did. But I..." he said trailing off.

I saw a flash of pain in his face.

"I Garry, will never really know what happened that day Todd Fucken Manson went to my and Leila's place and she let him in. She says and he says that she stopped it by waving a knife at him. I have since talked to the neighbors who kind of confirm it. But they were not in there. No one was but Leila and Manson. I will never know exactly what happened.

"Leila has been nothing but loving and attentive ever since. But I will always wonder. Because I was not there. And Manson, that bastard left an unexploded grenade in my head. It was the last part of our conversation when I told him I would find out one way or another if he lied about him and Leila doing nothing.

"I told you what happened," he replied but I didn't speak to him again. "She didn't do anything..."

Then he turned to me with a smirk.

"But she eventually would have, and you know it Jake. If not me, with someone else. She ran away to her mommy and daddy, but she ran because she knew she was close to giving in. They all give in eventually Jake. The good looking ones anyway. They are used to the attention and crave it."

"Its true Garry. We married beautiful women. They have been getting men's attention since they blossomed into womanhood in their teens. They are used to attention. It comes their way everywhere they go. Then they met and married us. Do you think attention from other men stopped? You know it didn't. But maybe, just maybe attention from you stopped."

He was right. I didn't want him to be, but he was right. LeeAnn had told me so. And worse of all, I should have known.

"Look Garry, Manson is not the only guy like that. There are many Mansons out there. Not as practiced as him but they are sniffing around our wives and other people's wives. They are so practiced at it that they can smell a woman who feels neglected or unfulfilled. And as he said, sooner or later they eventually crave the attention. The question is will you be giving it to her or let someone else do it. Because that is your option Garry. Do you still love LeeAnn? Do you still want her in your life? Can you get past this and take her back? And ask yourself this. If you don't. Do you want to be like your dad so many years later wondering what might have been?"

I shook my head no. But I still have doubts and was still angry at how my life had turned out.

"I think I took too much of your time Garry," Jake said and stood offering his hand which I took gladly.

"Thanks Jake," I said honestly. "You have given me a lot to think about."

"One thing more," he said with a grin as I sighed.

My mind was overloaded with things to figure out.

"I told Leila I was going to visit Jenny when I was down here," he said. "Don't worry Garry. I'm not going to hook up with your sister. What she and I had was over long ago. I'm just going to say hello and catch up. But I am going to take her to dinner and ask your dad to tag along with his wife. But I am not going to tell Leila they were there. If she raises a stink I might. But I want her to stew and get a dose of what I have had to live with for the last three years."

"That's diabolical Jake," I said. "I wish I could get back at LeeAnn somehow. Let her see what she did to me and see how it feels."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Jake said with a smile and walked out.

Just then, I had an idea.


The deal

I pulled up to Sheila's home. Her truck and LeeAnn's SUV were both there.

'Oh well,' I thought. 'Might as well get on with it.'

Sheila was dressed in a white sundress with red roses in the pattern. She was bending over the oven getting chocolate chip cookies out. That woman could cook as good as she looked. Damn if she and her daughter were not the best looking women this side of the Mississippi. My wife LeeAnn a younger version of her gorgeous moma. I had dreams of that moma since the day I met her. But then what red blooded American male doesn't have dreams about their hot mother in law.

Ah...assuming you have a hot mother in law. Which I do. For now that is. LeeAnn may decide the price of us getting back together is too high for her to pay.

"Where's her ass Sheila," I asked going to the fridge for a beer.

"Gee Garry, help yourself to my beer why don't you?"

"Why not Sheila," I replied snidely. "After all we are... family."

"For now," she replied clearly not happy with me.

"You look great Sheila," I said as she stood.

Those red four inch heels and red belt on that dress sure made everything look good.

"She's upstairs getting ready," my possibly ex-mother in law said.

"Where's the kids?" I asked.

"Over at your dad's," she said. "You know you should worship that man. He loves you."

"He's never said it once in his life," I replied knowing it sounded childish as soon as I said it. My daddy would as soon as say I love you to his son as to vote democrat.

Democrats in our county had started the local Klan group and persecuted black people. Our family had been republicans and abolitionists as far back as the late 1850s. I better stop before I channel one of my daddy's lectures about the evils of socialism and the mainstream press. I mean he was right, but this is not a Fox Sunday with that Wallace feller. Who's a democrat...

"Hi Garry," she said, and my heart stopped.

LeeAnn wore a pleated jean mini skirt. Cowgirl boots. An off the shoulders white blouse that stopped enough to show her bare midriff. Her long hair was flowing, and her blue eyes sparkled. Damn if she didn't look better than the day we got married. She wasn't playing fair. But then the cheating slut deserved the grief I gave her after she let Todd Fucken Manson fuck her on our bed!

"Hi LeeAnn. You look nice."

"So do you Garry," she replied. "I'm ready to go."

In half an hour, we were sitting at the Blue Ranch steak house and grill in a reserve circular booth. I on one side, LeeAnn on the other and Sheila in the middle. We ordered our drinks and then our meal.

Watching the women get up and walk through the salad buffet in their sexy outfits was a treat. They were both sexy as hell. But I was only in love with one of them. And LeeAnn caught me staring at her when she walked back with her plate. She smiled back nervously as she sat down. I knew I was still in love with her, it was why all this hurt so much.

Sheila had already returned and was siting between us. She stayed quiet as she noticed the eye exchange my wife and I had. When we finished eating, we went to the bar and sat in a booth.

"I guess this is truth time?" LeeAnn asked.

Her mother placed her hand on her daughters for reassurance. Then I told her the terms of how I would take her back.

"Are you serious!" she said raising her voice and then settling down when some patrons looked our way. "Mother are you going to go through with this?"

Sheila looked at me for a second and then turned to her daughter.

"To see you and Garry get back together again and be a family, I would crawl naked on a tennis court covered in glass LeeAnn."

LeeAnn looked at her mother then at me and bit her lower lip in thought. I knew this was not easy on her. But it was the only way I could ever feel she and I were on even terms after what I had seen in our bedroom.

"And if we do this, you'll take me back? No divorce?"

"Oh, you and I still have some issues to resolve LeeAnn," I replied. "Like how you and I conduct our life and how we deal with each other. I think we may need some help with that. But I need you to see and feel how I felt that day when I found you and Todd Fucken Manson screwing on our bed."

She flinched at that.

"This solution," I said leaning to her," is just the beginning of you and I fixing our marriage. Our little ones deserve to be raised in a home with their moma and daddy. But more than that, I think you and I are not finished with each other are we?"

"Not by a long shot Garry Simms," she replied looking at me with those blue eyes. "I know I hurt you...hurt you bad. If I had walked in and found you doing that with some hussy I would be so mad and hurt. So I understand how hurt you must be."

"Actually LeeAnn," I said waving to the waitress and giving her my credit card and the bill. "You are about to find out."



We returned to the scene of the crime sort of speak. Our house. LeeAnn had not been there for some time. I think she was surprised that the place was clean. It wasn't hard since the kids were not there anymore.

Sheila smiled at her daughter.

"Do you still love him?" she asked.

LeeAnn nodded as her lips trembled right before a tear ran down her cheek.

"Right here in this room, you brought a man not your husband. You flirted with him to make yourself feel attractive and wanted thinking it would be harmless and such. Didn't you?"

"Yes Mama, I didn't think..."

"Right," Sheila interrupted her daughter. "You didn't want to think. You like all women before you, me included, wanted the high of a man paying attention to you. Making you feel attractive and wanted. I know that high all too well LeeAnn. I fell for it with him too. Only it wasn't me Todd wanted. It was you. He used me to get to you. Did you know that?"

LeeAnn was now truly perplexed.

"You see LeeAnn, I may be older, good looking single now and all that, but I am not different than other women. I love the attention and the thrill of being wooed by a man. A handsome man. Todd may be a shit, but he is charming and easy on the eyes. But once you get to know him LeeAnn, he is a snake no different than the devil in the garden of Eden.

"Todd didn't force you to come back here with him. He tempted you but didn't force you. Not at that point he didn't. No. You willingly brought him here to flirt and what? What did you think a man would want with you alone in her house with her husband off somewhere and the kids over at her mother's?"

LeeAnn was crying now.

"And what was it you told me you and him would be doing? Oh yes. You were going to show him the botanic gardens and the lake in the park. How appropriate. Eve cavorting with a snake in the garden. You lied to me and brought him here. In your home where your children and husband live. Then you let him drink your man's best liquor. A bottle he was saving for a special occasion."

Sheila stopped for a second and turned her back to me.

"Garry, please unzip my dress," she commanded me still looking at her daughter. "You sat in this room with another man and shared your husband's drink with him. That he drugged you after means little in the end as far as I am concerned LeeAnn. You were cheating the minute you came here with him and sat in that couch twirling your hair as he flirted and seduced you."

Sheila stepped out of her sundress and stood in front of us in just a pair of panties and matching nude colored lace bra.

"All, this," she said to her daughter, "you brought on yourself. So you will watch as I take your husband and use him like Todd Fucken Manson used you. You will feel the pain of seeing your man with another woman. You will feel that jealousy and anger and disbelief. And then your husband and you will be even."

LeeAnn covered her mouth with her hand and leaned on the back of the couch she had begun her infidelity on. She tried to stifle a sob and somehow managed to get herself together again.

"You may hate me after this LeeAnn," Sheila said to her with a stern yet caring voice. "I was never a good mother for you. I was a bad example. The village hussy. I got pregnant by your father and married him too young. Then I cheated on him and he cheated on me and we made a sport of hurting each other. And you got to see all the arguments and probably more. Then you started going wild. I should have put a stop to it. Put you over my knee and spanked some sense or fear of Gawd into you.

"But I felt guilty for what I had been doing and let you be. And look where that has gotten us. So I will do this today knowing you may never speak to me again. But if this is the last thing I do for you, so be it. Now take those clothes off and sit your ass down on that chair."

I wondered why Sheila wanted her daughter to be in just her bra and panties to watch what was to come. But she had her reasons and I went along with it. Seeing my wife and mother in law near naked in the same room is something few men in the world have ever been witness to. I sure was not going to stop that from happening.

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