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You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 15


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I wasn't sure what to do. I was enjoying the moment. Didn't want to startle her by saying something. Suddenly, as if sensing my presence, she looked over, smiled the 'Kathy smile', and was in my arms in a second.

"I didn't hear you drive up; but all of a sudden I could 'feel' you... I knew you were here. How long have you been watching me?"

"A few minutes. It was lovely to watch you. To see you. I could get used to seeing you like this."

"So, is that your plan," ginning, "keeping me home, barefoot and pregnant?" her eyes sparkling.

I couldn't help but not smile back, as I chuckled.

"Hadn't thought of it that way; but, now that you mention it...."

That got me a grin and a playful kiss on the cheek, before she went back to her simmering sauce.


As we sat down to a wonderful spaghetti dinner, I commented that it looked like she had been busy during the day. That the hanging baskets and flowers looked really nice. She beamed and said she thought the outside needed some color.

A week later we found a note in our mailbox from the land owners that said they were happy to see us planting flowers and making the house a home for us. That everything looked really good, and were glad that we were the renters.

We started to plan for Valerie's visit. What we were going to do. What meals. I suggested easy and simple. I also wanted one meal to be special. Maybe the Saturday before she was heading back. Kathy thought that was a good idea. She said she would hit the grocery store Thursday morning before Valerie arrived.


The guys and I had our usual lunch on Thursday. Everyone talked about their plans for the 4th weekend. Some were having backyard bar-b-ques. Some were hitting a carnival and evening fireworks. When they asked me what we had planned, I explained that Kathy and I were having a friend from school visiting us. That she should be arriving any time.

They all looked at me, with a bewildered look.

"She?" Dale asked.

"Yep. She."

"You're going to spend the weekend with two women?" Ken asked.

I could see where their thoughts, and minds, were going so I played along.

"Yep. Two beautiful and sexy women. Actually, her name is Valerie. And Valerie is staying through the weekend and all of next week. I'll make sure that Kathy and Valerie meet us here for lunch the first part of next week so I can make the introductions."

I went on to give a very brief history of where, and how, everything came to be. By the time I finished, they were intrigued. I went on to say that we had planned on hitting the 4th festival in the next town over and then staying for the fireworks.

Dale asked what Kathy and Valerie would be doing during the week, while I was working. I looked at all of them, smiled, and said, "Well. There is a secluded pond with a raft a ways behind the house."

I just let that image sink in and fuel their imaginations, as it was time to return to work; however, that image stayed with me the rest of the day.

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GoMikeyGoMikeyover 3 years ago

Don't change anything I love how you pace your stories. Building the characters keeping them real. it's what keeps me reading. THANK YOU for a great 2nd series, I've loved both !

32aa32aaover 3 years agoAuthor

There is some slow growing and development on Valerie's side that must happen first. Her ex-fiancee hurt her and put a lot of doubt in her about herself.

Trust me.

32aa32aaover 3 years agoAuthor

Patience. that is a ways down the story.

BruceWoBruceWoover 3 years ago

So much foreplay with Valerie but do little action. Finding it a little disappointing. A bait and switch. Look forward to you proving me wrong. Look forward to the wait being worth it.

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