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All Comments on 'The Writing of RolloJTomasi'

by EmilyMiller

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DevinterDevinter6 months ago

RolloJTomasi, revealed at last. The results turned out much like I had predicted, but I still greatly enjoyed reading this scientific breakdown of all of the little facets that came into play. A wonderful analysis. I sincerely hope that this will eliminate any shroud of doubt that you may have had when it comes to your writing abilities. Your passion has always been crystal clear.

dmallorddmallord6 months ago

I'm sorry. I started reading this article, then found myself skimming and finally skipping to the bottom. Out of fairness, I didn't score this. It's not a subject of particular fascination.

I stick with one 'label' for posting stories. Why hide behind other masks? I don't care who wants to read them or declare 'war' on them if they are out to lower scores.

I use Excel to collect data, but not to this depth—too much tribulation.

rocketskaterocketskate6 months ago

This is q really interesting read and also an interesting theory and one in fully behind. Thank you for putting in a super amount of effort with the stats etc.

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi6 months ago

Interesting. As for the sweeps... I'm terrible at keeping score with all the stats, but I definitely have noticed that a couple of times, my star rating has decreased along with the number of votes. It seems that a sweep not only wipes away malicious votes, but can wipe out benevolent votes as well. However these "fraudulent" votes are determined, it appears to go both ways.

ElectricBlueElectricBlue6 months ago

I think your two data sets are too unalike and too small for such a comparison to be meaningful. I don't think you're comparing apples and apples in terms of your story content - very different categories - and your overall View and therefore Vote numbers are too low to read much into the differences/similarities.

If you had kept the experiment going for over a year, AND published a similar number of stories under both Account names, in the same categories, conclusions could be drawn, but I'm not convinced this dataset tells you much, except that your productivity is quite remarkable!

I reckon you should concentrate on writing stories, and de-couple your AH persona from your abilities as a writer - I get the sense that you're clouding your own judgement.

You should let the stories stand on their own, regardless of the Alt on the cover.

StillStunnedStillStunned6 months ago

Interesting experiment and, if you don't mind the word, ballsy.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- thanks - as I say multiple times, it’s far from robust, but yeah, it helped. 😊 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I guess you skipped the why - and this is not an ongoing thing 😊 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- the stats were easy and basic - writing the stories took some effort 😊 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- ratings can go down post-sweep if you have another type of fan club, one who gives you multiple 5s for the same work. Sweeps get rid of suspicious votes regardless of value. Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I lost count of how many times o stated that the results are not robust. I use stats professionally and i understand how they work. But two things: people make all sorts of assertions here based on zero data and 100% opinion, here i at least try to be more dispassionate. Also, I disagree totally that there is no value in comparing the datasets - I critique my approach and lay out the issues with it - but in the real world, partial data is often all you have to go on. It’s not unreasonable to draw tentative conclusions from this, so long as you state the uncertainty. I am entirely happy to state that the analysis fails to support the second hypothesis. It doesn’t refute it, but it casts very substantial doubt on its veracity.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

Just thought I’d add that the weighted and unweighted average ratings for the RJT stories were 4.70 just before posting this article. So the current gap is bigger than the one I cite (the comparable figures were 4.67 - 4.68 when I harvested the data).

Djmac1031Djmac10316 months ago

I rated this 5 just to counter your "fan club" 😉

I think the idea that your stories are only supported by men who fantasize about fucking you is preposterous.

Sounds like whoever pitched that to you is pretty insecure about themselves and their own writings.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- thanks, hun 😊 Emily

DDH3269DDH32696 months ago

Thank you. Personally, I prefer female authors writing in the first person. Can’t say I imagine fucking them, but I may start., The personal perspective is preferred. I would have agreed with your hypotheses. I actually have had marked RJT as a favorite. I will now follow his/her true self. Thank you again.

djripdjrip6 months ago

I had no idea this account existed! Well the most significant statistical thing that jumps out at me is RJT has 11 stories and 10 are chapters in a series. Series chapter tend to skew high rating and low view, as readership skews toward the dedicated ones who keep reading later chapters. So I'd expect a higher average on RJT due primarily to that if other factors were equal. Of course the 'only get good feedback due to attraction ' but was bs and I'm glad this exercise reinforces that to you. I'll have to check them out...

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- oh, hun, I mention “ I had no idea this account existed! Well the most significant statistical thing that jumps out at me is RJT has 11 stories and 10 are chapters in a series. Series chapter tend to skew high rating and low view, as readership skews toward the dedicated ones who keep reading later chapters.” in the text. 9 of the 11 EM stories were also either chapters or part of a series. I don’t think this area skews things at all. Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- thanks I don’t mind people fantasizing about fucking my characters, just me. It’s kinda hard to maintain any detachment when a fictionalized version of me is sometimes my FMC. Emily

djripdjrip6 months ago

Good point, all 10 in a row from one chapter series stood out to me but most of the others were part of various series in various ways. This seems like a fun thing to do and I'm looking forward to checking them out.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I tried to be a doubting Tomasi with my article 😊 Emily

NikkiAdams5556NikkiAdams55566 months ago

I laughed at the authors name as i thought of the movie it came from....i thought....thats a funny person. I'm not an author and had no real knowledge of the rating systems and how they work, i read a story and if i like it i vote, sometimes i will make a comment, but without a writers background i usually have nothing positive to add, just that i liked the story. but i hope you lovely people keep writing stories

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I’ll do my best, but back as me, or a reasonable facsimile of me anyway 😊 Emily

nerdboy1000nerdboy10006 months ago

I think the category may be more important than it looks initially.

My profile matches RJT, except for not posting in forums.

All but two of my stories have less votes than any of RJTs. Even with higher views.

Maybe I am not as good a writer as you/RJT is, but I have also never published in Novels/Novellas.


posthyntonposthynton6 months ago

Hi, an interesting and unusual read. In some ways a bit disturbing, even if only the characters are the objects in question. The separation of writing and reading surely should remain healthy in what is after all fiction. The crafting of erotica is a difficult thing to perform well, the writing of short stories more notoriously so. I enjoy reading this type of work as much as any classical literature, but for it's name sake, to think there is an unhealthy sub culture being targeted would be bothersome, rather like the ridiculous description of women on porn sites.

I am glad you write with fun and intelligence.

moveablefeast66moveablefeast666 months ago

Thank you for sharing. I'm relatively new to posting stories to the site myself. My observations of reading, voting, and commentary behavior (including, it seems, a nascent "fan club") has been all over the map--encouraging yet sometimes painful or even cringeworthy. Like you, I come from a background where I want to dive into the data and I've done some similar analysis (napkin backed) that what you've done here.

One thing I found interesting was to look at the voting rate: the percentage of viewers who voted (votes / views). In general, my best/most successful stories (from an author-satisfaction point of view, not viewership or score necessarily) tend to have higher voting rates. On average, I hover a little under 1% early, with the voting rate declining as stories age, so variations "stick out".

Anyway, good food for thought. I think the experiment was worthwhile. 5-stars ;-)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I'm a fan of anyone who gets the Rollo Tomasi thing! I've never really paid attention to scores of stories. For laughs I reviewed the 72 stories I have saved as favorites and of those:

17 had a rating above 4.5 (Hot)

17 had a rating below 4.0

5 had no score (a couple of my favorite authors don't allow scoring or comments)

In the LW section of Lit I believe that female authors who present stories from the POV of the female and/or in anyway don't have the cheating wife punished are heavily "taxed" in their scores.

I never really was aware of a "fan club" thing or "Alts" but, I guess it might make sense. There are a couple of writers I used to try to read because their stories had very high scores, but the stories were awful! I don't mean subject matter, just written poorly. I noticed a trend that there were the same glowing comments being posted shortly after the story was posted. It was always the same commenters and the language extolling the virtues of the stories was the same. So I guess it's true?

At any rate thanks for the information.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

To do a better comparison, you should have created two new accounts and given them equal treatment. Give each account a similar set of stories and post them on roughly the same schedule (although not in the same order). Include multiple categories, but make sure each account has the same number of stories in each category.

As you explained above, there are just two many differences between these two accounts to produce viable results.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I adjusted for category, based on actual data, not opinions, provided by 8letters. Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- thank you for the comment - I didn’t follow it all I’m afraid. Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- thank you. It might be nice to make data collection / analysis a little easier 😊 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- starting “I'm a fan of anyone” - thanks for the comment, Lit is a weird place in many ways, with lots of things going on 😊 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- starting “To do a better comparison” - I guess I wasn’t clear enough about what I was trying to achieve and what I wasn’t. Please feel free to do your own follow-up research, I’d be interested in your findings. Emily

nerdboy1000nerdboy10006 months ago

Emily - you adjusted for total ratings based on data from 8letters. not total number of votes.

You also say that the larger number of votes for RJT may be due to category, but your don’t know enough about the category to be sure.

I am adding data to this , and suggesting that the category may be a larger contributor than your initial analysis suggests.

Again, 🤷‍♂️.

No negative tone on this or my other message intended. Just speculation.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- the total number of votes was comparable, which I point out. Votes per views was higher for N&N, but why would that be pertinent if I’ve already adjusted for the average rating by category? Asking for a friend. Emily

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I don't care what you may feel about ratings, good or bad, how they may be slanted, or how some troll may dump on you. I only care about story content, and wicked hot monkey sex of course, and how I view it. And I viewed While There Is Hope as out-fucking-standing!

I go to erotica sites, this and a couple others, to read erotica. But I do detest stroke stories. Seeing how many times one can cram fuck, cock, cunt, jizz, pussy, dick, cum, and slit into one paragraph does not constitute a story, and shows the author is likely dumb as hell, and likely an incel. There should be a well written story with said wicked hot monkey sex inserted.

Occasionally, there is a story, that while having the hot sex, grabs more attention with the story than the hot sex. Hope was one such story. In fact I somehow missed the final chapter, wondered when Rollo would release it, saw this article by you explaining you are one and the same, and now I must rush to finish the story I've been jonesing for.

So tell your alter ego I said hi, good job, and I'll see one or both of you down the road. 5/5 stars.

Dewey Cheatham

nerdboy1000nerdboy10006 months ago

Emily - as I said, 🤷‍♂️

inka2222inka22226 months ago

I'm not sure if it's relevant, but in my experience Novels section **in general** is super highly rated. I'm used to LW being 4.3 average on a good day even for stories I like, and it takes being someone like NTH to consistently get much better ratings. I don't read too many N&N stuff, but any that I run into when I search for things with that may interest me, routinely seem to average 4.6-4.8 without fail. I have no idea if that is reflective of N&N on average, or just the rare examples I run across. Or maybe simply a consequence of N&N attracting better quality writers who don't just do simple stroke stories. Or something ese.

Another complexity with this comparison is that Angels series is a bit... niche? Not sure if that's the right term. I know I skipped some of them because I simply don't enjoy reading supernatural stuff most of the time.

Also, may of Emily account stories I recall were... well, kind of designed to not be highly rated. Pessimistic. Heavy topics. Fetish of some kind. That's not a criticism, but it is an objective fact that people tend to react better to optimistic fuckfests/pure romance, ratings wise.

I think to do a more balanced comparison (assuming you'd even remotely cared to put in EVEN MORE effort :) you would need to literally post identical type stories consistently into identical categories. 2-3 LW stories (OK I know not your particular niche :) each, 2-3 Romance, 2-3 Incest or Fetish.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- starting “I don’t care” - thank you so much for saying 🙏🙏🙏 Emily

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller6 months agoAuthor

- I adjusted both my 11 EmilyMiller and 11 RJT stories by using the average score for the category of each story care of Novels & Novellas does have higher scores (so does Sci-Fi & Fantasy by the way) but I took this into account in my analysis. Emily

snornsnorn4 months ago

… nerd! I love it. I especially like the subtle dig at people’s projections too, haha. 😻

Good stuff.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller4 months agoAuthor

- thank you for favoriting so many of my stories 😊 Emily

Campus77Campus773 months ago

I have read many of your stories and never once thought about fucking you. I have given all of them a five star rating because I enjoyed each one. That is why I follow you. I think the rating system is a bogus way to measure the success of an author. The comments are more demonstrable of the readers thoughts. Eliminate the trolls and see if the favorable out number the unfavorable. The trolls are easy to figure out. I do think that female authors do have an advantage. They tend to be more realistic in their writings than most males. Thank you for making my day brighter each time I read an EM story.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller3 months agoAuthor

- thank you, that’s encouraging 😊 Emily

VanillawhyVanillawhy26 days ago

I read this because I have a particular fascination with women writers. As one commenter mentioned I love stories written by women in the first person. I intentionally look for women authors. I occasionally will read a male author and find it does not seem right. When a story is written by someone whose gender is not specified I often feel I can tell whether it is a male or a female. Men and women can both write well and that is part of a highly rated good story. The erotica part of a story is the other part. I have read well written stories that I enjoyed even though the erotica wasn't entirely there and they had a high rating. I have also read highly erotic stories and thought if only this author could write and still there was a high rating because the erotica was so good. I really appreciate your essay. I read essays often to get to the psychology of the whole Literotica thing.


EmilyMillerEmilyMiller26 days agoAuthor

- thank you for the detailed comment 😊 Emily

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