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All Comments on 'Who is the Writer, SusanJillParker?'

by SusanJillParker

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GayleMomGayleMomabout 12 years ago
Love getting to know an author!

Thanks for sharing your life in this post. I have looked through some of the other names under which you've written, but I honestly can't say I've read them. I will now.

youngfartyoungfartabout 12 years ago

I will read some of your stories to see whether they live up to the rave reviews you have just given them. I think they might, because your narrative-form CV is well written and appears to be the work of someone who takes her craft seriously. You do need to get a day job, though, if only to keep you in food and under shelter while you continue your prolific writing. Seriously.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyabout 12 years ago
I've already voted

a "5" because you asked and because I found no grammatical errors in your effort. (I do need a reason for a vote of 5.) You never did explain why you have used so many pseudonyms. You never do address the main question so many writers write. When I was young (I am in my late 70's now) there existed thousands (literally) of outlets for writers....outlets a writer could hope would accept a submission and for which a check would ensue. I will NEVER read or recommend a book by your favorite mystery novel author Parker----I have to imagine he took the job of teaching (which he apparently doesn't work at) just to guarantee himself a check (a University check is a surer means of recompense than is a book written on spec. Someone serious about teaching the art of writing could have done the job....obviously many writers need that monthly check much more than Parker does.

I was going to tell you that your essay wasn't focused enough, but then I read my own comment and decided I had better not.

SusanJillParkerSusanJillParkerabout 12 years agoAuthor
In answer to you question

Why do I write under so many different names? Actually, why must I write under so many diffrerent names?

I'm a woman writing dirty stories, I mean, erotic literature on a porn site, I mean a creative story site. I have stalkers and bashers, who followed my every story. One stalker found my Facebook page and posted personal information about me. I had to close my Facebook page.

Secondly, some writers on this site don't like and/or are jealous of a writer, who is so prolific.

Why don't I publish? It's difficult to publish fiction other than E-books and presently E-books are not controlled. I've already published two E-books in 2007. The publisher could not accurately account for the royalties he paid me. I suspected that he was earning much more money that I was. Now that there's a new breed of E-book publisher and now that erotic literature is more embraced by the masses, I may try E-book publishing again.

Thank you for taking the time to read, vote, and/or make a comment on my essay.


ipmwebipmwebabout 12 years ago
Nice to meet you

It was interesting to meet and learn about your life as a person and writer. Keep writing as I have read many of your stories under your different pen names and enjoyed them all. Best wishes

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantabout 12 years ago
Preaching to the choir, I'm afraid

It would be great if (1) there were more comments, and (2) those comments were constructive.

I (usually) try. It is just that so much of what is posted here violates almost every rule of short story writing, By "rule" I don't mean some formula that CANNOT be ignored, but just guidelines which the author needs a reason to ignore (laziness is not a reason)

I think this essay was absolutely first rate. I've downloaded it on to my desktop. I will now go off and try to find some of your stories; I remember (vaguely) BostonFictionWriter but none of the others. In any case, thank you for a splendid essay

x_JohnDoe_xx_JohnDoe_xabout 12 years ago
Okay well,

It's nice to meet the 'real' you, or is it? whatever the case you are correct that you are one of if not the best and most prolific writers on this site, and yes you have scored highly in contests in under all your usernames, and righgtly so, I can only admire your persistence and the time you dedicate to your craft.

As for the point about voting? and the comments on stories? You might be aware but this site is split into several groups of readers and writers if you are in one group it is unlikely you will be in any other groups. So groups of readers vote a story down or rate it highly depending on what group they are in, your stories I am sure will go across the board and appeal or not to almost every group on this site.

Personally I have always enjoyed your stories, you don't take your stories too seriously( at least I don't think so) and you frequently poke gentle fun at yourself, and many other writers and readers, which by itself can be fun.

I can never quite do that, but then most readers think I don't have a sense of humour:) (Sigh)

Anyway thank you for introducing yourself to us and please continue writing for as long as you can type. :)

Best regards


Johnny UboatJohnny Uboatabout 12 years ago
Nice to Meet You

Great comments about your writing process and it sounds as if, bar the last year or so, you have led an interesting life. I agree that writers should write so that the reader want to continue reading to find out about the characters and hence complete the story. You have done this repeatedly. I take your comments concerning feedback to heart and promise to increase my frequency.

brujaybrujayabout 12 years ago
Thank you!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about writing. As a reader, not a writer, I was surprised as to the number of nom de plume you have written under. Most impressive.

Let me say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your stories that I have read. I now need to go back and read more of them. You are indeed a prolific writer who gives us a quality story worth our time to read and enjoy. Please keep doing so if it continues to bring your pleasure as well.

As far as comments and feedback are concerned, let’s just say that the overwhelming majority of them are less than worthless. Most are truly insulting diatribes of garbage spewing forth like a freshly opening bottle of champagne. I’ve been told that each author has the right to remove offensive comments, but that hardly seems to happen on this site. This is too bad because these poisonous comments really detracts from the quality of the LIT experience.

I always try to vote unless I don’t finish the story. But I only leave comments if something really moves me, be it something positive or negative about the story. I’m not qualified to critique grammar or punctuation, but I will comment on characters, plots and sidebars.

If the authors on this site would just ban the ANNON comments and delete the remaining personal attack comments, the reading experience here would be a whole lot more enjoyable.

Thank you, again and please keep writing.

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50about 12 years ago
Thanks for the story

and of course the introduction to you and your work. I have resisted the urge to share my stories but with recent events in my life I am losing that option. I have read many of your works and I see I need to read more. Thank you again

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 12 years ago
Anyone who writes anything on literotica with 'mommy' in the title can fuck off.

I also can't stand boasters.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 12 years ago
Hello Ms. Susan Jill Parker, I'm a long time fan of your work

I've been a fan of the writers; BostonFictionWriter, WmForrester and SuperHero Ralph and of course now Susan Jill Parker.

I'm totally amazed that you wrote under the name of BosonFicionWriter, in which firstly I thought was a man, but also how prolific of a writer BFW was, and how it just seemed to be written by a male.

Some of my favorite stories are from Bostonfictionwriter, which I have left many comments.

In my thinking, I leave a comment if I like the story, and can give the author a pat on the back, telling the author of how I like their work, but I think if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

I will say that I have left a few negative comments out of the over 5000 comments I have left, but they were constructive in nature and never negative towards the author, because if it wasn't for the authors, we readers wouldn't have anything to read.

As for SuperHero Ralph which is your dog if I remember correctly, and Wm Forrester, I have read quite a few stories from those screen names and enjoyed the work, and left comments, and personal e-mails, all of which were in praise of the work.

I wasn't aware of the Susquehanna River flood, and am sorry about all of the trouble in that area, and all of the grief that you have gone through. Most of us live in such a tight little world we aren't aware of the trouble around us.

I do believe that we should take care of the people in our own country before we give billions of dollars to people in other countries who would slit our throats in a heart beat.

Anytime I see the screen name Susan Jill Parker which is what I saw on this bit of work, I have to stop and read the written word, because you have a way of putting in written words of how you feel better than most.

Take care Susan Jill Parker, and I hope that you will make a fortune doing what you love to do and writing in the genre that pleases you.

Always a fan;


mike2710mike2710about 12 years ago
Thank you

Wishing you well and happier times.

I do not read all of your stories but have read several under your other names.

Thank you for the entertainment you provide.

Mike from Texas.

StryWrter7StryWrter7about 12 years ago
Very good info

As a 'writer' I have stepped away from writing because my stories didn't get the votes or comments I sought. I did enjoy watching a few of my stories stay #1 for an extended time. But I too am guilty of not voting for stories as I read them - I figure if I didn't find them worthy enough of a 4 or 5 then as the old adage goes - "if you've not got anything nice to say - then don't say anything at all" - so with that in mind, I wouldn't leave a comment or a vote if I found fault with them or didn't like them.

There is so many things I would love to comment on from this - I am going to have to wait and do it by email if you so choose to continue a dialog. But I did chuckle when you gave your 'stats' and birthday (My Dad and my daughter are both July 26th also), as lots of "fans" want to own a piece of you when they click with the story.

I might add one book/movie that went hand in hand with one another - "The Killer Angels" and 4 hour movie "Gettysburg" -- check it out !

Den222Den222about 12 years ago
Just Great

Thank You Susan,

You are in my favourites for just the reason you outlined above. Just for the record, all favourites get a 5, sometimes a 4 and I vote 99.99% of the time. If it is crap after 5mins read than I hit BS and will not vote. I enjoy reading, well written intersting balanced writings, regardles of mistakes in spelling, grammer etc. I feel if a person has the backbone to submit anything, than I respect each persons choice.To read someones story and rubbish the crap out of it, is a gutless act, worse still to be anon. If I do'nt like something, than I will not read it and just move on.So keep up the great work, as there are some out here who enjoy and respect your and others creation. Your a gem and a shinning light. Thank You. D

BenLongBenLongabout 12 years ago
Nice bio

I'm one of those that corresponded with you from back in the BFW and VW days. When you finally confessed to me that you were a woman, I thought you were pulling my leg, not truly believing it for the longest time.. Oh, but could I write from a woman's perspective as well as you write from a man's. You have a distinctive style, even if you hadn't told me each time your new pen name, I think I would have known it was you after reading the stories.


tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 12 years ago

Susan: (If that is really you!) Some comments on your writing. First, I haven't read everything but I remember BFW the most. I quit reading BFW stories because there was a sameness to them after a while; naturally, I suppose. You needed an editor, I think. There was a looseness in the narrative, not sloppy but loose, almost flippant at times. An editor could tighten that up. Story lines were usually good. The life story you have related is compelling and I wish you every success. Red.

rodavrodavabout 12 years ago
Nice bio

Nice bio Susan, I voted on your story I read. and we corresponded a bit specially when you were in Harrisberg and need some help.

Hope you remember me.


RossDanielsRossDanielsabout 12 years ago
Pleasure to meet you

Thanks for introducing yourself to your readers. I think it's always fascinating to meet the person behind the words--especially such well-crafted words. I haven't read many of your stories, but I've definitely enjoyed the ones I have. And I do plan to read more. As an author myself, I'd like to second your sentiments about votes and comments. I've never understood why so many readers won't take the extra five seconds to at least vote. Feedback is so vital to writers. Just so you know that I practice what you preach, I'm currently #29 on the list of people who have left the most comments. I figure it's the least I can do to "pay" for the many hours of pleasure I've received from this site.

OldGeekOldGeekabout 12 years ago
Pleased to "Meet" You...

I hope that you're doing better, now that it's May 2012. I was once homeless, for a loooong 3 weeks, so I have some idea of what you went through.

I've read some of your stuff, as SHR and BFW, and even voted on a few. I wasn't able to finish "Collecting" - just a little too close to home. Now that I've actually registered here on Lit, I'll even leave a comment once in a while. The comments I leave may get a little pointed, but I promise, they'll never be mean.

It sounds like you have R.A. Heinlein's disease - unless you get some words down, you feel vaguely uneasy, somehow not quite well. See "Grumbles From The Grave" for details.

Keep writing, and writing well. I'll be reading.... OG

Ashesh9Ashesh9about 12 years ago
Ms Susan,

Now perhaps when you reflect you may comprehend those technical or business writing courses might have helped you free lance during this horrid recession/ depression ! That would have helped finance your undoubted creative writing genius , helped you to look after Mother & perhaps help your brothers also ...... Because every talented lady writer is not going to have a JKRowling fairy tale ending to her saga ?!!

fleetusafleetusaabout 12 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for giving me a clue of where to read more of your wonderful stories.

GreenleafRGreenleafRabout 12 years ago
Thanks for the bio

I enjoyed your bio - anyone who likes Robert Parker Spencer novels is good with me. Sorry to hear he wasn't much of a teacher.

Surprisingly, I found a typo in your bio:

"Northeastern only required it's English majors" / sb its.

Best wishes.

EdwardMidwestonEdwardMidwestonabout 12 years ago

Nemesis has handed you some rough patches to get through, to be sure, but you've certainly had an interesting life thus far. The raw materials for many a good story are in there and I look forward to reading them.

BTW, I have always liked BostonFictionWriter's work, and somehow sensed that "he" is a "she."

toomuchinmyheadtoomuchinmyheadalmost 12 years ago
All right, here's my comment...

Wow, and I thought I wrote a lot. I started with your nude day entry, sorry, only a three from me, it felt repetitive and a little jumpy, and the sex was not hot (for me, anyway) Then I checked your profile and found this bio. Clearly, you've had an interesting life. I will have to go find some of your earlier work and take a look for myself.

Danno_61455Danno_61455almost 12 years ago

Like taking the podium before a crowd your willingness to stand and deliver your work here is a commendable thing. The write up concerning your back ground seems, ... well it came across as bragging and then after reading more entries I have to wonder if you would have been better served to say nothing,

OnlyJuan4OnlyJuan4almost 12 years ago
Removing the veil....

Thanks for letting us see what motivates and moves you. Your talent has been hidden too long. It must be liberating to have it -- and you -- out for the world to see.

max052max052almost 12 years ago
I'm not seeing any stars to vote with, is there another way to vote?

As for comments, there's an old adage, be careful what you ask for, you might get it. I must shamefully admit to (rarely) trashing out an authors work. I would suppose that the writings of an author reflect what is in his/her head. If I find the writing to be distasteful, would I not assume the writer is also distasteful? That is, can I judge the writer by his work? Or am I being unfair? Let me ask also, what emotions, if any, do you seek from your readers? Admiration, Respect, Love? Will you settle for anger, disgust, disdain? How will my comments make you a better writer? I'm sure you are already a better writer than I am. If I comment with "great story, you are a great writer!" what does that do for you? Or me, for that matter. I am of the opinion that writers write for different reasons, as readers read for different reasons. I read looking for something I could have written. If I wrote something it would be something I would like to read. Since I can't speak for the rest of your readers, I will speak only for myself. When I read a story, I put myself in the characters place. I ask myself "if I were in this situation, how would I react? What would I say?" Would I have empathy for this person? Or think they were a total a-hole. What would I do different? So how I react to a story depends on how comfortable I am in their place. Make me uncomfortable and you will see few stars and perhaps some unkind comments. All this being said, I do appreciate the great effort you put into your work, and I greatly admire your passion. I hope I have given you food for thought, feel free to get back to me with any questions or comments, and I hope this made more sense to you than it did to me. Then again it's a little after 4AM here and I really need some sleep. Wish you all the best and thank you for what you do.

Sincerely, max052

BigPopsBigPopsalmost 12 years ago
great background on you, Susan

While not understanding why you have chosen to write under so many author names, it makes me want to go and read under those other names.

I wish you good fortune in acquiring new employment.

Now knowing something about your own "wild side", it gives us an appreciation of your familiarity with the subject matter. Certainly, the quality of your writing is obvious.

Only one question - what was your ex thinking to let such a sexy lady slip from his life? Were I single, I'd get in line to compete with your other loyal readers for your charm and affection.


Baldeagle58Baldeagle58almost 12 years ago
Thank you, Susan

Hi Susan,

I've just taken the time to read your short biography, and find myself wishing that more Literotica authors would do the same.

I've still to read any of your stories under 'SusanJillParker', but have already marked you as a 'Favourite'. I will also now go and look for your other previous stories.

Thank you for letting us into your life like that. Keep up your writing.

CaringhubbyCaringhubbyalmost 12 years ago

My wife loves threesome stories mff. Do you have any. She will only read great stories with great writing. Caring hubby.

SFCRICHSFCRICHalmost 12 years ago

I was pleased to see you trying to make everyone understand why you write your stories. I am impressed with the education that you have and that you choose to write erotica. Do you write any other types of stories. Please continue to lead us through your erotic thoughts with your thought provoking stories.

mystique568mystique568almost 12 years ago

I have been to Northeastern several times, as some of my family graduated from there. Great to know that you developed your talent at the University. I find your stories easy to read as there is some intelligence and writing skill behind your stories. Many authors are bashed because they are not writers but only put down words on paper. Keep up the good work.

booth22booth22almost 12 years ago
Thank you.....

....for putting some context to your submissions. Slowly, I'm working my way through your material, and sensed it had the ring of reality. You're a gifted woman and writer, and appreciate you sharing a little about your life and motivation behind your stories. Pretty brave, and much appreciated.

TravengineerTravengineeralmost 12 years ago
Thank You

Thank you for your writing and your imagination.

KatsuyaJKatsuyaJalmost 12 years ago
I'm happy I read this

I am, I truly am, knowing the writer behind the stories I've been reading and got me interested this week, knowing you Susan a bit more. I'm glad and I'm still reading and will look at your past work with your other names. Seeing how hard it was (and still is) for you, not only to write, but also to live. It's a struggle we all try to endure and your experiences and what I know from you, and from many other people I've encountered show me how hard it has been for you to remain sane in this splendid world all of us humans are making dirty, sadly. But you're still in game, still strong, and I admire you for that very much. Don't give up Susan, people out there who know you even if it's just here will cheer you on. I'm sorry if my English isn't that good knowing you're a writer and a wonderful one at that. Count on my vote and know I have enjoyed every story I have read from you, and lastly I hope you read this comment girl :) always wish you the best and good luck.


RigatonyRigatonyalmost 12 years ago
Wordy to the end

ummm wow!!! I loved your life story. It was a nice treat to get to know you. Have faith things will get better, and we will keep you in our thoughts.

I must say though, once you got to the "leave comments and vote" section, it really seems to ramble on and on, almost nonesensically (spelling? <:o)) and for Me was quite a distraction.

Having said that, I'm thankful you gave us the insight to who SusanJillParker is, and I personally thank you for your endless contributions to our litterary pleasures.

Thanks so much, Tony

Funguy1102Funguy1102almost 12 years ago
Note from a skeptic

I just can't figure out why someone as talented as you would be homeless. And how did you maintain your writing while being homeless?

Points well taken on voting and comments but wordy.

TX1971TX1971almost 12 years ago
Thanks for the insight

Thanks for your well-thought out essay. I've been reading stories here for years and have rarely commented or voted. I will make an effort to change that!

ProfQ1955ProfQ1955almost 12 years ago
Well said

Thanks for writing this essay. It has moved me to act in a positive way.

CinnerCinneralmost 12 years ago
I agree

I agree with many of the points that you've made. I applaud the way in which you have been able to turn your pain into the fuel for the emotional content of your writing. I am a novice myself having written only short stories for my own amusement and for my friends until joining this year's Survivor Contest. I have said, in many places, that the going has been rough. Some of the comments that I have received have been unkind in the extreme and have left me feeling scarred by my efforts to be courageous. Other comments have been extremely supportive and so have kept me at this while some others have been helpful in polishing my craft even if they have had no fulsome praise to offer.

I thank you for putting these responses into perspective for me and for the persons who read stories here. I thank you for being courageous in saying the things that I have only thought because I was afraid of an even more negative backlash.

I wish you ALL the best in the Contest.


red_101aured_101aualmost 12 years ago
I really appreciate the insight

Hi, I have been an avid reader of this site for quite a while and enjoyed so many stories in that time. This was the first time I have actually thought to read your biography as it where and you really have opened my eyes to a few points.

Up til now I very rarely ever scored the writers and never actually left comments.

I now humbly apologise to you and the other writers for my lack of thought for them and all they do for us the reader.

I would also like to mention how much I have enjoyed your writings, to be honest with you I have never actually read a book in my life and even at school I never read the books for book reports, but I truely enjoy reading as many of the short stories as I can on this site and your writings in particular have spoken to me, the problem I always had with reading was not being able to visualise what I was reading..... you always seem to make this possible for me, I almost actually can see the characters faces as well as the surrounding settings ....

All I can say is well done I love what you do and please keep them coming


joeromansualistjoeromansualistalmost 12 years ago
Got It: And Answers Lead To Questions

Thanks for sharing such a personal biography. It's always fascinating to me to learn a writer's context, e.g. life events. So, thanks again.

You were crystal clear and persuasive on the subject of the reader's responsibility to provide feedback. So, I'm writing this. I can't for the life of me find the stars to record my vote, which would be five on a 5 point scale.

If I'm just obtuse, point me to the poll booth!

Consistent with my title, I have a bunch of questions. I'll craft those in a separate communication to you.

Well done! Thanks!

Joe Stubbs

tennesseeredtennesseeredalmost 12 years ago
Happy Birthday, Ms. Parker

You write well and sound like an interesting character. Many happy returns.

Just_Simply_MeJust_Simply_Mealmost 12 years ago
I'm somewhat in awe having just read this supposed biography!

This biography was very enlightening for me. I've noticed your pen name appearing very frequently over the last several months in the New pieces, though the genre has often not been in areas that have been of much interest to me, as I would check out some pieces superficially because you have been submitting a great many pieces in a very short time span. I also found your picture in your Biagraphy to be a woman that is most attractive and this I found a bit surprising. Having now read this biography and noted the various handles that you have used I'm amazed at the collection of work that you have submitted over a few short years, for if they are in anyway compared to the quality and depth of this piece, I will surely go back and review them all to see what may appeal to me.

I do wish you good fortune in your future ventures and hopefully you will find some gainful means to live a more comfortable life with more happiness and less suffering and pain, though the trials one experiences more often truly allow us to appreciate the good times more fully, sincerely, and completely while at the same time they allow us to show more compassion, humility and true appreciation to and for others less fortunate and recognize those among us who talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

May your future endeavours be rewarding, bringing you much recognition financially, spiritually, and emotionally. All the best to you and those you hold most dear!

dldavitodldavitoalmost 12 years ago
Happy Birthday to a wonderful Author

I have been enjoying your writing for months and just got around to reading your bio... Happy Birthday!

Your structure and flow, coupled with word choice and style make reading you a pleasure. I identify with your frustration of having little or no feedback from readers. I have touched on that theme in my story "The Job" - a freebie on B&N and Smashwords, 99c on Amazon Kindle.

Keep writing for a hundred more years.

DL Davito

mtnboymtnboyalmost 12 years ago
Happy Belated Birthday

I appreciate your writing style and most of the stories. Some of your stories I simply skip because the subject matter does not appeal to me but you have an amazing talent for character development and dialog that leads the reader to "be there". If this story is indeed factual you are one of the most prolific authors/writers on this site. When I read a story that I particularily like I always click of the author to see what else they have written and usually wind up reading all their work. I thank you for contributing many hours of free entertainment to this old man. By listing other names you have used, you have provided me many more hours of enjoyment in the very near future. Thanks. Keep up the good work.

jaydee69jaydee69almost 12 years ago

Really interesting background story. I really enjoy the way your stories have a slow build up, I'm not a fan of the MFL ( meet, fuck, leave ) stories. So nice to have a bit of seduction. Hope you are getting your life back on track and I look forward to reading many more of your stories.

AurigoIIAurigoIIalmost 12 years ago
So true

I just stumbled by chance upon you and this story. It is true: I also do not vote everytime I read a story. I fully appreciate the authors need for votes and especially comments. But please realize also that a comment is something perhaps difficult to write for someone who reads better than writing comments. I do this only with exceptional stories, that is exceptionally good AND exceptionally bad stories.

Having said that I will now embark on reading your stories for the first time and I promise to vote and even add a comment or two.

By the way: Having learnt so much about writing and being so prolific with words: Would it in your specific sitation not be possible to earn your living writing non-erotic stuff?

Finally pse excuse any faults in my English, as it is not my mother tongue (I'm German living in Germany)

jimburr35jimburr35almost 12 years ago
Your Bio

I really just discovered your writing today and must say that I am very happy to have found this bio. It certainly explains why your works are so readable. You are a terrific writer and I can hardly wait to get home from work tomorrow to read another of your stories.

lorencinolorencinoalmost 12 years ago
Stunning revelations

I've encountered BostonFictionWriter frequently in the past and admired him for his erudition. A few minutes ago I underwent the sobering experience of reading that Susan Jill Parker is the real name of BostonFictionWriter and that, contrary to my hasty assumptions, she is all woman. After reading the story, I am, but for these few words, speechless. Perhaps “stunned” mixed with “excitement” would be more apt. I'm going to have to ponder what I have just read before I can continue . . .

buttspankedbuttspankedalmost 12 years ago
Well Said

As you already know I really enjoy your writing and you make many good points. I have responded to many stories of yours and other writers but will make it a habit to respond to most.

pifferpifferalmost 12 years ago
Your Life Story

is sad. It's troubling to read about your misfortunes and hope that life is kinder in the future.

Thank you for your stories.

KingCuddleKingCuddlealmost 12 years ago
Ummm...this is my fave of yours. :+))

I give it FIVE stars. :+))

Thanks for sharing. <3

PeeBee47PeeBee47almost 12 years ago
Dedication +!

Having now read where you are coming from, I find I can get more of a feeling for your stories and the reason for some of the more lengthy dialogues and characters' self-expressed thoughts.

I do get pee'd off with poor grammar, but have noticed very few errors in your stories - perhaps one of the reasons I find your stories among the more enjoyable on this site.

Keep your spirits up, as well as your writing.

Thank you "muchly"

EnceladusEnceladusalmost 12 years ago

I am no writer, but reading stories on this site gives me an insight into the minds of people. You have done that for me and more: you have written beautiful stories and now I simply have to go discover your other stories!

cfrhino11cfrhino11almost 12 years ago
I never knew

Thanks for the insight. I guess I always assumed that impressive writers had impressive followings. I'm glad you have followed your dreams of writing. I love to write and have "written" a lot of stories for my kids. Have often thought about submitting here, just never felt I had enough talent. You obviously do have talent. Keep it up and maybe someday we can converse more.

mrsmitty69mrsmitty69almost 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing all these years!

navy123navy123almost 12 years ago

Five star article. Suffering has its bright side because it makes a writer more sensitive to the joys and tribulations of his or her fellow beings. Sad but true. Keep up the good work.

NavyGuy93NavyGuy93almost 12 years ago
Eye Opening

I enjoyed your bio-story. It's enlightening to know more about the author of so many good stories. Your appeal to us to vote and comment was intelligent, if slightly over-length. I'm a generation or two older than you, and found this site, initially, for it's content. By the way, this site has more well-written stories than many others on the internet. However, I've stayed around because there are many good authors I can study. Their different styles, approaches, etc. are varied enough to make comparison / contrast easy and educational. If you haven't guessed by now, I am interested in learning more about the craft of story-telling. I have lived through many adventures that I want to put down in writing for my heirs and others to enjoy. Keep giving us 'amateurs' excellent material to use as models of how things should be done.

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 12 years ago
Hello, SusanJillParker. I have read a lot of your stuff.

I read nearly all of what BostonFictionWriter wrote and lke most of it. I read a lot on your page in here. I do not care to read about willing cuckolds, I realize there are those that are so inclined but I just don't like to read about them. I have known a few. I also do not care for interracial sex between black males and white women, shades of my childhood prejudices, I guess and I avoid most gay male stories. I have several close relatives that are gay and I love them all but I avoid those stories, too. An occasional blow job between males does not offend me but the whole gay thing I don't care to read about. My physician is gay, we kid around a lot, he has been caring for me for about 12 years or longer. I always give a five star rating just for the writer's effort. I rarely pan the stories unless they get the character's names mixed up and call John, Paul and then get it right two paragraphs later but do it again in the next chapter. Pure carelessness and lack of concentration. Incest stories are my favorite, mother/son, brother/sister, mother/daughter, father/daughter in that order. I don't favorite a lot of stories but do so fairly often. Since I am old and read a lot-lot and am a voracious reader and tend to overlook a few words used wrong, problems with tense, mispellings, poor punctuation. As long as the gist is there and it is not too bad I rate it either a five, if I don't like it I just do not rate it. I think I have given a bad rating about once a year, if I don't liuke the story I just don't rate it and enter a comment telling the author what caused me to not rate it. I never insult the writers. I thought that one 20 chapter epic of yours should have been abouyt 10-12 chapters, you could have just made the chapters longer and it would have been a better story. We all knew he was going to end up screwing his mom, it just dragged along although it was super well-written. I will follow you now since I have read your story, I am sorry you had a rough time with the flood and everything. We always had it close while our children were growing up and we struyggle under retirement but we only drew food stamps one time for three months about 1981. Good luck to you, please keep writing. I used to proofread a little but lost my computer and WORD, one for Baron de Sade and one for another writer.

SugarTeaGiantSugarTeaGiantalmost 12 years ago
Maybe It's my old Vista...

...but I was not able to rate what I read on this submission. There were no stars even after reloading the page numerous times. Oh well! Lo siento, amiga.

I enjoyed learning some insight to one of my newly favored writers. I also remember from long ago WmForrester. Now I will seek all your aliases so that I might read as much of your 6m words. ;-)

To answer the question about why people are not rating your stories, besides my recent problem is that my droid phone, rating stories is NOT an option. If I remember to jump on this old dinosaur, I usually rate those stories that have touched me the most. And I think like yourself, I don't care for the "wham bam" stories. I NEED to know the inner struggles, the psyche of the characters. It's why I went into this field. I LOVE knowing what a person is thinking, feeling, and why. I love the back story when worked in properly.

I hope this feedback has made your lovely smile that much more glowing.

49greg49gregover 11 years ago
Interesting life.

You've lived an interesting life. I'm pretty sure that I've enjoyed some of your BostonFictionWriter stories, but haven't yet read any SJP stories, except this very thought provoking essay which I really enjoyed.

wuzgnuwuzgnuover 11 years ago
Thank you for the openness

I read this after reading part one of your mom nude day story. I found you bio clear and interesting. I wanted to know more about the author. (I have never sent anyone a photo of my penis, as it seemed a little off putting). I will be interested in reading your work and maybe dropping you a note or two.

RubenesqueAphroditeRubenesqueAphroditeover 11 years ago

I'm a new author on this site. Unlike you I wrote all through college and postgrad, then decided I didn't want to be locked in, so to speak, of having to publish to make a living. So, my life took a direction away from writing. I understand, wholeheartedly how you feel, although I only have one little "fuck me " piece posted so far. I know my audience may change with upcoming stories, but if it weren't for the positive feedback and encouraging words I might not have even sat down to write again. Although humbled by the number of hits my piece has gotten (9000+ in three days!) I do get discouraged by the very small percentage (< 0.5%!!!)of readers who voted or commented. As writers on this venue, however, you have to realize that public comments and "voting" are probably the last activities on their minds after reading.

ndbf4everndbf4everover 11 years ago

Very open and honest Susan. I have read some of your work and enjoyed all I've read. I plan to read all of your work on here eventually. Your character development and storytelling is simply superb.

We have lots in common [poor/homeless at one time] and would be honored if I could get to know even more about you. If you want to know about me please check my profile here [ I have written 3 stories here before publishing 2 novels.] or on the am pic feedback section or message me.

Thanks for being you and for this open essay on your life.

I send you a dozen virtual roses in thanks and a wish that you keep writing.

Jim44444Jim44444over 11 years ago
Why I did not vote

I would have given it a 5 but alas, I cannot because there are no stars. There is no voting option for this essay. The same goes for "Collecting bottles, cans and friends" in the earth day contest. I liked your story then but had no option to vote on it. Does the moderator of this site have a grudge against you? Or maybe there is an occasional problem with your submission process. As to your broader question about why people do not vote, it could be they abandon the story before the end. I will quickly judge a story in the first few paragraphs. If it is not well written or the premise does not interest me I move on to something else. Another possibility is people do not trust web sites enough to take any direct action that may expose them to tracking or spam.

Why do even fewer people comment? Again, paranoia about tracking and spam and personal identification. Look at current events with CIA director and realize that there is no such thing as anonymous on the Internet. I always use my ID on this site because I am ego driven and not concerned who knows I read these stories. Other people may not be as arrogant as me and may be embarrassed by reading erotica.

One additional reason to not comment, it is too damn hard. I am using an IPad to read the stories and it is a pain in the ass to type in text. I assume an android tablet or smartphone would be just a bad.

In regards to your other pen names, I am surprised that you were SuperHeroRalph. I did not care for the stories (usually in contests) that you wrote then. However, I do like your writing as SJP. Why?

Having read you essay I will in the future vote (if the option exists) and to comment. Good luck with your writing and I hope that you find a way to make a living from it.

orinoco69orinoco69over 11 years ago

i have read alot of your stories including this one before but could not remember what other author names you had used,hence why i came back to this one.having just finished reading collecting bottles cans and friends and reading this one i was just wondering did you get left those houses or was that fictional like the sex parts?

keep up the writing as i love how you draw your readers into the story,plus the stories are great to read.

LAROCLAROCover 11 years ago
SUSAN SUSAN SUSAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ClitNinjaClitNinjaover 11 years ago
So much to share... so little time and space - WOW, this is going to be a wild erotic journey...

Good morning Susan…

WOW, what a surprise… to read “Who is this Writer…?” I learned so much about you and want to thank you for being so transparent. There is so much I want to share, that I do not know where to start. I think possibly, I will choose to send you an e-mail, for my more personal comments.

I must say you are a great communicator and I am literally thrilled and I guess honored, but mostly thrilled to be reading erotica written with someone of your education background and writing aptitude. I am sure that this is just a beginning of a long reading journey, as I continue to explore most, if not all of your many contributions to the Literotica “family”.

It seems that we all are a little perverted and find Literotica to be a place to explore our sexual prowess and experience pleasure that most of us have not been able to enjoy… only in our minds.

For me, it is wonderful, at least I expect it to be wonderful, to experience your sexual activity and live them through you as I pleasure myself – and I doubt that comment needs explanation, so I will not insult your intelligence by giving my “details”… at least not at this time, unless you want details of my pleasure from your works of written erotic art.

Let me share a couple of observations re: comments and people reading your erotic literature. I cannot speak for others, but I can address this area from my perspective. Since I have “discovered” you on the website, I have spent several hours frantically reading as much as I can, in a short period of time.

I read at home when I can, without getting “caught”, which is usually after 10 pm, Central time until early morning hours. I also read during my lunch breaks – which includes both in conference room at work and is fast food restaurants that have Wi-Fi.

I read in the morning before work as I eat breakfast, or I get dressed, but only have minutes to read. I take my notebook and while watching TV with wife, I am reading… sometimes, I even take my tablet into the bathroom and devour sex literature…

I definitely have a burning, strong sex propensity. And I love to be turned on just as you I believe like to turn on your readers… which I expect to experience many times over “with you and your writings”. I crave sex at least once a day – but for various reasons, it is not with my wife, which at some point I will possibly explain – 40+ years of marriage and sex is empty, routine… no – non-existent, how sad. A great friend, but a terrible lover, which is really too kind a term re: love and sex.

This often means because of time or because I am so sexually hungry, I either do not finish reading or I want to read so much in a short period of time, looking for that “Ms Parker” event that I can live with you while I read your story and “get off or at least really aroused”. It’s like a kid in a candy store – there are so many choices and I want to “taste” [yes I choose that word by design – so I am going to use it again…] – T A S T E it all. It is like a restaurant buffet, with a feast for all the patrons – a smorgasbord… I just want to feast on your sexual experiences.

So to the point, I have come back to your stories several times for many and varied reasons. One – I did not have time to finish, so I returned, maybe several times before I finished… Note: and at this point in time, I have only finished this one – and I am commenting… By the way, I would love to rate this, but there are no stars… I would give it a 4.8 if I could and yes, I know, I can only score: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. I also love to make public comments and I enjoy taking a story and adding comments throughout the story and send it to the author. Perhaps, I will do that with your stories…

That means that I may visit your story several times before I finish reading it because of time restraints or sexual desire. Therefore, statistics re: number of hits and comments, maybe a “little” skewed. However, I also read the comments and I see the number of hits a story has along with the number of comments and I concede – you are correct, there are far more hits than comments.

My observation has also been that many of the comments are not even humane – very inconsiderate, selfish, thoughtless, cruel… I am amazed at people’s insensitivity – However, since I suppose most comments are made by men – it really is not that surprising.

While, I want to share much more, for now, let me say, I so appreciate you sharing about your life, your appearance, your “body” and of course your pic on your bio. The only thing that could top what your wrote would be to meet you, hear your voice, watch your facial expression, admire your professional attire or casual dress, see your hands, your feet, your jewelry… your scent – Mmm, that is a turn on… go to dinner or a play or a walk on the beach or… But, we know that cannot happen, so I will continue to enjoy the visual pictures that you have painted.

In conclusion, I love to read women authors, first. I especially enjoy reading women who can express themselves, using language that is not the kind written on a men’s rest room stall… words that challenge me and may even cause me to have my online dictionary open… sophisticated, educated, classy communication… And of course, I am a typical male, I love the use of the “gutter” talk too, fuck, cunt, dick, cock… When this mix and use of the English language is done effectively, it gives me a sexual rush. It sucks me into the “tryst” or the adultery or the immorality, or the wanton sex or the licentious, erotic event… I guess you get my point.

You now have a new fan in central Texas… and I am sure you will hear from me again soon… but for now, I have not had my sexual release for today and I did not get it on Wednesday – so it’s time to be selfish and release my love juices. I am counting on your writing love to release me this morning. I am reading why you write “incest erotica” so I may have chosen one that is informative, but maybe not a “climaxing” type of read. As I read this – and I have already started earlier this evening – I have some incest experiences in my life also, that I may share with you, although none were forced or non-consensual.

Continue to share… and I will continue to read… and hopefully on some level we both will experience pleasure and enjoy the wonders of sex, even if it is a jaded form of sexual release.

Chuck, ClitNinja, Texas

By the way – I would like to change my “Literotica membership name” – can you tell me how to do that. I have been on my member account and I cannot determine how to make this change or if I am allowed. Perhaps, you could suggest someone with Literotica that I could contact. Hope you have a wonderful weekend in PA…

lustyreaderlustyreaderover 11 years ago
Thank YOU!

I try to vote - especially for stories I like. It is refreshing to hear the "story" of one of the writers on Literotica. I have recently read some of the stories you wrote as BostonFictionWriter and I must say I did like them. I will make an effort to comment more often.

yellowrocketyellowrocketover 11 years ago
Truth is better then fiction.

I've read a few stories and not commented or voted.on any, way to make me feel guilty. I guess I never stopped to consider the time that goes in to the truely excellant pieces not of porn, but of literature that appear on this site.

Your story about you may be the piece I've read the closest. It's so well written and you paint such a vivid picture of your life. I commend you for not giving up when the weak would have, and wish you the best.

truckwritertruckwriterover 11 years ago

Thank You for the sharing of what being a writer is all about. It gives us fledgling authors a direction as we perfect our craft. It will take a lot of practice and as you reminded us a good deal of patience from being a writer to becoming a great writer.

Susan, you are on the way to becoming great as your legion of followers grow.

Wishing You always the Best.

atlgreeneyesatlgreeneyesover 11 years ago
Thank you


Thank you for sharing your story. The highs, the lows, and your overall thoughts. I am blown away by your stories under many of your names. And I apologize for not leaving more comments. I promise to add more not only for you but for other authors as well.

I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you for finding a wonderful creative outlet and sharing your talents an erotic thoughts with all of us.

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 11 years ago
Thank you and Curse you

Now I have more writers to look up! I am a fan of your writing under SusanJillParker and BostonFictionWriter. You listed at least two more and I think I read some of your work on another site, but I do not know. I will never catch up to all of your stories! You are so talented I am sorry more people do not comment to your stories as you are one of the best that write here. Your articles about your life have been illuminating and made me feel shame and remorse at some of my tastes as you strip away the illusions of the concept of victimless offenses. Yes I still read as your stories are great and I wish I knew someone who could get you published as your stories are worth reading. Thanks for the insight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Becoming a fan

Love the stories I read and love this. I will have to look under you other names!

griffin57griffin57over 11 years ago

Love your take on your life and Literotica experience. Forgot to tell you in the other message I'm griffin 57.

OzJohn_69OzJohn_69over 11 years ago
Never thought of it that way

Hey Susan

Never really gave much tought to voting before, but when you mentioned about not applauding at a live show or concert I had to rethink. Everyone who makes the effort needs support in some form. Yes, there are some whose words make me cringe and others who take me right into the scenario, but that happens even in movies and tv. Even in life some seem to get it right and others struggle. Thanks for opening my eyes.

jenellesljenelleslover 11 years ago
What writers need

You have made me feel better about myself. I often vote and post comments. I am working on stories and have an appreciation of what it takes. It's a big difference to haveing an idea in your head, and having your reader have the same idea in their head. I always send my comments under my login name. If I taking the effort to write a comment, I am willing to take credit, or blame, for them.

I will not bash anyone. That will certainly not improve anyones writing, including the basher.

What I've enjoyed most is I care about your characters. I will be reading more of your work and I will take to heart giving all authors feedback.

It looks like I have a long way to go to exhaust the supply or your stories. Thank you

JLeeXJLeeXover 11 years ago

It takes a strong person to write not only the stories you do, but to do so when ostracized from friends and family because you follow your passion. I wish I had your will power and drive. To have lived, what I understand to be an extremely "rocky road" life, and still be writing quality material under very difficult conditions . . . . wow!!! Plus, you're absolutely correct, you don't write porn, you write great relationship stories that just happen to be about people who aren't afraid of their sexuality. Thank you, Miss Parker, Thank you.

StripioStripioover 11 years ago

Funny how 3 of my fav authors all turn out to be same person

LikesGoodWritingLikesGoodWritingover 11 years ago
you are a laudable example

I envy those who helped you learn to love writing, and you do it so very well.

marty407amarty407aover 11 years ago
Wonderful writing style!

I have read a number of your stories and have not run across any as yet that I didn't enjoy. Keep writing!!!

slvrfx44slvrfx44over 11 years ago
Good Literature

Susan, don't be discouraged by lack of comment or voting. I think a writer can tell if his/her writing is liked by the number of views. I don't know how Literotica prioritizes stories in listing them, but I suspect somewhat by popularity. You have a genuine rare talent for writing, and it's obvious you trained very vigorously for that. Keep up your passion, in whatever venue you can find. Placing myself as a "typical" reader, a catchy title probably catches the eye most often. Slvrfx44

drtydoc69drtydoc69over 11 years ago

with such a prolific outpouring of stories, why aren't you writing for a living?surely you could do quite well with some non erotic novels?

wordsinthedustwordsinthedustover 11 years ago

I would have voted, but no place to do it... 6 stars! I know dust jacket bios are always pretty and canned; this was fantastic. I've added you and this story to my favorites and will be back to check on previous submissions under your other pen names.

dirksterdirksterover 11 years ago
Mea Culpa

Ok Susan. You're right. I am guilty of being part of the rude, non-voting masses. I hereby vow to change, starting immediately. 5 stars to this piece, even though there's no voting.

centauri4centauri4over 11 years ago
Why you liked the story ...

Very simple really, I like them because the scenes are drawn carefully and in such detail as too seem "real" in my head as I read them. This is the true success of fantasy writing of any kind; when someone can read the story and suspend their everyday surrounding briefly enough to place themselves in the story line. SJP, you clearly know how to create these imaginative scenarios and bring the reader to the peak of their imagination.

pifferpifferover 11 years ago
I wish I had your writing talent

Your personal story is interesting and informative. I'm sorry for the very hard times you've endured and hope the future is far brighter.

It's true that I read and don't rate or comment. I'll do better from now on. Thank you for all your stories.

NospyNospyover 11 years ago
Becoming a fan

Im not always in the mood for well written erotic stories with plot and charicter development, but when I am I read your stories. You are an incredible writer, fortunately for all of us here you've chosen to write erotic stories.

OldMoleOldMoleabout 11 years ago
Very well, you got me.

I apologize for not voting, since there doesn't seem to be any way to do so ... the stars seem to have vanished, even though I actually broke down and registered. I would happily give you five stars if it were possible.

pfields44pfields44about 11 years ago
Thank you

I have very recently discovered your writing. I did not realize the importance of voting, so from now on when asked to vote, i will make the effort. I really appreciate your very well written stories.

sam68pppsam68pppabout 11 years ago
interesting and personal

Just so you know, I actually registered to be able to comment. Seriously, it is no joke.

Anyway, I have already read a few of your stories but did not comment nor vote for them. The simple reason is that I had no idea how this site worked (obviously it was my fault, I did not read anything other than stories here). In any case, this does not have much to do with your story.

I really enjoyed reading this even though it does not seem to be fiction. Not being creative myself, I do enjoy the works of other people. I found your prose easy to read and quite enjoyable (this includes the other stories as well). Your writing conveys emotion and uncertainty / ambivalence very well.

mcwarren0702mcwarren0702almost 11 years ago
My thoughts onn your writings

Having studied Theatre, and having taken a number of creative writing classes, play writing classes, and a technical writing class, I am impressed with your character development and dialogue. Few other writers on this site take the time to develop the story and anchor it with the qualities that are a required part of pulling the reader into the story, while allowing the reader to become mentally engaged in seeing the action. I applaude your work, and rate most of them in the standing ovation catagory even by broadway standards. You have a gift that you should share with the rest of us.

Having just read this piece, I must say that I feel you have truly suffered for your art, in keeping with some of history's most gifted Authors. I enjoy the way you craft your stories, and wonder where one might obtain a copy of your manuscripts. As far as grammer, when most Americans can not speak or write in a more gramatically correct manner why let it be of great concern when minor typos occur, and if their grammer is so wonderful, why do they not volunteer as proof readers? KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK YOU ARE DOING!

Bob in LondonBob in Londonalmost 11 years ago

Hi, Susan. I didn't realise - like a lot of readers, I suspect - that votes could help win contests, but I'm now working my way through your submissions and doing my bit to keep you ahead (although, ironically, I can't seem to find the voting option on this piece).

Hope things work out for you, and you keep drawing inspiration from hard times.

Lust_of_dragonLust_of_dragonalmost 11 years ago

I akways enjoy learning more about people who do the things they do, and this did not disappoint. Your story is an inspiration to women and people in general everywhere.

EMiamiRiverRatEMiamiRiverRatalmost 11 years ago
Your life and accomlishments in the face of adversity make for an amazing story.

I've rarely met some one who has been, or is, in my position as a homeless Stage 4 cancer survivor whose wife left him to his fate.

Your work pleases me and I intend to read more as I have time and can get to the local library. This piece, in particular, is an amazing display of yourself. Thank you.

It seems that life's demands require more of me than permits writing at present, but I will return to the keyboard or pen when I'm able.

Take care and Godspeed.

sam87778sam87778almost 11 years ago
I'm back

Susan, I was a regular reader of your stories when you were writing as AndTheEnd and I did vote for all the stories I read back then and commented on many. I was also a fan of Sarahhh and had an ongoing battle with her over her beloved Steelers. When you both disappeared from Literotica, I lost interest and have not checked out the site more than a couple of times in the last couple of years. For some reason I decided to check back in about a week ago. I just happened across this story today and with the reference to your several pen names thought I'd drop a comment. Sorry to hear about your tough times, It sounds like things are going better now. I did enjoy this story and will try to check back to vote on your future work.

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 10 years ago
interesting bio- thanks for sharing

I will keep your comments on ratings and feedback in mind-

I'm surprised at the low voting stats...

It's also nice to know a bit more on SJP, the

Author and person behind the name.

I wish you good fortune in the future,

professionnally and personally.

Bilbo55Bilbo55over 10 years ago

You are one damn fine writer. believe me when i say you left me in tears. your bio is sooooooo touching. BUT YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! i doff ma hat for you. and i'll also take the issue of vote, comment and favourite seriously. mark my word. REMAIN POSITIVE, Love.

Hi readers, If you read my stories, please vote for my stories. Please. Most readers don't vote. I beg you to vote for my stories. I write true stories. All of my stories are true, albeit with creative fiction embellishment to make them more interestingly exciting. Un...
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