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A New World Order Ch. 02

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Sold and Branded.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/12/2017
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A dim gloom hung over the desolate wasteland of the outer edges of Chicago. The tendrils of the ruined city expanded far beyond where the reclaimed portions of it now stood. The ground was littered with the remnants of towering buildings and battered bunkers. There seemed to be an eternal cloud of dust settled over the city, keeping any of it from ever looking clean. Indeed, the whole city seemed grimy and dusty. Any sort of government in place had little concern for the cleanliness of its denizens. After all, happiness and the public welfare were barely even secondary concerns in this new world.

New Chicago, as most people referred to the reclaimed portion of the city, had seen its fair share of fights over the year. Its proximity to the Great Lakes was enough to maintain it as a bustling trading port, at least in the context of a post-fallout world. As a consequence of this, it had been a constant target of larger bands of raiders, a large prize to be fought for by the few starving wolves that remained in this world. The design of the city reflected this aptly. Rows of mismatched trenches were strewn haphazardly around the perimeter of the city, each likely added as a result of a current threat rather than placed due to any semblance of planning. Smatterings of barbed wire and sharpened sticks were also in place, the occasional crude bunker only adding to the war-torn feel to the entrance of the city. Chicago may have been a trading center, but it was not a welcoming place. It was a a city as hardened as its people.

Kelsey, who had started to accept her new name through a combination of fatigue from the grueling journey and the constant degradation thrown from Jake, had never been a wolf, but rather one of the many scavengers. She had scurried across the ruins of civilization, fending off other scavengers and picking the scraps that were either left behind by the wolves or too small for them to bother with. Her downfall was nothing more than a vulture outwitted by another of her own kind.

Of course, that did little to ease her conscious. As she walked in front of Jake, bare as day, into the city, she couldn't feel anything but helpless. Perhaps the worst part of her journey was how long she was left to her own thoughts, however. She had spent much of her new life as a slave contemplating the events that had unfolded after her downfall. A nagging question constantly circled through her mind, never ceasing, allowing not a single moment's respite. When she had been down on her knees, helpless to Jake's whims, she had felt an odd sort of arousal She had never been quite turned on as much as she had been when unable to fight back.

Kelsey had always thought of herself as more of a dominant. Her southern drawl and tough line of work lent itself well to a more dominant attitude in bed. However, her assumptions were based on very little experience over the years, nothing more than an occasional night of passion to pass away the dreariness of her reality, and her experience with Jake was now tearing away at her whole reality.

The other emotions still appeared whenever she attempted to confront her fate: anger, fear, and a deep sense of helplessness. Yet, arousal always seemed to follow suit, an unwelcome guest that she was ever-aware of in the back of her mind.

As they walked into town, Jake broke the long silence that had settled between the two, broken only by occasional commands to pick up the pace, followed by typical insults. "You know what's occurred to me, slave?" he intoned, his voice an odd mix of contemplative thought and cheerfulness. Kelsey didn't even bother to turn her head, to face him, afraid her anger would provoke him to place a bullet between her temples. "I can't keep you," he said, a forlorn note of sadness creeping into his voice.

Panic shot into her eyes. Jake was a sloppy, cut rate criminal. She had assumed that it would only be a few nights before he made a mistake and she found a way to slit his throat, or enact even worse retribution on her captor. "I managed to break free from you, and that was your job. You know, before I made you into a whore," he added, a satisfied smile plastered across his face. "Anyways, if you couldn't keep me in check, I doubt I could keep you in check."

Jake tugged on the rope leash he had fashioned and pulled Kelsey to a halt, tugging on the rope to spin her around to face him. "You wouldn't hesitate to slit my throat at the first chance you got," he commented offhandedly, studying her face with interest. "Even a blind man could see the hate on your face." Jake slackened the leash and spun her back around, sending a hard smack on her naked bottom to continue into town, as if she were a mule. "As much as I'd love to humiliate you for the rest of your pathetic life, I value my skin more. No, I'll sell you to the slavers. They'll whip that defiant glare out of you," he added with a laugh, nodding to one of the watchmen as he entered Chicago.

Kelsey had little time to panic, and even less to be angry at Jake. The busy entrance of Chicago, the large square of merchants and townspeople totaling somewhere around a hundred, now filled Kelsey with a deep sense of shame. Jake's voice never gave her a moment of respite however, his harsh tone allowing her not even a moment to recover. Even if her chances to escape were higher with Jake, she would at least be grateful to never hear his smug tone again. She could've dealt with it when she was in charge, but not when she was paraded in bondage throughout the streets.

Jake yanked his property left, guiding her towards then entrance of the slave market that she was oh so familiar with. "Never thought you'd be brought here, did ya slut?" he added idly, enjoying every last moment with his pet. Kelsey walked on in silence, eyes only flitting up now and then to see her way before returning to her eternal shameful downwards gaze.

The entrance to the slave market was perhaps the most decorated of the city, though it was likely the least tasteful. Large wooden stakes were erected upwards, forming a solitary wall that was only broken in the middle by a grand entry. On either side of the entrance, hanging from the stakes themselves, were large metal cages suspended at least 10 feet in the air. Each a housed a completely naked slave girl, who was recognized as such by the brand that stood out oh so strikingly on their butts, an advertisement of sorts for the wares that would be sold weekly at the vile place.

Once a week there was always a sale of the slaves that had been brought in by slavers or merchants, and it was perhaps the most popular public event in Chicago. Kelsey had hoped she would arrive in town on the day of the auction as she wouldn't have to endure much from the guards of the auction, but her luck continued to be faint as Jake had taken her into town a couple of days before the auction would take place.

Kelsey had little time to ponder her fate more, however, as she felt another harsh yank that pulled her short and sent her staggering to her knees in the muddy street. A combination of mud and dust now lightly coated her tanned, nubile form. She looked up tentatively to have her worst fears confirmed; they had arrived at where she would be sold to the auctioneers.

The man in charge of procuring wares for the weekly sales was recognizable to Kelsey. Jared was his name, and he was a sleazy, eerily thin man with slicked back brown hair and an ever-present smirk tattooed across his gaunt face. He happened to be her least favorite auctioneer to deal with when she was a slaver as he always took copious amounts of time to expect her female slaves and charged the hardest bargain for her wares. "At least he'll be getting a shit price for me" she thought idly, though somehow she was rather interested in how much she'd fetch, a weird sort of vanity kicking in for her.

"What have you brought me, stranger?" Jared asked, barely bothering to look up from his wooden desk, idly thumbing at the mess of loose papers strew across its surface as he spoke.

"Former slaver. She's too dangerous for me to keep, so I figured I'd sell her to you guys," Jake added promptly, his love for coin now outweighing his love for gloating.

The first couple words piqued Jared's interest and he looked up from his desk and down at Kelsey, who was still kneeling in the dirt, doing her best to cover her body from the various people around her. "Show me your face girl." His demand was met with silence and he tapped his foot impatiently "Show me your face and uncover yourself or I'll whip you raw," he replied, nonchalantly gesturing to the whip that lay casually across his desk. Kelsey slowly withdrew her hands and allowed them to rest at her side, before looking up at the man with wide, blue eyes.

Jared scrunched his face for a second, before letting out a piercing laugh. "No way. You captured Olivia? Isn't that something," he remarked, his voice trailing off as he stood up.

As Jared pulled her to her feet, Jake replied "Aye, and I've changed her name to Kelsey. I thought it better suited her new slutty occupation. What'll she fetch me?" he asked greedily, impatient with Jared's dawdling.

"Have to inspect her first, see what condition she is in," he muttered idly, his true motives rather frank. Jared's ever-looming smirk grew wider as he ran his hands along her nude form, paying extra attention to her more sensitive areas. He groped her breasts before twisting a nipple sharply and laughing as Kelsey squirmed uncomfortably. "Firm breasts, and large, that'll help her value..." he muttered. His hands continued down and grabbed her toned butt, lifting it up and then dropping the flesh. "Modest, but firm," he noted aloud. Finally, his bare hand found its way between her legs, and he smirked as he felt a small bit of wetness forming. "Hmmm, she's clearly not trained, or she would actually follow orders without threat of the whip," he commented, pushing a finger inside of Kelsey, who had begun to fidget in pleasure from his unabashed groping. "She's responsive to pleasure though. A lot of potential here, but it'll take a while for it to be reached. I can give you 500 credits," he added offhandedly, still fingering Kelsey as he negotiated.

Jake pretended to be offended at the offer, though he would've been happy with far less. It's not like he was in a rush, he could enjoy the show while he haggled. "Come on now, she's a gorgeous, toned blonde. She's worth at least double that."

"Double? She'd have to be perfectly trained to fetch enough to make me a profit at that price. I can give you 600." Kelsey felt her knees buckle the slightest bit. She hadn't been taken for granted in so long, and the feeling of debasement was only adding to her mounting arousal. She let out a soft mewl around the rough finger inside of her.

"Look at her, she's a natural born whore. You'll trot her out on stage and get a killing. Just one of those pathetic moans will add another 100 to any bid. 800."

Kelsey pressed her thighs together as she lay at the edge of a climax, the slow, lazy pace Jared had set frustrating her to no end. If the thought of being whipped didn't scare her as much, she would have finished the job herself. "700, and I won't go a credit higher."

"Deal," Jake replied. Jared pulled his finger out and extended his other hand to shake on the proposition, leaving Kelsey to collapse to her knees, frustrated to no end. Desperately, she began to touch herself right on the muddy street before the two men, any semblance of shame disappearing for the moment as she tended to her urges. "I'd like to see her branding, before I go. I think she'll wear the mark of a whore well," he commented offhandedly.

Jared nodded and turned to Kelsey, a laugh now leaving his lips as he saw her pathetic display of masturbation. "Come on whore, you run on my time right now, and you're currently wasting it. Get up!" Jared sent a sharp kick to her ribs, enough to stop Kelsey and to curl her into a ball from the pain. "Get the fuck up, I said! Let's go or I'll break one," he added threateningly. Kelsey responded to the command reluctantly ,rising to her feet and doing her best to ignore the near-uncontrollable desire that now gripped her.

"She really is a whore, she's got her own juices running down her thighs!" Jake laughed as Jared grabbed her long blonde hair and dragged her to a nearby pillory.

"Hands and head in now, or I'll whip you senseless, slut," he barked, and she complied, her mind too addled with pleasure to form any sort of competent resistance. Jared locked the top of the pillory in place, so that she was unable to neither see anything nor move in any sort of meaningful way. "Here, put this in her mouth, if she struggles, soften her up a bit," he added offhandedly, placing an iron brand in a nearby brazier and waiting for it to glow red hot.

Jake moved over in front of her with red ball gag in hand, smiling at her deviously. "It's a pleasant thought knowing that the last thing I'll see of you is your ass branded and your mouth stuffed shut. Enjoy your new place in life, Olivia." Jake made sure to use her old name, one last time, to remind her of how far she had fallen. Then, he sent a few stinging slaps across her face, disrupting the glare she had formed, and allowing him a window of opportunity to put the gag in place. He strapped it securely in place and stepped back to enjoy the show.

Jared removed the poker from the fire. "You've seen this before, slut. Now it's your turn to experience it. You can tell your new 'co-workers' all about it," he added with a spot of joy in his voice, positioning the poker on her right cheek and centering it. Then, without warning, the brand pushed against her tanned skin, searing a flowery "S" into her skin permanently. Kelsey would forever be denoted as a slave, a haunting designation that would make her fate even harder to escape.

Jake left without a word. Jared mumbled something about finding out who would be in charge of her basic training for the next couple days before auction. Kelsey was left to hang limp in the wooden pillory, a tear forming from the pain of the brand, her desire from earlier still raging hot. The brand was not what troubled her though. She had expected it. What troubled her was how much she enjoyed being used, debased, and humiliated. How much it turned her on. She wondered if Jake was right, if this truly was where she was meant to be. Kelsey shook the thought out of her head. She may be beaten and battered, naked and ashamed, branded and humiliated, but she was not defeated. Not yet. Perhaps she could escape before the auction, during her training. Or perhaps she could be bought by a lax owner and escape from him. She just prayed that she would find a way to escape before she submitted to her own shameful desires.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I need my eyes examined

I searched throughout and failed to find eroticism.

For a dystopian movie with some humor, a little eroticism and far better than the endless string of Planet of the Imitation Apes, see if you can find a copy of "A Boy and His Dog".

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good plot and not lacking in mystery .She may be a heroine or just in a short story or a novel but it is up to author to keep it interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Like your story.

Like your story. I hope she get pimped out and NOT that she start liking it. After all this is the noncon section. The dystopian storyline is really interesting and your style is nice.

ptebadenptebadenabout 7 years ago
Waiting for new chapters

Good begining

ChevonnChevonnabout 7 years ago
good Job

Perhaps your story does have a cinematic taste to it. Hey, those moves make millions and millions of dollars because people like them. I am eager to read you next chapter.

I would like to see a bit more development of Kelesy's mind and emotions. Also, I'd be interested in her internal conflict between the before becoming a slave in training, so to speak, and the becoming a slave parts of her. I hope the man who was her slave and became her owner does not drop out of the story. I'd like to know something about his back story. And her back story too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great start

Do not listen to the haters. love your writing style, plot build up. You could get a little more character build up.

Great story would love to see her work as a whore get used and then freed by one of her old slavers partners. She can then go search and capture Jake to get revenge. Only to find she loves him for helping her find her true self a whore.

Please keep writing looking for part 3 soon.

PandaPensifPandaPensifabout 7 years ago
I like it !

I hope Olivia would enjoy (sexually) being a slave !

afridelleafridelleabout 7 years ago
Good build

I'm enjoying your story. I'm glad you removed Jake though and I'm hoping whoever does buy her is a real Alpha Dom ;) I enjoy dystopian future fiction so that aspect adds, for me at least. All in all, it's a solid, entertaining piece.

darkcreationsdarkcreationsabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks For The Feedback

Oh Anonymous User, thank you for your cutting and incisive commentary.

I have always been at a loss as to how my writing failed where others didn't. I thought perhaps it was the diction, the syntax, or simply my own inability to express my thoughts clearly. However, I now realize the err of my ways.

When I set out to write the gripping tale, I was specifically thinking of the numerous amount of post-apocalyptic movies I've seen. Well, come to think of it, I've only seen the new Planet of the Apes series, but I suppose we can imagine my story is an artistic representation, Kelsey representing the whole of humanity and Jared/Jake representing those damn dirty apes.

Anyways, I shall forever remember the cutting details of your review. Next time I set out to write a story, I shall endeavor to avoid any "movie fantasies", I suppose I'll never get to write that No Country For Old Men slash fic that I was totally planning, and will do my absolute best to avoid being "awful". My standards were always to simply write something better than "50 Shades Of Grey", but now I aim to please your higher standards. After all, I didn't even earn the right for you to reveal your name this go around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Another movie fantasy


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