Hello, my friends! My latest story Sinful Sister will be coming to Lit in 2025. If you can't wait, you can find it on Smashwords today!
I'm also excited to announce I'm working on a new Daddy/Daughter story: 'Daddy, In the Dark.' What happens after a naughty daughter drugs her Daddy and takes advantage of him? Punishment of course! - Cumming soon to a smut-filled internet near you! I'll try to have it ready by Christmas, but no promises.
Have a nice winter, and remember to add an extra drop of Vanilla Extract to all of your Christmas cookies.
Yours, VE
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Hello, everyone! I write engaging stories that flesh out the eroticism in characters and bring them to life. Experience their struggles, their passions, and their conflicts. You'll find lots of romance, some mystery, a dash of humor, and a thrill or two in these pages. But these stories are never, yet always, Vanilla.
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Thank you for all the love and support over the years. All of my Literotica stories (+more!) are available at Smashwords. They will always remain free here on Literotica, but if you'd like to pick up a copy of your favorite story, or if you'd like to take a peek at the book covers, stop by and check them out!
Or if you'd like to toss a coin to your writer, you can find my tip-jar at:
Thank you! 🙏
All the best,
Vanilla Extract
PS. Tweet to me - twitter.com/VanillaErotic
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