Non-Drinker, Non-Smoker, Non-drug user
One thing I have found out is my attempt to keep it a ninety-minute to a two-hour read, (that's how long I can read at one sitting) has caused me to truncate some important descriptions and information so I will try to "Fatten' up my stories with more descriptions. I also thought writing a story in 30 to 45 days is unreasonable, especially when writer's block jumps up in front of you!
At my age, I have experienced a lot of love and intimacy. I plan to write about it, with more than two ex-wives and a few girlfriends. Most of my stories have some truth to them.
I tend to use some of the same behaviors, and actions in my writing. If you haven't guessed it yet, I am a retired teacher and was into sports, coaching, and officiating. I use Arizona as a location in many of my stories because I lived there for quite a while.
I, myself, have experienced anything from ONE line to an average of 30% of my stories, one story is almost 90% true. Some I have melted together, and I have added my imagination, wishes, creativity, and illusions.
I use clichés to help tell the story, why? Because I like them.
I like to use poetic license whenever I can, remember it is FICTION. *Poetic Licensee # 6151969*
One person said, 'I use a lot of clichés except I didn't say anything about lasagna?!?!?' I would like to know what the cliché for lasagna is since I love Italian food.
I have decided to shy away from Sci-Fi & Fantasy and Loving Wives Stories since they are my lowest-rated stories and stick to Romance stories.
I like happy endings even if they are not within the realm of everyday happenings.
"Hallmark-y" yes but again I like happy endings.
I like family get-togethers like Sunday afternoons at the grandparents' home and the whole family either cooking dinner or helping with fix-it jobs around the grandparents' home, So you’ll find it at the end of many of my stories. You will find shower sex in many of my stories, because, I like it. I am working on bringing more depth to my characters, which involves showing more emotions and making them more three-dimensional. As many writers know it is not easy (If it was, every fool like me, would be doing it, and doing it right!)
It is called Fiction.
The hard part is somehow removing a spouse, an ex-spouse, or a lover, they must: cheat, walk away, or die. I have found with a death the Main Character (MC) doesn't have to stop loving the person, so many of my former spouses or lovers in my stories have passed away, so the Main Character doesn't have to deal with life remembrances.
Most of all the stories in literotica are not two people just coming together without baggage of some kind. Tragedy tends to lead to the best romance.
To have romance you almost always have to have conflict or tragedy.
I have written stories when angry, when happy, when bored, and half asleep. Which leads to a good time editing my work before sending it off to a volunteer editor.
This is like therapy in my Golden Years.
I am happy how my 23th story turned out Thank you to all who liked it.
11/27/2024 # 30
#31 is on its way I hope people like it.
Well I am up to #36
Formerly the Southwest Now a Northern Plains stateGender