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will help with structural, i.e. setting, plot, build-up and characterisation (spelling and grammar only by the way) experienced magazine editor and writer - so...

Update: I'm back in an area where I have the time once again to Edit and help. I'm looking for writers, wanting assitance to get moving, or writers who are just...

JackStrange21 Stories
4 Series
updated 06/30/2017
In addition to life as a reporter and editor for newspapers and magazines large and small, American and French -- including five years as a tabloid hack -- I have...

Traducteur de textes érotiques anglais, je suis disposé à aider tous les auteurs sur le plan de la grammaire et de l'orthographe.

Hi, I'm able to do grammatical and spelling corrections as well as some stuctural editing. I am far from a professional editor but I love reading and I hope I can...

AruziaMelnik6 Stories
2 Series
updated 04/05/2015
My first passion has always been writing. I am honored when other writers allow me to read their drafts and critique it (sometimes not necessarily to their liking...

Mature Quebecois, recently starting my sixties, my first language is French. But I've mostly read english texts in the last 50 years. I try using the correct and ...

YDB95137 Works
6 Series
updated 07/20/2014
I'm an award-winning writer (including two Lit contests so far :) ), long recognized for my way with words. I'm available for both grammar/spelling and structural...

This erotic site offers high class erotic sharing. I am ready to support your erotic web page in Turkish language.

லிட்டெரோடிகாவில் 2007 முதல் உறுப்பினராகவும், அக்டோபர் 2013 வரை 61 கதைகளை எழுதியவனாகவும் நான் மிகுந்த மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன். தமிழில் குடும்ப உறவுகள் குறித்த காமக்கதை...

grumpyg49 Works
11 Series
updated 11/30/2012
I will grammar/ spell check, reformat and help construct the story but not create plot lines or ideas for plots. I love any hypno erotica, especially female domin...

gemlesgross16 Stories
1 Series
updated 07/10/2011
I write fairly decently in English and in French but I'm certainly not a pro; more like an amateur trying to improve. Helping others will certainly help me also. ...

Hi, I made perfect grades in English. I am willing to help the authors with grammatical as well as spelling issues. I am a very good speller. I will help them...

arbenitre64 Works
3 Series
updated 04/24/2009
I have been writing for more than thirty-five years, though only recently doing more than work related serious writings. I am interested in editing others as I...
The Literotica Editors program exists to help Literotica Authors improve their writing. Do not use this free service to edit work intended for publication outside of Literotica. It is against the rules to use this program to advertise services, products, or other websites. Doing so will result in account suspension.