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An Ode To Unsolicited Dick Pics

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A silly poem about a real annoyance
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I am sure that I shall never see
A dick pic that arouses me

But I know that it impresses you
That I’m a real live female to send it to

You’re so sure this dick pic will have me impressed
That the moment I receive it you’re sure I’ve undressed

Dick pics may cause you to moan and to sweat
But their arrival on my phone is a sad thing to get

See penis might be the thing that turns your crank
But instead of a real message you’ve sent me this prank

Having a dick doesn’t make you one of a kind
If you want to stand out engage my mind

Make me laugh, have something witty to say
Talk about life, not just your need to get laid

Just having a dick doesn’t mean you’re owed a suck
Or a handjob, a tickle, a spank or a fuck

If your dick was truly the greatest thing in the land
You’d have partners lined up and you could retire your hand

Dicks are all average and weird and they all look the same
Nothing special unless candy shot out the last time it came

Having one isn’t unique, they hang from every dude
Sending me its pic isn’t just useless, it’s rude

Besides if all I need is something that points up in the air
I have a vibe for that, without the gross thatch of hair

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salt0ftheearth83salt0ftheearth838 months ago

Hahaha this is excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good statement. Never sent one, but now I know not to. Truth be told, I’m 83, have ED so having enough for a picture is beyond me.

21stcv21stcvover 1 year ago

I doubt that I will ever see

Erect dicks squirting pee,

Unless I grew to nine feet tall,

I'd never pee over that wall.

Apologies to Ogden Nash

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hello good morning.

I read your stories,very explicit and detailed they were a joy .

But the poem you wrote of the Masters of the unsolicited Dicks oh Boy .

Had me laughing, snorting , even spitting up my coffee, Had me struggling to breathe.

Why can’t they get it , you didn’t ask, it is useless you see .

The dreaded Dick pic by Gary .her opinions very . But mostly she is uncaring. Why oh why did you feel in sharing. Lol

Bulldogratz7134 having problems with log in . Big fan of your writings . And no I have never sent a dic pic unless ask to . Have a great day

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I never would send a dick pic

I know it would never do the trick

It's rude and and uncalled for

and I see it as sick

so I'd never send a dick prick

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