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As I Feel You Touch Me...

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As I feel you touch me
I wonder if you know
What my body’s wanting
Where I wish your hands would go

Your tender loving kisses
The soft caressing of my cheek
They leave my body aching
For things of which we never speak

I know you love me deeply
I can see it in your eyes
I desire more than you can give
It’s your touch for which my body cries

How long must I beg for you
Can't you see I love you so
If love was measured by a shining light
Then my heart would surely glow

As I feel you touch me
I wonder if you know
What my body's wanting
Where I wish your hands would go

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a_silent_lovea_silent_lovealmost 16 years ago

I'm gonna read that to my boyfriend... a very beutiful piece of work. Simple words convey all emotions...

duddle146duddle146almost 18 years ago

You have my imperial certified permission ~ to take our love further than just a kiss.

LeBrozLeBrozalmost 18 years ago

Last lines in 2nd & 3rd strophe could do with a bit more work; the rhythm seems off. Otherwise, very sweet romantic piece worthy of a read.

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