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How I love a Derri?re

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How I love a Derrière.
Bent over and rear in the air.

Two cheeks full and round.
Heart shaped and soft as down.

Down the crack the panty's pass.
How I love a woman's ass.

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Ashesh9Ashesh9over 10 years ago
Spankin' new

Buttocks !!! 5-ed .

Unbridled_PassionUnbridled_Passionover 17 years ago
cute little ode

to the buttocks~ nice picture, too!

LeBrozLeBrozabout 18 years ago

And oh so pleasing, you want to grab a piece of that ass.

jthserrajthserraalmost 21 years ago
Lol... a light-hearted look

at an interesting view. Light or not, look into the meter like YDD recommended. Ogden Nash and Dorothy Parker were wizards at light verse. Though funny, their well crafted meter and rhyme is what made it so much more than just an amusing anecdote. Work to get each stanza to flow with a similar sound to them. Read it outloud and listen for the stresses in the phrasing. Light verse like this one is so much tastier when the meter works. The rhyme works well here.

jim : )

AnnoraAnnoraalmost 21 years ago
You tickle our fancy.....

It's a poem not brain surgery. Not solving the world's hunger problem. Not making room for more pain in living with

a loved one in the War.

The fact its light hearted should be enough...

A small smile, a twinkle in one's eye..

Enjoy the poem for what it is.... A funny read!

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