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Parted Souls

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To my soul sister. I am nothing without you
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"I know you" said one soul to another.
I heard your voice in the din,
Saw your light in the dark,
Felt your touch when I was alone,
Was warmed when I felt cold,
Healed when in pain.

"I know you" said one soul to another.
I heard your sobs in the crowd,
Sensed you near by in the night,
Reached out to find someone,
Was cooled when burning,
Healed when in pain.

"We know each other" said the souls.
Once we were one
Then we were broken
Now we're one again.

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stroudlestroudlealmost 3 years ago

Beautiful writing which may seem a strange term for a powerful poem that's not full of butterflies/ flowers etc but there is beauty in talent and the way you express your words . Thank you for sharing. Jc

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love your writing. How it shows your depth and talent.

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