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Shadow of My Dreams

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Shadow of My Dreams

I live in the shadow of my dreams
Mind movies that ruin my truth
They come when I wake
No longer when I sleep

I am anything inside them
I am nothing outside
A shell of what I have done
The shame of memories forgotten

The past invades too often
Leaving the future dim
I wish to have my dreams true
They only smolder as ash

The talents I let decay
Decisions made and never unmade
Pain invades my dreams
A life missed wastes away

I shall be what I will
A fool that misses nothing
Invaluable to some
Though the truth eludes them

I die in the shadow of my dreams

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Redsled07Redsled07almost 5 years ago

I wholeheartedly concur when post of anonymous, the whole of your works has been most enjoyable and I thank you as well!

Jerry aka Redsled07

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Thank you

I just finished reading all of your stories.

I enjoyed them very much and really appreciate the work that went into them.

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I believe you are understood.

Damn, wish you could get some empathy and comfort.

SeaChangerSeaChangerover 9 years ago
I think reading it backwards ...

... works too.

legerdemerlegerdemerover 9 years ago

You have some beautiful, evocative lines here.

The second stanza is replete with 20/20 hindsight; I might have changed the third line as follows:

I am anything inside them

I am nothing outside

A shell of what I am, what I have done

The shame of memories forgotten

The fourth is almost painful to read, especially the first and last lines. I might have rewritten it as follows, if it were me:

Talents I let decay

Decisions never unmade

Pain invades my dreams

A life missed wastes away

(the decisions would have had to be made for 'unmade' to make sense)

And in the last stanza I think deleting the "the" in the last line would really improve the flow and lyricism of the entire stanza, and the poem.

I shall be what I will

A fool that misses nothing

Invaluable to some

Though truth eludes them

Your poem expressed similar feelings to the ones I addressed in my Bliss, A Purgatory. You might enjoy that one.

It was a very lovely read, though philosophical and sad. Which ones of us made perfect choices every time?

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenabout 10 years ago


I will share one word with you; it is "rebirth." Give yourself the ultimate gift, give yourself a rebirth. A second chance, a new beginning. Dreams can change, life can change, we can change. Movies end, shame is forgiven, talents redeveloped, and life once again lived. I wish you the best.

Syndra LynnSyndra Lynnabout 10 years ago
so sad!

deep feelings expressed beautifully. never give up! we are never too old to dream a new dream or rediscover an old one!

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