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Yellow Peril

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It used to be Myrna Loy with taped eyes
and a slit silk skirt,
her smoky look like opium
drawing the unwary male
into a close room brocaded with sin.
Now Fah Lo See has turned tiger
and her children eat our children,
snarling joyfully in Mandarin
the pure thoughts of geometry,
their slim, prim little fingers perfectly
typing Little White Donkey,
typing Little White Donkey,
typing Little White Donkey
over and over again.

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PoissonSurLaLunePoissonSurLaLuneabout 14 years ago

Yeah, I am creative with my comment titles. Some really nice turns of phrase (brocaded in sin got its praise, but smokey look like opium gets a thumbs up from me).

As a side note.... the Little White Donkey girl's last name is Rubenstein so I'm not sure if that changes the calculations at all.

UnderYourSpellUnderYourSpellabout 14 years ago

I actually read the explanation before the poem don't know if that's a good or bad thing but whichever way I love this line 'into a close room brocaded with sin' akin to the wallpaper in Chinese restaurants

fridayamfridayamabout 14 years ago
I liked some of the lines

but fail to see why we should fear the modern Fah Lo See's. You make too much of Rohmer's insidious imagination, perhaps? How lovely to see Miss Loy remembered though:)

AngelineAngelineabout 14 years ago
I read about the tiger mother syndrome

so this all makes sense to me (though I didn't know about Myrna Loy's taped eyes). I think what you've done is very clever because you seem to use every trick available to challenge the stereotypes (on all sides) in this poem. Words like "brocade" suggest images that further the theme even though they're not--on the surface of meaning--intended that way. (If that makes sense--it does to me.) And the ending is wonderfully ironic.

LiarLiarabout 14 years ago
I have only half a clue

of what's going on here. But I dig the style.

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