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19 Year Old Girlfriend Cuckolded Me


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However, I was fighting to not hurl dinner all over because it was grossing me out when I considered that I was definitely smelling and tasting Tom's semen.

Nikki could tell that I was tentative and reluctant in my oral performance. In response, she said, "come on Jimmy, keep licking me … it's okay." "That's it," she added.

Nikki then said that she was getting close to an orgasm. "Go, go, go" she pleaded. I know from experience that Nikki likes me to really go fast with my tongue as well as deep when she gets close.

Nikki's pussy was convulsing, which caused even more of Tom's semen to come out. And I was tasting a lot of Tom's semen. The smell was striking and unmistakable. The taste was not pleasant, but not as bad as I thought.

When Nikki released her hands from my head after her orgasm, I raised up. Nikki started laughing hysterically.

"What?" I asked.

Nikki laughing said, "Oh my God, Tom's semen is all over your face!" She then teasingly said, "oh my God Jimmy, I can't believe that you really ate my pussy after another guy had just deposited his semen inside of me." Nikki added, "that's true love." "What till I tell all of my girlfriends at the bank" she joked.

"I'll flat out deny it Nikki," I responded.

"Well, let's see how you treat me tomorrow Jimmy" Nikki said. "If you treat me like a queen, then you won't have to do that again tomorrow, but if you don't treat me right … I now know how to get your full, undivided attention" Nikki said. Then smirking, she added, "besides, I think you enjoyed it Jimmy, look your cock is hard again."

I ended up dating Nikki for 2 years. That was the first time that she teased or cuckolded me. But it was certainly not the last. Once she discovered that weekend in the mountains that it turned me on when she teased me by flirted with other men, she did it with regularity thereafter.

Damn, do I miss Nikki! She was an incredible woman.

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PlumbrPlumbr6 months ago

I enjoyed it and have read it several times over the years. These negative commenters take things way too seriously. I personally would have liked to see more of her.

Realdeal123Realdeal1238 months ago

This is one of the worst stories ever written, It lacks humanity and understanding of how the human mind functions. The female character is a selfish, unrepentant bitch with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great, Love Story 🥹☺️☺️☺️❤️. Nikki is one Hot Pussy Great Stoy RW

WookieluvWookieluv11 months ago

I genuinely hated this story. Normally I enjoy a cuck fantasy, but she genuinely had no respect for him at all. I get the fetish, but why be with a woman who gives you nothing. The guy mentions in passing at the end he enjoyed it, through out he was just stressed out. Maybe in the future give more of a glimpse into the cuck’s inner conflict and extreme arousal so we at least know its not pure torture for him. Then tricking him into eating the guys creampie, which made him want to vomit. That’s borderline sexual assault, there was no consent on his part. This just made me furious for him as she and the muscle head took advantage of his injury and desire to not piss off his frigid girlfriend (considering in the months of their relationship at best he got a handjob). I think this could’ve kept her aggressive move into cuckoldry, just needed a little more grudging consent from boyfriend because of his unexpected intense arousal. Just my take. Thanks for sharing regardless.

Askme36079123Askme3607912311 months ago

I thought for sure he was well and truly going to tell her cheating ass to fuck off and take care of herself.

ninjanoodlesninjanoodlesabout 1 year ago

She never said no or stop or don’t. In fact she told her bf it was ok. It was anything but rape. She was a horrible human tho and definitely should’ve been treated as such. And he needed to head for the hills. But tom didn’t rape her. Not even a little bit.

And to the anonymous dude below, i agree that marrying a virgin is retarded. The only reason i can imagine we’ve created that social norm is so women don’t have other cocks to compare to their husbands penis. Marry sluts. Sluts are the best. The hoe in this story is a bitch, not a slut. If a slut marries you, you know you can fuck decent. And she’ll fuck the hell out of you. And she’s less likely to cheat cuz she’s been there done that. Virgins, however, are gonna hear their gf’s talking about sex and the dicks gonna look greener on the other side. Even if you have a unicorn horn for a cock, she won’t know til she cheats on you. Plus virgins suck at sex and if the last that long what the hell else stupid shit did mom convince them of. Virgins are a bad idea. Sluts are the best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I knew that you were going to go for a shortened story. I think in reality Jimmy would of bulked and made a statement by mouthing off and preparing to leave Nikki there if she wouldn't of stopped the mating session. It was still a good short read, but certainly once it was established with the her new older other boyfriend, it could of become a fun investment of time in the characters from your readers

cuck1cuck1about 1 year ago

Great story, Shame there isn't more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A man who is still a virgin past 18, a man that marries a virgin and/or a man that accepts inequality in the bedroom is a man that actively wants to be cucked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

lucky for him,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Man what a blessing the cheating bitch is gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

claiming to be a cuck: if you actually really examined your relationship I’m 100% certain you’d find that is damaged. That she views you with a certain amount of disdain. Those cracks will only grow. Long term she’ll leave you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Teraz Tom musi ją ruchać często i skutecznie zasiać swoje afrykańskie ziarno w macicy Nikki - jej brzuch musi rosnąć z dzieckiem Toma - starego o prawie trzy razy starszego od Nikki i to nie raz . Dzieci Toma będą biegały po podwórku i bawiły się z innymi dziećmi i będzie ich wiele a Tom będzie ruchał i wychowywał Nikki często .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I was hurt but very thankful when I caught my girlfriend actually cheating on me while I was in college. All I said was you lowlife cheating slut. Then I showed her the ring that I had bought and said thank you for cheating. She sat there crying and said I'm sorry. I said I'm happy. What do you mean by that? Happy that you cheated before we married. Good by.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The truth was the old black guy was a drug dealer. He tried to pimp her out and that was when she begged for me to forgive her and asked if she could come back. I said thanks for showing me your true colors and I do forgive you but no I'm not interested in trying that shit again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

And I counted it as a blessing. She wondered why I wouldn't speak again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

story contradictions are awful to read through 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The story held my interest, now whether the story is believable or not is neither here nor there. There is a forbidden sexiness about it. Whether it is true or not isn't the point. Erotic stories are to do just what they are designed to do and that is to peak the imagination. This story did that. Now how far the imagination goes depends upon the reader. You get out of it what you make it, if not then why else are you reading it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Being a cuckold before marriage i enjoy others perspectives. Im Paul and she is Gayle she gave her V to an older guy she had a crush on since teens he was a friend of her dads. She told me everything and they had quite a time together and he taught her a lot about sex. While we dated we both agreed nothing serious like fbs. She admitted she still had sex with the guy so i knew he must do something for her so i decided i wanted to watch. I followed her one day and seen them meet in a carpark and go off into a hiking area. I kept my distance as i knew exactly where they were going as we both had been there before and had sex. Sure enough they were in the same place and making out. I watched and got hard and when he put his erect cock into Gayle i took mine out and masturbated. This was my entry into being a cuckold and i was jealous but very turned on. Next time we were together i told her i had seen them and watched she was not angry but embarrased and i admitted i masturbated and enjoyed watching her have sex. She asked would i watch again i said if you say its ok yes id love to. That was the start of many cuckold experiences which we both enjoy immensly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I know this story is now over 15 years old but I'm reading now, I'll the say the first pages have a good set up, but the ending leaves alot to be desired, you make Tom into a total Dick, and Nikki into a prude bitch, she never fucked jimmy due to morals but instantly let Tom fuck her. And we don't really see when she was going to make it up to Jimmy like promised

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More bbc BS. Not really. I'm a maintenance man for several apartment buildings. 3 are in the black area of our city. The largest project was I have had to replace the toilets with the mega size bowl with the extention seats for all of the black men that are so much bigger than the rest of us. The drop in the spread of VD has caused 6 clinics to close. LOL. What a joke!

bobryan51264bobryan51264almost 3 years ago

If you ask me she did you a favor by dumping your ass it could have only gotten worse from their man she was the best dude

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The only people I can imagine enjoying this are some twisted women and perhaps some gay/bi dudes. I just can't see how anybody else could not be disgusted with stories like this.

Lilwiggi81Lilwiggi81about 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

" shook my hand and said, "sorry Jimmy, I truly didn't mean for that to happen, but you are a great sport." uh sure you didnt mean for it to happen... you fell in repeatedly by accident right? " this writing......

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