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5 - Banking On It

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Dr. N has a patient with coworker troubles.
2.8k words

Part 5 of the 30 part series

Updated 09/12/2023
Created 03/07/2023
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"Good morning, Amanda! How are y---?" Dr. N quickly stopped her greeting when she looked up to see Amanda. She wore a very small cropped cut jacket that was almost sheer over a black bustier, and who knows what for bottoms, since Dr. N couldn't see behind the desk yet. Amanda was definitely seeking something today, and attention was just the start of it. "Umm, is it laundry day or something? I know we're here for sex therapy, but I thought we at least could try for a more professional look."

"Oh, you." Amanda stood and Dr. N could see the bottom half of her was probably covered less than the top. At least she had on a skirt, if you could actually call it that, but beyond that nothing but bare legs and stockings, with the tiniest hint of any modesty between her legs. "I'm just trying to make our patients comfortable so they don't have to imagine me in my underwear to help them relax."

"I see, you know that really doesn't work and it's generally for public speaking, not baring your soul to a relative stranger?" Dr. N jokingly admonished Amanda, but there was no way she could ever be mad at the divine angel of a woman she had working under her. There, she actually decided to play into Amanda's sub desires a little. "And if anything, you are probably torturing our poor patients as much as you're torturing me right now. Is that how you should behave if you truly want to please me?"

"No, Miss Natalya, I'll be sure to behave." Amanda sounded sincere, but the mischief was still there.

"Good, now let's get on with our day, shall we?" Dr N was back to her calm and soothing voice.

She only had one appointment a little later in the morning, so she took some time to decide where Amanda needed to go with her behavior. Was she truly a sub, or was she playing a sub in order to actually dominate? Dr. N was perplexed. Perhaps they just both needed some time on the couch. That would have to wait until they had a solid block of time though.

The morning passed without further incident and suddenly it was time for her appointment. Amanda announced the patient's arrival and escorted her into the office, now having lost the sheer jacket and skirt and just wearing almost nothing. The woman with her couldn't stop staring at her as she walked in and Dr. N was shaking her head a little as well.

"Welcome, I'm Dr. Natalya, or Dr. N if that works better for you. You must be Analisa. Please sit anywhere you like." Dr. N started with her usual greeting and gestured at the seating area as her patient considered her choices.

"Thank you. Ana is fine, I rarely go by my full name." Ana replied as she chose the usual chair. It seemed like that was the best option for just about everyone except Amanda who was always so intent on lounging on the couch.

"Great, Ana, so what brings you to my office today?" Dr. N sat down by her desk, choosing to be in front today for some reason. She was fixated mostly on Ana's deep brown eyes that truly seemed to look into her soul. Her long wavy brunette hair framed a slender face, with a pair of full lips painted delicately with a subtle peach shade that contrasted well with her olive complexion. She had the kind of lips that would win any kissing competition without even breaking a sweat.

"Well, I'm not sure how to begin, so I'll just start with the basics I guess." As she said this, she crossed her legs. She wore a pair of skintight jeans, but Dr. N swore she saw the hint of a growing wet spot already soaking through. Amanda's plan apparently was working to perfection.

"There's a woman I work with, Katrina, and I'm not sure if she likes me or if she's just trying to torture me." Ana started.

"Funny, I have the same problem." Dr. N uncharacteristically injected a bit of her own life into her therapy session. "But, please, go on."

"So, we work together, at a bank. You know, fairly conservative kind of setup in the back office. Not your typical place for much in the way of office hijinks. She just started a few months ago, but it really became an issue in the last three or four weeks. She started flashing me her underwear beneath her skirt as she sat across from me at her desk. At first, I thought she was being a bit absent minded, but then she caught me staring and smiled and she noticed me. She also wears the sheerest blouses, and when her matching top is dark you can almost see every little detail in her bra." Ana started to share, blushing a bit which was really cute against her complexion and her full, high cheeks. She even showed a little red along her neck, and Dr. N was getting aroused by the look she had on her face.

"Please, relax. You are safe to share here, but only what you are comfortable with. Unless of course this is partly the result of the display my assistant was putting on earlier. She will be dealt with appropriately, not to worry." Dr. N reassured Ana that she was in a safe place and would be treated with respect, regardless of the situation she found herself in. And overshared on her plans for Amanda, but she figured those plans were in line with Amanda's anyway, so who was kidding who now?

"Okay, I'm sorry, this is new to me. I really just came to terms with my sexuality not long ago and to have this going on has really made me question some things a little more." Ana opened up a little, relaxing slightly. "She would go out of her way to make sure I saw her panties, and these aren't just your regular cotton, these were elegant, high-end lingerie. She must have an amazing collection as I don't think I've seen a repeat in the last few weeks."

"That's good. And I'm glad you've found yourself, that can be a struggle for some people, at least accepting it given all the inputs we receive daily about what is normal. You are completely normal." Dr. N said in the most soothing voice that sounded as if it could still the wildest storm. "So, what else happened?"

"Well, there was this one set she had on. I mean, I'm not sure it's anything you should actually wear out for the day. She had on a sheer crotchless panty that was stretched tightly across her pussy. The open crotch area pulled back enough that her big beautiful lips were prominently displayed. They're huge. Gorgeous petals I would love to bury my face in." Ana got a little excited with her last comment.

"I see, those do sound very delicious indeed. And you aren't sure what that signal might mean still?" Dr. N prodded a little more. "I'm not sure there are any mixed signals there."

"Maybe not. I'm probably just overthinking it I guess, but still. So, she would also run her finger along my arm as she walked by, or touch me gently when she came over to ask me a question. One time when I needed to run to the bathroom to splash some water on my face because I was so warm, she was waiting for me when I got out, she smiled and walked into the bathroom to use it next, but brushed against me in a very suggestive way. " Ana paused to collect her thoughts. "So, one day I got up the courage and asked her if she was flirting with me, and while she didn't say she was, she invited me over the next night and I accepted her invite, not really thinking about it at the time."

"I see, that was very forward of both of you, so what happened when you went over?" Dr. N proceeded with her usual gentle questions.

"I was obviously nervous when I got there, but she was so sweet and gentle when she asked me in, pulling me into an embrace to greet me and then closing the door as I walked in. She went right to the point and said to follow her into the next room. The room was like a dressing area at a high-end store, I had never seen anything so luxurious in a home before. She pushed open some sliding closet doors to reveal the largest lingerie collection I had ever seen, complete with various accessories like boas and chokers, plus shoes. Oh my god, the shoes!" Ana was so excited describing the wardrobe.

"That sounds amazing, I would very much like a wardrobe just like that myself." Dr. N shared. "And then what happened?"

"Katrina said we were going to play dress up, and I was a little confused, but she was already wearing an amazing lingerie set that seemed to be custom made with how well it fit, cradling her breasts and snugly fitting around her tight ass. The stockings, the garters, a little matching choker with a pearl, and those shoes. She was going to break me if this is what she had in mind for the night." Ana was simply drooling as she described the start of the night.

"That sounds very nice, so what did she want you to do next?" Dr. N was getting a little more aroused hearing the description of all the lingerie. She fancied a bit of dress up play herself, and somehow Amanda knew exactly how to stroke that bit of her just right.

"She knew exactly what she wanted as she went right to the area in the closet where she had an outfit picked out, including a pair of 7" heels, higher than anything I had ever considered wearing. She looked me in the eye and told me to strip down to nothing. I almost shook, but after a few seconds I complied. Katrina was in charge and knew what she wanted of me. After carefully dropping every shred of clothing I had on, Katrina stood and stared, then smiled. She said she knew I was perfect as we were almost the same size and height and everything, down to the shoes." Ana paused again, for reassurance it seemed.

"So, it seems like you were okay with this. At any time did you want to stop or ask her to?" Dr. N wanted to confirm that she was okay with the situation but needed to find out more.

"Oh yes, I was into it. She was so nice and hot and I was already aroused past the point of overthinking anything." Ana reassured Dr. N then continued. "So, she had me step into the panties she had picked out. White lace, mostly sheer with simple patterns threaded throughout that looked very nice against my skin. She slid the panties up my legs, her warm fingers moving gently along, caressing me as she went. I felt her hands get closer to my crotch and just brush against me and I shuddered. She told me to sit down on a padded leather dressing bench."

"That sounds very sexy and sensual. You must have been on edge the entire time. What did she do next?" Dr. N was too curious to hide it at this point and had almost lost her soothing voice as her own breathing became a bit labored in between Ana's words.

"Next, she took the matching stockings down from the satin covered hanger. She got down between my legs, had me lift my foot and took one of the stockings to roll it up and slip it on. She slid the lace stocking up, unrolling as she went to smooth the lace across my skin. This was the softest lace I had ever worn and the stockings seemed to hug my legs as they clung to my skin, with the lace just softly rubbing against me." Ana was getting flushed, as was Dr. N.

She wasn't sure she would make it through this session without doing something. "That sounds exquisite, can you tell me what happened next?" Dr. N was rapt and wasn't focusing on therapy now, just hearing the story and being overly aroused.

"She did the same with the other stocking and by the time she had them both up I was already almost sitting in a puddle." Ana started. "Then she finished putting on the outfit. She had a short bustier style bra that had garters hanging from it. After she clasped the bra in place, adjusting my breasts to showcase them in the tight demi cups, she went back to the garters. My nipples sat right at the edge of the lace trim and as she worked on adjusting the set, it rubbed against them such that they were rock hard and I was still getting more aroused. She then attached the garters to the stockings to hold them up and the lace rubbed against me some more as the tension pulled the stocking tops farther up my thighs. Once I thought she was done she reached back in the wardrobe and pulled out what looked like a veil and then the shoes. She clipped the lace veil piece in my hair and had me step into the shoes. The shoes extended the line of my legs and I looked like I could be a model."

Dr. N was about to explode and had trouble concentrating and keeping her hands away from her pussy. "Do I even dare ask what happened next?"

"Nothing." Ana said, exasperated

"What do you mean nothing?" Dr. N asked surprised.

"Well, nothing you would expect to happen. She spent the next hour having me pose for pictures in the lingerie. Various standard poses, some boudoir style shots, with a few risqué props here and there. Then she did this whole series with food. She had me sit, legs spread, looking dejected, eating a slice of pizza. Then standing, eating a hotdog and having mustard and ketchup dribbling down my front. She took the top off and let my stockings slouch down a little then had me eating watermelon and other fruits while the juice just ran down my chin and onto my breasts. That was it. She finished and we cleaned up and I left." Ana stopped and looked at Dr. N for help. "Does she like me or was I just a prop for her and how do I find out, I think I really like her?"

"Wow! That is something. Well, the only way to know is to ask. There's really no getting around that. She seems at least interested, so the only thing that could happen is that she says no. I can't imagine work getting any more awkward then after what's already happened." Dr. N tried her best to focus through her burning needs.

"I guess I knew that already, but needed some reassurance. Thanks for listening, Dr. N." Ana replied simply, a slight smile growing on her face.

"Any time, and I mean any time, I would be happy to listen if you need me. Why don't you set up another appointment and we can see what happens in the next week. Call if you need anything sooner." Dr. N finished and Ana made her way out to the lobby to chat with Amanda about next week.

Amanda walked into the doorway of the office and Dr. N looked up. She had on a new outfit that looked almost exactly like the one Ana described in her encounter, except Amanda's had a long trailing lace skirt and no veil, but the rest was strikingly similar.

"Is that the same outfit you had on earlier?" Dr. N asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, I changed while you were with Ana, just to mix things up a little. Keep our patients on their toes." Amanda remarked jokingly. A sly smile forming along her delicate lips.

"Amanda, dear. I think I've dropped something on the floor under my desk and can't seem to find it. Would you be so kind as to take a look for me?" Dr. N said calmly, to her soon to be slave.

"Yes, Miss Natalya." Amanda said, almost unable to contain her excitement.

As Amanda got on her knees to climb under the desk, Miss Natalya slid her chair up to be flush with it and sat down, her legs spread. Amanda turned herself around and took notice as to what was being presented to her and moved closer.

"There! Yes, I do believe you've found it!" Miss Natalya said with a high-pitched shriek of a gasp.

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