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50 Shades Experience

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A detailed account of my first experience as a submissive.
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I am writing this and posting it online because Master Ross has told me to do so. He has told me I must write up a narrative and post it for others to read. I am instructed to write a complete honest and detailed account starting from the beginning. I am only to leave out certain details that he told me not to share. Here it is.

I am a 36 year old divorced woman with two kids. I live in the suburbs of a major southwestern city. I had read the 50 shades books and became very interested in male domination of females in the bedroom setting.

After I saw the movie I became intrigued enough to go online and look into role playing as a submissive female. I have to be honest, as Master Ross requires, when I first started I didn't really think I would go as far as I did.

There are two popular sites that I had heard of but never used. Well again, I must be totally honest. I sold a washing machine on one of these sites a few years ago. I had never been on the other site. I had heard these sites are often used for hookups. I searched 'men seeking women' and was I ever surprised at what I found. I had no idea. Most of the ads were placed by men who were looking for a woman to submit to them in a role playing setting. Not that I ever thought I was the only person intrigued by the idea of submitting in a sexual way, but I had no idea there were that many people interested.

I looked at ads on weekends when my ex had our kids. I started noticing that there were not as many men looking for submissive women as I first had thought. I recognized that many of the ads were from the same few men. As I read them over the course of a couple of months, I felt like I getting a feel for what each of these men were looking for. I contrasted them against what I knew I was looking for in a role play. I was not looking for a relationship. I was looking for a playmate; a man with some experience who could teach a beginner like me. But of course it had to me someone I could trust.

I sent emails to three different Dominant men whose ads I deemed a possible match for what I was looking for. One of those men never responded. One of the others responded but was pushy, asked for a picture of me, and wanted to meet soon. I wasn't ready for that. Anyway, he said he was 32 years old. I thought that was too young. The third man I emailed called himself Master Ross. He replied to my email and introduced himself as a 56 year old local business owner. He told me he is respected by his family and friends and that no one who knows him would ever imagine that he enjoys meeting submissive women. I was, and still am, new to this whole thing, but I am not so naïve that I believed everything men I met online told me. Nevertheless, there seemed to be a genuineness to Master Ross.

Master Ross and I exchanged emails over the next three weeks. On one Saturday when my kids were with their dad, Master and I exchanged eleven messages. I felt like I was getting to know this man that was, to me, almost imaginary. Master Ross was not pushy and I appreciated that. He explained to me that he has over twenty years experience as a Dominant male, but it had been a while since he had role played. The recent books and movie had brought a lot of attention to bondage and domination, bringing it all to the surface again for Master Ross. He had told me that he had recently met several women online and that he had met two of them in person for coffee but neither of them went any further than that.

It was me who suggested that we too meet for coffee. Here I was the submissive, but I found myself initiating the meeting. In hindsight, I understand why it had to be that way.

We agreed to meet at a local coffee shop (guess which one!) one morning before work. It was his suggestion to meet in the morning but I liked that idea since it forced me to limit our first meeting to 30 minutes. It was a Tuesday. We would meet at 7:00 o'clock. Master Ross asked me what I would be wearing so he would recognize me. He had never asked me for a picture and I had never offered him one. He did have a general description of me. Five foot eight, 165 pounds, wavey brown hair just below my shoulders.

I asked him what he would be wearing but Master Ross refused to tell me. He said he would approach me at the coffee shop. I only had a general idea what he looked like. Caucasian, six foot two, 220 pounds, average build, and gray hair. I was to buy my coffee and sit outside.

I arrived at the coffee shop right on time at 7:00. I did not want to be early, but I did not want to be late either. I ordered a coffee and sat down at a table outside. The place was busy but most people were buying take out, rather than staying. There were three other tables occupied. I remember this clearly. One table had two college students. One table had a young woman reading a book alone. A gentleman who pretty much fit the description of Master Ross was sitting at a table inside the shop, sipping coffee and reading a newspaper. I wondered if that could be him, but this man seemed completely oblivious to me.

After sitting nervously for almost ten minutes which, by the way seemed a lot longer, the gentleman stood up from his table inside the shop, threw away his coffee cup and his newspaper, walked out the door and sat down next to me. He introduced himself simply as Ross and thanked me for meeting him. I don't think it showed, but I was shaking inside.

Ross was an absolute gentleman. We only had twenty minutes left before I would have to leave for work. Ross knew that. He also knew that since we had exchanged so many emails, we did not need too much time to talk. He asked me about my kids and my schedule. He asked if I thought he was a pervert. I assured him that if he was, I was also. He asked me if I would like to meet again, and possibly spend some time in a private Domination session. I told him I would meet him again for coffee.

We agreed to meet at exactly the same place at 10:00 that Saturday. Ross said he would follow up with an email. I left and went off to work. I was distracted all day. Ross is a fairly attractive man, but not a Bradley Cooper by any means. LOL. He is in his mid 55s. He is intelligent, articulate, and definitely a gentleman just as I had thought. He is too old for me to consider a relationship with him, but we both made it clear from our initial emails that that was not what either of us was looking for.

Thursday evening, upon checking my email, I found the message from Ross. It was short. He just told me that he enjoyed meeting me on Tuesday, and that he was looking forward to seeing me again on Saturday. Then he told me exactly what I was to wear when I meet him on Saturday morning. I was to wear a blouse that buttons down the front over a bra that fastens in the back. I was to wear a skirt that goes above my knee over bikini panties. He emphasized that I was not to wear a thong. He told me to wear two to three in heels. I took it all in and wrote back to him that I understood what he wanted me to wear and that I would comply.

Saturday morning, after showering, I got dressed exactly how Master Ross told me. I drove the twenty minutes to the coffee shop and arrived a few minutes early. I purchased my coffee and sat down outside just as I had done on Tuesday. Almost immediately, Master Ross walked past me into the coffee shop. It was not nearly as busy now as it had been on Tuesday. Master Ross exited the coffee shop with his coffee in one hand and a newspaper under his arm. He sat next to me and opened up his newspaper. I said good morning to him. He responded with a smile but simply said "I'm reading my newspaper. Please don't speak to me unless I speak to you first." I was embarrassed but I nodded a 'yes'. I thought about leaving right then and there, but I didn't. I felt humbled, but in a strange way it felt very good. In fact, it felt good in a way I don't ever remember feeling ever before. Crazy!

Master Ross read his paper for ten minutes or so while I sat and did nothing. Then, after carefully folding his paper and placing it on the table, he asked me "Are you ready?" Of course I knew what he meant. I hesitated briefly before nodding and telling him that I thought so. Then Master Ross addressed me by my name for the first time ever. He said "Laura, I have promised you that I will not do anything to you that you do not want me to do. I am a man of my word." (Laura is not my real name but I am using it here for anonymity.)

I told him "I know you won't."

"If you're ready, Laura, I want you to follow me in your car." That was the second time Master Ross addressed me by name.

"I'm ready."

Master Ross stood up and walked to his car, leaving his newspaper on the table. I followed, going to my car. I had no idea where we were going. It was only a few minutes and we pulled into a hotel parking lot. It was a somewhat upscale roadside type hotel. It was not high-end, but not sleazy either. Master Ross parked and I parked next to him. Master Ross told me to wait in my car for ten minutes and then go on up to a particular room. I do not remember what the room number was. I was to leave my purse locked in the car. The only thing I was to carry was my car keys.

Master Ross walked off and into the hotel. I sat and fidgeted in my car. Again, thoughts crossed my mind of leaving. But I didn't. I watched the clock on the dashboard. I watched each minute click by. After ten minutes, I got out of the car, walked into the hotel avoiding eye contact with the desk clerk, and found the elevator. The elevator led to the floor that Master Ross was on. The floor led to his room. Stopping in front of the room matching the number he gave me, I remember thinking this is my one last chance to run. Then I thought 'what if this is not his room'? Then I knocked.

Master Ross opened the door widely and invited me in. As I entered, I remember thinking "Yikes! Here I am. This is for real now."

Still a gentleman, Master Ross told me to relax and that I was in for a special time. His voice was calming. He told me to place my shoes in the closet and sit on the bed. We would talk. I did as he said and as he pulled a chair away from the desk and turned it facing me.

"Laura, when you address me while we are in private session, you are to address me as either Sir or Master Ross. Nod to me without speaking if you agree." I nodded. Master Ross told me to uncross my legs and sit with my feet flat on the floor. I was to place my hands palm up on my thighs. I remember that submissive position from the books and the movie. I did as I was told.

We had discussed limits during one of our last emails before we met so I knew about the idea of limits but we had not spoken specifically about my limits because I didn't know what they were. Master Ross told me that if at any time while we were together I felt like we were approaching a limit I was to use the word "yellow". If we reached a limit, I was to say "red". Otherwise I could use the word "green".

I remembered this from the books and movie too.

Master Ross instructed me to tell him some specific limits that I had. He insisted that I tell him. The only thing I could think of was that I did not want him to cum in my mouth. I know that some women like that but it is not my thing. I was a little hesitant to speak up about that because I did not know if he would think that was a stupid limit. He might have thought that is something he had no intention of doing. Or, on the other hand, he may have thought that was something very routine and expected. Anyway, I did tell him I did not want him to cum in my mouth and that that would be a 'hard limit' for me. Master Ross said he understood.

He asked me if there were any other limits. I reminded him that I did not want any marks left on my body and that, while I did not mind bondage, I did not want to me beaten. I remembered that seen from the movie. I'm not into that. Again, Master Ross understood. That was about all I could think of regarding limits.

Master Ross told me to unbutton my blouse and open it up. Nervously, but excitedly, I did as I was told. He told me he would begin by asking me some revealing questions, as he put it. I would be expected to answer each one truthfully and completely. He started by asking me how long it had been since I had had sex. I answered him truthfully. He asked how old I was when I lost my virginity and how many partners I have had in my life. I answered his questions. It made me feel humbled and somewhat humiliated. But I also felt my inhibition barriers were being completely torn down. These are things I have never even discussed with my closest girlfriend.

At this point Master Ross told me to take off my already opened blouse and to stand up. I did as I was told. Master Ross told me to take off my skirt. I did as I was told. He told me to unfasten my bra but to leave it hanging on loosely. I did as I was told. Then Master Ross told me to kneel on the floor at his feet with my hands resting palm upward on my thighs. I did what he said.

Master Ross looked down at me and asked me if I was ok. I assured him that I was. He told me to describe to him an erotic fantasy that I have had. I told him that I felt I was living one now. He smiled and told me he wanted me to tell him about a different fantasy. I shared with him a fantasy regarding my doctor. I had never told anyone about that before. I don't think I have ever felt so vulnerable in my life as I did then. He asked me questions about my fantasy and made me tell him details.

Master Ross reached down and slipped the bra straps off of each shoulder causing my bra to slide down my arms. He then gently caressed each of my breasts. "Laura, you are doing very well. I don't see any need for strict discipline for you. But you will need to be taught about complete submission." I thought I pretty much had the submission part down. "Now stand up. Pull the covers off the bed and kneel on it on all fours."

As I stood up, he took my bra from me, leaving me in just my panties. I did exactly as Master Ross told me to do, kneeling doggie style on the bed. I could hear Master Ross moving around but I did not know what he was doing because he was behind me. I was told to spread my knees apart a little wider. He reached and grabbed each side of my panties and pulled them down exposing my bare ass.

I thought I heard what sounded like a latex glove. A moment later I felt his finger push deep into my ass. To be truthful, I did not like that feeling. He played with my ass for a few moments before he withdrew. He told me to stay in that same position.

I heard the latex glove come off and the sound of lubricant gurgling as it came out of a tube. I had not heard this before he went into my ass, but I know he used lubricant then. I left Master Ross' hand reached between my legs and that's when I left his finger go into my lady part. He was putting a lot of lubricant in and around the area. He found my clit and slowly and methodically massaged it. I know my breathing got heavy. That's when he stopped. He did not let me come at that time.

Now I was told to get off the bed and kneel upright on the floor. Master Ross stood right in front of me. I was told to unfasten his pants. Then unzip them. Then pull them down. Then pull down his underwear. I was instructed to place his cock in my hands and just hold it. It would be an understatement to just say that Master Ross is well endowed. He said "I want to check your gag reflex now."

"Yikes" I thought. I hope he honors my limit and does not come in my mouth. He told me to open wide. I had to open very wide, if you know what I mean. Master Ross grabbed the back of my head and slowly pushed his cock into my mouth. He did not go all the way in, nor did he keep it in for very long. And of course he did not come. For that I am glad. In hindsight, I feel a little guilty for not trusting Master Ross and worrying that he would come in my mouth. At no time ever did he break his word or in any way not be a gentleman.

My session with Master Ross lasted about two hours. It did not cost me anything since Master Ross paid for the cost of the hotel. He does not want me to write in detail about the rest of our time together and the other things he did with me and made me do. He used bondage "stuff" on me and restrained me. I may tell you that we did not have intercourse. In fact, he did not come at all during our time together. Whether or not I did is something that I will not disclose here. All in all, the experience was absolutely amazing. By far it was the most erotic experience of my life.

Master Ross played me like a fiddle, as they say. He knew just what to do, and what not to do. He never went too far, but he pushed me. I was humbled in a way that I have never experienced. I just can't fully explain it. I don't know how often I will see Master Ross, but I hope he lets me see him again. He is a gentleman and a truly Dominant man.

An honest and true account.


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thongs125thongs125over 9 years ago
Great Story

Thank you for sharing your first encounter

at being submissive. It is so interesting.

I think it would be so much Fun to Do !!

please keep us informed of your next experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Very boring ..nice that's its true but wasn't worth reading

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It is unfortunate you can't share more of hours experience...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

With all the stories I have read that are marginally believable (not that they aren't erotic) it's refreshing to read a true account of a woman's feelings as she is introduced to dominance and submission. I have been in the position of Master Ross and have given women similar first time experiences. Trust is so important and it can never be violated. It allows a woman to relax and enjoy what she is exposed to. Please write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
honest and real

very helpful to read a true account

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