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7th Heaven Annie's Sexual Awakening

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Annie Camden seduces Martin & discovers her sexual desires.
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/12/2008
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It was early Sunday morning when Annie Camden awoke to the sun shining in her bedroom window. She rolled over reaching for her husband Eric but of course he was already awake. Probably downstairs in the office practicing his sermon she thought to herself as she stepped out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the tub faucet. She would have liked to sleep in a bit longer but it was Sunday and that meant another day at church. Eric was the reverend so attendance for herself and their children was mandatory. It was not that Annie didn't like the church or the people who prayed along side of her. She believed in God and had as much of a spiritual side as the next person. It was just that the church and God and doing the right thing had become her husband's whole life. Annie felt as if after becoming a minister Eric had changed and been in a way consumed by religion.

It had not always been that way with Eric. When they first met he was more carefree and loose and they had lots of fun together. He had courted her and made her feel loved and satisfied. She knew he wanted to become a minister, but she didn't think much of it at the time. So he wanted to do good things with his life, and thought they should wait until marriage to be intimate, that was nothing new in those years. What Annie hadn't realized was that it was so much more than that. After they got married so many things became more pronounced and evident. It was their honeymoon and Annie was very much ready to be intimate with her husband. He was the man she had been saving herself for and she was prepared to enjoy the experience. Having not ever been with a man Annie was not on the pill, but was also not thinking about having children just yet. She had expected Eric to be prepared in that department, but was surprised to find that he had no intentions of using protection. He had explained to her that it was not the natural order of things and that when they made love they should leave the results in God's hands. That love making although a wonderful bonding experience for husband and wife mostly served as a method of procreation.

Annie found herself in an interesting predicament because she loved Eric and really needed to be with him at that moment. She decided that they would make love and let it happen as he had said. Eric had been gentle and loving and the whole experience had been much as she expected. He had crawled over her and slowly entered her as they both built up inside of themselves. That was the night when their oldest son Matt had been conceived. The rest of the trip had been more of the same but she figured he only wanted the two of them to become comfortable with each other and later on there would be time for new and exciting things. Seven children later Annie knew that was not the case. She did not think that just because Eric was a minister that he was required to use only the missionary position when making love. She also did not believe that they she should be required to become pregnant just so she could make love to her husband.

Annie had tried to immerse herself in her family and suppress her sexual needs and desires. She was a mother of seven and that did keep her very busy. Free time was not something that wasn't very easy to come by. When her and Eric did have alone time she wanted to make the most of that time. Annie would do what she could to try and add some spice to her and Eric's sex life. She would put on some lingerie and red lipstick and lay in waiting for Eric to come into the bedroom at the end of the day. Annie was sure to make these occasions at times when she was sure she would be less likely to become pregnant. Usually Eric was put off if she came on to strong but he always went through the motions. He would kiss her and lay her down and missionary position until he was finished. She sometimes finished before he did but there was no electricity. She wanted him to be excited by her and the truth was that he should have been. Annie had a beautiful shapely body and was quite attractive considering she had birthed seven children. She had been sure to exercise and eat healthy as much possible. Annie took pride in the fact that she was able to maintain her body and she wanted someone to take notice. The truth is that men probably did notice her however, they also knew who she was. In their opinion Annie was the reverend's wife and a good girl and a mother and that was that. Little did they know that underneath all that was a vixen waiting to come out.

Several years into her marriage Annie started experimenting with masturbation. It was always done behind her locked bedroom or bathroom door. Only during the day while her children were at school and her husband at work. Masturbation was a sin and Eric could never find out or their marriage would have probably been over and she hated to think of what that would do to the kids.

The idea had just come to her one day while she was taking a mid morning shower. She was a little tired and stiff from cleaning the house and doing laundry and the warm water felt good on her aching bones. Her mind began to wonder as she tried to remember the last time she felt relaxed and satisfied. Suddenly she had the realization that if Eric was not going to give her what she needed she should do it herself. "Don't do it, it's a sin" one side of her mind said. The other side reasoned that masturbation was natural., so many people do it everyday and it was not possible that all of them were going to Hell.

As that thought passed through her mind she let her hands cup her breasts. Not bad she thought as she looked at her full breasts. She ran her fingers over her nipples and they immediately became hard. MMM she moaned and she continued to massage her tender nipples. Next she let a hand drop to her pussy and was surprised to find that she was already starting to get moist. She slipped a finger slowly inside of herself and let it circle around as she became more aroused. She then slipped another finger in and started to pump back and forth. Her pace began to quicken as she finger fucked herself for the first time in her life. Annie enjoyed this new sensation, but she wanted more still. She wanted to release this ever building tension inside of her. She let her fingers run up her pussy lips searching for her clitoris. Eric had never even attempted to stimulate her there but she had read that was where her true pleasure could be found. She nearly jumped when her fingers first passed over her most sensitive part. She slowed down and gently began to rub herself there getting ever slightly faster and faster. Her breathing became short as she felt her temperature rise. There was this surge inside of her and it was like nothing she had ever experienced. Oh yes! Was also she could manage to say as she exploded into an intense orgasm. Until that day Annie had only imagined what kinds of pleasure she missing out on. Now she knew that it was possible to experience pleasure beyond anything she had ever known.

Annie began to masturbate on a more regular basis and it was all so new and exciting. She even went as a far as to buy some small vibrators and dildos hiding them in her underwear draw knowing Eric would never discover them there. Annie's self sexual exploration was only the beginning and soon enough she wanted more. It was about that time that her older children had started to blossom and take interest in the opposite sex. Annie found herself envious of them and their dating. It was not as if they were doing anything risqué, but at least they were experiencing all these new emotions and feelings. Annie's son Matt had grown into a handsome young man and he was popular with the ladies. Although Annie noticed her son as the attractive man he was, impure thoughts never entered her mind. She loved her children and incest was truly a sin and she would have never imagined being with her son in that way. She did find herself looking at the boys that came to court her oldest daughter Mary. Boys would come and go and some even stayed in their house for a time. However, these boys had only eyes for her daughters and Annie had no intentions of ruining relations with her daughters.

It was several years later when her circumstances changed. That is to say that an opportunity presented itself and Annie found herself very intrigued. Her older children were all but grown now and starting to lead their own lives and find more permanent relationships. It was at this time that Martin came into their lives. It was no secret who the Camdens were or that they were caring and helpful people. Perhaps it was that or maybe it was something else but Martin had just started coming around the house and trying to make friends with the family. His father was off fighting in the Iraq war and he had been staying with his aunt. Martin's aunt was alright and he liked her well enough but he missed feeling like part of a family.

At first no one much knew who he was or why he kept hanging around, but it did not take long for Eric to pull the story out of him. Once Eric knew about Martin's father it all became clear to him and soon enough he was talking to Annie trying to convince her to allow Martin to move in with them until his father returned from war. Annie was easily convinced to take in Martin and was happy to do it really. With some of their children out of the house they had the space. More than that Annie was used to a full house so she agreed and Martin moved in shortly there after. Martin was very grateful for the change to be part of a family again and not feel so alone. Annie seemed sweet to him and very helpful in adjusting him to his new surroundings.

What he didn't know was that Annie had her reasons and thoughts were brewing in the back of her mind. Martin was an attractive young man about 18 years of age. He was an athlete and she caught herself noticing his lean and well toned body. Annie knew that Martin was bound to be a hit with the girls if he wasn't already. In the past this would have been bad news for Annie as Martin would have surely taken an interest in one of her daughters. But Mary and Lucy were older and in committed relationships now, and Ruthie was still a few years too young for Martin to notice her that way. Annie smiled to herself at the devilish and dirty thoughts she was having. It all seemed simply too easy and too perfect of a chance to pass up. Yes Martin was living in their house, but everyone knew the reason why they had taken him in so no one would question his presence in their house and church. Now if she could do it in a way that Eric or the other children wouldn't find out she found herself thinking.

Before she knew it Annie had decided that she was going to seduce Martin and use him to satisfy her sexual cravings. She knew at first he would be shocked and intimidated by the idea and fearful even. However, she knew that in time she would get him to push past all of that. Once he had a little taste of what she had to offer he would be easy to control. She would hypnotize him so to speak and he would agree to her every wish and desire. At first Annie kept all of this inside of her heart and head and did nothing. She wanted to give Martin time to become comfortable in her home and more importantly comfortably with her. Annie knew that if she came on strong from the start she would most likely scare him off.

It wasn't until several months after Martin moved in that Annie started putting her plan slowly in motion. She did little things at first to see if she could peak his attention. After taking a shower she would walk to her bedroom wrapped only in a towel or a thin robe rather than getting all the way dressed. She would always smile and say hey Martin as she walked by the open door of his room. On these occasions Martin could not help but notice that Annie was more than just a mother. It was obvious to him that she was a woman with considerable assets. He chastised himself for having those thoughts and felt as if he was disgracing this nice family who had so generously taken him into their home.

Martin also found himself contemplating Annie's actions and wondering did she used to walk around in a robe like that? One evening Eric had taken Ruthie and Simon for pizza and the twins were down for the night. Martin was in his room working on some homework when Annie walked by in her robe and into the bathroom. Martin's room was across from the bathroom and he slyly watched her as she walked by. Annie knew that he was watching and she was sure to leave the door open a crack as she let her rob slip off her shoulders and onto the bathroom floor. Martin had a clear view of her bare back and quick glimpse of her sweet ass before she stepped into the shower and out of view.

Damn, he though as he felt a slight stirring in his pants. He had no idea what she was doing, but he was beginning to believe that crack in the door was no accident. Martin tried to focus on his work but it wasn't a few minutes later when he heard Annie calling out his name. Martin walked over towards the bathroom and called into Annie.

"Is there a problem Mrs. Camden?" he asked.

"Silly me forgot to get a towel before getting in the shower. Be a darling and get me one out of the linen closet," she asked.

"Sure no problem," he answered.

Martin slowly opened the bathroom door, walked in headed toward the linen closet. Steam rose in the air and the mirror was all fogged up and the moisture hung in the air. Martin tried to keep his eyes in front of him but after he had grabbed a towel he could not help but notice Annie's silhouette in the shower curtain. It was nothing more than a shadow but he had a pretty good idea of how all the pieces fit together.

"Where do you want this towel?" he asked.

"On my body silly," Annie answered as she turned off the water. "Now spread it out and hold it in front of you," she said. "Oh and no peeking" she added with a giggle.

Martin was flabbergasted by her response and just stood their motionless for a moment. He barely had the towel unfolded when Annie pulled back the curtain and snatched the towel from his hands and wrapped it around her body. Martin had gotten a quick but full view of Annie and her full breasts and he was stunned to say the very least.

"You bad boy, I told you not to peek," she said still giggling.

Martin simply lowered his head and walked out of the room feeling embarrassed by his staring. He wondered how he could have just stood their leering at the reverend's wife. But after all he was human and a boy with raging hormones and he could only control so much. Annie was pleased by Martin's reaction and she knew that he was definitely starting to see another side of her. He was realizing that she could be more than just a surrogate mother. Annie dried off and looked at herself in the mirror. "I still got it", she thought as she slipped into a nightgown and headed to her bedroom.

Eric and the kids came home soon after and they all retired for the night. In his room that night Martin could not get the image of Annie's naked body out of his mind. Unable to sleep he knew he needed some relief. He stroked himself until he came, cleaned off with a tissue and threw it in the trash and drifted off to sleep. The next morning Martin was up and out of the house quicker than usual. He was a bit embarrassed by what he had seen and done last night and he did not much feel like facing Annie. Martin wished that he could talk to someone about what was happening. He wanted someone else to tell him that Annie was making a play for him just to be sure. However, he knew very well that he could tell no one as it would be disastrous. No matter what Annie's intentions were it would ruin her reputation and hurt her husband and family and Martin definitely did not want to be the cause of all that. He knew he would have to take this as it came and figure it out for himself.

Annie had barely gathered up the twins and got them downstairs when she heard Martin crank up his car and drive off. "He is getting an early start," she thought to herself. She knew she would have to work on getting him more comfortable with what was happening. Soon enough the boys were off at school and she was back home to her empty house. Annie was putting away some of the clean laundry when she came upon Martin's room and decided to do some investigating. She opened the door and looked into the trash can. She noticed a balled up tissue and a grin spread across her face as she knew what that was from. Annie knew now that Martin was beginning to cross the line and soon enough she could have him. She had entered his fantasies and become a sexual object and this made Annie feel hot and desirable. She was already imagining all the things she could do to Martin. She would seduce him and tease him and turn him into her boy toy. She would make him want her so bad that he would do whatever she wanted.

Annie found herself ready to experience all these things she had been missing out on. She wanted to taste a cock and feel cum roll down her throat. She wanted to be taken from behind and have her clit licked until she burst. She was unsure about anal sex because it seemed painful but she was not ruling it out yet. There was this whole realm of sexuality and sexual experiences and Annie was ready for it all. "Pace yourself Annie," she thought to herself. She knew there would be a time and place for everything, but she didn't need to rush anything.

Martin found himself unable to concentrate on school and at practice that day. His friends could tell that something was off with him. All Martin would say was that he was tired and worried about his father. His friends knew that was at least a partial answer so they left it alone. The truth was that Martin simply could not wrap his mind around the possibility that Annie was interested in him in a sexual manner. He knew now that she was sexy and he only hoped he could see more soon. That night back at the house dinner had already been served and Annie was washing some of the bigger pots and pans when Martin came in the door. Annie accidentally on purpose splashed some water on her shirt and turned to greet Martin.

"Hey Martin, she said with a smile."

"Um, hey Mrs. Camden," Martin said while trying to divert his attention from Annie's wet shirt and hard nipples.

"You missed dinner, would you like some leftovers?" she asked.

"I already ate with some of the guys. And I really should go study for my exam tomorrow," he said as he ran upstairs.

Annie finished her dishes and headed upstairs where she found Eric putting the twins to bed. Ruthie was just coming out of the bathroom and heading to her room to do a little reading before bed. Annie slipped into her bedroom, grabbed a sexy little slip and covered it with her big robe. She walked to the bathroom and prepared to shower and get ready for what she planned to do. Annie let the water cleanse and refresh her body as she started to relax. When she was finished she put on her slip and her robe. She took out her red lipstick that she saved for special occasions and applied it smacking her lips to make sure it was even. When Annie left the bathroom she poked her head into her bedroom and saw Eric asleep with the lamp on and some work papers on his lap. He always wore himself out and Annie resented that he had no energy at the end of the day for intimacy. Annie tip toed in and put his papers on the dresser and turned off the lamp. Then she went back to the hall and started to make her rounds. She went downstairs and checked to see if the doors were locked and all the twin's toys were picked up. Back upstairs she saw Ruthie turning off her light and settling in for the night. Simon had left for college a few weeka earlier. The house was less crowded than usual and Annie had planned it that way. She walked over to Martin's room and saw it still very much illuminated.

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