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A Bad Dream Ch. 01


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"Hey baby, did you finish my iPod the other day? I was wanting to listen to it the other night, and I remembered I gave it to you..." She asked with a toothbrush dangling from her mouth..

Luke laughed... leave it to a woman to come up with something that random while brushing her teeth.. "Yeah.. here it is... you sexy little devil..."

She smiled, or tried to.. she now had her mouth full of toothpaste, and was trying not to drool it all over the place.. She grabbed the iPod, and made her way back to the bathroom to spit the paste out.. Finishing up in the bathroom, she made her way to her room, and got dressed.. She picked out a matching black lace panty and bra set..

She knew Luke loved the look, she had once went through his computer files, and found quite a few pics of women wearing this same style of bras and panties.. She had bought them to tease him with.. but now.. she was wearing them so when he hopefully undressed her tonight, he would be in for a huge surprise.. She decided to go with a another pair of daisy dukes, and a simple black 3 Doors Down t-shirt.. Luke had gotten her into them a few years before.. And since then, everytime they come to town, the twins always got tickets.. She thought about how underrated they were, and how cute their lead singer was... Not as good looking as her brother though.. she quickly corrected... Looking in the mirror, she figured she looked good enough for lounging around the house.. and to go shopping for groceries...

Making her way downstairs, she saw Luke in his favorite chair, watching SportsCenter.. While he wasn't as bad about sports as some guys, he loved to watch SportsCenter, and the top plays of the previous day.. She went over, hopped in his lap, and having his full attention, she leaned in for a kiss. Making out like a married couple of 25 years, the siblings simply couldn't get enough of each other.. While their tongues were dancing, Luke rested his hands on her thighs.. and slowly moved one up to her left breast.. Moaning, Mandy backed off, and wiggled her finger back and forth...

"Nope nope nope.. we gotta go shopping today.. I am NOT eating ramen noodles again tonight..." She laughed..

With that, she jumped out of his lap, and went to the kitchen to make a grocery list. After what seemed like an eternity, she came back to the living room, as SportsCenter was going off...

"OK, I think I have everything covered.. are you ready to go?" She asked..

"Yeah honey, let me put my shoes on..." He answered..

She walked over to the shoe rack, pulled out his favorite shoes, and threw them to him... and then walked outside...


Tying his shoes, Luke locked up the house and found out, that yet again.. The weather was hot and humid.. He also noticed just how beautiful his sister was, leaning up against his truck with a big smirk on her face.. Trying to put those thoughts in the back of his head, to prevent a down south rising.. He walked over to the truck, hopped in, and waited for his lover to get in..

"You know... you take longer to get ready than any woman I know Luke..." She giggled, and stuck out her tongue...

"I can't help it, I was preoccupied thinking about some beautiful woman.." He smiled..

"Ohhh, who is it? You should introduce me sometime..." She stuck her tongue out again..

"Eh, you wouldn't like her.. she's being really mean to me right now.." Luke stuck out his tongue this time..

"I wouldn't call it being mean, I just call it keeping you on your toes..." She stated firmly..

"Whatever baby, you ready?" He asked..

She nodded, and hopped in the truck, and leaned over for a kiss.. Luke decided to just give her a little peck, and she slapped him hard on the shoulder..

"You better do better than that brother-o-mine..."

So he leaned in, gave her a toe curling kiss, and started the truck.. The drive to town was fairly normal, well about as normal as any drive with two in-love siblings could be.. Pulling into the grocery store parking lot, Mandy let a little screech.. She had seen her best friend Autumn going into the store.. She had been on vacation, and apparently had just gotten back.. They had been friends for as long as Luke could remember, and while she seemed nice enough, Luke thought she was kind of annoying.. It wasn't that she was a bitch or anything.. She just talked........ a LOT.... As soon as he parked the truck, the passenger door was open, and Mandy practically sprinted into the store.. Luke tried to rush.. but knowing he wouldn't catch her.. He just walked in alone...

After finally locating the two girls, Luke said a quick hello to Autumn, and asked for the shopping list from Mandy.. He knew if he didn't get the list, they would be roaming the aisles for hours talking about god knows what.. He picked up all the things on the list, and added a few things he knew his sister liked, and made his way over to the twinkie aisle.. If there was one guilty pleasure Luke had.. It was the twinkie.. He knew it might be confused with something else that was cream filled... but they're just so damned good.. He threw two boxes in the cart, and heard his sister..

"Oh no you don't! I told you I'm cutting you off the twinkies you little twerp!..." Mandy yelled.

Luke grabbed the twinkie boxes, and acted like a drug addict trying to protect his goods..

"I just want one.. I promise I'll quit after just one more.." Luke continued his little act..

"Noo... you're quitting now.. " Mandy giggled..

"Just one.. Pleassseeeeeee..!!!" He too giggled..

"Ok, but put one box back.. seriously.. there's no sense in eating that many Luke..."

Deciding he shouldn't push his luck, he reluctantly put the second box of twinkies back on the shelf.. About that time Autumn came around the corner of the aisle.. Luke knew that if he were to hold a beauty contest, Autumn would come in second... Only to his sister... She stood around 5'4, had bright blue eyes, gorgeous long blonde hair, and the build of a cheerleader.. Mainly because she was.. She had a generous handful when it came to her breasts, and her ass was in Luke's mind, her best feature.. Trying not to stare, and piss off his sister, Luke asked how she was doing..

"I'm doing great... I just got back from the Bahamas... it was just ... sooooo amazing... I wish you guys could've went..." She said with her typical stretched out choice of words...

"I know girl!, I'm sooo jealous.. I wish we could've went... but you know.. things been tough for us lately.." Mandy said..

"Well listen...... tonight's opening night for the county fair.. let's all pack up and goooooooo...." Autumn again.. stretching the words....

"I don't know.. Luke and I were going to take care of some things around the house tonight..." Mandy replied..

"Noooooo.. you gotttaaa gooo... It's been like forever since we hung out.. I'm sure Luke wants to go too..." She said and looked at Luke..

Luke just shrugged, and said simply.. "Whatever Mandy wants to do.."

The fact is, Luke hated the idea.. but he didn't want Mandy to miss out on having some fun.. "Afterall, she deserves it." He thought..


So finally, after a little debate.. the girls decided to meet up a little later, to go out to the fair... Luke and Mandy were supposed to go to Autumn's house to pick her and her slightly older brother up... Luke had met Autumn's older brother, John, once or twice, and while he seemed like an alright guy.. At times he seemed a little too full of himself.. He had been the bigtime high school quarterback before hurting his throwing arm, and quitting football.. Luke knew that he was a bit of a womanizer though.. and the times he had talked to John, he had mentioned how much he would love to take Mandy out.. Luke also knew that at one time Mandy had a huge crush on him, so needless to say, he was hesitant about taking John with them.

After checking out, and making the drive home in utter silence, they packed the groceries in, and began putting them up.. Once everything was put up, Mandy sensing the despair in Luke's head tried to console him.

"I know you don't really wanna go to this, especially with that womanizer, but think of it this way.. it can be kinda like a date for us..."

"Like a date? I won't be able to kiss you or any of that stuff with them around... it'll rub them the wrong way.. Plus, I know John is going to try and hit on you.. and best I remember you used to have a thing for him..." Luke said with a groan.

"I never really had a thing for him, sure I thought he was cute, but he ran around way too much for me to want to be with him,.. besides I'm in love now... and I would never hurt you Luke... you have to know that by now... besides if you go, I'll make sure it's worth your while when we get back home..." She told him with a slight grin..

"Ughhh... fine let's go get ready.." He said again with some despair...

So the siblings headed upstairs to change into some different clothes, Luke being fairly simple threw on some jeans, and a random t-shirt.. Mandy however, as always, dressed to impress.. Keeping the black lace panty and bra set on, she decided to wear a pair of her skinny jeans, and kept the 3DD T-shirt on.. Looking in her mirror, she wondered if she was dressed good enough to keep Luke impressed.. The truth is, she knew Autumn had a bit of a thing for Luke, and thinking deep down that Autumn was a lot prettier, she was worried Luke might leave her for Autumn.. "He loves you, just remember that.." She kept telling herself.. Heading downstairs, she was ready to just get this night over with..

The siblings hung around the house for a little while, and finally got a call from Autumn saying she was ready for them to pick her and her brother up.. Both sighing, the siblings walked out the door to Luke's truck.. Loading up, the twins looked deep into each other's eyes, and shared a simple kiss.. Just enough to show each other they were still totally devoted to each other.. When they broke the kiss, Luke smiled, and cranked the truck..


Section 6: Love Can Be Difficult.


Mandy and Luke pulled up to Autumn's house after a few minutes of driving in silence. There was a weird sense of sadness in the truck, and while neither could explain why, both figured it was just because they knew they wouldn't be able to show their love for each other during the night. Mandy urged Luke to honk the horn, and almost immediately Autumn ran out of the house, shortly followed by John.. Luke had to admit Autumn looked absolutely radiant.. She was wearing a pair of shorty shorts, and a tank top.. Looking a little closer, he swore it didn't look like she was wearing a bra, he even thought he could see a bit of a nipple poking through.. Shrugging it off, he got out to greet Autumn and her brother..

"Hey studly, bout time you guys got here, I've been waiting forever.." Autumn said in a mocking tone..

"Luke drives like a grandpa.... eh I guess better safe than sorry though.." Mandy smiled.

"Yeah whatever, so are you guys ready or not?" Luke asked.

"Actually, I was hoping Mandy would ride with me, I gotta make a quick pit stop at the store to pick something up.. that ok Mandy?" Autumn asked....

"Umm, yeah sure.. what do you have to pick up?" Mandy asked curiously...

"Oh, just a little something.. nothing major.." Autumn replied.

"Ok, is John going to ride with Luke?" Mandy asked..

"Yeah, if that's ok Luke?" Autumn glanced over at Luke..

"Yeah sure... whatever.. just call me when you gals get to the fair so we can meet up.." He replied..

Luke wasn't too happy about having to share a ride with Mr. Ladie's Man.. but he was ready for the night to begin.. and end... So after a few quick goodbyes, the girls loaded up in Autumn's Dodge Charger, and drove off.. Luke deciding to try a little small talk turned to John..

"You ready to go man?"

"Yeah, I guess.. this night is going to be hell.. I can't believe I let Autumn talk me into this.. ughhh.." John spoke in a distressed tone..

The guys loaded up, and headed off to the fairgrounds.. Once they made it to the fairgrounds they decided it was best to wait for the women to get back from whatever errand they had to run, they sat on Luke's tailgate and talked a bit.. The talk was fairly simple at first, both guys talking sports, and random guy stuff.. After a few minutes John changed the subject to Mandy.. immediately Luke wanted to hurl...

"So, I know she's your sister, but damn dude.. She's fine as hell.. I think I'm going to ask her out.." John said with a grin..

"I think she's seeing someone right now actually, dude.." Luke tried to remain calm..

"Ahh hell.. well let's just say I got my ways.. I always get what I want.. I'll have her eating out of my hands by tonight.." John laughed..

"Whatever dude, just remember you hurt her, and I'll kill you.." Luke said matter-of-factly, and wasn't joking one bit.. He knew he had to try and remain calm, the secret couldn't get out right now.. They just had too much on the line...

"Shit dude, I ain't gonna hurt her.. just gonna show her a good time.. relax bro.." John said trying to calm the visibly shaken Luke..

"Whatever.. just remember what I said.." Luke said clenching his fists...

"I do think you'll have some attention tonight, my lil sis has been talking about you all day..." John grinned..

"Eh, your sister is nice, but I'm kinda seeing someone too.." Luke answered...

"Fuck man, I wouldn't be turning my sister down.. I've heard the rumors.. she's a little freak.. I'd love to meet up with a girl like her..." John said with a smile...

About that time, the girls were running into the pharmacy.. Mandy had asked Autumn a couple of times what she was needing, but she just grinned, and said "you'll see"... Walking towards the back of the pharmacy, Mandy started to blush when she realized what her friend was after.. Walking into the condom aisle.. Autumn started looking through various brands and sizes... Finally finding a box of trojans, she turned to Mandy, showed the box, and asked..

"What do you think?"

"What do I think about what?" Mandy asked..

"How big do you think Luke is? I'm tired of dating guys that only want to use me, so I think I'm going to try and hook your brother.. I could use a nice guy for once..." Autumn said, and looked gloomy..

"Oh my god... really? First off, how the hell should I know how big my brother is? Secondly.. I think he's dating someone.." Mandy tried to hide her jealousy.. but didn't think she did a good job of it..

"Oh Mandy, look.. I know he's your brother and all.. But he's just so innocent and sweet.. I could really use a guy like him in my life.. Plus it's about time he get's a woman.. Even if he is dating someone, I can take care of him and make him mine just like that.." She snapped her fingers and laughed..

Trying to avoid coming off as a jealous bitch, Mandy just rolled her eyes...

"Plus, John has been wanting to date you for a while now.. So I figure you two can hang out while Luke and I hang... John isn't as bad as he used to be..." Autumn smiled..

"I'm kinda seeing someone right now, too..." Mandy replied and blushed...

"Ohh really? Does your imaginary boyfriend have a name?" Autumn mockingly said..

"He does... but we're keeping it on the down-low right now.." Mandy said truthfully..

"Whatever, girl you know you've had a crush on John for years.. trust me.. he'll be worth it..." She grinned..

Wanting to get the conversation, and trip to the pharmacy over.. Mandy just smiled, looked at the boxes of condoms, picked out a random brand, and went towards the checkout... She figured if Luke and herself continued she wouldn't be able to stop herself much more.. So better safe than sorry... Autumn snickered when she picked them out, but didn't say much more..

Making their way out of the store, Mandy shoved the box of condoms in her purse, as did Autumn, and then they were on their way to the fair.. After fighting a little traffic, they finally found a parking spot, and Mandy called Luke to find the guys.. Meeting up, Luke noticed immediately his sister looked nervous and as soon as he noticed, he too became very nervous.. Not knowing why, but sensing something big was going down, nonetheless..

After buying their tickets and making their way into the fair.. The foursome walked all around the place.. Jumping on a few rides here and there, and enjoying themselves a bit.. Luke couldn't help but notice John was obviously trying to work his charm on Mandy, and seeing her smiles.. Luke couldn't help but get jealous because he sensed it was working.. Luke also was a little confused, because even though he wasn't thoroughly experienced with women, he had a hunch that Autumn was flirting with him.. Whether it was a big smile, or a wink here and there. He was definitely uncomfortable..

The biggest uncomfortable moment came when the foursome decided to ride the ferris wheel.. It wasn't as big as some of the ferris wheel's Luke had seen.. And to his dismay each seat only held two.. Sensing what was coming he glared at Mandy, and she just shrugged, and tried to ease his distress with a wink.. As soon as their spots came up, Autumn grabbed Luke by the arm, and jerked him into the seat with her... Luke glanced when they were lifted up, and sure enough Mandy and John was on the seat below them..

Now that he was alone with Autumn, Luke's nerves started flaring up.. and he could feel his cheeks blushing red.. Autumn smiled and said.. "God I'm glad we're finally alone.."

"Yeah.." Luke gulped..

"So.. you got me on the ferris wheel all alone.. what do you want to do?" Autumn grinned a big shit-eating grin..

"I'd like to just ride, Autumn I'm kinda seeing someone right now..." Luke said, trying to be nice..

"Oh that's alright, Mandy told me.. it's cool.. but I bet she won't do what I can do.." She had a smirky look on her face..

With that being said, Autumn gently reached out and started to rub up and down Luke's leg.. Luke tried to maintain his composure, but was quickly losing the battle...

"Oooohhhh.. what do we have here?" Autumn asked as she started to rub Luke's cock through his jeans..

"Autumn, please... stop... please..." Luke groaned..

"I don't wanna, Luke do you realize how bad I want you right now?" Autumn put on a sad face...

"Autumn, I can't... if you had asked a while ago I mighta said yes.. but right now my heart's somewhere else.."

Autumn glanced into Luke's eyes and realized he wasn't lying.. She knew Luke was a good guy, and wouldn't cheat on someone.. but she also knew that she wanted him even more now.. So deciding to play it nice.. She backed off, but made a mental note to make him hers....

Meanwhile, directly under Autumn and Luke, Mandy and John were talking about a little of everything.. Mandy always knew John was a smooth talker, but she never realized how insightful he was.. She was also thinking to herself that if he had asked her out a few years ago, she probably would've went out with him.. She felt nervous, because she knew his reputation as a notch in the bedpost guy was not far behind him.. After talking about simple things, John playing it smooth, rested his hand on her bare knee... Mandy glared at him, but he decided to rub her leg a little.. Mandy's glares went from "hey, what are you doing?" to "you better get your hands off of me..." in a matter of two seconds..

"Umm John... can you please not do that? I have a boyfriend.." She whispered...

"Why don't you dump him? I've changed Mandy.. I want someone like you... someone that isn't high maintenance, and won't break my heart..." He replied...

"Break your heart? Are you kidding me? John you're a total womanizer..." She said matter-of-factly..

"I'm trying to turn over a new leaf... seriously just give me one chance Mandy.." John groaned...

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