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A Bad Dream Ch. 01


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"No, not while I'm dating someone..." She said and smiled... trying to be nice..

John decided to hush up, and told himself he would find out who she was dating, so he could see for himself what he was up against...

After the ferris wheel ride, everyone was fairly quiet... Eventually after walking and talking a little everyone agreed that they were getting hungry, and against his will Autumn dragged Luke to help her get the orders of food.. Gathering up the food and drinks Luke turned around to try and find his sister in the crowd... What he saw caused him to slam the tray of food down, and walk off... Autumn was asking what the hell was up, but he never responded.. He kept walking, until he reached his truck.. Groaning and tearing up, Luke got in and drove off..

What Luke had saw, was really just bad timing.. When Luke and Autumn had went to get the food, John kept asking Mandy questions about who her boyfriend was.. Mandy held firm, and said it was a bit of a secret for now.. But John kept at it, finally seeing he was getting nowhere, He grabbed her neck, and leaned in for a kiss.. She didn't exactly fight him off, but she wasn't exactly willing either, but John knew if he kissed her, he could lure her in. He'd had many women tell him he was the best kisser in the world.. And he honestly did believe it.. After 2 seconds however, he felt Mandy break the kiss, and slap him... HARD... He gave her a what the hell look, but she just turned and walked away...

Mandy walked over to Autumn and asked where Luke was..

"Mandy, I don't know what the hell happened.. He just slammed the tray and walked off.. he wouldn't respond or anything..." Autumn sounded surprised, but Mandy knew that her brother had seen the kiss... And she now felt horrible..

"Take me home Autumn.. right frickin now!" Mandy practically screamed...

"Wait, why?" Autumn asked, with a bit of concern..

"Because your brother is a pig that can't take the fact that I'm with someone seriously.. he just forcefully kissed me.. take me home now Autumn..." Mandy was practically crying...

"OK.. let me go talk to John first..." Autumn was trying to calm Mandy a little..

"Whatever, I don't want him riding with us........ I'll meet you at the car..." Mandy replied with a pissy tone...

With that, Mandy turned around and headed for the parking lot.. She could feel her brother's pain, and sensed he was upset.. Call it the twin intuition, but anytime either of the siblings was depressed, both suffered.. Reaching the car after a few minutes of walking, she waited as patiently as she could for Autumn to return...

"What the hell did you do to her John? She's like totally pissed...." Autumn practically yelled at her brother..

"I just tried to kiss her, she slapped me and that was all.." John explained..

"Well whatever, she wants me to take her home now.. Luke left too.. He saw you kissing Mandy and freaked... I don't know what that was all about.." Autumn said, kinda confused...

"Ok, I'll catch a ride home with some friends... take it easy lil sis.." John groaned and walked off.. knowing he had probably ruined his chances with Mandy..

So with that, Autumn said her goodbyes and headed to her car.... When she got there, she noticed Mandy had tears streaming down her face, trying to be a good friend, Autumn went over to console her...

"Oh, honey, what's the matter?" Autumn asked curiously...

"Luke musta saw me kissing John, and he's sad... I can... feel it..." Mandy replied..

"Sad? Feel what?? What the hell are you talking about?" Autumn was confused..

"Nothing, Autumn, just take me home.. I gotta talk to Luke..."

Autumn still obviously confused, decided to take her home, sensing that whatever was going on, she wasn't going to find out from Mandy tonight. Pulling out of the fairgrounds Mandy ducked her head and continued to cry, because she could sense that Luke was now doing exactly the same, and she was right..


Section 7: Making Love and Earning Trust.


After leaving the fairgrounds Luke; with tears in his eyes; drove home.. He considered finding a motel, or even driving off a cliff, but he couldn't bring himself to do either. He knew deep down Mandy had not initiated the kiss, but using his twin senses, he could tell that she enjoyed the kiss, if only just a little.. And that... is what hurt Luke more than anything.. How could she do that to him? Did she really love him? Luke's mind swarmed with different thoughts of whether or not Mandy actually did want this relationship.. And then he felt it... he could sense she was crying too.. A little part of him was happy that he wasn't the only one fretting over the kiss, but he was still mad that it happened to begin with.. Knowing now that he couldn't drive off a cliff, even if he wanted to... He kept driving home.. Upon arriving, Luke went in the house, up to his room, and plopped down on his bed.. He made sure to lock the door.. He didn't plan on talking to Mandy tonight, he figured if she could give him the silent treatment just a few days ago, after he revealed his true feelings , he could give her the silent treatment after she crushed his feelings...

Luke was still finding it hard not to break down, and after a few more tears, he decided to do something to get his head out of the gutter.. Luke was not a huge drinker, but his grandma did have quite the collection.. And when she died, it was left at the house.. So he went downstairs and picked out a bottle of Jack Daniels.. Luke took a huge swig and while he hated the taste, he realized right at that moment, why alcoholics loved to drink.. It, if only for a split second, made him focus on something else.. The burning it made in his throat and chest.. Taking another big sip, Luke headed back upstairs to his room, and again locked the door.. He turned the radio on full blast, and just sat back and drank his worries away..

Finally arriving at their house, Mandy was still in tears.. Autumn tried to talk to her, but having none of that Mandy just told her to leave... Autumn told Mandy to call her soon, and pulled off.. Mandy walked up the stairs to the house, taking a deep breath she opened the door.. She could immediately hear very loud music coming from Luke's house.. It sounded like death metal, which was what Luke listened to when he was depressed.. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she again took a deep breath and climbed the stairs.. It was the longest climb of her life, she really had no idea what to tell Luke.. She didn't want the kiss John had given her, but for a second, and only a second, she almost enjoyed it.. She was pissed at herself for letting it happen, and wondered if Luke would ever forgive her... Finally to the top, she took a few short breaths and walked to Luke's door.. She knocked lightly, and heard nothing.. She tried knocking louder, and even hollered Luke's name.. Still nothing.. She again bust out in tears, and screamed his name...

Luke could hear his twin knocking, he could hear her screaming his name, and yet he couldn't bring himself to get up and face her, partly from the alcohol, partly from the anger inside.. She continued to knock and bang on the door.. Knowing she meant business, Luke screamed at the top of his lungs...


"PLEASE LUKE, LET ME TALK TO YOU... PLEASE!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and again broke out crying...

Luke felt horrible hearing her cries, on one hand he wanted to see her and talk, but on the other he felt like his heart had been fed through a paper shredder... Knowing he would probably say something he would regret if he did talk to her, Luke placed a pillow over his head, and tried to will himself asleep.. Mandy however was determined to talk to Luke.. She tried kicking the door, and when it didn't bust open, she again started bawling.. Just then, she got an idea.. Running back downstairs to find her purse, she reached in and pulled out a credit card.. It was a trick Luke had shown her when she had locked herself out of her room once.. Sprinting back upstairs, she went to his door and knocked one more time.. Hearing no response through the blaring music, she slipped the card in between the door and frame.. It took her a few seconds, but finally she heard the door click open.. Opening the door, she walked into the room to see Luke with a pillow over his head, and a bottle of Jack in his hands... She went over to his stereo and turned it off...

As soon as Luke heard the music quit, he rolled his eyes under the pillow.. Now knowing Mandy had gotten in.. He decided to play dead, but she wouldn't have any of that.. Pulling the pillow off his head, Mandy glared down at him and started crying again...

"Luke, I'm so sorry, I swear to god I never saw the kiss coming.. You have to believe me, please...!!"

"Mandy please, just leave me alone and go to sleep, I don't want to say something I'll regret..." Luke croaked, trying to avoid eye contact with his sister..

"Luke, I'd rather you talk to me, we need to get this behind us right now.. I don't want to sleep on it, because there's no way I'm going to sleep tonight unless we talk, and knowing you, I know you won't either... So please.. talk to me..." Mandy groaned, and wiped a few tears away...

Luke rolled his eyes, and sat up in the bed...

"How could you Mandy? You knew that when we got started we could never go back to being just siblings.. I feel like you just ripped my heart out and stomped it..." Luke said, teary-eyed.

"He kissed me Luke.. I swear I didn't want it.." Mandy sighed...

"Bullshit, he may have initiated it, but you wanted it... just fucking admit it." Luke was getting angry...

Mandy cringed at his bluntness but knew it was time to confess...

"OK Luke.. for a brief second I liked it.. And then you popped in my head, Luke, I'm sorry.. I never meant to hurt you... He kinda forced the kiss on me, and I don't know.. It's hard to explain.."

"So you liked it? Does that mean you want to be with him? If that's what you want, then don't let my stupid ass get in your way..." Luke had bloodshot eyes at this point...

"Luke, I do NOT want him.. If he had asked me out a few years ago, I probably would have dated him.. but that was then, and this is now.. Luke I've told you, you're the only guy I love, and you're the only guy I'll ever be in love with... The kiss was stupid, and I slapped him when I broke it.. It just took me a second to realize I'll never love him the way I love you.. Please Luke, I can't lose you.. You're all I have in this world..." Mandy started crying again...

Luke felt bad about her crying, but he couldn't relent.. just yet anyway...

"All you have? Mandy you have more friends than I ever will.. so don't give me that bullshit.."

"Luke, It isn't a matter of friends.. For all my life you've been the one constant, everyone else has either died, or moved away.. Luke I'll do anything to make this up to you, just name it.. I'll personally get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness everyday if that is what it takes... Just please don't take the one good thing out of my life, If you leave me, you might as well shoot me.. I can't live without you... please...." Mandy was starting to go into desperate mode...

Luke stayed silent for a few moments, just picking his words carefully.. He knew he couldn't leave her if he tried, he loved her too much.. Sure she had kissed another guy, but at the same time he didn't know if he could've avoided Autumn's charms must longer either.. Plus he had damned near gotten a handjob from her on the ferris wheel... Trying to figure out what to say, he was interrupted by Mandy...

"Luke, say something please... I need to hear your voice now..." Mandy started bawling like a baby...

Instead of talking, Luke grabbed Mandy and pulled her to his chest.. She fell towards him and continued to cry.. After letting her cry for a minute, Luke told her to shush..

"It's ok, I love you Mandy, I forgive you, but please.. please... don't do that again, I can't deal with this stuff.. So no more crying.." Luke croaked, and tried to hold his own tears in...

Mandy looked up at him, her piercing green eyes sparkling with tears, and kissed him.. There aren't really any words to describe the kiss, but Luke was pretty sure the Earth might have stopped turning during the kiss, he knew his head sure was spinning though.. He suddenly became overcome with lust for this woman, he wanted her more right now than he ever had.. Luke wanted to make Mandy his forever.. So slowly he broke the kiss, and kissed her chin.. He kissed up her cheekbone, and lightly kissed and nipped at her ear... She purred like a kitty, and urged him on.. Dipping down, Luke started kissing her neck, deciding to play like a dog and mark his territory he started giving her a light hickey on her neck... She cooed knowing what he was doing, and really not caring.. Mandy decided that if someone asked she would tell whoever that she loved Luke, regardless of the outcome.. After marking his property, Luke moved down and started trying to kiss her chest.. However the 3DD shirt was still in the way.. Call it a little built up rage, or whatever you want to, but Luke grabbed the shirt in both hands and ripped it open.. He was just as surprised as Mandy that it actually worked, but neither cared at that moment.. Luke started openly kissing everything he could get his mouth on.. he then ripped her black lace bra open, and started kissing her breasts..

Mandy was in utter bliss, she had never seen Luke so dominating, yet it was amazing feeling him go crazy with kisses on her.. She pushed him away, and while he had a look of terror in his eyes, she quickly pulled his shirt over his head.. He then went back to his business, licking and sucking on her nipples, and kissing all around her chest.. She then felt his hands going towards her jeans.. He tried to unbutton them, but in his position it was kind of hard to do.. Mandy again pushed him off of her, and remembering the condoms, she told Luke to go downstairs and get her purse.. He looked totally pissed, but she insisted.. Luke practically jumped all the way down the stairs, grabbed her purse, and then sprinted back up the stairs, taking them three at a time.. Upon reentering his room he noticed Mandy had stripped out of her jeans..

"I left the goodies on for you." Mandy looked down at her black lace panties..

"Wow, you look incredible.." Luke loved the black lace.. It was kinda his dream lingerie...

"I'll let you take them off, once you take those jeans off, and hand me my purse..." She smiled..

Wasting no time, Luke handed Mandy her purse, and had his jeans off in two seconds flat.. Mandy was rummaging around in her purse for something, and then all of a sudden Luke saw what it was.. Immediately his heart leapt and dropped into his stomach.. He was scared shitless, he was like a deer in the middle of a road staring at headlights... Sensing his hesitance Mandy stated simply..

"Luke, I've waited eighteen years for the right guy to come along.. I always dreamed it would be a guy like you, And in recent years, I wanted it to be you.. I love you, and I want to give you the biggest gift I can.. I want you to be my first, and only .." Mandy smiled as big as her mouth would let her..

Luke put all his doubts behind him, and finally he felt courageous .. He slipped back onto the bed, and started to kiss Mandy again, after a few moments, he started his long journey back down her body.. By now she had stripped the torn shirt and bra off, and was laying in only her panties.. Luke lightly kissed her tummy, and then kiss her mound through the black lace panties.. Gripping each side, he gently tugged them down, with her raising her hips to allow it.. Slipping them off her legs, he kissed back up her legs until he was at his prize.. He kissed her mound again, and then started kissing her pussy.. Lapping at it like a dog running a marathon, she however had different ideas..

"Luke, as much as I love what you're doing, I need to feel you in me.." With a smile she handed him the condom packet...

Luke quickly stripped his boxers off, and stroked his rock hard cock a couple of times.. Using his teeth to help him, he ripped the packet open, and placed the condom on the head of his penis, and lightly rolled it on.. He looked in her eyes, and could tell she wanted this, probably more than he did.. Which was saying a lot..

"Mandy, are you sure?" Luke asked, praying her answer was still the same..

She nodded and pulled Luke to her, kissing his lips one more time, just to show how much she wanted and needed this.. Luke knew it was go time, all his doubts were gone, and he was finally going to lose his virginity.. To his sister.. the woman of his dreams.. He placed the condom covered head of his cock at the entrance of her pussy and again looked at her.. At that moment, he saw the scared look in her eyes.. She was having doubts.. and Luke pulled back.. making sure she was ok..

"Luke.. I'm sorry.. I can't..." Mandy croaked..

Luke felt like he had been hit with a ton of bricks.. Mandy pulled him in close and started to kiss him again.. Just then he felt her hand at his dick.. She was tugging.. Luke was confused for a second.. and then he felt her pull the condom off.. Now knowing it wasn't going to happen, Luke was a little depressed.. But he wouldn't do anything she didn't want.. She broke the kiss and said simply..

"That's better.. I don't want anything coming between us.. I want to feel you in me.. not some rubber substitute..." Mandy smiled as she placed the head of his rock hard cock back at her entrance..

Luke too smiled.. knowing he hadn't pushed her to far.. He looked back in her eyes, and she just nodded.. Words weren't needed.. They both could sense they both wanted this.. So gently, Luke began pushing his cock into her entrance.. Luke knew from reading that a girl's first time could be painful, and while he didn't want to hurt her.. He knew that it would get better soon enough.. Upon entering her, he felt the beginning of heaven.. Luke groaned as his head slipped in.. She was brutally tight.. Mandy began to tense.. Luke looked in her eyes, and while he could tell she was in a little pain, she urged him on.. He lightly kissed her, and moved into her warm, tight, velvety pussy a little more.. Once he was an inch or so in, he felt a barrier.. Knowing this was her hymen, Luke again looked at her.. She gave him a light peck on his nose..

"Luke, I want you to look in my eyes when you make me a woman... YOUR woman.. I love you so much.." Mandy smiled again..

So looking into her eyes, Luke began to push a little more.. The hymen was stretching, and he could tell Mandy was starting to feel the pain.. He backed out.. and she gave him a look of death..

"Just do it Luke, stick your big cock in my pussy all the way.. I want to feel it.. I know it's going to hurt, and I know you don't want to hurt me.. But it's gotta be done.. I'll love you even if it does hurt..." She groaned as he started to move back into her hot and wet pussy..

He again stopped at her barrier, and then in one quick motion pressed his hips forward.. His penis slipped all the way into her pussy.. Luke's five minute younger twin sister, was no longer a virgin.. And neither was he.. His eyes had never left hers, and while she let out a little moan, she didn't show as much discomfort as he was expecting.. They both smiled at each other, and kissed..

Breaking the kiss, Luke stated simply.. "I love you Mandy, you are the only person I've ever wanted, and now we are one.."

Mandy giggled at her brother's corny-ness, but agreed with him..

"I love you too Luke, but now that I'm your woman, I'm ready to make love.. so please.. let's get this show on the road.."

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